Moving House

Michael had had a bit of luck when he started looking for a new house. He heard through friends that Mr. Robertson had landed a good job overseas and was looking to sell house and furniture as a package deal. He was able to step in and get the house at a good price, not dirt cheap but possibly slightly under market, as Mr. Robertson was willing to cut the price a little for a fast settlement, as they were leaving very shortly.

With everything in the lawyers hands and the funds in escrow Mr. Robertson was free to fly out straight away, and for a nominal rental Mike was able to move in the day after. Mr. Robertson warned Mike that his daughter, Deirdre, had left a few boxes in the garage and would probably wander past some time to collect them. She was twenty now, and instead of moving overseas with them had opted to rent a flat with some friends. He'd let her know that Mike had already moved in so she wouldn't just barge in on him.

A few days had passed and Mike was settled in and working in his office when he heard noises outside. There was laughter and talking, and the sound of someone jumping in the pool. Curious, he wandered out into the yard to see what was going on. His curiosity was heightened when he saw that the noise was coming from three young women who were apparently sunning themselves and relaxing around the pool, nude.

He hesitated about approaching, but then thought the hell with it. It's my place and if they want to run around here naked I'm entitled to ask why. He was walking over to where two of the girls were sunbaking when the girl in the pool screamed and pointed to him. Mike started to smile at the mixed reactions, then stopped and stood quite still. The girl in the pool had ducked down against the edge of the pool, while one of the sunbathers had promptly hunched over to conceal herself. He was OK with those reactions, but unfortunately the second sunbather, the one nearest him had turned her head to look at him, lunged up and grabbed a gun out of her bag, and was now pointing it at him. Nasty looking thing, that gun, and even nastier was the way her hand was shaking.

Before he could say anything, the girl was yelling at him, calling him names and telling to get the hell out of there. Mike was getting really irritated with this. "What the hell?" he thought. "This is my house. They're the trespassers and they're ordering me off?"

"Alright," Mike said, in what he hoped was a soothing voice, "let's just put the gun down and you can explain to me what you're doing here."

"Just go away," yelled the girl.

"Look," snapped Mike, "I don't like guns pointing at me. If you don't put it away, now, I will take it off you and then put you over my knee. Neither of us want that, now do we."

"I'm not putting it down. Just go away. We're calling the police, and then you'll be in trouble."

Mike sighed, loudly. "There will be no need to call the police." His thumb jerked towards the house as he continued, "Charlie was probably calling the cops as soon as you pulled the gun."

"Idiot," he thought, as the girl swung startled eyes towards the house.

As soon as her eyes moved he had taken a quick stride forward and to the right, moving away from the front of the gun and putting himself in easy reach. His hand clamped on hers before she even had time to look back at him, taking the gun off her with ease.

"Warned you," he murmured, putting the gun down out of reach of the other girls, while sitting down on the recliner the girl had just left. Tugging on the hand he was still holding, the young woman suddenly found herself face down across his knee. She started to yell, when the yell turned into a squeal as his hand came down firmly on her bottom.

"I don't like guns," he explained, using his hand to emphasise what he was saying. "They're dangerous things, especially in the hands of silly little girls."

The girl on the recliner protested. "If you've got eyes you can plainly see we're not little girls, and the gun is not loaded anyway. Deirdre knew that, as I told her so when I showed her the gun."

"Really, and who are you, and why are you wandering about with an empty gun?"

"I'm Susan. It's my dad's gun. I'm returning it for a friend of his who borrowed it."

"And you checked personally, to see that it was unloaded? Did Deirdre also check? As far as I'm concerned that's a loaded gun."

"Yes, I checked. You can bet your ass on that gun being empty," came the sarcastic reply.

"Actually, you just bet your own ass on it, smartie. I'm going to check the gun and if it's loaded, you're going across my knee as well, for stupidity with a loaded gun," growled Mike, still pissed off about the whole issue. Pulling guns on him, loaded or no. He could've had a heart attack.

"Check away," came the flippant reply, "then go away. You're not wanted here."

Mike picked up the gun. "OK, safety is off. That was careless of you. The magazine is out. That's a plus for you. Last check..." Mike worked the slide and the round up the spout flew out onto the grass.

"Oh dear," he murmured, as the girls paled while looked at the bullet on the ground. "So that idiot gets her hands on a gun, that doesn't have the safety on and has a round up the spout. And people wonder how accidents happen."

"Looks like you lose," he added, moving quietly toward Susan, who jumped to her feet, starting to back away.

