Moving Day
Lee rang the doorbell and shifted the hefty weight of the box in her hands to her other hip. When Edward opened the door he had dust in his hair and a streak of white paint like a screaming slash across his forehead. He filled up the doorway, blocking Lee's entrance. "Um," she said, trying to peer around him into the apartment. Finally, the weight of the box propelled her forward and she stumbled inside, tripping over his feet and brushing up against him. She felt her right breast smash against his bicep as she practically fell into the apartment and the contents of the box spilled out.
"Nice going," Edward said as he bent over to pick up a few things. Before he could replace them in the box, his hand froze.
"Oh, let me get that," Lee raced to shove all the box's previous contents back inside, and snatched at what was in Edward's hand.
Edward could tell whatever it was was making Lee very uncomfortable. She was cringing and covering her eyes a bit. "Lee, freeze. Don't touch me. If you move, you're going to be in a lot of trouble. Here you come into my new apartment and we haven't even started decorating and you've already made a mess."
"I know, Edward, but I brought in the wrong box and..." Flustered, Lee made a gesture as if to pick up the box and swap it with what was in her car.
"You brought the wrong box?"
"Yes, I just came from a party... I mean, from another... anyway, I had two boxes in my car. One is with all your decorating stuff. Please, Edward, let me go get it. It's really nice. I found all this Japanese stuff..."
Edward continued to eye the item in his hand. "But this looks Japanese, Lee."
Lee wished she could cave in on herself and tried once more to snatch it out of Edward's hand. "Edward, please. Just let me go and switch..."
Edward caught her skinny wrist in his hand and pulled her forward so that her face was inches from his. If she puffed out her lips, she could maybe brush up against him. "Forget it. Obviously, you don't want me to see what's in this box. Or what's come out of it. I'm your boss, so really, your business is my business, right? What if this was something that could damage our work somehow?"
"Oh, no, Edward, it's not. Really, I promise." But she sighed, sitting back and curling into a little ball.
Edward said, "Good girl," and turned his attention back to what was in his hand. "What is this, Lee?" But she refused to speak. "It does look Japanese. Are you sure it's not for my apartment?" She shook her head furiously, then buried it back in her hands. "It's a very pretty box. I could put my shaving stuff in it maybe. Oh, wait, there's something inside of it!" He cracked the lid open and stifled a laugh. "So, what's this? Did you bring me paperweights?"
Lee was shaking her head again and looked quite miserable. "Yes, Lee, I know they are not paperweights." He took two round, metallic objects out of the box and rolled them around in his palm. "What are you doing with these, Lee? What would you be doing with them?"
"I, um... they're pretty..."
Edward crawled over and held the two orbs in Lee's face. "What. Are. You. Doing. With. These?"
"You're lying to me. Get up."
She rose to her feet, staring at him warily. He grabbed her around the waist, from behind, and pressed the two silver balls into her stomach. She groaned. "Lee, why do you have these?"
"I... I don't know. Someone gave them to me."
"That box was brand new, I broke the seal on it. You had to have known what was inside."
"I thought it might look nice on my desk," she concluded feebly.
Edward slowly rolled the balls down the curve of her stomach and pressed them roughly into the gap between her thighs, pushing them up so they smashed into the seam of her jeans. "Stop lying to me. I could fire you for that."
"No, I'm not lying, I'm sorry!" She was breathless as he continued pushing up on the round objects as if he could shove them through her jeans and inside of her. With a final quick thrust, he tossed them into the corner of the room and Lee collapsed on the floor, gasping.
"So what else is in the box?" He rooted around for a moment and drew out his hand clasping a group of neon-colored candles tied with a beeswax ribbon. "Candles?" Lee nodded. "So maybe some things for my apartment got mixed up in this other box of yours?"
Lee paused for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, right. Candles. Those are for your apartment. Yep."
Edward of course noticed her hesitant expression. "Are these for me, Lee? You may not lie to me, you know that."
"Yee- ees, Edward."
"These candles. You bought these candles for me? These neon pink, neon green, neon blue candles. For your boss's new apartment. With a Japanese theme."
