Motel Stories 02 - Kelsey

NC-18 -- No characters under the age of 18 are depicted in this story.

This is a copyrighted original work of erotic fiction. All rights reserved.

"I made a mistake last night," Kelsey said.

Uh oh! "How so?" I asked, "Are you thinking you shouldn't have come up to my room?"

I'd made it a point to go to bed early the night before. Between trying to stick with the time change from east coast to west, the amazing morning I had had that morning with Alexandra, and the chance that I had heard Kelsey correctly the evening before, I figured that one way or another I was going to need the sleep.

My foresight paid off. I hadn't been up very long, er, I hadn't been awake very long...

Either way - I was both awake and up.

I had already been to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and pissed, thrown on a pair of jeans and was standing in the little kitchenette area of my room trying to decide whether I should make an early breakfast or wait and see what might happen.

I had just decided nothing was going to happen and to go ahead and head to the shower when I heard a light tapping on my door.

I stepped over to it, leaned across from the edge of the doorframe, and looked through the peephole where I could barely make out Kelsey standing with her back very close to the door and looking toward one end of the hall.

I pulled the door open quietly, leaned out a little bit and rumbled "Can I help you, Kelsey?" in her ear.

She shivered, spun to face me and stepped closer into the door.

"I'm not sure what you did to Alex yesterday morning, but I saw the look on her face on the video when she left and I think I'd like some of what you did to her."

So I let her in and did the exact same thing to her and it was just as good. For both of us.

The end.

Just kidding. I did let her in, though.

"Quick question. Who usually watches the security camera videos?"

"None of the guys, if that's what you're worried about?"

"Not worried, just curious. You said the guy from yesterday morning seemed concerned about Alex, but it was you that thought to look at the video? Why's that?"

"The guys seem to forget it's there. In fact, I don't think they ever even look at it.

"But Alex and Carlie and I usually check it out to see what people get up to when they think they're alone in a hallway or an elevator. Between drunks coming back and trying to open the wrong door to couples getting frisky in the elevators? It's both interesting and amusing at times."

"How long does your system keep in storage?"

She gave me a probing look that she held for a few seconds, then I could figuratively see the wheels going around as her eyes flicked here and there and her brows waggled a little and her lips twitched and head tilted minutely to one side or the other.

Eventually she made up her mind, smiled and said, "A little over a week. And yes, before you ask, we can, and have, downloaded some of it for our own use."

"Ah. So what can I do for you this morning?"

"Whatever you did to Alex for a start."

"Sorry. I can't do that for you Kelsey."

Her face fell, her shoulders slumped and she dropped her gaze to her feet. "Shit," I heard her mutter. "Sorry to have bothered you then, I guess," she said as she started to turn back toward the door.

"Stop. What's that all about?"

"I don't want to sound like the middle sister in that old sitcom, you know, all "Alex, Alex, Alex," or "Carlie, Carlie, Carlie," but when I'm in a room with either of them it's like I just disappear. All the guys like them 'cuz they're taller and skinnier."

"C'mere," I said as I dragged her into my chest and began rubbing her back. "What're you talking about? You're beautiful!"

"If I'm so beautiful, why did you go after Alex first?"

"What?" I thought about what she had just said for a second or two, then said, "A -- I didn't 'go after' Alex, she came to my room, just like you just did. And B -- I've had to try very hard not to flirt with you every single night I've seen you."

"So why didn't you?"

"I haven't flirted with any of you. I've been 'polite' and 'friendly'. I tend to get in trouble when I flirt with young ladies, especially when I'm damn near old enough to be their fathers."

"You're nowhere near old enough to be my dad. And you are WAY sexier than he could ever be!"

"Well, thanks for that, little girl, but I don't think I'm all that sexy."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why do you think the three of us have all been trying to get your attention?"

"I didn't realize you were. I just thought you were being friendly to a guest."

She pulled her head back from my chest and looked up at me. "I hope you don't think my coming to your room is something I do on a regular basis? And most certainly not 'to be friendly to a guest'?"

