Paddling Party

Cassie had some trepidation about what she was going to be doing that night but was determined to find out about it. She had never been spanked, not even by a disciplining parent, but she had heard some of her friends and college dormitory mates talking about being spanked or paddled by their boyfriends. Most of them had liked that part alright and had raved about the great sex that ensued, the best ever, according to them. To Cassie, that didn't seem to make sense. She had occasionally burned herself or stubbed a toe or suffered other minor injuries and the pain from those had not been at all erotic.

"How then," she had asked herself, "could the pain of being spanked be at all sexually arousing or even fun?"

She had no answer to that and no way to find one without actually having her ass spanked and she was extremely reluctant to ask any of the men she knew to do that, even though it might have answered her question. Partly, she was concerned that he might really enjoy doing it to her while she didn't and he might continue to inflict pain on her even while she was imploring him to stop. If she asked her boyfriend to try the experiment with her, she might hate it and he might like it and insist on spanking her bare bottom as part of every sexual encounter after that. As for having a stranger spank her, that could be even more dangerous, even if she were willing to expose herself to him.

One evening in her dorm room, Cassie thought she had found a safe way to learn what she wanted to know. While surfing the internet, she happened to come across a picture of a woman whose bare bottom was apparently being paddled by a tall, handsome man using what looked like a long board with a handle. She read the accompanying text and learned the name of the site and of the small, nondescript building where they were located were Paddling Party. Her interest was piqued and she read further, about how they catered to adventurous men and women who were curious about the sexual joys to be found through the receiving or giving of pain.

Intrigued, because that described her perfectly, Cassie read more, about how the club, as the site called their place of business, serviced people who were looking for a different kind of thrill. Men and women who came there together would be assigned to the same room if that was what they preferred. New clients, especially people who were curious about being spanked and came to the club alone, would be paired with other male or female clients who would be aware of the lack of experience and would be as rough or as gentle as the new person wanted. The advertisement went on to describe safe words and various objects that could be used in the spankings or whippings.

Cassie took a closer look at the photo that had caught her eye. The woman was very beautiful and very naked and she was bent forward over the back of what appeared to be a heavy wooden chair. The handsome man had apparently just landed a blow on one creamy ass cheek and left a bright red blotch. There were other marks that looked as if they had come from previous swats of the board. As she stared at the bare skin and the marks, Cassie felt her own ass tingling and, for a moment, wished she could be the one having her naked ass turned a bright red by the instrument being swung by the same hot dude.

"I'll do it," she said aloud.

"Do what?" asked Josie, her roommate, best friend and confidante.

"Come here and I'll show you."

Josie ambled over and looked at the screen. She and Cassie had discussed the latter's curiosity several times and were both of the mind that any girl who got involved in such an experiment with a stranger would have to be very careful and make arrangements for a trusted friend to come to her rescue if need be. They both remembered those conversations and expanded on them.

"I could be that friend," Josie had suggested. "If you ever want to try it, that is."

The roommates discussed how Cassie could call for help without anybody who might be menacing her being aware of what she was doing. They decided Josie would follow her to The Paddling Place and, 20 minutes later call her cell phone and ask about an exam they would pretend to have taken that day at college. If Cassie told her friend she had flunked it, that would be a cry for help while a response of passing would mean everything was alright and Josie could go home. Of course, if she chose to go through with the paddling, they would get together later and discuss the night's events at great length.

That had been two days ago and their discussion had been followed by calling The Club and asking about the need for an appointment. After being told there would be no appointment required; clients were always serviced in the order they arrived, Cassie had decided that Friday evening would be the moment of truth. Now the time had arrived and she was waiting to sign in as a beginner, or novice as she would be called. The club was located in a large room and, as she found out later, it was fully sound-proofed. Most of the room was divided into cubicles and, from inside them, everybody could hear the sounds of a variety of implements as they smacked against bare skin. There were even a few screams of pain, besides cries of joy, some louder than others, but nobody seemed to be in any real distress.

