Motel Stories 04 - Sam
The number "4" above might have tipped you off that there are other stories in the series. Please consider going back and reading (or re-reading) them before reading this installment.
NC-18 - No characters under the age of 18 are depicted in this story.
This is a copyrighted original work of erotic fiction. All rights reserved.
We left after breakfast that morning to head out to the site where we were working. And of course AFTER we got there we found out an issue had come up and we weren't going to be able to work that day.
They had tried calling our coordinator while we were driving out, but with the spotty cell phone coverage his service got in some of the passes, it hadn't come through. They'd left messages, but he hadn't thought to check his voicemail.
We hung around a while, in case the issue could be corrected and we at least might get something done, but we finally had to give up and call it a day.
I climbed into the far back seat of the van like I usually did, since no one else wanted to sit back there. That usually gave me a chance to take a nap (or at least pretend to while I remembered recent experiences or planned possible future ones or just plain, flat out fantasized) while everyone else talked about whatever.
We still hadn't taken off a few minutes later and I looked up to see why. Sam, who usually calls shotgun and runs to the van, had hung back doing something with her cell phone until she saw that everyone else had climbed in and that someone else had gotten the shotgun seat. Then she walked over to the van and stopped outside the passenger side front door and put her hands on her hips.
The guy that had grabbed that seat rolled his window down and good-naturedly said, "What? You snooze, you lose!"
She glared at him, and he glumly said, "But if it's that important to you, I'll let you have it." For someone who's probably only in her mid-to-late 20's and all of five feet, two inches tall, she was really good at intimidating some of the guys - most of whom would have had her by anywhere from six inches to almost a foot and a half and a whole bunch of pounds.
She gave a big sigh and said, "No, you're right. I got distracted and lost it fair and square. I guess I'll just have to ride in the back today."
Then, instead of climbing in the middle seat, or even the one between it and me (both of which had at least one empty seat), she looked at me and asked, "You mind if I ride back here with you, old man?" and plunked herself into the other end of the rear-most bench.
I glanced over at her and said, "You can sit wherever you want, Sam."
She grinned and said, "Nice to know. Thanks."
The first 20 minutes or so of the trip back were quiet, though I did hear her take a deep breath a few times like she was getting ready to say something, but she didn't.
I was sitting there watching the sights pass by...
Well, I was looking out the window. But I was seeing Kelsey and Carlie and Alex and the things we'd been doing the last couple of mornings. I was trying to figure out a way to let them know I was off for the day, but was having trouble thinking of a plausible way to convince the manager on duty to either give up one of their phone numbers or call one of them and relay a message without diming them out for having been to my room.
Finally she did that inhale, pause, exhale thing one more time and I said, "What?"
""What do you mean 'what?'?"
"You keep starting to say something, then stop. Either say it or let it go."
"I was wondering what you're going to do this afternoon now that we aren't working?"
"I haven't thought that far ahead." I was hoping, but... "Since we'd planned on working straight through our time here, I hadn't even taken the time to think of things to do on weekends. And since I've been trying to keep to east coast time, I've been heading to bed early and getting up early. I haven't even thought of things to do in the evening."
"Yeah. Getting up early." She grinned. "And getting a workout in?"
"Most mornings, yeah." Well, I had been before Alex stopped by the other morning. Then again, I had been getting a workout in the last two mornings since then too.
A few minutes later she said, "So what do you think?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry. I've been trying to solve a little problem in my head and keep drifting back to it. What're you thinking of doing?"
"You know the mind is the first thing to go? I said I'm thinking about running up to the National Forest and going hiking for a bit. Want to go along?"
"It would probably depend on where you wanted to go. As you've been saying for months now, I'm an old fart and my knees aren't that good anymore. Wouldn't you rather have one of the younger guys go with you?"
"Wow! You were involved in solving that problem. No one else wants to go. They say they have plans to hit one of the casinos, but I think they're really going to hit another topless bar - one of the few they haven't been to yet since they have the extra time."
