Mouthy Girl
We were sitting in a Spanish restaurant in Soho when the waiter approached. I could see from the look in Tarantina's eye that she was going to toy with him. It wouldn't matter what he said or did. He could be the best, most attentive waiter in West End, but she was going to find some way to wind him up.
'Can I bring you the dessert menu?' he said.
'One second,' she replied, picking up her phone. She was acting like she'd received a text, but I knew for certain she hadn't. Her blue-lacquered fingernails shot across the screen, pretending to reply.
'Just one second...'
I caught the waiter giving a tiny roll of his eyes. I felt for him. All through the meal she'd found ways to rile him. If only he knew, I thought, how she was going to pay for this later, it would go some way to placating him.
She put the phone down. 'What did you say?' she asked the waiter.
'Would you like to see the dessert menu?' he repeated.
She looked him up and down. He was a touch on the flabby side. 'I leave dessert to others.'
The waiter took a breath. 'Sir?' he said to me.
'No dessert, thank you. Just a coffee. Double espresso.'
'And a macchiato for me,' she said. 'With hazelnut milk... do you have that?'
'I'll check,' said the waiter.
When he'd gone, I said to Tarantina, 'You need to learn some manners.'
The truth was, she was sassy and I liked it, but sometimes she went too far or the recipient simply didn't get the joke.
'Oh really?'
'Yeah. You're too mouthy.'
She looked surprised at being told off. 'Mouthy?'
'You need to learn to use it better,' I said.
The double entendre wasn't lost on her. 'I've never had any complaints.'
'That doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. You said you wanted to be my perfect lover. Do you still want to be that?'
I could feel her hand under the table running up my thigh. 'I thought I already was... I let you do anything you want...'
The waiter was coming with the coffee. I brushed her hand away.
'Drink up,' I said. 'That mouth of yours needs to learn how to be nice.'
Tarantina stands five-eight, with long brunette hair that comes to the top of her breasts which look large in clothes but seem smaller and perkier out of them. Her eyes are dark pools that I can lose myself in all too easily which, when we first started seeing each other, I did a little too often. A mouthy girl like Tarantina doesn't want a puppy-dog boyfriend, she acts like that for one reason only - she needs someone to keep her in line.
I used my key card to let us into the hotel room I'd booked. Did I forget that part? That's right, we're married to other people. We've been playing away together for a little over two years. We need each other for all the things we don't get at home, which for both of us, when it comes to the bedroom, is pretty much everything.
As soon as we were inside, she said, 'What the hell was that all about, telling me off like that?'
'You know exactly what it's about. I've told you before about being mouthy. And today's the day we do something about it.'
I smiled to myself as I saw her eyes glancing worriedly around the room. She knew me well enough to guess that I'd come here ahead and prepared things. Her eyes would have seen the condoms and lube on the side - that was normal - but they were also drawn to the overnight bag on the bed.
'Open the bag,' I said.
'You open it.'
My hand grabbed the back of her head so fast she didn't even see it. I brought her face up toward mine, planted my lips on hers, then brought my other hand to her pussy, which could feel even through her jeans, was already hot and probably soaking her panties.
'It's been three weeks,' I said to her. "I know how bad you need this. Now open the bag.'
She turned and leaned over the bed, purposely presenting her perfect ass to me, stretching the tight jeans over the globes. Half-expecting me to pounce on her, she waited a second, and the slight twist of her head gave her away.
'Yes, you have a gorgeous ass, but it's not getting you off this time.'
She picked up the bag and turned with a pretend pout. She held it out.
'Good girl.'
I reached inside and brought out a leather belt. 'Hold out your arms. Push them together.'
She knew what I wanted but made me do it. I brought her forearms together then began wrapping round the belt. Once. Twice. I went for a third wrap but it was tight. I put it through the buckle and pulled.
'Quit faking.' I fastened the buckle. 'Now sit on the bed.'
As she sat I pulled a silk scarf out of the bag and tied it to cover her eyes. 'You need to learn how to use that mouth.'
'I know how to use my mouth, you shit. How long is this going to go on, I want you to hurry up and fuck me.'
I was getting out of my trousers and dropping my boxers.
'It's going to take as long as it takes, until you learn what I like.'
'But I'm due back, my husb...'
She never finished the sentence. I brought her head forward and pressed my cock between her lips.
Tarantina opened her mouth and let me slide inside. It felt as I remembered, warm and inviting, but there was no action.
'See that's what I'm talking about,' I said to her. 'You're waiting for me to do all the work. You're going to learn how to give the perfect blowjob. And if you're a good girl and learn quickly, there might be time to let you cum before I send you home... but you need to learn fast.'
I slowly withdrew to let her respond. She didn't say anything, instead holding out her tongue like a Catholic at communion.
'That's better.' I let the tip of my cock run backwards and forwards cross her tongue. 'Now curl it up a little.'
The point of her tongue hardened and I pressed my cock onto it, letting it strake along the underside below the tip.