The man at the desk where she signed in verified her credit card and used only Cassie's first name. "We never use more than that," he explained. When told about her novice status and that she was by herself and wanted to be spanked by a man using a wooden paddle, he directed her to a small cluster of chairs and told her that an experienced man, who would also be a client, would come by and escort her to the cubicle he would assign to her. Her credit card would be charged for the actual time they were in the room, without considering what went on while they were there.

"The person being spanked or paddled or whipped is in charge," he advised her. "You get to choose what gets used and how, and how much you will be wearing and what the safe word will be."

Cassie already knew she wanted to be paddled while nude and bent over the back of a chair, just as the picture that had fascinated her so much. She hoped it would be by the same man, but knew that was unlikely. Therefore, she was not disappointed when a rather short but muscular dark-haired man in his thirties came by to introduce himself. It was about the same time that her cell phone rang.

"Hi Cassie. This is Josie," said her friend when the phone was answered. "What did you think of that exam today in Chem?"

She was not absolutely certain but everything had looked alright so far and there didn't seem to be any danger. "Hi, Josie. I'm sure I passed it. In fact, I think I aced it," she replied.

"That's good. Tell me all about it when you get home." They hung up then and the novice was committed to something of which she was still unsure.

"Hi, Cassie," the man said while offering his hand to shake. "My name is Jake. Have you thought about what you want to do?"

"Yeah, Jake." She shook his hand and introduced herself. "I'll tell you about it when we reach our room."

The room was really just a cubicle with walls and a door that met neither the floor nor the ceiling. It looked like a stall in a ladies' room except that along one wall it was furnished with a small bed covered by a clean sheet and a pair of pillows near the head. Beside that was the same kind of chair she had seen on the website. Cassie wondered at first about the bed until she realized how some couples came there and probably get so aroused from the paddling or whipping or whatever they chose to do they would want to put the bed to immediate use.

They settled on their safe word - Columbus - and Cassie described how she wanted to be: nude, bent over the chair back and spanked with the wooden paddle. It would be a thin, well-polished board with an attached handle, and one of them was conveniently hanging on the wall along with several other objects that could be used in inflicting pain.

"Do you want me to turn around while you get undressed?" Jake asked her.

Cassie hadn't thought about that. She was no prude and had been naked in front of men many times but they had been boyfriends or, at least, friends with benefits. Jake would be looking at her bare ass during her paddling but that was far from actually watching her undress. "Yes, I think I would," she replied and she began to remove her blouse after he had turned his back to her.

Completely naked with her clothing and purse piled on the seat of the chair, Cassie bent over the back with her feet on the floor. It was the perfect height for her to be able to do so comfortably. "I'm ready," she announced.

Jake had kept his word and he turned around when she was ready and gazed at the creamy skin of the woman's ass. "Unless she stops me, I'm gonna turn her bright red back here," he happily told himself. He had admired Cassie's figure when he first saw her and as she led him into the room, as well as her pretty face, green eyes and long, dark brown hair. He hoped they would both have fun that evening, during the paddling and, if the result was what it often was, on the bed when she was ready for it.

"Are you all set?" he asked.

"Let me have it."

The first blow of the paddle was no more than a pat on the right ass cheek and it produced neither pain nor pleasure. Jake wanted to be sure Cassie was really ready and really wanted the paddling she had come there for.

"Is that all you've got?" she asked.

The next swat was harder and landed on her left ass cheek. It stung, but only for a moment and Cassie felt a small ripple of erotic pleasure from the place of contact. "That's better but I want it harder."

She got her wish. The nest time the paddle struck her; it was on her right cheek again and there was a satisfying "smack." It really hurt and Cassie rose up on her toes and screamed from the sudden pain but, just seconds after the landing of that blow, a gush of carnal joy filled her body from where she had been struck. "Yes! Yeah, just like that!" she urged the man wielding the paddle. "Give me more like that!"

