Owned Pt. 01
Dedicated to Red.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, merchandise, companies, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.
Franklin Swanson always knew he was different. He was a good looking man, tall with dark hair, an athletic build but not an athlete. He was whip smart, joining the prestigious D.C. office of Plank and Fenner as a new associate after graduating summa cum laude from the Georgetown School of Law. Single, handsome and well to do, he had little difficulty finding women to date, but when it came to sex, he was surprising ambivalent. He often wondered why he wasn't caught up with the societal infatuation with sex.
He was well enough endowed, however conventional intercourse didn't keep him hard, even when he thought he should have been aroused. Most women he'd dated weren't adventuresome, so his curiosity about anything other than missionary position intercourse was generally rejected. He didn't think he was gay, but his disinterest in mainstream sex worried him.
He explored internet porn and wondered what it'd be like to have anal intercourse with a woman, or maybe to have her peg him. The latter gave him a chill -- a good kind, but left him unsettled, as he knew such an interest wasn't for "normal" people. He looked at pain -- such as being flogged or flogging someone else, and all manner of humiliation, but none of these sexual variations held his interest like anal play. Sometimes he'd put his lubed finger in his bottom, working his tight anal ring while he masturbated. It made him feel good, but it also made him wonder what it would be like to do this with another person.
Franklin was pretty much a nerd. He loved law school and was surprised that he liked working at a high powered law firm and bearing up to the pressure that such a practice brought with it. The people he worked with were at the top of their respective fields, and opened his eyes to the possibilities of what he could do with his fledgling legal career. But being a nerd, he was shy, and the possibility of him finding women who wanted to explore his sexuality with him, while he was toiling eighty hours a week, was an absolute zero.
There were a handful of partners that had given him projects. He did the most work for a lawyer with a securities focused practice, and also did a fair amount of transactional work for a team of corporate lawyers, but the projects he enjoyed the most were with Madeline Kennedy, a tax lawyer of international repute. Franklin took four federal tax classes in law school and was well familiar with her reputation when he was a law student. One of the reasons he accepted the offer at Plank and Fenner was the prospect of working with her.
Madeline was a headstrong woman who had an innate understanding of the Internal Revenue Code. The largest companies in the world engaged Plank and Fenner because of Madeline's creativity in solving complex corporate tax issues. She usually kept two senior associates and four junior associates busy at any given time, and was by a wide margin the highest compensated attorney in the firm.
Madeline's tax acumen wasn't foremost on Franklin's mind when he was in her presence. Madeline was about Franklin's height, a few inches shy of six foot, and cut an imposing presence. She usually had on heels, which made her taller than Franklin, and wore well-tailored designer clothes that flattered her curvy figure. To Franklin, she was the beautiful woman he had ever seen. As a result, he was always tongue tied when he was with her.
Franklin was familiar with the bare bones of her personal life and knew that she was married and divorced twice, and had not had any children. She was rarely seen with a date at firm functions and he hadn't heard that she was dating anyone. According to her firm profile, she was thirty-eight. Franklin looked at her stock picture that was included with her bio. She look stern, determined, not at all the sexy woman he knew in person.
The photo was only a head shot. Franklin knew the fuller picture. The fantastic body she had, and the expensive clothes she wore. It was hard for him to concentrate when he was in her presence. Even though he felt a strong attraction to her, he dismissed it, thinking that his chances of hooking up with Madeline were about the same as winning the Powerball lottery.
His hopelessness with actually being with her didn't deter him from thinking about her. He spent an inordinate amount of time trying to create a mental picture of her with her clothes off. Fondling her big tits. Kissing, licking and fucking her inviting ass. And bending to her will. To some, including the associates he worked with, it was obvious that Franklin's interest in Madeline was an obsession.
It was about six months into his first year when Madeline arranged to have Franklin temporarily assigned to her so she could staff an engagement with a significant new client. Franklin was the junior member of a team of five.
One morning after they were deep into the engagement, Madeline convened a team meeting in her spacious corner office. The three men and two women sat around a highly polished oval walnut table, each with a fresh cup of coffee and a panoramic view of the Capitol Mall out her office window. The client had engaged the team to handle the tax aspects of a multi-billion dollar merger. There was a great deal of anticipation that morning, as Madeline would be making the final assignments for each team member.
