Morning, Noon and Night

"Uuuuuunnnnn…" One bleary eye peaked over the pillow towards the alarm clock, "Ohdoshut up!" Nora leadenly swung her arm and landed a still sleep limp hand on the snooze. As if that single action drained her completely of energy, Nora promptly went back to sleep. Seven in the morning was just too early in the morning! It wasn't that Nora disliked mornings, she just wished they started later in the day.

The alarm was going off again. A mournful moan escaped from the disheveled pile of pillows and blankets. Today was going to be a long day.

After finally turning off the alarm, the sleep bedraggled form slowly shuffled its way to the shower.

"I need music. I need dance music."

Nora shed her p.j.'s and started the shower, then turned to pop in a CD into her player and turned up the volume.

The hot water slithering and running down her smooth skin began to awaken her. The pulsating beat of the music thrummed through her body and Nora began to dance while sliding her lathered loofa over her slick wet curves. Enjoying the sensation of her swaying, swirling hips being caressed by sheaths of water, Nora started to run her hands from her creamy alabaster shoulders down her flanks to her tapered waist. Then one delicate hand slid to her mons while its twin went to a pertly erect nipple.

While Nora gently manipulated her sex and tweaked her nipple—becoming wholly engrossed—a tall dark figure stole into the bathroom. Steam curled lazily about his lean naked figure. Eyes the color of a deep forest pond set in a ruggedly handsome face, studied Nora's undulating form in the shower.

Her strong, strikingly beautiful face expressed her sensual pleasure and desire, yet her eyes remained closed. She could feel his presence as if his hands were already exploring her body. Her lips began to curl into an impish grin. Nora was going to be naughty.

His lean muscled frame rested against the wall as Nora's voyeur watched raptly to Nora's exotic sensual dancing, his phallus growing harder by each passing moment. Nora drew his eyes to all her assets; a trailing finger from a well toned graceful neck to a well filled out c-cup breast, flirtatiously pinching a nipple, then swirling her hands around her trim waist only to fan out and caress the flare of her hips, ending with a teasing slap on her rounded heart-shaped ass.

Suddenly, a large, strong masculine hand ran along Nora's breast bone. The man had come to the shower in one long stride and was behind the small temptress.

She gasped in delight as he took her bait.

While one expert hand cupped her breast to a perfect fit, the other snaked down to pinch one enticing cheek, then traveled across her hip to explore her swollen and eager cunny.

Nora leaned her head against his broad chest and moaned in longing. She could feel his engorged member pressing urgently against her back. A thought of that large instrument of pleasure thrusting deeply and roughly into her sent a shiver down her back and made her thighs quiver with anticipation!

She slyly turned toward her shower guest and went up onto her tip-toes, skillfully pressing her hard, red, petite nipples against his chest while she kissed him with lusciously soft pink lips. Her tiny hands wrapped around his member at the same time. Nora gave a little deep-throated chuckle as he gasped out in pleasure.

His gasp releasing her lips, she began to trail them down his jaw, neck, collarbone… making a brief stop to playfully nip just above a nipple and off to the side a little (one of his spots) then moving downward to lick at his nipple all the while rhythmically stroking and caressing his impressive cock.

Nora extracted one hand from its stroking to reach up and roll the other nipple between her forefinger and thumb, while her mouth decided to continue its southward course, trailing kisses and nips all the way until her cupid's-bow mouth opened and let entry the well-worked phallus.

Deep, baritone-rich moans and ragged gasps started to eclipse the music. Nora's tongue rolled and flickered; it swirled and undulated. Then she went into deep strokes, his phallus reaching the back of her throat. In and out; in and out.

The recipient's hands clenched Nora's shoulders, nails digging furrows into her skin. She trembled with ecstasy. She longed for more.

Quick as a cat, Nora leaped up and darted out of the shower.