"Are you sure you don't want to just go by yourself? You'd probably get slowed down if I went with you." Sam shook her head. "But if it's not too steep and not too far of a hike, then yeah, I could probably go with you, just to keep you company. But how would we get there?" It wasn't really that I couldn't figure out that last part, I was just trying to throw up roadblocks to give me time to figure out how to get in touch with at least one of the girls.
"I wouldn't feel safe going by myself. If you don't go I won't either. But I'm really hoping you'll go with me. These guys already said they were going to take naps for a while to catch up on sleep and then they're going to either take the courtesy shuttle if they have one or call a cab if they don't since none of them wants to be the designated driver. We can use the van to run up there. And hiking by your self is no fun. As far as the pace, how about if I let you be in charge?
"Oooohhh, little girl! You wouldn't be 'letting' me be in charge."
SHIT!! Did I just say that out loud?
I casually glanced over at her and she was looking back at me with a curious expression on her face. Not "curious" in that I couldn't figure out what she was thinking, or like she was trying to decide if I had actually said that or how to respond to it. Just looking at me like she was still waiting for me to respond.
Maybe that wasn't out loud. That'd be cool. Don't need her to make an HR complaint.
"Yeah, I'll go with you then. What time do you want to leave?"
"I need to dump some stuff from my backpack and take care of a couple things around the room, then I'll be ready to go. Say about a half hour after we get back?"
"Okay. I'll do the same and meet you in the lobby. You're grabbing the keys?"
"Sure." And silence dropped in the back seat of the van. I went back to trying to figure out how to get in touch with at least one of the three girls so we could maybe do something after the hike I really didn't want to go on, but had just agreed to. And hoped I wouldn't be too sore from afterward.
When we got back to the motel, we all climbed out and went inside. As we got to the end of the entry area and started to go in different directions, she called my name and when I turned around, she tapped her wrist and said, "Half hour still okay?" Which was a little weird, because I had never seen her (or any of the younger guys, for that matter) actually wear a watch.
"That'll work." I said, "See you down here then."
"Sure!" she said. "And hey, make sure you bring your camera. You're likely to get some really great shots while we're out."
I went up to the room, dumped a few things out of my own backpack, re-filled the water bladder inside it and tossed in a few snacks from the cupboard. I thought about changing, but then decided not to since I was already wearing field clothes that would be comfortable for hiking and I really had nothing different to change into anyway.
I walked into the lobby twenty-eight minutes after we split up and Sam was nowhere to be seen. I grabbed a seat and waited.
And waited.
I re-played the conversation in my head a few times to see if maybe I'd misunderstood something, but couldn't think of anything she had said that was vague. Fifteen minutes later I was still sitting there and decided she'd blown off me off. And of course I was still trying to figure out how to get ahold of one or more of those delectable treats I'd discovered.
I got up and walked around to the other side of the fireplace to watch the TV while waiting. I had been sitting there for a few more minutes when I saw her quickly pass by the end of the fireplace. Then I could see her legs and torso through the glass of the double-sided fireplace.
Sam looked around, then stood there and began tapping her foot like she was irritated I wasn't there yet, like I was supposed to have been waiting on her to show up. I could see she was wearing a warm-up suit and trail running shoes and when she sat in one of the chairs I could see the ball cap on her head with her strawberry-blonde pony-tail pulled through the space in the back. She kept looking either out the lobby doors or toward the hall that she expected me to come down, then she stood back up and began pacing.
I got up, walked around the corner of the fireplace and up behind her just as she got to the end of her "lap" of pacing. "About time you got here."
She jumped and spun around. "DAMN IT!! You have GOT to quit doing that!"
"Doing what?"
"Walking around so quietly. You got almost all the guys creeped out because they never know when you're going to just appear behind them."
"It's not something I do on purpose. Well, not anymore, anyway. I won't apologize for it and I sure as hell won't change it. It's come in handy for me more times than one."
