Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 03
***AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you like, please rate and comment.***
The three of them arrived at Jennifer and Kendra's off campus apartment at around 10:00 p.m. It was a sprawling two-bedroom loft in a renovated furniture factory not far from the university. There were tall windows and high ceilings and a lot of exposed brick.
Upon entering the apartment, Kendra immediately began removing her clothing.
Jennifer and the professor stood in the entryway watching the young slave. When Kendra was naked, she picked up a thick black leather collar from a coat stand by the door and nonchalantly buckled it around her neck. Then she walked over to her mistress and helped her out of her coat, placing it in a nearby closet. She did the same for the professor.
When the coats were put away, Kendra came and stood in front of her mistress with her legs spread wide apart and her hands laced behind her head. She thrust out her breasts and tilted her pelvis slightly forward, effectively presenting her tits and pussy to her mistress.
The young mistress cupped her left breast, then reached down and gently patted the slave's cunt before turning back to her guest.
"Kendra is not permitted to wear clothing in my presence, Professor, unless there are squares in the house," she explained. "We currently don't consider you to be a square," she winked.
She turned back to the slave and circled her slowly.
"This is inspection position. She is trained to take this position as soon as I enter the room, or in this case, when we both come home together."
She stood behind the blond slave and gently palmed both of Kendra's ass cheeks, then kissed her on the nape of her neck.
"From this position, I can easily examine all of her holes. It's also a good posture for punishment. I can whip her ass, cunt or tits quite comfortably."
Professor Ballard couldn't take her eyes off of Kendra. The slave's long blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Her eyes were emerald green. She was of medium height and exquisitely proportioned. She had large, full breasts and perfectly round, pink areolas the size of silver dollars. She had a narrow waist, a flat stomach and long, slender legs.
For the first time, Professor Ballard noticed there was a large, red plastic dog tag affixed to her collar. She stepped over for a closer look.
The tag read: Jennifer's Cunt.
Jennifer noticed the professor's gaze.
"Just a pet name." She smiled, then put her hands on both of the slave's shoulders.
"Kendra, I think the ruby plug tonight. It's so festive, don't you think."
"Yes, ma'am."
Kendra jogged off toward a bed room.
"I like my slaves to be plugged for at least an hour a day. It helps remind them of their station," explained the young mistress.
In a minute, the blond slave was back.
"Show us," ordered Jennifer curtly.
Kendra turned and bent over, spreading her ass cheeks with both hands. A silver butt plug with a red crystal base protruded from her anus.
"Come have a closer look professor."
Professor Ballard stepped closer and bent slightly toward the slave's ass.
"Looks painful," she said.
"Not at all," said Jennifer. "This is only a three inch plug. Kendra is trained to take much larger objects in her ass, aren't you dear?"
"Yes, ma'am," said the slave softly.
Jennifer reached over and gently clasped the professor's right hand, pulling it toward Kendra's ass.
"Go on, you can touch it. Make sure it's snuggly in place, will you professor?"
The older woman reached out and gently touched the crystal base.
"Give it a little tug," said the young mistress.
Professor Ballard pulled the plug slightly outward. Soon she could see the ring of muscle of Kendra's sphincter stretching tightly around the large, rounded silver protuberance embedded in her ass.
The slave grunted quietly.
"This is a medium sized plug, professor. Solid steel. Kendra can wear this it for several hours without discomfort. Sometimes I make her wear it to class. In fact, she was wearing it in your class this morning, weren't you, Kendra?"
"Yes, ma'am," said the slave. She continued to hold her ass cheeks apart.
Jennifer gave the plug a final push and smacked Kendra's ass dismissively, then walked away. She led the English professor to a large living room, gesturing toward a cream colored couch. Kendra trailed behind silently.
"Please have a seat Professor Ballard," said the young mistress.
The pretty brunette student followed the professor in to the room and sat down beside her.
"Kendra, wine," she called out over her shoulder.
Immediately, the blond beauty scampered out of the room, her breasts bouncing and butt plug twinkling as she jogged to the kitchen. She returned in a minute with a chilled bottle of Chardonnay and two glasses.
The slave poured two glassfuls, then knelt at her owner's feet with her hands crossed behind her back.
"Professor, I'll get right to the point," said Jennifer. "I would like very much to acquire you as my slave."
