Paint It Red

For just over two weeks now, Master had withheld from beating his slave, Tarina, in any way, which would mark her flesh. Tarina had been climbing the walls in need of a good pain session, but nothing she did persuaded Him to satisfy her hunger. Master had spent hours bathing her, massaging lotions into every centimetre of her body, until her normally soft, pale skin was even softer, glowing and pale, smooth and silky. Tarina had no idea why He was doing this until two days ago when he revealed to her it was to fulfil the desires of a man He was going to share her with, and in so doing also satisfy a curiosity He had about a form of humiliating her.

Tarina had always had difficulty submitting to men who wanted to lick and caress her cunt with their mouths, feeling embarrassed and shy. It was even a more acute problem with complete strangers, as her Master knew. He was also aware she found it difficult to engage sexually with any man besides himself when she had her period. Once it had never bothered her, but now during the couple of days each cycle when the bleeding was severe, she found it humiliating and uncomfortable. Master knew of this and had often told her He would take advantage of this in some way to humiliate and degrade her. She had prayed He was just teasing, but it appeared her worst nightmare was to come true. Master revealed to her He was going to share her with a man who loved to eat pussy during a period, but also liked a woman who was pale and unmarked. Tarina was amazed He would deprive Himself the pleasure of beating her to cater to a stranger's whim.

The morning had dawned clear and crisp, her body limiting her activities with it's dysfunctions. Waking, Tarina’s Master had taken her in His arms and asked how her bleeding was. She had to reveal to Him that it had been heavy all through the night, and she was afraid to move incase she made a mess of Him, herself, and the bed. He looked pleased and rising gently from the bed, came to her side, and pulling back the blankets placed a thick towel under her arse. Tarina was touched by His gentleness, but also embarrassed by the way her body reacted at this time, the discomfort and inconvenience it caused. She closed her eyes in shame as He lifted her panties out from her body to see how much she was bleeding. Squeezing her own eyes tightly shut, she knew the vision that would greet Him, and was ashamed to have Him examine her so closely at this time.

"Tarina, this is good."

Tarina thought her Master must have lost His head or been trying to humour her in her discomfort.

"I am going to call my friend and tell him to come is perfect my slave."

Tarina was reminded of His plan and wondered how she was going to endure the degradation of being naked before both Master and stranger while bleeding so profusely. She had been with men before who licked her while she was bleeding, but never when so heavy and thick, and never with complete strangers. She was dreading the encounter and secretly hoped he would take one look and decide it was more than he could handle and leave quickly. Gently lifting her by the shoulders and helping her from their bed, her Master ordered Tarina to shower and freshen up a little before their guest arrived. While in the shower she could hear His voice on the phone giving their address.

As Tarina walked from the bathroom feeling a little cleaner, Master took her hand and led her to one of their playrooms. The floor was white tiles, cool and clean under foot. Cuffing her wrists, He drew them up to fasten them to a hook suspended from the ceiling in the centre of the room. Tarina protested as He began to remove her underwear and pad, leaving her naked and suspended, blood already beginning to trickle down her thighs to the stark white floor below. Tarina cringed inwardly in shame as she hung there waiting for His next move.

Her Master's hand reached out toward her legs, separating her thighs slightly. It was then she noticed the latex gloves He had on each hand...normally a pet fetish of hers, but now only serving to make her feel dirty and humiliated as He began to explore her cunt, slipping in deeper to gently fist her, the blood flowing faster, warm and sticky on her inner thighs and cunt lips. He soon withdrew His hand from her depths and was careful not to touch her and leave blood streaked on her soft, glowing skin.

Leaving the room for a moment, He left her alone to anticipate her coming shame. It wasn’t long Tarina heard voices approaching the room and she felt herself break out in a sweat of fear. Master walked into the room followed by a much older man who immediately crossed the room to where she hung vulnerable and exposed. Running his hands over her breasts and belly, then back and arse, he turned to her Master and commented on how pleased he was with the pale smoothness of her skin, untouched by any bruise or mark. Master invited him to feel free to explore his slave and use her as he wished while He watched and enjoyed her humiliation. Tarina wanted to curl herself up and hide but knew it was impossible, and that any movement she made would only draw more attention to her with a sudden gushing of blood.

He commented further on how he liked the contrast of the bright red blood against her pale skin, it's vivid contrast visibly exciting him. Tarina’s eyes pleaded with her Master to stop this, but all He did was smile back and invite the man to explore inside her body with hand, tongue, or cock. She felt so humiliated and degraded as the blood had already formed a pool at her feet and continued to flow. She felt the stranger grip her hips as he knelt before her, oblivious of the blood he would get on his pants. Opening her cunt lips with his thumbs, he seemed to stare at her clit for the longest time, which to her disgust, made it swell and throb for release. She was always extra horny during her period and it seemed this humiliation was only increasing it.

Tarina felt his tongue lick the crease of her slit, pressing to open her lips, searching out the depths of her hole. She held her breath as she felt a huge pool of blood slipping out, undoubtedly covering his face. Holding her breath did not stop it's flow as she had hoped, but didn't really expect to happen. The man's breathing was heavy as he now lapped hungrily at her pussy, her embarrassment deepening to an unbearable level. She was unable to look in Master's direction and see the disgust, which must be on His beloved face watching His slave in such a filthy state. She wanted this to be over and to be left alone in her shame to clean up and hide alone in her humiliation.

The man stripped off his clothes and taking a condom from her Master, placed it on his erection, before moving behind her to fuck her cunt. The violence of his fucking made her condition worse, his thrusts deep and fast. The room began to look like a slaughter house, blood splatters decorating the white tiles, but this only seemed to turn him on more. She was sobbing with humiliation, unable to remain composed any longer while being shamed and used this way. The stranger pumped faster until he came with a loud yell in her ear. He came to stand in front of her naked body, her head hung in shame as he wet his hands in her cunt and painted her pale body with blood, smearing her breasts with swirls of blood and wiping his hands across his own chest to leave a trail of her intimate shame.

Looking up, Tarina saw the interest on her Master's face as He tried to understand this man's fascination and fetish for His slaves bleeding state. Even though He seemed anything but disgusted, Tarina could not understand how her Master could be anything but, and felt sure He would not want to touch her for at least a week. It gave her sorrow to think He would be repulsed by her, by how used and bloodies she was in another’s hands. With a wet slap on her hip, the man went to the next room to shower and dress, leaving Master and slave alone.

Walking to where she hung, subdued and suitably submissive, He took her face in His hands and kissed her deeply. She was surprised by His passion and tenderness and longed to crawl into His protective arms to be sheltered and cleansed. Leaving for a moment, Master led the guest to the front door and bid him goodbye. Returning to the room, Tarina noticed a whip in His hand, only moments before she felt it’s length wrap itself around her body in a demonic caress. It's kiss stung and left a trail of fire everywhere it touched. In her weakened state she was unable to suppress her screams of pain as He tortured and abused her vulnerable body.

Tarina welcomed the pain as a means of delivering her from her humiliation, and a means of pleasing her Master after Him witnessing such a disgusting sight. Her body and mind craved His pain, begged to be consumed by it, longed to submit to more pain than ever before. His whip very effectively delivered what they both needed and hungered for, decorating her bloodied body with bruises and whip marks which would remain for days to come as a reminder of the pleasure and pain, the skin broken here and there by the whip’s kiss. As she hung suspended in her bloodied state, Tarina’s Master slipped in an exhausted state to sit on the floor, whip thrown to the side, to admire the beauty of his slave as bound and beaten she dangled captive from the hook, the blood continuing to ooze from her used body, a body that fed the desires of any man he wished to share her with.