Over the Phone 200 Miles Away

Mia boredly clicked through Spotify, trying to find new songs for her "Sexytime" playlist. She had her headphones in so the neighbors couldn't hear the explicit music through the walls. The table buzzed and she looked at her phone. Tyler was calling. She quickly answered, taking her headphones off.

"Hi, Tyler!" she sang.

"Don't even try it."

"Try what?" she asked innocently. "Can't I say hello to my partner?"

Tyler let out a long, frustrated exhale.

"Hello," he muttered.

"How's your day? How's work?"

"Long. Stop asking questions."


"Stop asking questions and get on your knees."

"Alright." Mia didn't move. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Our contract dictates quite clearly that you will respond to every text that I send you unless otherwise directed."

"I've been answering your texts!"

"Then why did I not receive a picture of you this morning?" Mia hesitated. "Turn on your camera and set up your phone so I can see you."

Mia dropped to the ground and quickly switched to Facetime. Tyler's face soon appeared on the screen. He looked annoyed.

"Good evening, Sir," she mumbled.

"Speak clearly. I don't think the neighbors heard you."

"Good evening, Sir," she repeated, louder. Her cheeks warmed at the thought of her neighbors listening to her and Tyler. "Sir, may I be allowed to put headphones on?"

"Oh? You don't want the neighbors to hear my voice?"

"No, Sir. You're my Dom, not theirs."

"But isn't it rude not to let them hear me call you a filthy whore?" Mia blushed darkly. "Headphones. Make it quick."

Mia grabbed her headphones—luckily they were wireless—and connected them to her phone. She put them on and Tyler's voice filled her ears.

"You've been so naughty lately," he purred. Her pussy clenched with arousal and she set her phone back down. "First, you touch yourself without permission... And today, you don't send your morning pictures."

"It was an accident, Sir. I never saw your text." That was true. "My phone's been doing weird things lately."

"And you didn't inform me?" She winced in shame, dropping her head. "I think you need to be punished, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir. If that's what you think."

"Good girl. Go to the toy box." She grabbed her phone and slid over to the closet, pulling out the suitcase that held all her toys.

"What would you like, Sir?" She flipped the camera so he could see the toys.

"Ooh, very good. I'm glad you've started to learn who's in charge." She smiled proudly. "Let's see... handcuffs... yes, the padded ones. The purple vibrator—"

"Oh, thank God," Mia whispered, grabbing it. Tyler chuckled softly.

"Don't get too excited. This is a punishment, remember?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And grab the present that I sent you last week. We're gonna give those a whirl tonight."

"What are they?" Mia asked, picking up the small Amazon box.

"You'll have to wait and see." Tyler smirked and Mia closed the suitcase. "Put the phone where I can see all of you, and strip."

"Yes, Sir." She set the phone on her desk and took a few steps back. She slowly peeled off her shirt, revealing her large breasts being constrained by a red, silk, push-up bra. She reached back and unclipped her bra, but didn't remove it yet. She turned and bent over, pulling her skirt down to reveal that she wasn't wearing panties. She slipped off her bra and stretched, letting out a pleased sigh.

She turned back around and smiled at the camera. Tyler lifted his finger and beckoned her closer.

"Not wearing panties?" he asked.

"Not without your permission, Sir." He smiled and she did, too.

"Kneel and grab the vibrator." She got on her knees, moving the phone down. She grabbed the vibrator and held it up with a smile. It was a vivid purple rabbit vibrator. "Lick it."

"Mm~" She ran her tongue delectably along the purple silicone. She slipped her tongue in the gap between the arms, pretending like she was eating a girl out.

"Stop." She frowned but moved the vibrator away. "Turn it on and touch yourself. Nothing below your hips."

She clicked the vibrator on and slowly ran it over her shoulders. She slid it down to her back, sighing happily as it massaged her muscles. Then, she started to rub it over her breasts, the vibrations tickling her sensitive nipples.

"How does it feel?" Tyler asked.

"Good," she breathed. She trailed it down over her stomach, squeaking.

"Don't go any farther."


"Who's in charge?"

"You, Sir." He nodded and she moved the vibrator back up over her stomach. "Am I supposed to beg?"


"This is kinda boring." Tyler laughed and she clicked it off. "Can we move on?"

"Fine, fine. Get your present." She grabbed the Amazon box. "Hang on, I have to take this call. Don't open it."

"Why not?" Tyler gave her a stern look and hung up. She sighed and set it to the side, grabbing the vibrator again. She turned it on and quickly slid it into her. Tyler didn't have to know. She moaned and fucked herself with the vibrator. It massaged her clit and her G-spot until she orgasmed.

The phone rang again and she set the vibrator aside, catching her breath. She answered the call with a smile.

"Did you open the box?"

"No, Sir."

"Good. Open it." She did, pulling out another box from inside. "Read it to me."

"Love Eggs for Loving Submissives. Five count," she read. She looked at Tyler with a grin. "Really?"

"Mhmm." She eagerly opened the box and pulled out five small, metal eggs. She'd been wanting these for ages. She'd even written a letter to Tyler to convince him to buy them for her. "Put them in. All of them."

"All of them?" She looked at the love eggs. They were small, but they would make her very full.

"All of them," Tyler confirmed. "Move closer so I can watch."