The young mistress reached down and absently played with Kendra's nipple rings as she spoke, flicking one then the other.
"Keep those knees apart, slut," she murmured.
The kneeling slave immediately spread her legs slightly wider apart. Jennifer leaned forward reached and cupped both breasts
"I had these pierced about a year ago. I quite like the way it looks. I'm thinking of doing her cunt next. I think a nice clit ring and a few thick labial rings would be perfect. Maybe with my initials engraved. Would you like that Kendra? Do you want to get you pussy pierced for me?"
The slave kept her eyes on the floor.
"It's your pussy, mistress. You can do whatever you want with it, ma'am."
"Quite right," said Jennifer, giving each nipple ring a final flick.
Then, the beautiful dark haired mistress sat back on the couch and crossed her legs gracefully. She turned slightly to face Professor Ballard.
"I've never owned an older woman, Professor and frankly I find the idea captivating. You would serve me alongside Kendra. What do you say?"
"What do I get in return?" asked the professor coyly, kicking off her shoes and folding her legs beneath her on the couch.
She was flirting with the young co-ed, not taking things too seriously.
"You get to be owned by me, of course," said the Jennifer seriously, taking a sip of wine.
She reached out and put her hand on the professor's shoulder.
"And there are certain fringe benefits," the young mistress added archly.
"Such as?" asked the older woman smiling.
Jennifer looked down at her slave and snapped her fingers.
"Kendra, position five, please. On the coffee table."
The pretty blond immediately rose up from her knees, then climbed on to the wide low table, gracefully squatting on the smooth oak surface. She perched herself up on the balls of her bare feet with her legs spread wide and her hands laced behind the back of her head. It was a delicately balanced position.
She pushed her chest out in front of her and tilted her pelvis slightly forward so both her breasts and shaven pussy were prominently displayed. She faced the two women on the couch, but kept her eyes lowered submissively. The plug remained snuggly lodged in her ass.
Jennifer removed her right hand from the professor's shoulder, then reached down and gently cupped Kendra's sex. She turned her face to the professor.
"She has a nice looking cunt, doesn't she Professor?"
"Yes, it's lovely," said the older woman softly as she openly stared at the bare pussy in front of her.
"I keep it shaved at all times. Slave pussy is always shaved," said the young mistress.
"I see," she breathed.
"Is your pussy shaved, Professor?"
"It will be after tonight," she said.
The older woman looked over at the young mistress. She held her gaze for a few moments, then looked away. She went back to staring at Kendra's cunt.
"You like Kendra, right, Professor?"
"Very much," whispered Professor Ballard huskily, taking a large sip of wine.
She couldn't look away from the young pussy before her. She was mesmerized.
Jennifer playfully smacked Kendra's cunt with the flat of her hand.
"How would you like to own her, Professor?" asked the brunette slyly.
"What do you mean?" asked the professor skeptically.
"Well, if you were to serve as my slave, I would be happy to give you Kendra as a pet."
Professor Ballard swallowed hard.
"A pet?" she breathed.
"You would both belong to me, of course, but in my absence, you may use her as you wish. She would be your personal sex toy. She's very obedient, aren't you Kendra."
"Yes, ma'am," said the young slave softly.
"She ate your pussy nicely this evening, didn't she professor?" asked Jennifer.
"Yes, she did," Professor Ballard croaked. She was breathing heavily through her mouth.
"If you serve me, you can use her whenever you want."
"She'll do whatever you tell her to do, the nastier the better," laughed the young mistress.
Jennifer stopped smacking and began casually playing with Kendra's pussy with her fingers as she continued to address the professor.
"Kendra really is the perfect slave, Professor Ballard. She's beautiful, intelligent and submissive to the core. Like you."
The professor flinched and looked over at the young mistress.
"I knew it as soon as I met you, Professor Ballard. You're a natural born submissive. You just don't know it yet."
She slid two fingers in to Kendra's cunt.
"Kendra is also an authentic humiliation whore and a bit of a pain slut."
She worked her fingers slowly in and out of the slave's pussy.
"She really gets off on being humiliated and degraded, especially in front of others. Isn't that right, Kendra?"
She moved the fingers more quickly.
"Yes ma'am," the slave moaned as she moved against her owner's fingers.
