Moving In

Bags were packed, clothes tucked neatly away in suitcases. It would be the last time I saw the inside of the house, I kept thinking, as I made my way to my Wrangler, chucking bags in the back that would most likely block my view and risk me getting in an accident. It was going to be a long drive, and though he had emailed me a map to print out, I only knew two things about where I'd be driving: far, and south.

Excitement coursed through me as I drove like a drunk driver, anxious to reach my destination and simultaneously nervous beyond all recognition. School credits had been transferred, I'd sent my check in, and I'd even already sent him money to help pay for the rent this month. Still, it had all seemed like there was still a chance to back out if I got too nervous. But as I drove, with everything I owned, towards Arizona, I breathed deeply. No backing out now.

He had more power over me than anyone I'd ever met, and without him even trying. To be honest, I don't let anyone tell me what to do, except him. I listened to every word he told of me because I trusted him and had more faith in him than I'd ever put in anyone else. Thus why I wanted to live with him and for him to have me, completely and entirely.

These were the thoughts I let consume my mind as I drove, and I couldn't help but smile.

After a full day of driving, I was tired to say the least, but I had refused to sleep until I was in his arms. I called him at one point to get the directions to the apartment we would be living in, and he sounded almost as excited as I, his voice fast, stuttering over his words with anxiousness. We both couldn't wait for me to pull up.

He was even waiting for me outside when I finally did arrive, my car slowing as I planted it in the drive way. He opened my door before I even came to a complete stop, and his arms were wide open. I slid out of the driver's seat into them. So gracefully he caught me and pulled me close, and we stood like that, silently in each other's arms for several minutes. He pulled back only to place a kiss on my forehead and smile down at me, and I smiled back up at him before resting my head on his shoulder and letting my tiredness take over. I snuggled closer into him, and he half-carried me inside so I could see the place. It was just as he'd described to me, and I smiled happily looking up at him.

Reaching for his hand, I wrapped my fingers around his and pulled him towards the couch, where I motioned for him to sit before I crawled into his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he was kissing my cheek gently, his lips moving closer and closer towards mine before they locked. Never before had a kiss been so passionate, our lips pressing forcefully against each other's and our tongues searching each other's mouths eagerly. I breathed deeply before pulling away and diving into his neck, kissing and licking the skin gently.

"We should christen the couch!" I say suddenly. "It's ours, and it will just prove that it'll be ours forever."

He smiled at me and pushed me down against the cushions, one hand on either of my shoulders as he hovered over me. "Whatever you say, my sexy little pet."

With a small laugh, I said, "I love you."

He looked at me suddenly very serious, his dark eyes focusing on mine. "I love you, too."

He placed a kiss then on my lips and again we were tearing at each other's clothes. With the sounds of cloth tearing, we undressed each other and laid on top of one another bare, our chests pressing against each others and our heads in the other's necks, our warm breaths on each other's skin. Our hands were on each other's asses, and he slapped mine playfully. My other hand ran down his side before coming to the front of his stomach and reaching for his member, stroking it slowly as his fingers dove inside my slit, his other hand clenching my ass and pulling it up towards him. As my thumb circled around his head, his two fingers pushed my lower lips apart and slid two fingers in. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, beginning to pump slowly. He slapped my ass, causing me to clench around his two fingers inside of me and I let a soft moan escape my lips.

He pushed me over so I was on my hands and knees. "Ass up, Pet," he told me as he clenched my ass in his hands, squeezing and rubbing them more aggressively. I did as I was told, raising my ass in the air and letting him move his member between my lower lips. I moaned as he slowly slid inside of me, down to the base of his hard cock, and he began thrusting in and out of me. My eyes drifted shut, and my mouth dropped open as he began to move. My hot, wet pussy was more than willing to have him pushing deeper and deeper inside of me, and I began my own pushes back into him, following the rhythm he'd started. We started off in a slower pace, increasing rapidly until he was ramming himself inside of me, and with each thrust the both of us let out grunts and moans. He still went, orgasm imminent, his body clenching, my mind going fuzzy, then straining further inside of me to fit more of his hard cock down me as he came. We both let out loud groans as my pussy spasmed around him, claiming this last bit of him.

He fell to the side of the couch as he reached for me, pulling me into his arms.

"Thank you," I whispered.

We lay entwined for some time, silent, just kissing and touching and sometimes sleeping lightly. It was the most calm, relaxing, comfortable sleep I had ever gotten. And for once, I didn't need to dream.