'Now open.'
Her lips parted and I went pack inside.
'Keep going at the underside then swirl.'
She did as she was told and I felt my balls jump into life. This was what I'd been wanting ever since we first had sex, a really great BJ. We'd done everything else, but it seemed like a gap in her retinue. Fortunately, she was getting the hang of it fast.
As her tongue flashed around the head, it struck me that this was right about the time that an expert cocksucker would start with some up and down hand motion. But Tarantina's were tied and I wasn't ready to let her to unfasten her just yet. Still, I wanted that back ward and forward motion, so I pressed harder into her mouth. I felt my head connect with her throat and kept on pressing. She arched her back and leant her head back more, and I pressed again until I felt her recoil.
I puled out as she gagged.
'You're getting better," I said, 'but more practice required.'
Before she could reply my cock was back in her mouth. I couldn't stop from face-fucking her this time, and with her newfound tongue-skills, it didn't take long before the first strains of orgasm had started to build inside me. The first part of my plan had worked.
I pulled out and Tarantina took the opportunity to catch her breath, but she gasped again as I undid her shirt and bra. I hadn't seen her perky tits in almost a month and I couldn't help but bite and play with them. She loved them being tweaked, and normally after getting her hot with nipple tweaking I'd progress straight down to her sopping panties, but today was my day.
'You've learned the first lesson, so you've earned some tit play. But if you want me to touch your clit, you need to learn the next part.'
I brought her onto the bed and sat with my back against the headboard, all comfortable. I undid the belt from her arms.
'Open your mouth again.'
Expecting my cock she made a playful face, but instead I began winding the belt around her head, pushing her teeth apart as I tightened it.
'Fucker!' heard her say. Or tried to say. I laughed. 'You sound like a ventriloquist. Now give me your hands.'
I placed them on my cock. 'Go fast, you need to bring me back up again.'
Tarantina was pretty good with her hands. She used one on the head and one on the shaft and soon I could feel the sap rising.
'Now slowly...' I said, and she slackened off the pace until it went away.
'And fast again.'
She pumped and skimmed until I was back near the top. 'Keep going,' I said, 'keep going,' until it was right at the point of cumming. 'Now pull back.'
She yanked down on the skin. It hurt a little but felt great, and stopped my orgasm right at the point of ruination.
I was desperate for her to do it again - there's nothing I like more than a long, slow edging session - but there were other things on the menu.
Time for a taste.
'You've past the second test,' I said. 'Get on your knees.'
I undid her jeans and pulled them down, then toyed with her puffy cunt lips, making her hips squirm, before her slipping of her panties and revealing the small, neat little pussy with its porn-star strip of brunette curls that almost made me cum on site the first time I'd seen it.
Desperate for me to touch her, she obeyed. My tongue went straight into her folds as my hand reached round to find her clit. I found her own hand already there and slapped it out of the way.
As I rubbed her clit she moaned and I couldn't help my tongue drifting up, up out of her cunt and towards her ass. I put two finger of my free hand in her vagina while the other rubbed clit and my tongue pressed harder into her gorgeous dark hole.
I could feel her trembling and it didn't surprise me one bit when I heard her voice trying to say something through the belt, 'I'b going to cub...'
That was my cue to stop everything.
'No you're not,' I said. 'You haven't had your final lesson.'
She let out something like a groan and a shriek in frustration, but I knew she'd be relieved as I unfastened the belt. 'So the mouthy girl finally knows what her mouth is for right?'
She knew what I wanted. Still blindfolded, she took my cock in her hand and put her mouth over it. She swirled and straked with her tongue until I was writhing, then began stroking her hands up and down, and over my balls, bringing the cum into play. As soon as it was high, she stopped with the hands, but carried on with her tongue, teasing, and giving the occasional suck, just to keep it right at the top. Then once it had gone back she started the process over again, and brought me up again to the point of explosion.
'That's what your mouth's for, darling', I said to her. 'And now this is for you.'
I went around behind her and plunged my cock deep into her pussy. She cried out in joy and I forced myself - fuck knows how - to stop from cumming long enough to ram her hard and deep until she cried out in ecstasy. She's the loudest orgasmer I've ever met and today she shook the walls.
Once she'd stopped trembling she looked over her shoulder and said to me, 'You want to come in my ass?'
She knew I love that.
'No, today you need to show me what you've learned.'
I didn't need to explain. She was still blindfolded so she reached out for my cock and guided it towards her mouth. With her newfound skills it only took seconds before I'd shot my wad onto her waiting tongue.
She grinned and licked the rest of the cream off her lips and fingers.
The bag was still on the side of the bed and I reached in to get her last surprise of the day. I put it in her hand and took off the blindfold.
She opened her eyes and blinked. It wasn't what she'd expected to see.
'What's this?'
It was about two inches long and round, with an indentation near one end.
'What does it look like?'
She gave wicked smile. 'It looks like a butt plug.'
I kissed her hard. 'That's going to be your next lesson.'