Motivation Can Be Painful
When I was an 18-year old senior in high school, my girlfriend Anne Marie who was also eighteen, was struggling to get her math credits so she could graduate from high school and go on to college. Numbers came easy to me so it was hard for me to understand what she was struggling with and help her. It just seemed like she got easily frustrated and gave up.
One afternoon after her latest non-passing grade, we were hanging out and talking. She was again expressing her worry that she would never get it and be able to graduate. I thought about ways to help motivate Anne Marie and after she had dismissed every idea she came up with, I finally said, "What do your parents use to motivate you?"
Anne Marie paused and turned a little red as she struggled to answer. Finally, she said, "they spank me." She continued, "But that won't work in this situation."
My interest was piqued by this revelation. I said, "How do they do it?" Anne Marie clearly did not want to talk about it, but with her head down so she could avoid eye contact, mumbled, "they put me over my Dad's lap and he paddles me." I immediately blurted out, "Does he pull down your panties too?" She didn't say anything but just nodded yes.
My cock immediately began to harden as I pictured my girlfriend laying over her Dad's lap with her panties pulled down. She had a nice ass and my imagination ran wild at how much nicer it would be if it was bare.
I could think of nothing else as I worked on my homework that night.
The next day, I suggested to Anne Marie that we take a walk down a trail through a nearby park. We used this trail when we wanted a little privacy to make out, although due to her relatively conservative upbringing, we never did much more than kissing.
I took us to our usual spot and sat on a rock formation that was just like a stool. I looked at Anne Marie and said, "How badly to you want to pass math?"
Anne Marie immediately said, "I will do anything" That was the answer I was looking for.
"I have an idea that may seem a little unusual, but it seem worth consideration. I think your problem with math is that you get frustrated to quickly and you do not stick with it long enough to absorb the pieces you need to be able to solve a problem. My solution is that I will motivate you like your parents by spanking you."
Anne Marie looked at me like I was crazy but after a moment, said, "How would you do that?"
I answered, "You need to average 85 points per test for the rest of the semester to earn a passing grade. There are 5 quizzes and 2 tests that remain. Your typical score has been a little below 70 points. I propose to spank you for every point you are below the targeted level."
Her next question was, "Would you do it like my dad does it?"
I had thought about it and explained my proposal, "That would depend on how you wanted to do it. If you want to have me use a paddle over your clothes, I will spank you 5 times for every point that you are below the target. If I spank you on your panties with only my hand, I will reduce that to 3 times for every point you are short. And if you want me to do it like your dad on your bare bottom, I will only spank you once for each point your fall short."
After she thought about it for a few minutes, Ann Marie said, "Let's try it. I need to pass and it has worked in other parts of my life. But I am not going to let you see my bare bottom or my panties."
I nodded okay and said, "we are going to need a paddle then. Let's go to the sporting goods store and get a ping pong paddle." We went to the store and found the ping pong supplies in the back. I grabbed one and asked Anne Marie, "What do you think?" She frowned at me and said, "What I think is that will hurt."
I quickly pushed her head down a bit which made her ass an easier target and gave her a quick paddle. She yelled, "Ouch, what did you do that for?"
"I needed to make sure it would provide sufficient motivation."
The following week, Anne Marie took a quiz and got a 72, which was 13 points below the needed level. She chose to get paddled over her pants, so I paddled her 65 times. Her butt was pretty sore after that.
A week later, she improved to a 76, but that was still 45 swats on her ass.
Clearly, the method was providing motivation because her next quiz resulted in an 84. She took the five stroke paddling without any issue.
The next hurdle was a test. As she came out after getting her results, she was clearly upset. She said, "I just froze when I was taking the test and I couldn't answer things I clearly knew." "What did you get, I asked?" Anne Marie said she had received a 69. Wow, that would be 80 swats with the paddle. Even over her pants that was going to hurt.
We went to our usual spot so that she could receive her spanking. But before we started, she paused and asked, "Tell me again my other options." I responded that she had three options. Option 1 was 80 strokes with the paddle over her clothes. Option 2 was 48 spanks with my hand on her panties and Option 3 was only 16 spanks with my hand on her bare bottom.
Anne Marie swallowed hard and said, "I never thought I would say this, but can you spank me 16 times with your hand on my bare bottom?"
I responded quickly so she wouldn't change her mind. I set down the paddle and told her to come bend over my lap. Fortunately, she was wearing a dress so I was able to easily pull it up over her back and finally see her panties. They were a nice white with lace in a bikini style. I reached down with my hand and slipped a finger underneath the elastic. I began to slowly slide them down. I paused when I had exposed both buttocks and left them there for a moment as they nicely framed her ass. But then I continue to pull them down to her knees because I wanted to maximize my chance of seeing her pussy.
I then rested my right hand on her bare ass as I held her in place with my left hand. Of course, my cock began to harden immediately as I stared at the beautiful sight.
Then I started to slowly spank her. First the left cheek and then the right cheek. I was not spanking hard, but her butt slowly reddened and warmed up. After I had finished her 16 spanks, I started to rub her butt gently. She made no move to get up and allowed me to continue rubbing. After a minute or two, I began to rub down between her legs a bit. A little later, she parted her legs a bit as I rubbed there and I was able get closer to her pussy. I had now been rubbing her longer than I had spanked her, but I wasn't going to stopped unless she insisted.
I finally started to see her pubic hair and the edge of her pussy lips. By now I was rock hard. I kept going and started to stroke along the outside of her pussy lips. At one point, I made contact with her clitoris (not that I knew what that was) and she made a sound of pleasure. Her reaction caused me to continue to rub that bump and she started squirming a bit. Finally, I could not help it and I slipped a finger between her pussy lips. It was hot and moist, but that was too much for Anne Marie and she quickly got up off my lap and pulled up her panties. You would have thought I would have brought her to an orgasm, but I was too naïve to know how to do that.
I drove her home. Once she went into her house, I quickly found a place to park and yanked down my pants and started rubbing myself for all I was worth. I came in less than a minute and created a huge mess in my car that I needed to clean up when I got home.
I had mixed emotions when Anne Marie reported that she had gotten a 92 on her next quiz. While I was proud of her progress, I also had been looking forward to a repeat of our last motivation session.
Later that week, we were doing homework together at her home. Her parents were both at work so we had the house to ourselves. Anne Marie turned to me and said, "I think that a small punishment session as a preventive measure would be a good idea. What do you think?"
I quickly nodded yes. Ann Marie had on pants that day, so she got up and pulled down her pants and panties. She suggested I spank her 10 times and laid down over my lap. I barely had time to adjust the swelling in my pants before her beautiful white ass was facing right up at me. I slid her forward a bit to allow a better view between her legs and started to lightly spank her.
Once again, her bottom turned a nice light shade of red. As I finished spanking her, I started rubbing her ass again. I didn't waste any time to start rubbing closer and closer to her pussy.
Anne Marie continue to part her legs to allow better access (and a better view). I quickly found the little bump above her pussy and started lightly rubbing. I avoided putting anything inside her pussy because that was when she had stopped me last time. As I continued rubbing, she began to moan and her pussy opened and was clearly becoming wet. After a few minutes, Anne Marie grabbed my leg and went totally rigid for a minute. And then she relaxed.
After a few moments, Anne Marie got up and pulled up her panties and pants. She then said, "I think I will need a lot of preventive measures, don't you?"
And so, we continued the rest of our senior year. Anne Marie never let me fuck her or even penetrate her with my fingers. But she did begin to reciprocate by giving me a hand job when the coast was clear.