Franklin was anxious for a different reason. Madeline was wearing one of his favorite outfits, a fuchsia colored skirt and jacket with a cream colored silk blouse. Every time Madeline moved, her blouse would ripple in a way that would expose a glimpse of her lacey bra and the edges of her full, mature breasts. As Madeline was speaking, his eyes wandered to her chest. He snapped back to attention when she started making work assignments, first addressing the two senior associates.
"Mark and Ruben. You'll run the engagement from the office. You'll pull together all the documents, including the memos and flowcharts, and assemble them into the closing binders."
That was the heavy lift in the project Franklin thought. She was entrusting them with getting the main portions of the documentation done. She was showing confidence in them, and that was good for the team.
"Jillian," Madeline said to the perky blonde, a junior associate who joined the firm a year before Franklin. "You're going to be in charge of the drafting of the memos and farming out the research. There are some associates in corporate who are looking for work. They can handle most of the ground level research."
Franklin thought he'd be relegated to research, grinding out hours late at night hunched over his computer. He thought being the junior member of the team that he might not even rate a mention at the meeting. He expected that Jillian would give him a share of her work. He was surprised when his name was mentioned next.
"Franklin, I need to handle a problem we're having with the State of New York. I have a meeting at the Department of Revenue and Finance first thing next Monday morning in Albany and I need to finalize my presentation. I'm going to be busy until the end of the workday this Friday on other matters, so I'm going to need someone to help me in Albany over the weekend to finish preparations for the meeting."
Franklin was about the speak. He'd worked on the presentation for the Department of Revenue and thought it was done. She had certainly told him as much. Madeline cut him off before he could utter a word.
"So Mr. Swanson ... are you available this weekend?"
The other three associates stopped their internal discussion to hear his response. They had no idea why Madeline would need help and why she would take Franklin. He was temporarily assigned from the corporate department and didn't know a fraction of what his teammates knew about the tax planning for the transaction. Franklin wondered the same himself, but wasn't going to think twice about the opportunity to spend time with Madeline.
"Well ... um ... yes ... I need to um, move some things around but I should be free." In truth, he had nothing going on. He was going to spend the weekend in the office and maybe some time in his apartment playing a new video game he'd just purchased. He just didn't want to appear to be a complete dweeb.
"Well good ... that's settled."
The others got up from the table to leave.
"Mr. Swanson?" Madeline called out. Franklin stopped in his tracks. The other associates left the office.
"Shut the door please," she said, sitting behind her expansive desk, free of any paperwork, and folding her hands in front of her. Franklin couldn't help but notice the sexy red polish on her immaculately manicured nails.
He closed the door, wondering why he was given a private audience. She seemed even more intimidating with them sequestered in her office, behind closed doors.
"Sit." She used her left hand to gesture towards the guest chair. It was abundantly clear that Madeline was used to getting her own way.
Franklin sat.
"I imagine you're wondering why I picked you to go to this important meeting with me."
"I was ... I ...," Franklin started to say.
"Stop. There wasn't a question pending. I'm still talking," she said, purposefully admonishing him to set the tone of the conversation.
"Sorry ..."
"I'm going to ask you a few personal questions. You can choose to answer them or you can choose to leave my office ... it's entirely your choice, OK?"
Franklin's anxiety level skyrocketed. What was going on? Personal questions? He nodded his head.
"You seemed distracted this morning, weren't you?"
She waited for a response. Franklin wasn't sure what to say. He was always distracted when he was in her presence.
"No more than usual ma'am. Was it something I did?"
"You were staring down my blouse. You didn't think that I saw you, but I did. Am I right about that?"
Franklin looked like a deer in the headlights. He did stare at her during the meeting when she bent forward across the conference room table to plug in her laptop. Her blouse opened a bit more, and with her leaning forward, how could he possibly not look at those two gorgeous tits hanging down like ripe fruit? His gaze probably did linger just a moment too long. He didn't think that she noticed but of course she did.