"No. That's not what I meant. I have to be careful when beautiful women flirt with me. It usually means they're trying to get something out of me. And especially when they're as beautiful as you are."

"You really think I'm beautiful? And you're not just saying that to get in my shorts?"

"Let me remind you, little girl, that you're the one that came to my room. I think who's trying to get in whose shorts is pretty clear."

"Yeah. There is that," she smiled up at me with a cute little dimple forming in one cheek. "I do have a confession to make, though."

"What's that?"

"I really am trying to get something out of you," she said, with a very noticeable glint in her eyes.

I exhaled a puff and pulled an exaggerated fake look of disappointment "And what might that be?"

"This for a start," she giggled as she reached her hand down and began to unzip my fly. "I'm pretty sure I'll manage to get something else out of you in a little while, too!"

"Well if that's the way you're going to be, I can think of something I'd like to get out of you, too. I'd like to get you out of your clothes."

Again her face fell. This time her hands fell as well.

"Can we turn the lights off first?" she asked in a small voice.

"Nope!" I said.

"Can I at least keep my shirt on?"

"You definitely don't have a clue what went on between Alex and me, do you? I don't usually do this, but yeah, I'll let you keep your shirt on. As long as you take your bra off first."

She did that thing women do where they drag the straps off their shoulders and down their arms, then spin the bra around under their shirt and pull it out. I've seen it done before, but not nearly as quickly or efficiently.

Then her hands dropped to her waist and she began to unbuckle her belt.

This time I didn't say "Nope".

This time I growled, "Nnnooooo."

She looked up at me, startled this time as I leaned over her, and she backed up until the top of her ass hit the edge of the desk.

Her eyes got wide as I did. Then they closed as I batted her hands to the side and began to undo her belt myself.

I exaggerated my clumsiness as I pulled it from side to side a little, then pulled upward on it, using it to pull the crotch of her jeans tightly into her pussy almost lifting her off the ground.

I let her back down then began to turn my shoulders from side to side -- supposedly to brace myself to get leverage, but actually to brush my arms across the breasts swinging freely inside her shirt.

My pulling also dragged the fly of her jeans back and forth and up and down across her clit and her head began to tilt backward.

Taking advantage of that, I leaned in and lightly brushed the side of her neck with my lips. She moaned and leaned into my kiss giving me a bit more room to work on her belt. I pressed my chest into her breasts, rocking it slightly to vary the pressure as I dragged it across them.

I pulled the tip of the belt out of the buckle and then yanked it out of the belt loops and out from between us in one clean movement and tossed it across the room.

Her eyes flashed open as she inhaled sharply, then slowly closed again.

I went back to "fumbling" with the button, continuing to pull on the crotch of her jeans. I pulled on them as I continued to nibble up and down the sides of her neck until her breathing became rapid and she began to shiver every once in a while as goose-bumps raced across her skin.

I finally whispered, "I'll be right back," in her ear as I pulled away and knelt in front of her with my butt on my heels.

I said, "Let's see what we have here," as I continued to play with the button and her jeans. Because she was so short, my forehead was nudging and bumping her tits as I did.

I "finally" got the button undone and began to slowly pull the zipper down, a tooth or two at a time.

"Lean back and put your hands on edges of the desk behind you," I said. "This may take a while."

She leaned back and put her hands where I had told her, with her fingers lightly grasping the edge. The front edge of the desk in the small of her back kept her from pulling her hips away from me, causing her back to arch and her breasts to thrust outward - exactly as I had planned.

I reached the tips of my fingers inside the waistband of her jeans and began to pull them down over her hips.

As I reached around the back I had to lean forward a bit, planting my face in her shirt squarely between her breasts. I felt her shift her weight to lean her head forward slightly and then again as she prepared to pull her hands off the sides of the desk.

I growled a long drawn-out, "UNH UH!" as I shook my head slightly from side to side and she moaned.

I knelt all the way down again as I continued to push her jeans down her legs.

When I got them down to mid-calf I had to pause since she still had her shoes on. I reached up and grabbed her thighs and pushed her upward slightly until the crease at the bottom of her ass cheeks was resting on the edge of the desk -- but only barely.

