Morning Mirror

As directed by his internet Mistress, toast put on the heavy one inch thick sterling silver ring and began to prepare for bed. Adding a butt plug on his own initiative as another tribute to his Mistress, he realized he would have to tell her and be punished for not first asking her permission. He felt so desperately alone and longed for a Mistress to take him.

Just let him feel he belonged to one special person. He thought back over all the times he had helped his female friends in the past build custom cabinets, install stereos, move or paint.

He enjoyed and wanted that sense of belonging. As usual, he had trouble squeezing his balls and cock through the ring: it was a firm tight fit when finally in place but not overly constrictive, which was good as he could then wear it for long periods of time. Although he had trouble not touching himself and stroked his cock from time to time, feeling and enjoying its worthless hardness, in the end he kept his promise to his Mistress and did not cum. He laid in bed a long time with vivid visions dancing in his head before falling asleep.

In the morning, he awoke rock hard and could not go soft. He added another heavy ring just behind the flare at the head, attaching two 1.5 pound silver elongated pendant weights to the wide cock head ring by short chains.

He then put on the tight thick silver ball extender separator which he had modified from a sailboat turnshackle and locked it in place with the short screwdriver. He harnessed this to the base of the 5-1/2" butt plug. Then, he dressed himself in a short very tight black lycra sleeveless T-shirt and yellow dance warm-up leggings. Being partially clothed made him feel even more open, exposed, vulnerable and well displayed for his Mistress. He stayed dressed that way as he started morning coffee, smoothed out the thick blue comforter on the brass bed, and moved the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer, started the computer to check for e-mail.

As he vacuumed the den and moved about, his inner thighs pushed his shackled balls forward, first one side then the other, causing further tension and tightness to his balls as well as causing the butt plug to move and jerk with every step. When he sat for breakfast, reading the morning paper, he had to sit near the edge of the hard wooden chair which drove the butt plug further up inside him as well as pinning his balls tight and painfully against the forward cross support oak rail of the upright antique chair. His reading didn't come easy and as he washed last night's dishes, the coldness and hardness of the metal sink cabinet played havoc with his jutting straining cock. He felt pinned between the metal of the cabinet and the ring holding his cock and balls out away from his shaved hairless body.

"Why couldn't his internet Mistress be real?" toast thought as he drifted back into his bedroom. toast wondered looking at himself in the full length mirror if a Mistress would ever force him to wear a pair of pink, or lavender, or peach frilly lace crotchless panties to further humiliate him, make him feel even more exposed and vulnerable and more like the very submissive slut that deep in his mind he knew he was.

Could his internet Mistress see that far into his mind? Is that what she wanted of him? Is that where she wanted to take him? Or what she wanted to train him to become? He thought back to his visit with her in Florida when he secretly wished she had plugged him before his tennis lesson, making him wear only the thin white nylon Bill Rodgers jogging shorts. Then wishing later in the evening she would have walked him along the beach exposed with a leash attached to his balls and taken him with her strap-on as she said she would in the story they had started to write together. As he stood watching himself in the mirror, his cock, his ass, his nipples as well as his very heart and soul cried out for her. Would she put him in stockings and a garter belt, attach bells to his cock and plug him. Take him shopping, making his bells ring and his cock hard as they went from store to store. Would she enjoy having him kneel down in front of her, helping her try on different shoes and boots instead of the sales clerk. He imagined his legs spread so she could play with his cock with her other foot while she watched his cock rise hungrily, making it noticeable hard and prominent, seeing a wet spot begin to form and his breathing become uneasy. Would others notice, he wondered? and, what would or could he do?

As toast daydreamed in front of the mirror, he felt angry and upset with himself that his self imposed training was not going as well as he would have liked and as yet he still could not take the large 8 inch, 2 and a quarter inch in diameter dildo up his ass for her. He thought that would be a nice gift to offer her--his Mistress, whom he craved and worshipped. The times he did manage to get it fully in, he could neither wear it long nor walk more than a couple of steps. He felt angry with himself. But of course, he enjoyed keeping the house clean for her and he imaged himself attending to all those other little daily chores.

Would she ever want to show him off to her friends, locked in his heavy silver and leather chastity devices, forcing him to demonstrate his excellent oral skills? Make him worship her by pleasing her friends. All these thoughts scared him as he stood in front of the mirror. What was his mind doing and where was it going? In the past he had always been the dominant one? He tried to will his mind to stop thinking and go take his shower and get on with his day, which was more than full. But the dark fantasies drove him on. Parts of his mind said he didn't want this and asked why was he thinking all these thoughts. But as he looked in the mirror his swollen, hard, jutting, thrusting, throbbing cock gave him away. And, as his cock would not relax so too his dark desires propelled him further and further into those tiny, well guarded corners of his mind.

Would she ever want to train him to become a cock sucking slut? To please her friends or lovers? To train him, stretch him? To force him to suck cock while taking a very large one up the ass solely for her pleasure? God, this thought scared him. toast didn't want this and could not do this but then there was that cock in the mirror getting even harder, rising higher, twitching greedily. Yes, he could be forced to become a wonderful cock sucker if she wished. What would she want to be doing to his cock while she was enjoying seeing him impaled from both ends? Would it be in a mouth that would keep him on the edge, throbbing in pain, not letting him have any relief? Or would she shackle his bound balls to a D-ring in the floor by a short shiny chain she would make him install? So that every time one of his invaders thrust forward, his balls would feel a firm hard tug? The pain. Toast would work so hard to try to keep his body from moving and responding to the pounding he was taking for the pleasure of his Mistress.

toast knelt down in front of the mirror and spread his knees as wide as he could get them, always watching himself and wondering how proud his Mistress could and would be of him. His cock, because of the heavy thick shiny silver ring stood rigid so far out from his body so proudly, so prominently, that as he looked he was no longer sure it was his....and in fact, it wasn't, it was hers. What was happening to him? What was his mind and body telling him? Oh, God, could someone really take him this far in reality? Could someone--his Mistress--really turn him into the perfect non-questioning slut and slave? And, is that where his true happiness lay, which he has never been able to see or feel or truly appreciate in the past?

It was late and he had a client coming by early this morning and toast still had a promise to keep for his Mistress. He got up slowly on shaky legs and turned toward the bath and the promise he must keep. Carefully extracting the butt plug and removing all the rings but the large heavy wide one behind his balls, he stepped into the shower. Gradually and thoroughly he coated his hard cock with the slick sweet smelling shampoo and began to stroke. Slowly and firmly with a hard grip, up and down, sliding his hand along the full length of the shaft. Pulling the skin tightly away from the head then back. The strokes began to increase as he watched but his mind was somewhere else. Soon, too soon, he came in a great gush and toast was very careful to catch every drop of his cum with his free hand, then raise it slowly and with respect in honor to his Mistress drink every drop.


And you'll realize it isn't enough for me to dominate you; I want you to come to LOVE being totalled dominated by me... to crave body and soul being used by me solely for my pleasure... down to your very core...

And you'll realize it isn't enough for me to degrade you; I want to force you to LOVE being degraded.