"Oh, damn it," she hissed to herself. "Edward, they're not... for you. Well, actually," she paused as an incredible image filled her head, but she shook it out. "Those candles are from... well, the same place as the, ahem, ornaments."
"What are they?"
"They're, um, ahem, low-body temperature heat candles."
"For what? Stop making me ask so many questions."
"OK, ok, they erm, they're made specifically for wax-play. Not, like the ripping off of hair, but the dripping kind. No ripping, just dripping, hahaha," Lee said, understanding she was sounding crazed.
"Dripping? Like on chianti bottles?"
"Ah, no. On, um, bodies. You drip the wax on someone's body. It's kind of like art. Ero... erotic."
Edward stared at the candles in his hand, their long wicks trailing his fingers. He untied the beeswax ribbon and they tumbled to the carpet. "Which is your favorite?"
"Oh, I don't know... um, pink. The neon pink one."
"Right. Like I didn't know that from the glurge of pink in your cubicle."
"Edward, please let me go get the stuff for you out of my car. You'll really like it, I think!"
"I want to see the rest of this. I had no idea about you, Lee."
"It's not for me..." she mumbled, but he cut her off with a look.
The next thing he drew out of the box was a tiny jumble of black lace with a small packet attached. He turned it around in his hands, trying to make sense of it. "Lee? Is this... wait... is this... is this electric underwear? What the hell!"
Lee blushed so red she could feel her cheeks flaming. She bent almost prostrate on the floor, trying to focus her attention on picking at the carpet. "I don't know, Edward. Maybe. Someone put it in there."
"You didn't pick this out? Remember, you're not allowed to lie."
"Ok, um, yes. I did. They came, erm, highly recommended."
"What is it?"
"They're remote-operated panties, OK?" She snatched the tiny material away from him and held them out. "See, here in the, ahm, crotch, there's this little pocket. And this," she signaled the small packet that came on a detachable plastic cord, "is a remote. Someone puts this on, and someone can play with this."
"What!" Lee hadn't seen Edward this beside himself since it was free buffet day at the local Chinese restaurant. But he quickly brought himself under control.
"So, someone, let's say, you Lee," "No, not me, Edward." "Yes, you, Lee, would put these on. You'd drag them up your naked, silky thighs, and rest your little lips inside of it. They'd hug your body, perhaps get a little wet and start to stick up inside of you.. Maybe a few of those little hairs would peek out. They'd crawl up your behind and cup your butt."
Lee drew her hand across the back of her neck, refusing to make eye contact with Edward. "Then, someone, me, maybe, would be apart from you, and I'd push this. And then that tiny bit of material so close to your pussy, it would vibrate. And you wouldn't be able to do a thing to stop it. You would just cum all over yourself. Maybe in a staff meeting, you wouldn't be able to control it, because you're such a little slut. You're just begging to be fucked, to be stuffed with a hard cock, to have that pussy ripped open and held apart by a huge, rigid, thick cock. And because you're so out of control with your need for that, you got this, so that your slutty little mind can at least get yourself your orgasms, because that's all you can even think about."
"Edward!" Lee cried out, cringing from his outburst. He had crawled over to her and hissed the last of his words down into her collarbone. She was shaking and couldn't move, for fear she'd brush up against him.
But he stood, and yanked her up as well. He thrust the panties into her hand, but not before he wrenched at the plastic cord, separating the remote from the material. He clasped that in his fist as he dragged her towards the back room. She could barely squeak out an "Oh, it's nice," before he roughly tossed her onto the bed.
Lee closed her eyes, praying for him to climb on top of her. "Yes, yes, it's finally happening," she intoned to herself. Instead, he glared at her. "Put it on."
"What?!" She wondered if it was a scream or a whisper.
"Put. It. On. Immediately."
He slammed the door, leaving her to her privacy, even though that was a bit of a joke when you considered what he was asking her to do. Then another horrible thought hit her- he was out there with the box! And the rest of the contents from that stupid party! Why did she go? Why did she buy so much? She knew why. At the party, as women talked about their husbands, boyfriends, or even girlfriends, and giddily loaded up, Lee thought of Edward. And what she wanted to do with him. And have him to do her, over and over and over again. So she bought. And now he was sitting there, pawing through juicy lubes and candy-colored condoms.