"Do you like being on display in front of our guest, Kendra?"
"Yes, mistress," she gasped.
"Believe it or not, Kendra was a straight, conservative prom queen before I captured her. Now she can't get enough pussy, can you dear?"
"No, mistress," murmured the slave.
"Would you like to be Professor Ballard's personal cunt-slave, Kendra?"
"Oh, God, yes, ma'am."
"What do you think, teach? Would you like to have Kendra as your pet?" asked the young mistress.
"Umm," she said awkwardly. She was having a hard time maintaining her concentration with Kendra's pussy staring her in her face. Young pussy. So close.
"And not just Kendra. You can play with all kinds of girls when you're my slave," said Jennifer evenly.
Professor Ballard shifted her gaze to the face of the young mistress.
"I asked around about you, Professor Ballard. You were a straight arrow up until your divorce. Since then, you've gone a little girl crazy. It's an open secret on campus that you hit on all the pretty girls in your classes. The word is you average about one or two a year."
Professor Ballard said nothing. After a moment, she turned her gaze back to Kendra's pussy.
Jennifer leaned over and whispered in to the older woman's left ear.
"How would like to have one or two new girls each week? More sometimes."
The professor kept looking straight at Kendra's cunt.
The young mistress continued to whisper in her ear.
"Start with Kendra, of course. Take her home for a week. Own her. Use her. Abuse her. Indulge all those dark fantasies you never had the chance to play out with all your other timid little conquests."
The professor straightened and leaned back slightly. She took in the vision of Kendra squatting gracefully on the table. Her body was flawless. To have her all to herself for a whole week was almost too delicious to imagine.
Jennifer leaned over and touched the cheek of Professor Ballard with her right hand.
"All I ask in return is that you submit to me completely. Let me train you as my slave," said the young mistress evenly.
There was a pause. Jennifer could sense that the professor was on the edge of acquiescence. Not quite there, but close.
She decided to go in for the kill.
"And don't worry about your career, Professor. Nobody will ever know you are my slave. I will keep you hooded when I share you with others. You will be my secret MILF concubine."
There was a long pause.
Finally, the professor spoke.
"Jennifer, I am intrigued by your offer. I really am. It's just that it's a lot to take in. I had no idea such a world existed on campus and I'm a little overwhelmed. Also, the arrangement seems a little risky to someone in my position."
Jennifer sighed loudly as she continued to play with Kendra's pussy, then inserted her index finger to the hilt and held it there. The slave wobbled slightly on her perch but did not change her position.
The brunette student started to move her finger in and out slowly as she spoke to her slave.
"Oh, dear. With all this talk, I feel like I've been neglecting you, Kendra. Don't worry, this will all be over soon. I just need to help Professor Ballard clarify her options so she can make the right decision. This won't take long."
She withdrew her finger from the slave's pussy and held it up before the face of the professor seated next to her on the couch.
"Open," said the young mistress.
"Excuse, me?"
"Open your mouth, please Professor," said Jennifer patiently.
After a moment of hesitation, the older woman opened her mouth. She couldn't deny that she wanted a taste. She looked Jennifer in the eye as she took the glistening finger in her mouth.
"Don't talk. Suck," Said Jennifer firmly.
Professor Ballard began to suck.
"Professor, we are all so very impressed with your position at the university, but please allow me to enlighten you about your position in life."
The professor continued to suck the finger in her mouth as she gazed in to the eyes of the dark beauty before her.
"You are a fairly well-preserved, middle aged suburban cow who discovered her sexuality later in life and is now faced with a very limited set of options."
The professor's eyes widened and she gave a soft grunt of protest around the finger in her mouth.
"Forgive my bluntness dear but I'm through pussyfooting around with you. If I say anything that doesn't ring true please feel free to correct me or simply get up and leave."
The professor didn't move.
The young mistress continued.
"Your situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that you like your girls youthful and fresh. No boxy, mannish fifty year old life-partners for you, right Professor?"
Jennifer withdrew her finger from Professor Ballard' mouth and freshened it briefly in Kendra's cunt before raising it again to the older woman's face.
This time Professor Ballard did not need to be told. She opened her mouth quickly, accepting the finger without protest.
"So now Professor you find yourself somewhat adrift, an aging dyke hopelessly addicted to young pussy."