Mike ignored her attempts to apologise. He sat down, pulled Susan across his knee, and told her she could consider what was coming just a session of negative reinforcement to encourage the observation of gun safety.

There followed a few unpleasant moments for Susan, who was shortly back on her face with a red bottom, to match the furious and embarrassed flush on her face.

A voice then spoke up. "I'm Michelle. Are you now going to look for an excuse to beat me as well?"

Mike laughed. "No. All you've done is hide naked in the pool. Of course, if you're feeling left out by all means step forward and bend over for a little spank."

Michelle looked at him and then across at Susan and Deirdre. They were shaking their heads, while their hands hovered near but not touching their bottom. Michelle climbed slowly out of the pools and moved over to join them, the three giving each other moral support. Apart from giving Mike a defiant glare, Michelle showed no inclination to bend over and get her own bottom smacked.

"Now the reason why I'm here, is to ask why you're here, swimming in my pool. Not that I've any objection, but why am I so honoured."

"It's not your house. It's my father's house," snapped Deirdre. "We're entitled to be here. You're the trespasser."

"Ah. You're Deirdre. Your father said he'd speak to you. Obviously he failed to tell you that with all papers signed and the money in escrow while the lawyers do their thing, he permitted me to move in early for a modest rental fee."

"He mentioned something about rent," whispered Deirdre. "but we were saying goodbye for a while and I wasn't listening. We were coming to grab some of my stuff, but it was a hot day and we thought the place would be empty for weeks, so we decided to have a swim."

"You're right about it being a hot day. I'm busy and have to go back in and buckle down to work. Feel free to stay and have your swim and I'll stay out of your way. I'll put some towels out for you and you can help yourselves to drinks or snacks in the kitchen."

The three girls had a hurried discussion, and voted to stay for a while.

"I'll leave the towels on the table. I think it would be wise to actually wear one if you come into the house."

"Why bother?" came the cheeky reply. "You've already seen it all."

Mike laughed. "Because I'm showing steely self control by not ravishing you all, here and now. I can't guarantee the same self control if I find any of you wandering about the house naked."

Derisive laughter followed him back into the house.

The three young women continued sunbaking and swimming, enjoying a lazy time. Michelle finally decided to get a drink.

"Don't forget your towel," Susan called, with a smirk on her face.

Michelle laughed, grabbing a towel, winding it around her as she went, returning shortly after with a drink in one hand and just clutching the towel in front of her in the other.

"What happened to you towel?" asked an amused Susan.

"I didn't have it on tight enough. It fell off when I bent over to pick up a drink from the bottom of the fridge. I just grabbed my drink, picked up the towel and came out again. Unravished, you will notice."

"Oh, bad luck," cooed Susan. "Maybe next time," she added, to general hilarity.

A short while later, feeling thirsty, Deirdre grabbed a towel and headed into the kitchen. As she entered, the latch on the wire door caught the edge of the towel and pulled at it, loosening it. Not bothering to rewind it, Deirdre held it firmly in place while she inspected the fridge. Clutching the towel while prying into the fridge turned out to be little awkward, resulting in Deirdre irritably tossing the towel onto the counter top while she bent into the fridge. "I'll rewrap the stupid thing in a second," she thought, "after I've got a drink."

Deirdre was bending over checking what was in the fridge when she felt the hand on back, and just quietly froze in place.

Not a word was spoken by either person, as the hand stroked gently down her back, across her bottom and then glided down even further to cover and gently squeeze her pussy. She felt the hand relax and fingers run gently around her pussy, touching lightly, running down her slit and flicking at the edge of her lips.

Still in complete silence, another hand ran along her side, dipping round and cupping her breast, with a thumb reaching slightly higher to rub lightly over her nipple.

The hand on her breast tightened slightly, and Deirdre found herself being made to stand, and then turned away from the fridge and gently directed to bend forward over the counter. Strangely obedient, Deirdre did as directed. She could see the towel she was supposed to have wrapped around her lying to one side, as though silently accusing her of slipping up.

Deirdre was feeling very small and helpless and female as those hands continued to gently stroke her, teasing her pussy and breasts in a knowing fashion, causing heat to start gathering, pooling deep inside her.

Tiny and vulnerable, open to whatever Mike wanted to do. Mike seemed twice as big as when he was spanking her. A little thrill ran through her as she remembered the spanking, and she suddenly knew that that little core of heat had been ignited then, and had been biding its time, waiting for this touch to let it blossom within her.

