Pain & Pleasure

She could not believe how hard her nipples were. They stood up from her breasts proudly and she fairly ached for them to be touched. She could practically feel the blood rushing into them. They formed almost perfect circles of crinkled flesh with their rosy red tips. He looked down at her and smiled. She could see the approval and arousal in his eyes. He reached out and very lightly touched one nipple. She sighed and arched her back, thrusting her breast toward Him, eager for His touch. His fingers manipulated the sensitive flesh and she began to moan. It felt so incredibly good. Involuntarily, she began rubbing her legs together looking for friction for her burning clit but He reached down and spread her thighs apart. "Wait," He said and with an effort, she did.

He reached to the table beside the bed and picked up the clamp. She stared wide-eyed at it and watched Him very closely. Silently, He worked to adjust the width of the opening then paused and leaned over to kiss her deeply. She returned the kiss hungrily but made no other move. He was in control and she tried patiently to wait His command. Looking into her eyes, He said, "You trust Me, don't you?" She nodded and He smiled again. With fascination, she watched as He placed the clamp on her swollen nipple. At first, she did not feel much, but as He gradually began to tighten it, she felt the pressure increasing.

Taking His time and watching her closely to gauge her reaction, He slowly turned the adjusting screw. The pressure built until she began to feel the beginnings of pain. Despite her best efforts, she flinched and He paused. His eyes searched hers and she did her best to let Him know it was okay. It did hurt, but she wanted Him to continue. Reassured, He again turned the screw and the sensation of pain consequently increased. Tears began to well up in the corners of her eyes, but at the same time, she became aware that a change was taking place. Incredibly, as the pain grew stronger it began to merge with strange new feelings of pleasure. Though she could not explain it and did not fully understand it, the two sensations were blending . . . melding into one feeling that was spreading throughout her body.

When the clamp was tightened far beyond the point when she would have thought she could have taken it, He stopped and reached for the other one. Moving slowly and cautiously again, He placed it on her other nipple and began to turn the screw. Again, she felt the building pressure and when it began to cross the threshold of pain, she actually welcomed it this time. When it was securely attached, He paused again. The strange mixture of pain and pleasure in her nipples was merging now and she could feel it flowing through her breasts. A heat was building between her legs. She could feel her nipples throbbing and they became almost impossibly red.

He moved from the bed and began to undress. She watched Him through eyes that were clouded with lust. Her whole body felt alive in a way that it never had before. She could not believe that having her nipples clamped was having such an effect on her. She was breathing heavily and the movement of her breasts up and down caused the clamps to move slightly, which only triggered new combinations of pleasure and pain. His cock was swollen and she could see the vein pulsing just beneath the surface of the skin. She licked her lips and parted them invitingly. When He was completely naked, He reached to the table again. This time He had a slender silver chain.

Leaning over her, so close that she could almost feel His erection, He carefully attached each end of the chain to each of the clamps. Although, He was clearly trying to be careful, the movement made the clamps bite deeper into her nipples and she gasped. He waited a moment until she had recovered, then pulled gently on the chain. The clamps rose with her nipples firmly in their grasp stretching them. She cried out as new pain shot sharply through her tender flesh and coursed down through her stomach straight to her pussy. A flood of new wetness flowed from her and drenched the cheeks of her ass and the sheets beneath it. A moan escaped her lips. Holding the tension at a certain point, He knelt beside her and thrust His hips forward. The wetness on the tip of His cock touched her lips and she opened her mouth to receive Him. The swollen head slid in easily and she felt it touch the back of her throat.

The pain and pleasure mix had reached a new level now as He pulled gently on the chain. She felt as if she were balancing precariously on a very thin edge and was trying not to move too much in an effort to hold back the delicious feelings that were threatening to overwhelm her. She gripped the shaft of His cock in one hand and relished the feeling of its hardness. He had begun to moan softly as her lips caressed it and stroked the soft underside of the head. With one hand, He reached between her spread legs and His fingers found her equally swollen clit and began to rub it. The sensation seemed to go directly to her nipples, just as the pain from them seemed to go directly to her clit. It was almost more than she could take. Her entire body was crying out for release.

The tremble she felt in His thighs told her that He was close as well. With renewed purpose, she sucked on His cock, eager to make Him cum. Her lips closed tightly over the head and her tongue practically lashed at the soft underside. At the same time, the pleasure she was feeling had reached the point that she knew that she could not hold back much longer. When His cock twitched in her hand and the first taste of His cum reached her tongue, He suddenly pulled sharply on the chain and thrust His fingers deep into her pussy. The clamps, which had seemed impossibly tight, slipped from her nipples and for a split second she hovered on the edge of a vast chasm. Then the rush of returning blood hit her and she screamed around His cock. Her body felt as if it had burst into flames and when He pulled out of her mouth and His cum landed on her nipples, she screamed again and her world dissolved.

She did not know how long she had been gone but when she returned she became aware of the warm wetness on her nipples and how they pulsed beneath it. He lay beside her and His arms wrapped tightly were around her. The memory of the pain lingered in her mind and her body, but for now she felt only pleasure and she smiled and closed her eyes again.

Copyright by The Gentle Man, 2002