I quickly pulled her sneakers off and then began to pull her socks off. I thought for a minute she was an amateur magician or something. Because when I grabbed the ankle of her right sock and started to pull, I just kept pulling and pulling. I thought maybe she had socks like that stupid magician's scarf that just wouldn't quit.

I growled in irritation and heard her giggle. When I looked up she was smiling mischievously down at me.

"Something funny?" I asked.

"Yeah! The look on your face." And she giggled again.

"Oh, you are so going to pay for that," I growled and her face got serious for a split second. Then she went all wide-eyed and said, "What're you gonna do to me, mister?"

"Just wait. You'll see."

I finally got both her socks off and pulled the jeans off and out from under her feet, then pulled downward on her ankles and her butt slipped off the desk.

As I knelt back upward I let my head slide up the inside of her thighs and she giggled again as my short hair tickled her sensitive skin.

As I neared her crotch I pulled back slightly and ran my nose, lips and chin up her panties over pussy and she shivered and moaned.

"These need to go away," I muttered as I pulled the wet front of her panties up snugly against her lips, which made them stand out like, well, like wet, swollen, plump pussy lips.

I held the tension on the waistband of the front of her panties with my left hand as I slid my right hand across her hip and back to her ass cheek. As I slid my hand across, I slowly gathered the material toward the middle until it was pushed into the crack of her ass.

I slid my hand the rest of the way across and snagged the material of her panties on the other side with my fingertips and slowly dragged it across her ass cheek, letting my nails lightly scratch her cheek as they glided across her skin. She shivered and moaned.

When that material had also slid into the crack of her ass, I wrapped my fist around it and pushed upward.

Since I hadn't let up on the tension on the front, her panties were pulled farther and farther into the cleft of her pussy lips.

I continued to lift until Kelsey pushed herself up on her toes then stopped.

I stopped lifting, but I didn't stop moving.

I pulled my right hand away from myself, back under the desk, which pulled her panties farther into the crease of her lips. There was now only a sliver of material visible between them now, which I pulled slightly upward on.

But like I said, I had quit lifting.

Now I was just using the material to grind on her lips and clit, sawing it slowly back and forth as it penetrated her quim. Looking more closely I realized the crotch seams had found their way between her inner and outer lips and the majority of the material between them had become bunched up in the space between her inner lips.

As I pulled it back and forth, the wet material was working itself over her stiff clit and wet lips and now she was starting to work her hips opposite the motion of her panties.

I waited until her breathing had gotten to just the right point (probably just the wrong point from her point of view), then yanked her panties all the way down to her ankles.

She groaned in frustration.

I didn't have to lift her up to get them off, I just had to tap her feet one at a time to get her to lift them and I pulled them out from under her feet.

As I tossed them to the side I caught sight of those long-ass socks where I had tossed them.

I wrapped the end of one around her right ankle, stretched it out and tied it around that ankle before repeating the action with her left ankle.

She looked down as I pulled her left ankle over to the leg of the desk, wrapped the other end of the sock around the leg and tied it there, leaving a small amount of slack.

She was still looking down as I did the same with her right ankle.

I slowly slid my hands up the front of her legs, allowing my thumbs to drift to the inside of her thighs once they passed her knees.

Just as they were about to touch her inflamed lips I pulled them to the side and ran them up the crease between her thighs and belly, causing her to close her eyes and groan in frustration again as she shivered from the tickle.

I bent a little, kissed the inside of her right knee, then dragged my tongue upward for about an inch.

I repeated the same kiss and lick on the inside of her left knee.

I slowly worked my way up her thighs that way until I got to the point where I needed to ease my knees forward between her spread feet to get better access to her pussy.

I continued to lick my way up the inside of her thighs, alternating sides until I began to taste the juices running down her legs. I had thought I had felt something hitting my legs as I worked my way up and now I realized I had been. She was so wet she had literally been dripping on my legs and running down her own.

When I first reached out to make contact with the bottom of her cunt with my tongue her thighs slammed shut on my head hard enough to make me see double for a split second.

