Morning sex Pt. 01

Marian stared at the pale-skinned man, watching lovingly as his thin, pink lips parted with every small snore. She moved a hand up to his face and pushed away a loose strand of hair, his hair was a mess no doubt a consequence of last night's vigorous sex. Marian bit her lip as she remembered the way he handled her body, the way his soft hands gripped her hips as he plowed into her wet cunt. This then caused wetness to form in between her legs stopping her from reminiscing. She had an objective and she wasnt gonna let her temptation stop her from completing that objective. So with her newfound focus, she pulled the blanket from the man's body, revealing his waist. Marian licked her lips as she stared at the morning wood that rested between milky thighs. Marian pulled her pink bonnet off of her head knowing her Master enjoyed gripping her hair whenever she went down on him. Marian grabbed his shaft and gave it a stroke, enjoying the way the soft skin felt against her palm. She looked at the man checking to see if he was still sleeping, he was and so she continued her stroking until his dick was at full mass all while she watched her Master's sleeping face. The woman stared at the hard cock, standing at 7 inches hard and only 5 when soft it wasnt the biggest dick she had seen but it was thick and always stretched her out nicely. Not to mention the prince Albert piercing that rubbed her walls in all the best ways. Marian stuck out her tongue and licked the cock head before taking it in her mouth. She loved sucking dick, but she loved having her face fucked more, so to satisfy her desires Marian grabbed her Master's balls and took his cock to the back of her throat. Ezekiel jerked awake his silver eyes landing on the brown eyes of his wife, the man was dazed unsure of the situation. Marian's eyes shined with mirth, she pulled Ezekiel's cock out of her mouth a large smile on her face.

"Good morning Master," Marian said gleefully her hands still massaging the man's balls.

He groaned "Good morning kitten," Ezekiel said reaching a pale hand out to grip the woman's hair.

Ezekiel loved Marian's hair it was thick and beautiful and he made it his life mission to have his fingers in it every chance he got. When she is in the house she kept it in an afro which was a very loose hairstyle that allowed her master full access to her tight curls.

She smiled before wrapping her full lips around her Husband's cock once again.

The man sighed in pleasure as he gazed lovingly at his sub, his grip on the woman's hair tightening. Marian moaned her already wet pussy dripping, the predatory look that glistened in her Master's eyes only further her arousal as she began to bob her head up and down the man's cock. Ezekiel grabbed a fistful of the sub's hair and yanked her head off of his dick. The sub gasped and opened her mouth wide in preparation for the onslaught slot her throat will face. Ezekiel thrust his hip upwards shoving his dick into the very depths of the woman's throat with an audible grunt. Marian moaned her throat bulging with his length, this is what she loved the pleasure she gets from being dominated by her lover was unmatched by any orgasm the man could give her. Her master's pleasure was her own and it was the single most important thing in her life.

"Дерьмо, дерьмо, дерьмо" Ezekiel cursed in his Russian tongue, the man always spoke in Russian when pleasure overcame him and this morning was no different. The more he thrust his cock into the woman's throat the more Russian curses fell from his lips. Marian could feel her husband's orgasm coming, he was always a quick shot in the morning. So with a taste for cum she slid her hand past his balls and began to prod at his asshole. It didn't take much effort to shove her fingers in the man's hole, she had already stretched it with her strap last night and it was slightly agape.

"Блядь" Ezekiel slammed his head against the pillow his back arching and his toes curling as the woman's skillful fingers rubbed at his prostate. Not able to hold out any longer he came, Marian moaned as her lover shot his load down her throat. Her master's moans were like music to her ears and she did everything she could to make him sing. It took a few minutes for the man to come down from his high and as her training required she was to coax her sub out of his orgasm-induced haze.

She released his cock from the soft confines of her throat and crawled up to Ezekiel's eye level to caress his flushed cheek. Though Ezekiel was an amazing Dom he was a natural submissive and it wasnt until 6 years ago when he opened up to her about his submissive side did she start training to become his dom. Marian had Ezekiel's trust which is why it was so easy for him to fall into subspace with her and Marian was honored to withhold something so important.

"Come on baby come back to" she whispered into his ear. The woman kissed the man's neck cooing when he let out a small whine.

"M-mary" He called out with an urgency in his tone.

"Im here baby, im here" she reassured, she gazed into clouded silver eyes it was clear Ezekiel was very deep into subspace, and this required extreme aftercare. "Let's go take a shower" she ordered removing her fingers from Ezy's wet hole with a squelch. She quickly got out of bed and helped her husband up, the man whined and wrapped his arms around her neck. Mary sighed, Ezekiel was a baby and babies liked being picked up. The sad thing about it is, that Marian couldn't carry her baby boy it wasnt that she didn't want to--hell it was the only reason why she started working out. She just wasnt strong enough not yet but soon. Mary led the boy into the bathroom flicking on the light and illuminating the luxury bathroom. She kissed the boy on the cheek and sat him on the edge of the bathtub, she then walked over to the shower and pulled the glass door aside. She turned on the water adjusting it to Ezy's needs. She grabbed Ezekiel's hand and pulled him into the showers, she pinned the boy against the black tile wall and gripped his slender hips. For a moment Marian just stared at him and Ezekiel stared back. The two just gazed into each other's eyes not able to look away, Mary couldn't help but admire the man's features. Ezekiel was very pretty, the way his long black hair framed his face and, how his long, full eyelashes curled upwards putter her short eyelashes to shame. He was extremely pale so pale that his white skin was a large contrast to her dark skin.

His features were very feminine making him look like a princess, Mary often fantasized about seeing him in a dress. Marian placed her lips against her lover's loving the way they molded together, the boy sighed and wrapped his arms around the woman's neck pulling her body closer. Mary wrapped her arms around his waist and licked his lips moaning when Ezekiel parted them without hesitation allowing her to slide her tongue into his mouth. The two moaned as their tongues entwined into a dance only they knew, this was in no way sexual but instead a beautiful moment of sweet passion. After a while, the need for air came upon them forcing the two to temporarily separate a string of saliva connecting them for a brief second. Ezekiel was panting and so was Marian their lungs were gasping for air.

"I love you," Ezekiel said admiration shining in his gray irises.

Marian smiled lovingly at the men "I love you too"

The two finished up their shower of course the need to indulge in their passion kept them very distracted.