That was what Jake had been waiting to hear and he swung the paddle again, using his backhand this time, smacking the left cheek of the woman in front of him. Once again, she screamed and rose on her toes but not as loudly and not as high this time. It was obvious to him the paddling was having the effect desired by both of them so he continued and, in between swats to Cassie's shapely ass, he started to prepare himself for what he hoped she would want to do with him when the paddling ended with her in a high state of sexual excitement.

The next time the paddle was swung, it landed on her right cheek and felt just as painful and pleasurable to her as the previous ones. "Oh!" Cassie exclaimed again at the unique combination and she raised her hips and bowed her back to give the wielder of the paddle a better target.

Taking advantage of this, Jake alternated the swings of his paddle so that he could provide Cassie and himself with the most pain/pleasure as possible. Sometimes he swung forehanded, smacking the right cheek and sometimes he used a backhand swing to further redden her left side. Sometimes he moved closer and to her left so his paddle landed solidly on both cheeks at once. With the lower curves of Cassie's succulent ass cheeks presenting such an inviting target, some of his best blows resulted when he crouched slightly and swung upward, hitting them both at once.

No matter from what angle it came, every blow of the paddle sent a bolt of pain rushing through her body and quickly evolving into sexual pleasure. With the mixed sensations radiating inward from her bright red skin, Cassie began performing a kind of dance in the rhythm of the paddling, thrusting her bare feet one at a time down against the tile floor and raising them again. The back of the chair was straight across with sides that extended upward. The finials served a purpose because, as she moved from side to side, they kept her from falling to the floor.

Jake knew what he was doing. Instead of simply raining blows on the lady's ass, he whacked her about every fifteen or twenty seconds, giving the pleasure of every one of them time to inundate her body before he landed the next one. The young woman with the bright red ass probably didn't realize that because she was concentrating entirely on the tremendous pleasure she was receiving every time the wooden paddle struck her and from the way her climax was building within her body. Jake knew exactly what effect his paddling was having on the sexy brunette because he could smell the heady aroma of her pussy lubricating and even see the juices that trickled down the insides of her thighs. He was really looking forward to the time she would want to stop the paddling and start the fucking.

Cassie had enjoyed sex with a multitude of male friends and she especially liked a long period of foreplay and being brought to a high state of excitement. However, at no time had she ever been as sexually aroused as she had already gotten from Jake's paddling her ass that night. She finally reached the point where she had an urgent need to get her pussy filled right then and there.

"Columbus!" She shouted. "Christopher Columbus!" "Columbus, Ohio!"

After a few seconds, she realized the paddling had stopped and she turned to face the wielder of the instrument of pain and pleasure. To her surprise and delight, he was naked, except for the condom on his rampant cock. Cassie reached out, grabbed his arm and almost dragged him to the bed, where she released him to flop impulsively onto her back. She immediately jumped up when the pain blasted through her body from the contact between the sheet and the bright red skin of her well-paddled ass.

Cassie was not the least bit deterred by that. If anything, she became even more excited from that additional burst of pain and grabbed Jake's arm again. She lay back down and spread her legs while she pulled Jake on top of her. He had not even an iota of reluctance either. When he was in position above her and she had released him to use the fingers of both hands to hold her pussy lips apart, he moved closer, placed the end of his cock against the dripping hole and plunged the head into her.

Cassie was so wet, most of his shaft plowed into her with no difficulty. He paused briefly and his next thrust drove in his entire erection. She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his shoulders and started to fuck up and down, trying to engulf his cock so she could massage her clit on its length.

He was almost as excited as she was and Jake timed Cassie's movements so he could plunge his cock into her when she was fucking up at him. He succeeded and she moaned from the intense carnal pleasure and continued ramming her pussy up against his cock. The delightful agony that still saturated her body was augmented by the additional pain from contact between the sheet her fiery red ass and the combination was driving her almost crazy with need and carnal arousal. He was the one on top but Jake knew the woman under him was in control of their fucking, even though he was much too turned on to care about that.

"Yes! My god, keep fucking me!" she urged him while bouncing up and down under him. "I'm ready to come! Make me come!"