I reached my palms between her knees and pulled them outward until I could pull my head back.

She was looking down at me in shock. "I am SSSOOOoooooo sorry! I don't know why I did that. It wasn't on purpose, I swear!!"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure it wasn't. But you know what they say, 'once bitten, twice shy'? Don't let it happen again." And yeah, I growled that last part.

I leaned in again and, yep, just as my tongue made contact her knees started to slam shut again. I could tell she tried to stop them herself, but I'd been ready this time and caught them with my palms and fingers and jerked her knees back out to the sides.

I rocked backward to my feet, stood up, stepped immediately in, planted my hands on the desk on either side of her, leaned down and got my face right on top of hers.

"If you don't want to be here, say so." I growled. "I won't force you to do anything you don't already want to do. Oh, I'll 'make' you do the things you want to do anyway, but only as long as I know you're here willingly. You understand me, little girl?"

She nodded.

"Out loud."

"Yes, sir. I understand, sir."

"Do you want to leave?"

'Oh, HELL no!! Not now. I am SO sorry. Please believe me that neither of those was on purpose! Please go back to doing what you were doing. Please?"

"You mean you actually like it when something does this?" and I slid the tips of the middle two fingers of my right hand up into her dripping-wet slit.

And, you guessed it, her knees slammed shut again.

Since my hand was trapped anyway I continued to rub the tips of my fingers back and forth in her lips. I tried to push my hand in farther but couldn't.

"See, little girl, we're back to that question about whether you really want to be here or not. Don't fuck with me!"

"I'm trying to keep them apart, honest! But you've got my pussy so sensitive I can't help it."

"Really? We'll see."

I went over to my suitcase, unzipped a side pouch and took out a few items. I held them down behind my thigh as I walked back over to her so she couldn't see them. She tried to crane her neck around to see what I had so I grabbed her chin in the web between my palm and the thumb of my left hand and pulled her to face forward.

"Do I need to blindfold you to keep you from peeking, little girl?"

Her shudder as her eyes closed answered that question better than words ever could.

I dropped what I had grabbed on the floor at her feet, walked over to my carry-on bag and pulled out one of those "sleep masks" they sell in the travel section of most stores. This was a pretty good one, with two elastic straps. I slipped them both over her head then settled one above her ears and one below, which pulled the material of it tight across her cheeks so she couldn't peek out from beneath it.

I knelt down, grabbed an elastic strap and pulled the hook-and-loop patches slowly away from each other. She shivered as she heard the sound.

I held one end up in my left hand between her knees, then reached around the desk leg with my right and grabbed the other end. I pulled it quickly into the inside of her left calf just below her knee and then out to the side, where I slapped the hook-and-loop patches back together.

I slowly pulled the hook-and-loop apart on the other strap and watched her shiver once again. Then I just knelt there.

Her right knee twitched a few times as she imagined I was about to pull that one to the side, too.

Just as she realized I was teasing her and groaned in frustration I flipped the elastic strap around her leg and the desk leg, pulled the patches together and attached them as well.

"Now. Let's try this again." And I shoved the middle two fingers of my right hand all the way up inside her drenched pussy.

I couldn't tell if her knees started to slam shut again or if they gave away, but either way, the straps did the trick and, while she dipped an inch or so, she stayed in place.

"That is MUCH better," I growled. "Now..."

I moved back between her legs, and she moaned as my fingers moved inside her as I inched forward.

I pulled my fingers out a little bit and she groaned in frustration again. But that groan turned into a moan as I curled my pointer and little fingers to get them past, then extended them to make light contact with her asshole. She moaned more loudly when I dragged my tongue up her again.

Her thighs twitched again, but the straps still held her knees open, exposing her to my attentions.

I began to lick slowly up her dripping lips, little short licks, until I got to the top of her slit when I used the tip of my tongue to circle around and around her clit, but without actually touching it. I pulled back slightly and blew softly on it. She shivered as the cool air passed across it.

I returned to the bottom and worked my way back up again. As I did, I began to gently tease her asshole with the tips of those two fingers, which made the two in her cunt move inside her.