Mother Trucking Forfeit
Debbie never expected the suburban life to last. When she was 23 and knocked up by the bass player of her favourite indie metal band, the idea of giving up her hard partying life seemed so distant that she baulked at the idea. However when Isaac put down his bass, left "the Needlesnakes", and got a job at the nearby supermarket it all fell into focus for her. Since then Isaac had become a regional manager, Debbie worked as a primary school teacher and their daughter Megan, was well into being a teenager.
Nonetheless pushing 40 and having to leave the party so suddenly had left an emptiness inside Debbie, one that she had recently taken to filling any time Isaac was away on business and Megan was at a friend's house for a sleepover. Those stars rarely aligned but Debbie had started to have more nights to herself since Megan had hit her teens and starting devoting more of her life to her schoolgirl friendships.
The moment the door closed behind Megan on her way to her friend's house, Debbie was up in her room, heart pounding at the night ahead of her. She stood in front of her full length mirror and threw aside the sensible beige cargo trousers, baggy T-shirt and comfortable underwear and for a second just took a moment to look at her naked body.
Debbie had pulled off the miracle of having a baby, and losing the tummy weight while keeping the breasts. She pulled out her hairpins and let her sleek black hair fall over her tanned body. Her mother had always told her that passion was the greatest gift of Cuban heritage, but Debbie couldn't help but feel the long legs and bronze skin had gotten her much further in life.
She pulled out the key to the locked chest at the bottom of her wardrobe and took out her bright purple leather strapless dress, as well as her 6 inch stilettos and scandalously thin thong. Even with her trim body she just barely squeezed into her outfit, and after a good half hour layering on a thick layer of makeup she called a taxi and left her house, her destination, a biker bar on the outskirts of town called "The Steel Stallion."
Debbie had noticed that pushing 40 she could no longer party with young people, but if she got herself dolled up and went to the Steel Stallion she would immediately become the centre of attention. She started off going out for dancing and a bit of flirting, enjoying all eyes on her, but over time she began pushing her boundaries. She wore shorter and shorter skirts while flirting more outrageously. She had never gone back to someone's house but she had used the back alley and men's loos many times to violate her marriage vows as hard as others violated her.
Lately she had taken to shooting pool, the way she dressed men and women would eventually start placing bets on games with unbelievable forfeits for the loser, and Debbie enjoyed nothing more than losing. Last week a particularly smooth man talked her into being tied naked in the men's loo and not allowed to leave until she had given 1 blow job for each ball she failed to pot. Debbie was quivering with joy when they 8 ball went down and every one of her balls remained on the table.
As the taxi pulled up outside the Steel Stallion, she leaned over seductively to pay the taxi driver, before climbing out of the car, letting her dress ride up and giving the driver a good view of her thong. She stood for as long as she could handle before allowing herself to blush and pull her dress down to a level only slightly more modest.
As she walked through the doors the heavy metal music and smell of hard liquor wafted over her. The bar was not too busy, there was room to manoeuvre under the neon signs and the grungy dance floor was empty, inviting Debbie to be the first on there and the centre of attention. The bartender noticed her entry and prepared himself for an enjoyable night. Debbie immediately bought herself a double tequila and a beer to chase it down before dancing over to the pool tables and waiting her turn.
Soaking up the atmosphere was enough to get Debbie's juices flowing, and it wasn't long before a pool table became available, and a pixie cut blonde asked Debbie if she wanted a game. Debbie played her opening gambit of insisting that the loser pay for the next round of drinks, letting the whole bar know she was in a gambling mood.
The blonde introduced herself as Janice, she wore a denim jacket with tight leather trousers that hugged her shapely figure. Debbie was worried that the younger woman would draw eyes away from her, so she spent the pool game leaning seductively over the table and making sure everyone in the bar got a good look up her dress. Nevertheless she managed to hold Janice to quite a close game, but in the end Janice dropped the 8 ball and ordered Janice to fetch her a Coke.
"Not drinking tonight?" Debbie asked.
"Still got some driving to do." Replied Janice, Debbie was practiced at accidentally leading to worse bets and here she saw her opening.