Mike gently asks her if she remembers she was supposed to wear a towel if coming inside.

"I did," thought Deirdre, wanting to protest, but finding all she could do was nod submissively.

"Do you remember why I said you should wear a towel?" came the next quiet question.

There was another submissive nod.

"Are you going to struggle?" Mike seemed curious.

"I don't know," came the soft answer, as Deirdre finally found her voice.

"Are you going to call to girls for help?" pressed Mike. "They'll come if you call. Look out the window and you can see them."

"I know," said Deirdre. She should call, she knew. She should be struggling, and saying no. What she shouldn't be doing was standing here, leaning against the counter, letting those hands set off little explosions within her, while watching Susan and Michelle play and hoping that they'd stay where they were.

Mike opened his zip, seeing Deirdre twitch slightly and knowing that she had heard it, knowing that she now knew his erection was coming out of his pant. "If she doesn't protest soon, it's going to be too late," he thought. "I'd better give her a little more time, even though she feels hot, wet and ready,"

Mike moved a little closer, letting her feel his erection pressing against her bottom, the hand between her legs squeezing harder, rubbing harder, the fingers slipping between her lips and going deeper.

The only reaction from Deirdre was a slight movement of her legs as they edged slightly further apart, while her bottom and pussy pressed back to meet those questing fingers.

Deirdre knew that the time to protest was fast approaching. If she didn't speak up he was going to take her, bent over the counter in her own kitchen. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her, that she was letting it happen. "Anyway," she thought, "it's not my kitchen. It's his now and he's allowed to do what he likes in it."

"What am I thinking?" came the following thought. "Doing what he likes in his own kitchen is not supposed to mean he can bend me over the counter and fuck me! He's not my master. I don't have to obey him."

Faintly the realisation stole over her. It appeared that as far as her body was concerned, he was her master, and it was only too willing to let him do what he wanted.

"It was that damned spanking," she thought hazily. "It seems to have triggered a craving to be fucked by the man who was willing to manhandle me like that. I wonder if this means I'll find myself wanting another spanking, just to see what follows."

Mike could hear Deirdre breathing heavily, writhing under his hands and giving little gasps. He had to take her very soon or she'd be climaxing before he even entered her.

"Are you on the pill?" he asked softly, "or do I need to put on a rubber?"

"Pill, rubber?" she wondered. "Why talk about those when you should be fucking me already? Oh, protection, of course."

"Pill," she gasped. "I'm on the pill. Please. I can't wait much longer."

"No need to," said Mike, finally separating her lips and plunging in.

Deirdre clamped her hand to her mouth to muffle the scream that she couldn't avoid, relieved that the sweet torment had finished and the true fucking had now begun. She pressed eagerly back to meet the thrusts that came crashing into her. Her master was dictating his terms with his rod of correction, and she was hastening to obey. She was rising now, letting his rod drive her forward, obedient to its every thrust, knowing that her reward was coming.

Mike pumped heavily into Deidre, feeling her close willingly around his cock and start meeting him, thrust for thrust. Where he led, she joyfully followed, as he hammered home, reaching for his own climax even as he felt her running through her, feeling her clutching him with her internal muscles and squeezing hard, finally triggering his own climax while she continued to ride hers.

Slowing coming down, resting, finally separating. Mike reached across to the sink, grabbing a clean cloth and dampening it, ignoring her hand when she reached for it, preferring to reach down and gently wipe her down himself, while she blushed. He picked up the towel and handed it to her, watching as she wound it tightly around her lovely body.

Mike smiled and her. "You misbehaved once and had a spanking. Then you disobeyed and I had to ravish you. If you misbehave in the future, I'll probably have to spank and ravish you."

"I'll keep that in mind," said Deirdre. "My behaviour will be impeccable."

"Until I decide otherwise," she added, but only to herself. Let Mike find out the hard way.

Mike held the door open and watched as she walked back towards the others. "I do not trust that smile she gave me," he thought. "She's planning some mischief, I just know it. This acquaintance could become very interesting."

Susan glance up as Deirdre approached. "You were quite a while," she observed. "What happened?"

"Nothing much," returned Deirdre. "I dropped my towel while in the kitchen and had to wait until Mike had finished ravishing me."

"You wish," laughed Susan. "He is kind of cute though, isn't he? We'll have to hope the hot weather continues so we have an excuse to come around."

"I have to come back here, anyway," said Deirdre. "I'll need to get my boxes out of the garage, and I have a feeling that that will require several trips."