She began slowly moving the finger in and out of the older woman's mouth, fucking it like a pussy.
The professor moaned.
"You desperately scrabble from one tedious affair to the next, spouting quaint reassurances and telling soft little lies to shy girls in the dark. All to get your face between the legs of the next girl. And the next."
She touched the professor's cheek with her left hand. She was trembling softly.
"But it's getting harder isn't it Professor? These girls of yours are twenty five years younger than you. At some point, you have to ask yourself, how much longer the can the party last?"
Without taking her finger from the professor's mouth she reached over and cupped the older woman's right breast with her left hand over her blouse.
"These udders are already starting to sag aren't they, my dear. The lines on your face aren't getting any smoother. How many more years do you think you have left until you won't be able to ensnare even the mousiest little bi-curious hippie chick?"
She let go of her breast and looked the older woman in the eyes.
"I'm sorry to tell you professor, but the day will come when young pussy will abandon you forever. It will happen to us all, but for you the day of reckoning is right around the corner."
She withdrew and re-dipped her finger before placing it back in to the professor's mouth.
"I'm offering you a chance to immerse yourself in your one true passion. Why not make your last seasons the best you've ever run?"
Jennifer made a sweeping gesture with her left arm.
"Let me tell you what's out there professor. I don't think you fully understand. This is a big university with a very rich BDSM subculture. There are plenty of mistresses and delicious little slaves for us to play with. An unlimited supply of cunt. I know them all."
Jennifer resumed fucking the professor's mouth with her finger.
"I'm offering you a ticket to the party. Entre nous. You will be the belle of the ball. The girls will be practically lining up around the block to try out the tongue of my little pet MILF."
Finally, Jennifer withdrew her finger from Professor Ballard's mouth and casually wiped it on the older woman's hair.
"I can protect your career and your identity. That's not a problem. Don't let professional paranoia stop you from tasting the essence of the life you truly deserve."
She placed both hands lightly on the professor's shoulders.
"All I ask in return is absolute obedience. Submit to me. I will train you. You will enjoy it. I promise."
Jennifer gave the professor's shoulders a gentle squeeze, then got up off the couch. She walked slowly around the coffee table and stood in the middle of the living room carpet.
The young mistress paused for a moment, then casually reached under her skirt and rolled her panties down her shapely legs.
"Consider it kismet, professor. I mean what are the odds? Providence has placed you in the perfect position to indulge your deepest, darkest fantasies in real life. You're an intelligent woman. Do you really think you will ever get another chance to essentially serve as a harem slave for a bunch of horny college girls?"
Jennifer stepped out of her panties, then folded them neatly and placed them on the coffee table beside Kendra who continued to squat on the table stoically.
"Here's what's going to happen next, Professor. You are going to strip and crawl to me. Then you are going to lay down on your back and I am going to hike up my skirt and sit on your face."
Jennifer shifted her gaze to Kendra.
"Kendra, get the crop, please."
The professor's eyes widened as the blond slave immediately scrambled off the coffee table and jogged out of the room.
The young mistress looked down at the older woman seated on her couch.
"It's time for your baptism of pain, Professor. I am going to crop your cunt while you eat me. If you succeed in making me come, I will allow you to beg me to fuck you up the ass with my strap-on."
The professor continued to stare at the young brunette mutely.
"Have you ever been fucked up the ass with a strap-on, Professor?"
"No," she croaked.
"Use the proper form, slut," hissed Jennifer. "No, what?"
"No, ma'am," whispered the professor. "I've never been fucked up the ass with a strap-on."
"A slut cannot truly be owned until she offers her ass to her mistress. Only then will I accept you as my slave."
Professor Ballard remained seated quietly on the comfortable couch, but her thoughts were racing. Could she really do this? What about her reputation and her career? Jennifer said she could protect her identity, but could she really take that chance? For a few moments she was torn between her deepest and darkest desires and the practical concerns of common sense.
Then, she thought about what she was being offered in return. Young pussy. Lots and lots of young pussy. An endless supply. She pictured Kendra's cunt in her mind and was immediately suffused with a profound sense of serenity. She closed her eyes and took a deep cleansing breath. Then, everything became clear to her. She knew where she belonged. She suddenly knew what she was. She realized she was wet.