"Well now I feel bad betting for drinks when yours is so cheap." Debbie saw a grin cross Janice's face and felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach.
"Well how about the next game is for something more interesting." Janice replied, "If you win, I'll buy you beers for the night, if I win I get that pretty purple dress of yours." Debbie liked the sound of that but decided to make things more interesting.
"I prefer shots to be honest, I'll tell you what, beers and shots for the night on your end, and I'll throw my panties in the pot with my dress!" Debbie yelled, making sure everyone in the bar could hear her.
"Deal!" replied Janice shaking Debbie's hand. Janice then placed her wallet on the table and looked at Debbie expectantly. Debbie was confused until Janice explained. "I was going to have us collect our prizes on victory, but you were the one who suggested we have a pot, so put your clothes on the table and winner takes all." Debbie was pleasantly surprised at Janice's ingenuity, she hadn't been expecting to get naked this quickly. She feigned displeasure for a while until the bar encircled her and made it clear that she had agreed to put her clothes in the pot. She then took a shot a vodka given to her by a nearby biker and peeled off her clothes. She felt a huge release of pressure as her breasts burst out of the leather dress, and as the dress peeled off her skin and to the floor she delighted in feeling the eyes of the bar on her. Finally she hooked her thumbs round the waistband of her thong, and rolled it down her long legs and past her stiletto heels. She picked her clothes up off the floor, placed them on the table and picked up a pool cue.
Being naked in the bar was exciting for Debbie, but she wanted more. She felt everyone's eyes on her as she bent over the pool table, but she really wanted to get dirty and felt the excitement welling up in her. She decided to let Janice get a strong lead in the game, before suddenly playing her best about half way in. Debbie surprised even herself at how good she was at pool, she even had to force herself to miss her final shot on the 8 ball and set up Janice for an easy pot and a close victory. Debbie moaned and bounced in a way she knew would draw attention to herself while Janice waved her clothes high in the air.
"No fair!" yelled Debbie, "I was put off my game by being naked, by the end I was playing way better than you." Debbie knew that if she played the spoilt brat she could rile up Janice into a double or nothing scenario, where the punishments get really juicy.
"Too bad." sighed Janice "I won and now I have your clothes. Anyway it's been fun, I have to get going." Debbie cried and started pleading with Janice.
"Come on Janice, give me a chance to win my clothes back, I'll do anything." Debbie pleaded, feeling a joy well up deep inside of her as Janice turned round with a wicked grin on her face.
"OK. I'll tell you what, one more game of pool, if you win you get your clothes back." Debbie waited with anticipation to hear what Janice had in store for her. "But if I win... well you see I still have a couple of deliveries to make before I can come back for a drink and I could use the company. If I win I tie you naked to the back of my pickup truck, stood up against the roll bar so everyone can see you and you can be on display as I drove around town." This felt a bit much for Debbie, the thought of so many people seeing her naked, including people who might know her, it was almost too much to handle.
"No way" Debbie protested. "That's too much."
"Well I guess I can add this lovely dress to my collection." taunted Janice. "By the way, how do you plan to get home tonight with no clothes?" Debbie huffed as she stood naked by the pool tables. She decided that she had almost won the last game and that the risk of something so unbelievable would really help keep the butterflies in her belly.
"Fine!" Debbie announced, once again picking up her pool cue. "But this time I'll break."
For the first time in a while Debbie was playing to win. She hadn't realised how good she was at pool until she was focussed, not even the whole bar focusing on her naked body, protruded into a variety of positions around the table, could break her concentration, and from a break she had 5 balls in the pockets before it was Janice's turn.
Although nobody ever cheated at pool in the Steel Stallion (it was one of their most sacred unwritten rules,) Janice never shied away from playing dirty. With a whisper in a friend's ear she concocted a plan. It would definitely be against the rules to interfere with Debbie while she was taking her shots. However there's no rules against having a good time with a player who was not at the table. As Janice headed to the table she gave her friends a nod. Before she knew it Debbie was surrounded by bikers, all caressing and squeezing her all over. At first she put up a mild mannered fight but it wasn't long before she found herself lost in her own pleasures. She moaned with joy as hands and tongues made their way into all her most intimate areas, and just as she was about to experience a shuddering orgasm, all groping was stopped and she was handed a pool cue. It was her turn.