"Oh, so that's how you are going to play?" Nora's mischievous teasing had made her lover overwhelmed with hot need and desire; he was not amused by her abrupt leaving. But that what she was going for…

Nora quirked up an eyebrow and assumed a haughty posture and tone of voice, "I'm done with my shower. I need to get dressed." She looked pointedly at his wanting cock and added, "I'm sure you can finish the job well enough." Then she turned to go to the bedroom knowing full and well that she had raised his wrath.

She heard his deep primal growl and felt her pussy moisten with anticipation.

Nora took off giggling, nimbly darting to and fro, escaping his grasp like a veteran nymph. Fortunately, because of the dark man's height, he had reach.

He threw her down on her back onto the bed. Nora groaned with desire. Those intense eyes bore into hers, turning more vivid between the contrast of green and brown. She wriggled her body and crossed her ankles. This only made her provoked attacker growl and drag her arms up over her head, locking both her tiny wrists together with one iron handed grip.

"Tease me and then run away, bitch? I think not." Just then, his other hand wrenched her legs apart and delved into Nora's very, very, hot and wet cunt. He bared his teeth in a wicked smile, "You are my little slave," and his cock expertly slammed into and drove deep into the naughty girl's aching pussy, "I will fuck you when," a hard, penetrating thrust, "and where I choose," another savage thrust, driving his point home.

Nora's hips lifted of their own volition; her back arched with undeniable need. A deep intense moan fled her lips before she could supply the proper response, "Yes Master."

Nora's master then took his free hand and reached down, dragging his finger nails, raking them from her rosebud to the top of her hip. Nora's pussy instantly gushed with wanton wetness; the wonderfully cruel phallus of the Master ravaging her craving cunt.

By now, Nora was screaming out her intense pleasure as her body was being wracked with orgasm after orgasm. She hardly noticed that her master had withdrawn and flipped her over. He reached over to the pile of his previously shed clothes and snatched his tie.

"Now I'll teach you not to go running off!" And he looped the tie around the disobedient slave's head, settling it in her mouth while he grabbed the loose ends in one hand. Effectively gagged and "reined," the Master rode his mount. With his other hand, he began to caress Nora's vulnerable buttocks while thrusting again and again into her ever spasming and tightening cunt.


Nora's back shuddered as she whimpered submission and desire. Then caress—smack! The Master spanked the other cheek. Her body almost collapsed with her orgasm.

"You are my little slut," smack! "My whore," smack! He gripped her hair, pulling Nora's head back, "I will take you again and again; do you understand?"

For a reply, Nora whimpered and moaned through her gag. Her rider roughly let go of her hair, her head immediately dropping down. He then whipped the tie out of her mouth, rasping it painfully against the tender flesh of her mouth. Then those iron hands gripped Nora's prominent hips and filled her cunny full-hilt every piston thrust, faster and faster. She was screaming, "More! More! Faster! Fuck me! Oh, fuck me hard! Harder!" Her breasts bounced and heaved under her as his hips slammed against her slap pinkened ass; his cock invading again and again her extremely wet pussy.

Both slave and master built up to tremendous climaxes, like a tsunami inevitably rushing toward a shore where it will break terribly, inevitably.

Nora's chant of, "harder, more, faster," soon turned into inaudible shrieks of passion, desire, release. Her body quivering and trembling as her climax slammed and then ricocheted throughout her body.

Her master's own cumming was violent and powerful with one last deep thrust to her cervix and gushing forth his semen, his arm wrapping under her, holding her hips firm against his groin. His voice combined with hers as he gasped and moaned his release.

Like marionettes with their strings cut, Master and slave, lover and lover, collapsed onto the bed. Strong masculine arms drew Nora into him like she was a doll. She snuggled in to his chest like a cat that was fat on clotted cream, and purred.

"How was night-shift at work?" she sleepily asked.

"Eh, fine. Couldn't wait to come home, though." He chuckled softly as Nora grinned mischievously up at him and snuggled in even closer.

"Maybe today won't be such a long day after all."