Owned Pt. 02

"Can I buy you a drink?"

Angela wasn't sure what the woman had just said to her. She hadn't felt like herself all evening. These monthly drinks with the girls had become the only time she got out of the house. She'd been stuck in her own head all night though. She thought she was getting away with it until Sharon insisted she join her for a cigarette. Angela knew she was on the patches, she wouldn't stop talking about the patches. Angela tried to play it off as nothing. Sharon just wanted gossip to share with whoever she brought out for the next smoke.

He had been acting strange though. It had been years since they'd had sex, she didn't even bother to think about it anymore; not that she'd want to anyway. She was certain he was cheating on her. She wasn't sure if she actually cared. Two weeks ago, he hadn't come home. He said he was out drinking and stayed on a friend's couch. If it was just a lie she could have dealt with that, but he had been acting strange ever since.

He'd stopped sleeping in the same bed. In the mornings he would hide in the bathroom to get changed. She wouldn't be feeling so bad if only it all made sense.

"So I take it you're not thirsty then?"

It was only hearing the voice again that pulled Angela from her own thoughts. This woman was throwing a very suggestive eyebrow directly at her. Angela followed the eyebrow down the face, down the low cut top, down the leather trousers and down past her ludicrously high boots. Angela was trying very hard to stare at her breasts. She noticed a long thin silver chain with a small key nestling. . Angela realised she had just been staring at this woman for at least a minute. She immediately felt herself blush.

"Oh. Oh my god. Me, you mean me." She stammered in response, desperate to fill the dead air with any noise she could muster. "Um, yes. A drink. For me. Yes. You're offering to buy me a drink. Yes. Thank you, yes"

Angela had no idea what she was doing. Her entire body was flushed with embarrassment. The woman didn't seem phased though. She hadn't stopped looking at Angela this whole time. Angela wasn't entirely sure she had blinked. In the corner of the bar, she could hear her girlfriends laughing. It was not helping.

The woman flicked two fingers at the barman. He quickly produced two drinks for them.

"You know you're pretty when you're flustered" the woman told her.

Angela turned a shade of red beyond human perception. It had been years since anyone had looked at her like this. She couldn't deny that she was enjoying it. She was feeling something stirring within her that had been dormant for a long time. She had to regain some control over the situation. This was ridiculous.

"Thank you. This is very sweet, and I'm uh flattered but you should know that I'm uh married." Angela held up her wedding band as proof, like some kind of defense.

Completely to Angela's surprise the woman took her hand and started to examine it closely, turning it over. Angela could feel the woman's nails gently pulling against her skin. She was so gentle.

"Married women are allowed to have a drink, aren't they? How long have you been married?"

"A few years now?"

"Are you happy?" The woman asked her.

Angela's mouth flapped open and closed a few times. She wasn't sure what to say. She wasn't sure what to think. She should be furious at this woman, coming over to her like this when she's obviously married and hitting on her and making insinuations about her marriage. It was a question she had been asking herself a lot.

The woman laughed. It didn't seem cruel. She was smiling.

" I have an easier question for you, but you might not like it." The woman leaned back in her chair.

She seemed so relaxed, so confident. She must do this kind of thing all the time. Swing into the lives of married women, leaving them flustered and excited. Is that what she wanted? Her friends had gone quiet now. Or, if they were still chattering she wasn't paying any attention to them anymore. Angela's whole focus was on this mysterious woman, leaning back on her chair, sipping from her glass. Anegla stared at her. She took her in, seeing the angles of her collarbone and her nails painted dark red and filed down to sharp points. Angela felt her mouth go dry with anticipation.

" What?" She managed to croak out.

" When was the last time you came?" The woman asked her.

It was all Angela could do not to spit her drink across the bar. She should be furious at this woman, she was sure of it. She was going to yell at her, or throw her drink in her face or storm off or all three. What if the barman heard? What if her friends heard? When was the last time she came? When was the last time she had had sex? When was the last time she had even thought about sex? She couldn't even remember the last time she had played with herself.

