Morning Surprise
"Good morning beautiful." He said as he embraced me and kissed the top of my head.
"Good morning." It still amazed me that he was so gentle with me now. I could smell his cologne and it turned me on a little. We have done nothing since that last horrible day in the basement when things went so terribly wrong.
"What would you like to do today?" He asked as I stood and hugged him back. I truly love feeling his arms around me, the warmth of his skin, and the scent of his body. My physical need for him has grown over the last several weeks.
"Do I have to say it?" I smiled as I stepped away. He had the most adorable impish grin sometimes. He wore that grin now. I hoped he would say yes. I remember when all I wanted was to not be bound. Now I can't wait for him to bind me.
"You're sure you want this?" He asked looking a bit more serious.
"You know I am." I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything in my life. I wanted to feel what he could make my body do, needed it even. The sensations were like a drug, obsessive and addictive and I don't think I could ever get enough of it. A devilish idea came to mind. Maybe one day we could switch roles and I could give him a fraction of the pleasure he gives me. Maybe, someday.
"All right, we should start with something simple." He said with a smile. He took my hands and led me to the king size bed, lifted me and lay me in the middle of it. I was blushing a little, partly from excitement and partly because I had embarrassed myself about being so open with my desire.
"What do you have in mind?" I teased, knowing he wouldn't tell me.
"No, it's a surprise. Close your eyes and keep them closed." He instructed as he got off the bed. I closed my eyes and patiently waited for him.
"You are such a spoil sport." I said as he sat down beside me.
"Do you want the water?" He asked. We had not been together without it since he started the training.
"We won't need it." I said with a smile on my face, and I knew this was true. Just the idea of what was about to happen had all ready lit a fire in me. The memory of the pleasure made me restless wanting it now.
"Are you sure?" he asked as he slid a blindfold on me.
"Positive." I replied. I felt his lips brush mine ever so lightly and I trembled in anticipation under them. I reached out for him and he took my wrists as he climbed over me. The clicking of the zip tie no longer frightened me. I still had the bracelets and now I knew I would probably never take them off. He tied my hands to the headboard and began undressing me.
"You're sure about this?" He asked again as he kissed my neck, unbuttoned my blouse and kissed my breast.
"Yes." I wanted to tell him to hurry, but I also wanted this to last so I could relish every second of it. His hands explored me, caressing me as his lips kissed me lightly all over. He slid my panties off and discarded them. The heat of his mouth shocked me. I moaned deeply when he kissed me. I wanted that warmth, needed it and he was willing to give it to me.
"Oh Taylor, I never imagined this." He whispered as his hand found my cleft and buried itself in my vagina. I gasped as his fingers sunk inside of me. My back arched and he kissed my neck. I thought I would release right there it was such a sensation. I felt my wetness and my throbbing against his hand and my hips rocked with him. My need grew quickly, much more quickly than I had anticipated. I tugged at my wrists. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, but not being able to sent me into a heated frenzy of need.
"David, don't stop." I cried as he brought me up higher and higher. I wanted him to take me. I needed him inside of me. His fingers were relentless in driving me up with pleasure. His mouth hot with desire teased me as he kissed me with feather light kisses. He slowly pulled his hand back and entered me. I moaned so loudly I thought the whole house must have heard it. We rocked together, riding the passion with every ounce of our being. It consumed us and for a time our two bodies were one in passion.
"Taylor, my sweet Taylor is this what you need?" He breathed in my ear. I had not expected it to be near this intense. I needed it so much I had tears in my eyes, this time from pleasure.
"Yes." I whispered breathlessly as he brought me higher with need. I felt him inside of me, throbbing, growing larger with the expectation of pending release. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything before. He somehow knew this and granted me the release my body needed. As we climaxed he gripped my hips tightly as he kissed me deeply. The sudden power of the orgasm took my breath. As he relaxed beside me I gasped in the remaining contractions of the orgasm.
"I could do this all day." He breathed into my ear.
"Me too." I exclaimed in surprise with myself. I wanted to feel the need for release like he does to me every time he touches me. I wanted him to drive me insane before giving it to me. But how could I tell him?
"Really?" He sounded a little surprised.
"Yes really." I affirmed as I felt him sit up. He cut my wrists loose and took the blindfold off. I sat up next to him and waited.
"Are you sure you are ready?" He asked hesitantly.
"Yes David. I want to learn. I want you to teach me." I knew he desired it as well I could see it in his eyes.
"You're not afraid it will stir up unpleasant memories?" His voice made his concern known to me.
"I don't know if it will or not but I know this. What you did to me was amazing, no, more than amazing and I need it. I need YOU." I stressed. I was no longer self conscience about it. He had taught me that my desires were nothing to be ashamed of, that my sexuality should be embraced not hidden.
"Everything is still in the basement." He said with a pause as he touched my cheek.
"It's ok David. I'm ok. I can never move on if I don't get past it. I need this. I need to know that something good can come from it." I explained as I watched the concern on his face soften.
"Let me ask you something." He began. "Out of everything you experienced, which one do you desire the most?" I smiled at him, he was back in his instructor mode and the memory of what he did to me in that role sent heat through my cleft so fast I nearly jumped off the bed.
"The punishment." I said with a smile.
"Oh, you are bad today aren't you?" He laughed as he pushed me back onto the bed tickling me. He was relentless and I was crying with laughter before he stopped. It felt so good to laugh and I done it every chance I had. I jumped off the bed and raced to the door, daring him to follow me.
"I bet I can get down there faster than you." I said as I darted out the door. I heard him fall off the bed trying to run after me and I laughed. I did beat him down there and paused at the foot of the stairs. Looking around the room the memories were still fresh in my mind, but they no longer frightened me. I walked to the device that resembled a chair. I remembered sitting there in terror as they watched me. I remember the dildo drilling me and how I reacted to it. Somehow it was strangely arousing me. I remembered how powerful the orgasm was and I felt the heat in my cleft rising as David jogged from the foot of the stairs. He said nothing as he watched me walking from device to device revisiting the memories. A tear ran down my cheek as I remembered how helpless I felt when Chris had bound me and David did not have the means to release me. He came to me and embraced me from behind as I looked at the table where Chris had strapped me with the chastity belt on.
"It's too soon isn't it?" He asked as he nuzzled my neck.
"No." I sighed. "I was just thinking how glad I am that it was with you." I remarked as he turned me around and wiped the single tear from my cheek. I could see that he had reservations about this.
"We can wait." He said quietly as he brushed my hair out of my face. The tenderness in his eyes told me he would do anything I asked. He didn't want to rush me into anything.
"You don't know how tormented I have been these last few weeks. What you did to me burns in me. I can't deny that I loved it, that I want it." I paused and tried to find words to assure him that I was ready for this. "I need this." I truly did need it. I needed to know if what I felt was that damn drug or if it truly was pure desire. I needed to know if I could give myself to him the way I dreamt of since that last day down here. I needed to feel the heat that being his submissive created, the desire for him that he created in me. He took my hand and led me back into what used to be my room. He did not close the door behind us.
"How much are you ready for?" He asked as he led me to the far side of the room.
"I am ready for you to teach me." I said as he stopped in front of the big X.
"All right, but we will have a signal. If it gets too much I will stop." He offered.
"What if it is too much but I don't want you to stop?" I smiled devilishly and winked at him.