"When? When could sneaking around like that have come in handy?"
"Sam, if I told you, I'd have to kill you."
She snorted and started to give me a sarcastic retort when I looked around, leaned down to get in closer, made eye contact, and said, "And then cut your head off and lock it in a safe so no one could find a way to get the information from it somehow."
She stared at me for almost a minute, her eyes flicking back and forth between mine. She finally broke eye contact, shook herself and said, "You ready to go then?"
"Have been for (I squinted, tilted my head and glanced to the side) twenty-three minutes and thirty-two seconds. So yeah, let's go."
She looked at me, apparently surprised that I had given her such an exact time. It never occurred to her to look around herself. If she had, she'd have seen the big-ass digital clock on the wall behind the desk. Oh well.
We headed out to the van, threw our backpacks in the back, climbed in and drove off.
When she got to the on-ramp for the interstate spur she drove past it. I thought about saying something, but figured she was a big girl and knew what she was doing and I knew it was possible to get to the National Forest by going the other way, too. She skipped that ramp, too, though.
When she took a right on the next surface street I said, "Sam, you do know you missed the interstate, right?"
"Yeah. I just need to make some quick stops at a few stores over this way before we head up the mountain. It shouldn't take too long."
Great. Shopping. Why'd I agree to this again? When she said "hiking" I was sure she said "forest", not schlepping around a mall.
She pulled into a parking lot and then into a parking space by a sporting goods store. When we got inside I thought maybe she was going to head toward the women's clothing section or the shoe section, but she walked past all that to get to the climbing gear section.
What the fuck? I thought we were going hiking, not rock climbing!! Where's she planning on taking me hiking that we'd need a rope and harnesses?
The good news was that she didn't ask me to try anything on. She briefly looked at some rope and then started looking at climbing harnesses.
She settled on a relatively inexpensive harness but apparently decided not to get any rope. That was at least a little comforting.
Once we were in line to check out I said, "What's with the harness? I have to admit I'm wondering if I made a mistake by agreeing to come with you."
She gave me a curious look - this time the first kind of "curious" look. I'm usually pretty good at reading people's expressions, but this look had so many things going on in it and flickering from one to the other so quickly that I didn't catch what it might have meant.
"Oh, it's for just in case."
"Just in case what? Where are you planning on hiking that you might need a climbing harness?"
"Ya never know when one might come in handy."
"Whatever." I shook my head and walked off.
We got in the van and she made a left, then another right and pulled into a parking space in front of a home improvement store and we got out and walked in.
When she walked into the hardware area I was trying to figure out if we had discussed needing anything for the site. She walked down one of the aisles and was looking at rope when she glanced at me and asked, "If you had to lift and suspend a load of about a hundred pounds, what would be the best size rope and carabiner to use without it costing too much?"
"If you're not wanting to spend too much and you aren't lifting or suspending the load too high off the ground and aren't planning on rappelling or zip-lining down it, you could get away with 3/8 inch braided polypro and a few quarter-inch snap-links."
She smiled at me and said, "Wow! That was quick. How do you know that?"
"Some things just bang around in the back of my brain sometimes."
"I bet there are a lot of things banging in the back of your brain. All the time."
She grabbed several bundles of the 3/8 inch rope and asked me if I could grab ten snap-links for her, which I did. She paid for all of that and off we went again.
I thought she was finally headed for the interstate when she turned left underneath it and pulled up to a superstore. When we got inside, she asked if I'd be willing to pick up lunch at the fast-food joint near the front while she grabbed a couple more things.
I agreed, she told me she wanted a spicy chicken sandwich with fries and a soda, oh, and one of their dairy desserts, and then took off into the store.
I picked up the order and sat down in a booth with my back to the wall, so I was watching the register area when she came through.
She tossed a fairly full bag into the bench opposite me and then dropped into it herself and grabbed her sandwich. "Yum!! I like it spicy!!" she said as she looked me in the eyes after she swallowed her first bite. She polished it off pretty quickly, then turned to on finishing her fries.