"Yes," he reluctantly admitted.
"Yes, Mistress Madeline," she corrected.
Did she say "Mistress?" he thought. He'd heard that term in some bondage videos he'd seen. Was this happening to me? His heart started racing.
She could read his face, see his angst, as he pondered the first of the many tests she'd give him as a potential submissive.
"Yes, Mistress Madeline," he said, relenting to her demand. He realized it gave him a thrill to say it out loud.
"So why were you looking down my blouse?"
They both knew why, but Madeline wanted him to vocalize his wants. She wanted to use his own desires as a way to deepen his submission.
"I ... I was looking at your breasts Mistress Madeline."
"Because you like them."
"Yes Mistress Madeline."
"Because you want to lick them and suck on them."
"Yes Mistress Madeline."
"So I bet you think about me when you masturbate. You do, don't you?"
Franklin was amazed at her uncanny skill in finding his soft spot and exploiting it. He hesitated, perhaps too long. She leaned forward, giving him a stern look.
"Don't lie to me. I can tell when someone's lying to me."
"I do," he sheepishly admitted, his voice trembling. "I think about you all the time Mistress Madeline."
"So what are you imagining we're doing together?"
"No ... please ... Mistress Madeline ..." He was too embarrassed to say it out loud.
Madeline knew she would hit this speed bump. He just needed a little nudge. "Tell me ... or get out of my office."
He thought about her threat. There was no way he was going to leave. He was just scared about where it was going ... which could have been anywhere.
"Sometimes I think about fucking you ..."
"In your ass, Mistress Madeline. And sometimes I think about you doing the same to me."
"Fucking you in the ass?"
"Yes, Mistress Madeline."
"Does it turn you on to say it?"
If she could see through her desk she could see that Franklin had a raging erection.
"Yes, Mistress Madeline."
"Then say it."
"It turns me on when I think about you fucking me up the ass, Mistress Madeline."
"That's better."
She pulled out her desk drawer and leaned over and pulled an object out. Franklin couldn't make out exactly what it was. She stayed in that position for an extra second, to let Franklin look down her blouse again. She smiled inwardly when he did. She had read him correctly from the first time she'd met him. He was a submissive. He just didn't know it. She would teach him.
As part of his first lesson, she put the shiny object she retrieved on her desk.
Franklin recognized it as a butt plug. It looked like it was made out of stainless steel.
Madeline gave Franklin a withering look. "Anyone who dreams about me fucking their ass is my fucktoy. Do you want to be my fucktoy Franklin?"
Goosebumps erupted on his arms and legs. She hit the nail on the head. He did want to be her fucktoy, and whatever else she wanted to call him or do to him. "Yes Mistress Madeline," he said in a firm voice, his nervousness evaporating.
She leaned forward. "Yes what?"
"Yes, I want to be your fucktoy Mistress Madeline."
"That's a good boy. Here's a butt plug. I want you to wear it for two hours tonight and to have it in when I pick you up at your apartment at 8 a.m. tomorrow."
"Mistress Madeline?"
"I thought we finished the presentation to the Department of Revenue."
"We did ..." she said dismissively.
He asked the next question before his brain fully engaged. "So why the need for weekend preparations?"
"Really Franklin ... I thought you were a smart boy. You can go now."
* * *
Franklin didn't get a lick of sleep that night. The whole night he was thinking about her ... and that moment when she said "Mistress." His cock was painfully erect just thinking about it. Why did she want him? She could have had anyone. What did she see in me, he asked himself. His hand wandered inside his shorts, stroking his rock hard cock. Would they have sex? Would he be allowed to fuck her? Just to be able to touch her would be magnificent. His breath quickened as he came -- hard. He was panting when he was done, hunting for the tissue box and trying to recover from the head splitting orgasm.
Madeline ... Mistress Madeline, he kept thinking over and over.
He remembered he had to pack for an overnight trip. It was business casual so he brought dress pants and long sleeve shirts and his favorite sport coat, a houndstooth that his mother had given him. He was ready an hour early, so he sat at the breakfast table drinking coffee and reading the news on his phone. It was right at eight that a sleek black sedan pulled up -- a two seater, something that looked fast. She texted him that she was out front. He grabbed his things and dashed out to the curb, panting.