Debbie was practically seeing double with arousal and frustration. But managed to compose herself before heading to the table. Thinking about what awaited her if she lost was able to clear her head, even if it didn't stop the juices flowing for everyone to see. Even so a couple more balls went to the pocket and before she knew it Debbie had the 8 ball in her sights. As she lined up the cue she heard a moan over her shoulder and turned to see what was happening.
Janice was now as naked as Debbie, her pale and muscly body enjoying the company of her friends in the same way Debbie had earlier. Debbie soon found herself staring at the exhibit and completely forgot about the game in favour of pure envy. Eventually the crowd pressured her to take her shot, and with thoughts of gratification and humiliation in her head, Debbie knocked the cue ball right past the 8 ball and straight into the pocket.
Janice didn't even stop to put her clothes on as she grabbed the cue and began potting balls with laser precision. Janice's friends opted not to pleasure Debbie this time, instead opting to hold her watching the game and taunting her with what she was about to be in for. When just the 8 ball was left, Janice took the opportunity to taunt Debbie with a kiss on the lips, before bending over the table, giving her bottom a cheeky wiggle and effortlessly sinking the 8 ball.
The cheers from the bar could be heard from down the road as Debbie, still in shock was carried from the bar by Janice's biker friends. By the time she reached Janice's pickup truck, Janice had dressed herself, opting to wear Debbie's strapless dress and thong as an added taunt.
Janice's truck was huge, with a back end capable of taking a lot in it. It had several boxes in it, from the pictures on the outside it looked like it was mainly spotlights and rigging equipment. It was all moved to one side so Debbie could go in the back, pressed up against the roll bar that covered the cab. Her arms were lashed to the roll bar at the top, spread wide so she couldn't cover herself while her legs were tied to 2 metal rings in the floor of the boot on the far sides of the truck so she was spread for all to see. Janice climbed up into the back with Debbie for one final gloat before they went for their drive.
"Don't worry, I only have 2 deliveries to make, both night clubs. Usually are upset if I make a delivery while they are busy but I'm sure they won't mind tonight." As a final act Janice got a metal bar attachment for the roll bar and placed it between Debbie's legs, she pushed upwards so Debbie was forced onto tiptoes and clicked it into place so if Debbie got down from her tiptoes her body weight would wall onto her pussy, her lips naturally spreading to accommodate the bars round edges.
The engine started up and immediately Debbie felt the vibrations of the trucks engine through the bar, to a roaring of applause the truck pulled off and Debbie started to feel the breeze of the open road. She was amazed to find that behind the cab the breeze moved in the opposite direction, hitting her body front on and giving her Goosebumps all over her exposed body.
The roads around the bar we're quiet country roads, Debbie felt a well of embarrassment every time a single car passed them by, occasionally catching the driver's eyes a rediscovering her embarrassment again. Eventually her whole body trembled with terror as she watched her car pull on to the slipway for the busy motorway, the dark country roads giving way to the brightly lit highway. As the engine revved up to speed the vibrations through the bar got more intense and the breeze increased making Debbie's body betray her with sensitivity and pleasure.
All around Debbie cars were honking and cheering, her naked body available for anyone to see, the wind building Goosebumps and stiff nipples, and the rumble of the engine through the metal bar driving her wild with excitement, on a couple of occasions she even treated her audience to the sight of her being overcome with waves of pleasure as her body couldn't hold out against the overwhelming sensations any more. Eventually the truck pulled off the motorway, and made its way into town.
In town the truck had to slow down, had to occasionally wait at traffic lights while pedestrians got a good look as her as well as nearby cars. Debbie didn't just get all eyes on her but also heard everyone's comments. Groups of lads of nights out would cheer and yell, and before they knew it they had pulled up outside the first nightclub, a neon coated rave joint with a queue of brightly painted clubbers stretching out the door and down the road. Debbie knew she was about to have a large audience for her shame, it didn't help that Janice decided to honk the horn a couple of times to make sure everyone was aware of her conquered adversary.