Jake was ready too, and could feel his climax ready to erupt inside him when Cassie emitted a howl of pure pleasure. "I'm coming! I'm coming!"

She squeezed her partner so tightly with her arms and legs he was unable to pull his cock most of the way out to keep stroking in the usual way. Instead, the incredibly wild woman stayed with him when he drew back and, when he thrust forward, he drove his shaft even more deeply into her pussy and pressed her agonized body firmly against the bed.

"Oh!" she cried out the first time that happened, and she echoed her cry of joyful lust every time it was repeated over the next few minutes.

Seconds after Cassie started to come, Jake's climax bubbled up inside his body and out his cock. He shot a burst of cum into his condom and kept fucking the woman under him. Even if he had wanted to stop, he would not have been able to do it because of the way the hot brunette was keeping him captive.

When Cassie's orgasm overwhelmed her, she shouted so loudly in ecstasy that everybody in The Club must have heard her. Following that epic event, her legs and arms released her captive and she collapsed back onto the bed, where the pain in her legs and ass continued to keep her in a high state of arousal. Jake withdrew his cock from her dripping pussy and sat back on his heels. Cassie was not fully satisfied yet but she knew what would be needed to rectify that lack.

"That was wonderful, Jake, but, you know, there is something I usually insist a man has to do before we fuck. You didn't eat my pussy first."

"Well, Cassie, you really didn't give me a chance but I'd be glad to do it now." That was an understatement; the aroma of the ocean of her juices made him want nothing more than to start lapping them up, especially if his tongue and lips would bring her to another orgasm.

Cassie said nothing but her next move - spreading and raising her legs was a clear invitation. Jake responded by leaning forward until she could rest her legs on his shoulders. When she did, he wrapped his arms around her thighs and started licking the honey off from all the many places it had splattered, starting with the insides of her legs as far as he could turn his body. By the time his tongue started stroking upward on her crotch, Cassie could already feel another climax building and she was purring happily.

She became even happier when that same tongue started caressing one of her outer lips, licking slowly but steadily until it reached her Mount of Venus. Joy throbbed through her body when the wet giver of delight started licking her other outer lip and her body was already bouncing around on the bed much as it had when she was doing the dance of pleasure while bent over the back of the wooden chair.

"Yes! Yes!" she implored him. Eat my pussy! Make me come!"

He wanted nothing more than to do just that but Jake also wanted to derive as much pleasure as he could from eating one of the hottest pussies he had ever tasted before she came. After licking off all the fresh juices, his tongue started caressing her between a pair of her inner and outer lips. Cassie's pussy began fucking up into his face as Jake's mouth meandered up between the labia. When he reached the end of the inner lip, he delicately drew his tongue across her clit, which was so swollen with her lust it had pushed its way almost entirely out from behind its protective hood.

That brief contact drove Cassie even wilder than she had been. Her hips started swiveling, thrusting her legs out and back past Jake's head while her body rocked and pitched from side to side on the narrow bed. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted in the exquisite pleasure she was feeling while her head tossed from side to side on the pillow.

"Eat my pussy! Make me come!" she repeated her earlier entreaty.

Jake wanted to do exactly that but he also had a very pleasant problem. The quick fuck after ending the paddling had not been enough to satisfy him either, and his cock was growing stiffer as he inhaled the aroma of Cassie's pussy and tasted her honey. He decided he would eat her out until she came, then move up on her body, stick his cock, still encased in the same condom, into her wet pussy and fuck, hopefully until they both climaxed again.

She didn't know what Jake was thinking but she certainly knew what his lips and tongue were doing, which was driving her steadily to another orgasm. After delicately caressing her clit, his mouth had quickly moved down to Cassie's wet pink hole and devoured all her fresh juices, sending bolts of pleasure shooting through her body. From there, she felt his tongue slowly working its way up her pink slit toward her swollen clit. Her body was thrashing all over the bed as she felt the tip of the pleasuring organ probing into the source of that treat. It was too blunt and thick to actually squeeze its way in but the contact with the sensitive edges sent thrills of intense pleasure through her body.