
I own your ass...came Her words, echoing off the interior walls of my head. They seemed to bounce through my head, whirring around; the images of Her standing over me as I submitted myself to Her. I knew that I had never loved anyone like I did now. She almost commanded it. The very thought of Her made me want to do nothing but please Her.

You are Mine and I will use you as I see fit!I couldn't believe how vivid the memory of Her scolding me and telling me that I was now Her property. I looked at the clock and it was 2:39 a.m. Although I left Her place several hours ago, I could not sleep. All my thoughts were on Her. She was beautiful beyond belief. The confidence She exhibited was Her most attractive feature. She commanded me and I yearned for it.

I layed my head back, almost in ecstacy as I felt Her from memory. The way She held my chin up to look Her in the eyes. I was putty in her hands; She could mold me into whatever She wanted. I was committed to this Woman, and I couldn't believe how well She controlled even my thoughts now.No one will be able to take care of Your pathetic ass like Me! You are nothing without Me, I've had stronger willed men than you try and please Me. But don't worry, I'll teach You everything You need to know about pleasing Me.

I could feel myself starting to become erect. I looked down at my boxers, as I layed on my bed. I wondered if she could tell if I touched myself as Her words rang out in my head,You will not have pleasure without Me. Only I am capable of giving you the pleasure you think you want. But it really doesn't matter, because My pleasure will be yours. And I will know if you've touched yourself...I could almost feel Her nails cross my chest at this moment. My heart beat quickened as I considered touching myself and knew I didn't want to displease Her.

A smile crossed my face as I realized She had taught me my first lesson about pleasing Her. It was control. She even said it,You're a man and you have no idea how to control your sexual urges. It is I that will control them, do you understand?I was happy, because I knew She would be happy with me. I refrained from masturbation, even if it was because of Her. I wanted to please Her; She was in my mind and I didn't want Her to leave it. It's not like She would have left if I wanted Her to anyways.

You will submit to Me. There is nothing else you need to be concerned with; I'll tell you everything you need to know. I'll make you a decent man for Me; because you are too pathetic and unable to please a Woman on your own.The realization of these words rang out like the soft but intense voice She used to whisper those words in my ears as She had me kneeling and blindfolded. The memories of earlier were still so fresh.

I reached behind me and felt the welt she had left there. I deserved it, I failed to call Her Mistress as She commanded me.Excuse Me?She had said to me as She crossed my bare buttocks with a leather strap.My dear pet, you will ALWAYS refer to Me as Mistress, Ma'am or Goddess! I know that it was a mistake and that you didn't intend it, that is why I only hit you once.I could almost feel Her slide a finger across the welt She left on me. It was as if She was admiring Her new acquisition, but I knew that would be prideful and it couldn't be that She was admiring me - She was admiring Her property.

I loved that She chose me. I couldn't resist Her, if I wanted. I had never been a prize to any Women before, and She was certainly out of my league... I almost grimaced at my thoughts. That's part of what She was teaching me - that thinking the way men do is corrupted and shallow.I decide what I want and who I want, Not you!came Her words to me. She hadn't said this to me earlier...it was like She was here in my house - in my bedroom. I felt owned by Her...and...I welcomed it.

That's right my submissive little pet...You are Mine!