Janice pulled up right outside the front door of the club and begun unloading some of the boxes while the bouncers looked on in disbelief. The queue of Neon clubbers gathered round to laugh and point at Debbie while she shuddered with humiliation and fear, she kept her hair down in front of face in the hope that if she couldn't keep her modesty she could at least keep her identity hidden. As she came back from unloading a box, Janice noticed what Debbie was doing with her hair, and so climbed up on her truck and addressed the crowd.
"Has anyone got a hair tie I can borrow?" She yelled, "We can't have Debbie here hiding her pretty face can we." The crowd cheered and Debbie felt her hair being roughly pulled back and being tied into a neat ponytail behind her. As Janice pulled away Debbie got a clear look at the crowd and felt a shiver down her spine at the sheer number of eyes on her. What she saw next made her stomach drop through the floor.
Debbie had snuck into many nightclubs when she was young so she knew the tricks of the trade for looking older, the high heels, thick makeup and ample cleavage were staples of her youth, and as she scanned the crowd she saw those same techniques being used by her daughter to get into a nightclub. Only Megan wasn't in the club, she was outside, with a look of absolute shock as she was watching her mother, naked and humiliated in front of her and all her friends. Debbie recognised Megan's friends stood next to her, but worse still, Megan's friends recognised Debbie.
"Holy shit Megan! Your mum's a freak." One of them yelled as Megan stormed off in disgust. Her friends all got out camera phones and Debbie knew that Megan would be reminded of this night for years to come.
Eventually Janice finished her delivery and decided to move on again. Debbie heard the engine roar to life and again the vibrations run down the pole to her sensitive lowers, as the truck pulled away from the club. She felt herself blush deeply as the assembled crowd gave one last cheer and before she knew it she was on the move with that familiar breeze tickling her naked body up and down.
Luckily enough for Debbie the next delivery was not far from the first club, luckier still, after only 10 minutes of driving they pulled up to the service entrance round the back of a club where there wasn't any crowds. Janice once again begun unloading, with Debbie catching noises of a large crowd every time she opened the door. After unloading the last box Janice came back with several man in Black t-shirts.
"Good news Debbie!" She cheered with a malicious grin. "The club is having a live band tonight, and they need some unique set dressing, and I thought a tied up naked woman would be perfect, what do you think?" Janice did not wait for a response and instead the men started detaching the roll bar from the truck.
Once the men had gotten the roll bar detached they unhooked the ropes from Debbie's feet and carried Debbie complete with roll bar through the door and onto the stage. Debbie could hear the audience full of people just the other side of the curtain and knew soon the curtain would rise and she would once again be revealed to a baying crowd. The roll bar was attached to the rigging of the stage, with Debbie's legs tied apart once again. Debbie hear a voice coming over the speaker system as the crowd went silent.
"Ladies and gentlemen. We advertised that we would have a surprise band tonight and boy are you in for a treat. Please welcome to the stage, Needlesnake!"
Debbie flinched at hearing the curtain open but to her surprise it wasn't hers the one in front of her, clearly this stage had multiple curtains and the band had taken to the stage in front of this closed one. In all the build-up it took her a couple of seconds to put aside her fear and realised the name of the band.
"Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming out to our comeback tour." Announced a voice from the other side of the curtain. "For those wondering why it took us so long to do a comeback show, it's the same reason we broke up, you see our bass player Isaac is a family man, knocked up a groupie and had to bounce to take care of the sprog. But we got him back for tonight, and as luck would have it a delivery girl for this club is friends with his baby-momma and convinced her to come tonight as well." Debbie heard the curtain motors whirr into life and this time she was certain it was the ones in front of her.
Debbie kicked and screamed to no avail as her tied and naked body was revealed to a shocked and excited audience. But none were more shocked than Isaac, who stood completely still, clutching his signature 4 string bass close to his chest. Isaac immediately went to untie Debbie, but the moment he started the crowd's booing overwhelmed him, Isaac had always been a showman and couldn't bear to have the crowd turn on him. Slowly he turned to the audience, and to the shock of Debbie, began playing the bass line of their first song.