"Get in," she shouted through the open passenger window. He picked up his briefcase and overnight bag and stood next to the passenger door. She leaned over to look out the passenger window.
"Why the briefcase? I've only got room for the roller bag."
"I'm ... I'm sorry. I thought we were going to work this weekend Mistress Madeline."
"You poor boy ... you have no idea ... ". Then she noticed what he was wearing.
"Did your mom dress you?" she asked. He rolled his eyeballs.
"We're going to work on a lot this weekend," she muttered under her breath.
"What?" he shouted back.
"Put your roller in the trunk, lose the briefcase and then come back," she told him.
He ran back to his apartment building. Madeline spent the time sending a few extra invitations for a soiree she was holding that night.
Franklin came back breathless. As he opened the door she hit the "send" button. If everyone came, that would make twenty, she thought.
"We're not going to Albany, are we?" Franklin asked.
"No, why would you think that?"
* * *
The car went through increasingly desolate roads, finally turning off on a dirt road. The sports car bounced down the pothole filled road, finally pulling into a parking area for a lakeside cabin. Franklin knew they were in upstate New York, but not exactly sure where.
The gravel walkway connecting the parking area to the cabin went by the lake. Sunlight shimmered off the glass-like surface of the water, the air crystal clear, cool, and scented with pine. Franklin stretched his arms after the long car ride and looked about at the tranquil setting.
"It's beautiful, Mistress Madeline."
"It's been in the family for almost a hundred years," she said, looking fondly at the large expanse of water and the houses dotting the lake's perimeter. "When I was a child, we'd spend every summer here. My older sister lives in California, and our parents passed away, so the cabin's pretty much mine now."
They walked on fallen leaves as they approached the log cabin. It was an impressive structure, two stories, with four full bedrooms and large ground floor common area resplendent with two fireplaces. The outside had a number of sitting areas, most with fire pits. Sometimes she would have up to fifty party guests at one of her gatherings.
"We've got a lot of work to do before the others come."
"Others ... Mistress Madeline?"
"You don't expect us to party alone, do you?"
* * *
"So that should about do it," Madeline commented as she folded the last cloth napkin in the pile.
Franklin was still polishing wine glasses at the small bar adjoining the kitchen.
"So how's your bottom feel?"
"Sore, Mistress Madeline." The butt plug had been in all morning, for the car ride, and then for the two hours of housework that followed. Franklin's butthole was throbbing.
"Let's see what we have, shall we?" Madeline stopped him from his chore and had him face away from her with his hands spread apart on the bar countertop.
She reached around him and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, jerking his pants and his underwear to his ankles. Franklin couldn't believe it was really happening. His cock throbbed in front of him. She untied and removed his shoes and then slipped his pants and underwear off. She kicked at his feet so they were spread wide apart.
"You cleaned yourself before you put this in, didn't you?"
"Yes Mistress."
She used her hands to spread his ass cheeks apart. She pumped the butt plug in and out of his ass, watching the crinkled brown skin greedily clinging to the curved gleaming stainless steel.
"Ahhh," Franklin sighed at the stretching sensation, and the relief from having the plug pulled out.
"Clean it fucktoy." She shoved the business end of the butt plug in his mouth. "Suck on it."
The butt plug had just a slight flavor of the lubricant. But the idea of it ... to go from his ass directly to his mouth ... was one of the dirtiest things Franklin had ever done. Instead of being repelled by it, his cock was throbbing. He was in heaven being made to do dirty things for this bewitching woman. This wasn't lost on Madeline, who had pegged (pun intended) Franklin as a submissive early in their work relationship.
"Watch me fucktoy." Madeline pulled up her short skirt. Of course she wasn't wearing panties. Her shaved pussy was already glossy. The idea of breaking in a new sub, especially one as young, naïve, and good looking as Franklin, had her wet from the moment she picked him up at his apartment building. She dipped her fingers in her snatch and held them out in front of Franklin's adoring face.