"Lee, get out here!"
"Damn," she whimpered. How did she always get herself into these situations? Quickly, she pulled down her jeans. Then she wondered what to do. Put them on over her panties? Put them on under her panties? Not wear her panties? Not wear her jeans? Then the thought occurred to her, a little niggling whisper of, "Why not?" She might never get this chance with her boss again. And the party runner had said they came with a 30-day money back guarantee. If they didn't make her cum now, she could get her money back. Not that she'd probably ever do that! But well, what could the worst be? She dissolved into a giggling, blushing, dripping wet puddle in front of Edward? Well, chances are, if he laid a hand on her, she probably would anyway.
Not knowing what to do with her now-spare panties, she crammed them in her jeans pocket. She pulled on the new panties, liking the feel of the lace against her freshly shaved skin and the small ridges of the metal area in the crotch. Then she hiked up her jeans. Then she decided against it, and neatly folded them up on the bed. She imagined they were in her "spot" next to Edward. She wouldn't let herself dream of that fantasy just yet, she'd wait to see how this went first.
Edward was holding up a bottle of orange liquid, squinting at the ingredients list when she appeared, shyly standing behind his couch. "Front and center, Lee." She paraded around the side, still hovering unsurely.
He pointed to the space on the carpet in front of him with his foot, signaling her to sit down. She did, and quickly curled up into a little ball. "Lee, come on. I want you to sit with your back against the couch, nice and straight. Good girl. Now, spread your legs open." When she hesitated, he fixed her with a glare. Slowly she dragged her socked feet apart, so that she was facing him like a triangle.
"So, let's see if you picked well. I mean, if whoever gave this to you picked well. You're not to move. I mean, you may move your lower body, OK, Lee? Nothing else. If you even try to move those panties with your hands, you're going to be in serious trouble." He held up the set of vampire gloves that he'd obviously found in the box. She shivered. "You're allowed to wiggle on the floor as much as you want," he said triumphantly, as if bestowing her a gift. She simply gritted her teeth and nodded, tensing for whatever might be.
She heard the buzz more before she felt it. Her eyes were fixed on Edward's hand, and she saw him move his thumb to the "on" button before she felt the first vibrations. First, her entire pussy just felt slightly warm, as if all the soft, puffy flesh was shivering. Then, the tiny metal pieces in the cotton crotch seemed to expand, and poked directly between the top of her lips onto her clit. Involuntarily, she braced herself against the floor as her pelvis rocked upward. "Yes, Lee, show me how it feels."
Edward began playing with the different settings, noting what made Lee's breathing come faster or her thighs tremble and shake. She began breathing audibly, moaning, and mumbling Edward's name. "I can't... Edward, my god, I can't... oh... my... god... help me," she cried out loudly.
"I am helping you, Lee!"
He watched as her hands gripped and ripped at the carpet, small streaks of sweat beaded her flushed face, and her legs splayed open wantonly. She had lost all inhibitions, and was turning onto her stomach. "Don't move, Lee, get back into place!"
"No, Edward, I..." It was as if he wasn't even there. Just his hand on the remote. She flipped onto her stomach, at least turning so she faced away from Edward, giving him a view of her backside. The panties were scrunched up between her cheeks and lips, and he could see the flesh twitching there. She began to rub herself on the carpet, in time with the vibrations. Finally, she cried out, "I'm sorry, Edward, I can't..." and she broke his rule. She thrust her hand between her legs, and pushed two fingers inside of herself. She began to convulse on the floor, spread-eagle. "Edward, please, help me, fuck me, help me..." She was crying to herself.
Edward watched her for a moment, screaming his name, fucking herself right in front of him, driven mad by his own hand which wasn't even near her. Her shirt had become pressed up by her neck, and her breasts, which had tumbled out of her bra, were getting rug-burned. As he heard her nearing an orgasm, he tossed the remote to the side and approached her, loosening his belt.