She shuffled closer on her knees so her pussy was in full view of the camera. She picked one egg up and spread her pussy lips. Her pussy juices dripped out, leftover from her orgasm a few moments ago. She put the egg to her entrance, gasping at the cold metal.

"You have permission to warm them in your mouth if you like," Tyler said.

"Oh, thank you, Sir." She placed the eggs in her mouth, letting them sit until they were at a comfortable temperature. One by one, she slid them into her dripping pussy. By the third egg, she started to feel full, but she slid the fourth one in. She pushed the fifth and final egg into her pussy, but it slipped right back out. "Sir?"

"Hm?" He sounded distracted. "That wet already? Tsk, you didn't touch yourself, did you?"

"N--No, Sir."

"Don't lie to me."

"I didn't touch myself, Sir." She fumbled with the fifth egg, trying to keep it in her pussy. The eggs suddenly shifted inside her and she let out a loud gasp.

"I know you're lying. Your pretty, little vibrator tells me when you turn it on, did you know that?" She froze, realizing she'd been caught. "Naughty, naughty. How full are you?"

"I'm so full, Sir. Please, I can't hold them all." The eggs shifted again and she whimpered.

"You're going to hold all five, and you're going to do it with a pretty, little smile on your face. Got it?" His voice was sharp and assertive. "Grab those panties behind you."

She turned and saw a pair of lacy, white panties crumpled on the floor. She picked them up and showed them to Tyler.

"Good girl. Put them on." She quickly put them on, the eggs rubbing her pussy as she moved around, making her whine and moan. "Let's see... what to have you do next...?"


"That was a rhetorical question. Be quiet." She whimpered and fidgeted, the eggs shifting every time she moved. Soon, she was on the verge of an orgasm. "Would you stop fucking moving? Jesus."

"Please, Sir, I'm so close," she panted. He grumbled annoyedly.

"Grab your handcuffs."


"Grab. Your. Handcuffs." She shuddered at his dominance, reaching for the handcuffs. She picked them up and showed them to Tyler. "Put your hands behind you and cuff yourself."

She obeyed, locking the cuffs around her wrists.

"Back away. I want to see your face." She scooted away from the phone, letting him see her entire body. "Beg."

"Please, Sir— Oh~!" She arched her back as vibrations rattled her entire body. The eggs in her pussy hummed, stimulating every nerve of her pussy. She trembled and whimpered.

"I'm not hearing a lot of begging over there."

"Oh, God, please let me cum!" she cried, not caring that the neighbors could probably hear her. "Please, I'm— God, I'm cum—"

The vibrations quickly shut off, leaving her on the verge of an orgasm. She looked pleadingly at Tyler.

"And I'm going to take a picture of that," he muttered, screenshotting her expression. "Because, fuck, that's making me hard."

"Tyler, I need—"

"And I need you to behave. Now, whose needs are more important?"

"Whoever's health is at risk?"

"Alright, smart aleck." She bit back a giggle. "You wanna cum?"

"Yes. Please, Sir," she breathed.

"How badly do you want it?"

"So badly. Please, Sir, I'll do anything."

"Alright..." He turned the eggs back on and she squealed. "Cum all you want."

"Oh~!" She threw her head back as her orgasm washed over her. She panted as it wound down. The eggs shut off once she was finished and she got to her feet. But a sudden wave of vibrations turned her legs to jelly, and she collapsed to the ground. Tyler laughed as she writhed around, moaning wildly. Another orgasm crashed over her a few seconds later, and another hit before she was even finished.

"I should've gotten these months ago," Tyler purred. She moaned and whined, rutting her hips against the air. "We're gonna need to do this more often, don't you think?"

"No," she gasped. "Please stop! Please, Sir, I can't take anymore!"

"After all your whining? Your pathetic begging for me to let you cum?" She shook as another orgasm racked her body. "You're going to cum until I say you can stop."

After a few more orgasms, Mia couldn't manage much more than desperate moans and unintelligible whimpers. She was bent over her legs, her head against the floor. Her panties were wetter than they'd ever been. They were so wet that her juices were dripping onto the floor under her.

"Agh, fuck!" Tyler grunted. He must've been jerking himself off. The vibrations faded away and Mia pitifully moaned. "Alright. Take them out."

"Can't... ugh..." She panted heavily, exhausted from her orgasms.

"Mia?" She slowly lifted her head at his gentle tone. "Take them out."

"No. Please, I can't—"

"You'll feel better." The Facetime call switched back to a regular audio call. She slowly unfolded, whimpering as the eggs shifted inside her. She slid her panties down and the eggs easily slid out of her, clinking on the floor. "Are they out?"


"Good. Now, I want you to crawl to the kitchen and get yourself a bottle of water and some food. Take your time."

"Can I hang up?"

"No." She took a deep breath and slowly crawled out of the bedroom. "You did very well. I'm so proud of you for taking your punishment."

"Thank you, Sir." She entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. She grabbed a water bottle and a mini chocolate bar. She quickly ate the chocolate, then drank a quarter of the water bottle.

"Have you learned your lesson?"

"Mhmm. I promise I'll be more obedient in the future."

"Good. I'm going to hang up now. Can you clean up by yourself, or do you need orders?"

"I can do it. Thank you for punishing me, Sir." He softly chuckled.

"You're welcome."

"And thank you for letting me cum. Even though it hurt."

"It's called punishment for a reason, Mia. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." There was a quiet click as he hung up the phone call.