Angela saw the woman lean in closer towards her. She felt a hand position itself

gently on her knee. Looking down, she could see her nails tenderly resting on the hemline of her skirt. She could barely feel it, her hand was so gentle. But still, she could feel electric thrills expanding out from each of her fingers, sending cool shivers through Angela's spine.

"Uh... I... Uh.." The words stumbled out of Angela, her thoughts racing.

The woman just sat, smiling softly eyeing up Angela who was sitting in stunned silence. The woman watched as Angela started several sentences before they petered out in front of her. She had been entirely pacified by the question.

The woman smiled at her, her hand moving almost imperceptibly up her leg. The woman lent over, her lips coming up to Angela's ear. She could feel herself breathing faster, she could feel the weight of the woman's body pressing against her for just a second.

"Listen, you finish that drink. Think it over. But, if you want me, the car will be running outside. All you have to do is get in. Just tell your friends you have to go. I'll whisk you away". The woman's voice was so quiet in her ear. It was the only thing she could pay attention to.

It took Angela less than three minutes to collect her things and leave the bar. The woman was indeed waiting outside.

They were driving downtown. It was early enough that the last of the sun was visible at intervals in the wing mirror. They sat in silence, Angela was worried that the sounds of her heavy breathing were the only thing audible in the car. She was also conscious of the increasing wetness in the seat underneath her.

The woman leaned across her, one hand on the wheel the other one casually making its way over her thighs to open the glove compartment. It popped open to reveal a soft pink leather collar. The sort of thing an effeminate puppy would wear.

The woman's hand moved onto the inside of Angela's thigh. Angela couldn't help but let out a small squeak in response.

"I want you to put this on." Her voice was definitive.

Angela took the collar in her hands tentatively as if the thing could have been booby trapped. It was heavy. She pulled it towards her neck instinctively.

"You should know" The woman's voice brought Angela to her senses. "Once you put that on, you are mine.To do with, whatever I want. I can always drop you off at home to kiss your husband goodnight. Once you put that on, you're mine.".

The woman's eyes had barely left the road. Angela could faintly sense that her hand was innocently rubbing against her thigh, as if she was somehow unaware that Angela's clit was throbbing, desperate to be touched, just a few inches from the woman's fingers. Angela put on the collar. She fastened it in place behind her head. It was tight. The leather was cold against her neck. She released a breath she wasn't aware she had been holding. Angela could feel the tension in her shoulders collapse.

The two figures sat in silence. Angela's silence was a force of expectation, It expanded out of her in nervous waves of energy. In the restlessness of her eyes and in the way her chest was rising and falling in quick excitable gasps. The woman's silence was calm, in control. It was her hand, on Angela's thigh, refusing to move any higher.

By the time they pulled up outside the fancy uptown hotel Angela's body was threatening to shatter into a thousand pieces if she was not touched soon. The woman got out of the car and, throwing her keys to the nearby valet, retrieved a small pink suitcase from the boot. The woman then walked around to open the door for Angela, proffering an arm, correctly anticipating her unsteady legs. It was only once the car had driven away and Angela was about to walk inside that she realised she still had a thick leather collar strapped around her neck. Almost instinctively her face turned bright red and her hands clutched up to over herself. She was holding on to the prominent silver ring on the front. She would only realise ..that she was leaking through her underwear and into her dress once she was upstairs

"Sweet thing." The woman's voice would have seemed mocking if it were not so sincere.

Angela was taken by the arm and walked into the lobby. Angela found her feet moving happily along, firmly rejecting whatever rational protestations her brain could manage. The woman strolled confidently up the desk, the points of her boots leaving little indentations on the carpet.

"Your usual room madam?

The woman was handed a set of room keys and with that they got into the elevator, with Angela still holding firmly onto the woman's arms. It was between the third and fourth floors that the woman turned around to face her. Grabbing hold of the metal ring around Angela's neck and pulling her in tight, kissed her. Angela found herself pressed to the wall of the elevator feeling the weight of this woman pressing into her. Angela could feel herself melting into this stranger. She couldn't remember the last time she had been kissed, but she was certain that she had never been kissed like this before. It was like an enormous wave falling over and through her. She was still gasping for air and trying to bring herself back to reality when they reached the sixth floor. Angela stood uncertain at the doorway to the room.