"I'm surprised you were able to finish that sandwich. That's a pretty big sandwich for such a small person to eat."
"Oh, you'd be surprised at the things I can fit in my body," she said with a smile and a twinkle in her eye.
Oh shit. She did NOT just say that?!? Maybe it was just the spiciness making her eyes water? There is no way she meant what I think she meant. Every guy in the company has made a run at her and she's shot every one of them down. Hell, they're all convinced she's a lesbian, 'cuz she won't have anything to do with any of them.
She took her time with the fries, dipping them in her vanilla dessert and it seemed like she was doing her best to either lick the creamy white liquid off, or sucking the cream off and then double-dipping.
She finally finished and this time when we got to the van she headed for the interstate.
A little over an hour later she pulled into a parking area off to the side of the road. I started wondering again what she had planned since there were no other cars in the lot. That usually indicated it was either a tougher hike, a really short one, or there was just nothing worthwhile seeing on it.
I climbed out my door and closed it, opened the side door, grabbed my backpack, walked over to the trailhead and started looking at the map trying to figure out which of the three options it was.
When several minutes had gone by and Sam hadn't shown up next to me yet I looked around to see where she was.
She was standing on the step inside the van and bending over the seat. I couldn't see what she was doing inside the van, but I could sure see what she was doing OUTside the van. I'd only ever seen her in cargo pants and baggy shirts. But now I could see she had a tight little ass inside those warm-up pants as it wiggled back and forth while she did whatever it was she was doing.
I stood there and watched for a minute or so enjoying the show, until she apparently dropped something off the seat onto the floor. When she bent down to pick it up, two things happened. One, those tight warm-up pants got even tighter. And two, she looked back past her leg and caught me staring at her ass.
"What're you looking at old man?"
"Just looking to see if you were ready."
"Just about. Just need to take care of one more thing," she said as she stepped back and down out of the van. She lifted her right foot up to the step and unzipped the bottom of that pants-leg, then switched and undid that one too.
I thought the bending over did interesting things to those warm-up pants, but almost choked when she dropped that foot back to the ground, hooked her thumbs in the waistband and slowly wiggled her ass as she just as slowly bent at the waist and dragged them down her legs to her feet - without bending her knees at all. When she got them all the way to her feet, she lifted first one foot to pull the pants leg out from below it, then the other.
I noticed that she hadn't had to grab anything to maintain her balance, which I thought was pretty amazing. But I didn't think that for very long at all.
Why not? Because I had also gotten a look at the shorts she was wearing. These were not cargo shorts. Nor were they running shorts, at least not the kind of loose running shorts I was used to seeing women in. No. These were spandex "boy shorts". Like the kind you see on female volleyball players. These barely covered and cupped her cheeks and couldn't have gone more than an inch down the inside of her thighs. And they definitely showed off some fantastic musculature in her calves and thighs. My first thought was, She's a bodybuilder? Then I got lost for a second or two looking at her absolutely superb tight little ass.
I was still taking that in and was considering whether to give her a hard time about having forgot her shorts when she stepped slightly to her left, unzipped the jacket and slowly shrugged it down her shoulders then down her upper arms, revealing a jog bra. And some equally fantastic musculature on her torso as well. Then it hit me - and I was surprised it had taken me that long. She's only 5-2. Not a bodybuilder - a gymnast!!
Shit. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to come on this trip. I'm gonna have to be really careful to keep from getting my ass in trouble.
"Wait," my conscience said (yeah, I've got one, don't be so damn surprised!), "you weren't worried about that with Alex, Carlie and Kelsey. Why now?"
Why now? Because the three of them approached me and we'll be heading back east soon. Sam's a co-worker who I have to see every day for the next several months - even after we go back to the east coast. And I really don't want to deal with HR.
I was still watching and thinking when I realized what her step to the left had done. I looked at the window of the sliding door and caught her eyes in the reflection.