"Come on." The woman beckoned her into the room. "This is the fun bit".

The woman was sitting on the edge of the bed leaning backwards. Angela shut the door behind herself and stood, uncertain at the foot of the bed.

"Take your clothes off." The woman told her. She didn't sound aggressive.

Angela's body sprung into action, she grabbed at the zipper, furiously trying to pull herself out of the dress. Her brain was still downstairs in the lobby, or maybe the car. Her arms were twisting and contorting behind her head. She stopped when she saw that the woman had placed her hand softly onto Angelas thigh, sliding just above the hemline of her dress. Angela stuck in place, unable to move, feeling herself turning red.

"Would you like some help, lover? You only have to ask"

"Yes." Angela told her.

Angela felt the woman's hands slide between her thighs, gently rotating her till the woman was pressed up tight behind her, their bodies connecting. Angela could feel the woman slowly pulling up the hem of her dress.

Angela yelped out in surprise as the first slap made contact. She stood in silent shock as she was spanked twice more, leaving sore red marks in their wake. Her eyes were wide open and she was taking in great lungfuls of air trying to keep in control of her body. Angela couldn't remember the last time she had felt so good.

"From now on its yes Mistress, understand?"

"Yes Mistress".

Angela's dress was unzipped behind her back. As her mistress sat back down her finger traced its way down her spine. Angela shuddered appropriately in response.

"Now take everything off, slowly"

"Yes Mistress." Angela responded, as she had been told.

Angela turned around and started to undress herself. Her movements were slow, she felt herself moving her hips around, her hands and fingers exploring her body, rediscovering a forgotten land. She was smiling the whole time. It was incredible, she didn't feel foolish or self conscious. The way that her Mistress was looking at her. Angela closed her eyes and let her body speak for her until she was naked except for the thick leather collar around her neck.

"Kneel" her Mistress told her and Angela felt her body respond. "Now, I need a name for you." She ran her hand across Angela's cheek. "Slut, slave, pig, whore?" She watched as Angela flinched at each of the names she called her. " That seems a little harsh, especially when you've been behaving so well, isn't that right lover? You want to be good for me don't you lover?"

Angela nodded only vaguely aware of the fact that she was staring up open mouthed at her mistress.

"Even if I'm being kind to you lover, you do understand that you are a desperate little slut don't you?" She asked Angela.

"Yes mistress"

"Then say it"

"I'm a desperate little slut." Angela winced a little, the words hardly making it out of her mouth. She gasped as she was slapped across the face with surprising force, before she remembered to add "Mistress".

She could see how wet Angela was, clear streaks running down her legs, shining a little in the low light.

Looking up, Angela watched as the woman took off her clothes. Her boots, with their enormous heel, her tight leather trousers and her top all fell to the floor. She hadn't been wearing anything underneath. Angela could see how wet her mistress was now. It made her even more excited, to know she was doing a good job and turning her mistress on. She felt as her mistress's hands grabbed handfuls of hair and pulled Angela's head towards her. Angela loved the feeling, the strong hands guiding her, controlling her.

Angela had never eaten a woman out before, she wasn't sure if she had ever been this close to another vagina. But she started to lick, moaning in pleasure as she did. She could feel as she lost control of herself, the woman pulled and manipulated her, covering Angela in her juices. It was only after a few minutes of passionate worship that Angela realised she was trying to grind herself into the carpet like some desperate bitch in heat. She carried on giving head, long after her tongue had gone numb, until she felt the hands pull her in so tight that she couldn't even breathe. It was incredible, she could feel her Mistress' orgasm Building and Angela redoubled her efforts, worshiping her mistresses pussy with newfound vigor. When her orgasm came, it was enormous. Angela looked up in obedient awe as her mistress shook and trembled screaming out.

She collapsed onto the bed, her knees tightening around Angela's head holding her in place. When she sat up, she ran her hands affectionately through Angela's hair, staring into her eyes with an intensity. She told Angela that she deserved a reward for being so obedient. Angela nodded, biting her lip and looking up with pleading desperation. She could feel how wet she was. She had done so much, gone so much further than she had imagined and her pussy hadn't been touched once. She was desperate.

She was made to lay down on the bed, facing forwards with her legs spread. She could feel how exposed she was. It only made her breathe harder.

"Spread yourself for me, lover" Her mistress told her.

Acting with a newfound sexual bravado, Angela pulled her cheeks apart, showing herself off to her mistress. She was frozen in momentary terror as she heard the sound of tape being pulled taught. She gasped for a second as strong hands worked, holding her in place. Looking back, Angela could just about make out that her wrists had been tied, behind her back, to her thighs with tape. She wiggled in response but found that she was held fast. She started to protest until she was spanked hard six times. The blows came down on her ass and the inside of her thighs. She gasped and felt all thoughts of disobeying melt away.

She had been held in place in such a way that she was left spreading herself, looking like a desperate slut. Angela smiled.

"I'm sorry mistress. Thank you mistress" She blurted out, desperate to avoid any more pain and dissatisfaction.

Angela could only watch over her shoulder, un-resisting as she moved onto her knees. Her mistress took a hold of her feet and, gently stroking them, bent her legs at the knee to tape them fast to Angela's thigh. She was left immobile with her pussy on display. Angela could only moan in response.

Angela could only see the bed in front of her and listen to the sound of her Mistress unzipping her pink bag and rummaging through. She could only just make out the shape of her mistress walking back towards her, with something dark between her legs. This was why she only noticed the strapon once it was already buried deep in her mouth. She coughed and sputtered, surprised by the unexpected intrusion. She tried helplessly to buck against her restraints to pull the plastic cock out of her mouth. But, she was stuck in place, spreading herself. She was helpless as her mistress shoved the cock deeper into her mouth so that she could feel it pushing against the back of her throat. She started to gag.

Now that it was so deep in her throat that Angela could feel her nose starting to press into her mistress' pubic hair. She noticed that there was no harness holding the dildo in place. Instead, it curved upwards, so that part of it was inside of her. Angela felt as the dildo started going rhythmically in and out of her mouth as her Mistress started to fuck her mouth. Angela could feel tears starting to well up in the corners of her eyes. Looking forwards she could see where the dildo was grinding against her mistress' clit, where it was already soaked in her excitement. Looking up Angela could see the pleasure in the woman's face. Angela felt as two hands grabbed handfulls of hair and started to fuck her with even more vigour. Angela could do nothing, she was stuck in place as her mouth was fucked by this woman she had only met an hour before.

She thought about how far she had fallen. How much she had done. There was no going back now. There was no way she could tell him what she had done. He would never forgive her. Even if their marriage wasn't perfect...

Her train of thought was interrupted as the dildo was shoved deep into her throat. She tried to squeal in response but found she couldn't make a sound. Looking up through the tears in her eyes, she could see her Mistress' thighs shaking, sending tremors through her body as she came a second time. The cock made a perverse sound as it slid out of her throat.

"Well done Lover." Her Mistress' told her. "It's important you learn who's in charge. But, I do like to reward my pets when they're so well behaved."

The woman gently stroked Angela's face. She could feel how messy she had become. Angela felt as the woman walked away from her, following the course of Angela's body with her nail. Angela couldn't help but stare at the dildo that had just been shoved down her throat. She craned her head to look at it, it was glistening.

There was more rustling from the bag behind her. Angela tried to look behind her, but, as soon as she turned her head she felt some kind of hood being pulled over her head. It took a few seconds but once it was in place, Angela could feel the fabric, taught against her skin. It was holding firm against her. There were no eye holes. She could see nothing at all now. She could barely make out a sound. There were holes for her mouth and her nostrils to let her breathe. She felt her mouth being pulled open as some kind of gag fastened behind her head. She tried to moan. She could barely make a sound.

Angela was left like that, in silent darkness. It was hard to have a sense of time. All she could pay attention to was her own body. She could feel how aroused she was. She could feel how desperate she was to get fucked by this strange woman who had picked her up at the bar. She could feel her hands, taped in place, still spreading herself open, revealing herself to be the desperate slut she felt like. She could feel herself moaning but she couldn't hear anything.