Morning Meeting

Morning arrived way too soon. My eyes were reddened and sensitive and nowhere near ready to be opened. Regardless, I rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. While starting my bathwater, I went back to the bedroom to get bath salts and proper undergarments. After all, I could not meet Him without proper attire and he had been quite adamant about what I should be wearing.

I slid into the tub, the scent of sandalwood and vanilla engulfing me in a fragrant cloud. I washed my hair thoroughly before scrubbing my body. Then it was time to remove all excess hair. I spent almost an hour in the tub, removing hair from my legs, arms, armpits and vagina.

Drying off with a thick black towel, I stepped from the tub and grabbed the baby oil, which I massaged onto every part of my body. Next, I pulled on a pair of tiny, black, satin thongs; a black satin garter belt and bustier, smoothing the pieces down upon my skin as I situated them properly. Satin-topped thigh highs completed my ensemble. I peered at myself in the mirror, turning this way and that, making sure that my caramel skin was in perfect contrast to the satin which lay so pleasingly against it. I hoped He enjoyed the sight as much as I did.

He had warned me not to wear very much make-up, so I made do with just a little black eyeliner and mascara as well as a touch of blood red lip-gloss. I left my hair out in its naturally curly state, the ends just touching the tops of my shoulders; the red highlights clear in the morning light. When I finished my preparations in the bathroom, I went back to the bedroom to finish dressing.

The outfit was deceptively simple. A form fitting black Lycra dress, which covered me from neck to toe, cut high on the left thigh. A pair of high heeled, ankle boots and a blood red leather collar completed the look. I had no real way of knowing if I would pass inspection until I gazed at Him for the first time. With butterflies in the pit of my stomach, I headed out. I only had an hour to find the restaurant He had told me about last night on the phone, and I had never been in this town before.

After what felt like an eternity, I found the spot, a little place with tables and chairs outside. My steps slowed as I headed toward a man seated alone, dark sunglasses obscuring His face from my sight.

“Stop right there.” His voice, when I heard it, held only a hint of menace. I knew who it was, by the touch of laughter just below the surface.

I stopped, automatically; my hands going to my sides, my eyes downcast. When He stood and moved toward me, I felt the need to run, to hide, to cower in front of Him and beg His forgiveness. Not for anything I might have done wrong, but because His movements were so very right.

He stopped a few feet away from me and then motioned me forward with just a crook of His finger. My legs trembled unceasingly as I moved to His side. He motioned for me to precede Him back to His table and I did so, though I was nervous with Him at my back…even if we were in a public place.

Once the initial moments had passed and I had been seated across from Him, He ordered a light breakfast for us. The conversation was pleasant, as He did His best to calm my badly stressed nerves. He removed the dark glasses once our meal appeared and I finally had the chance to look into His eyes, though the glance was quick. He had laugh lines and a beautiful smile with the most intense eyes I had ever seen. That quick glance shook me, just a little, for those eyes promised dark things even while He smiled and laughed with me.

It was nearing eleven in the morning when we finally paid our bill and left. He asked me the name of my hotel and offered to take me back so that I could grab some comfortable shoes. I quickly agreed.

I had just opened the hotel door, when I felt His hand in my hair. My body went utterly limp as I dropped to my knees in front of Him. He pushed the door shut behind Him, all while tightening His grip in my hair and urging me toward the middle of the room on my knees. My body thrummed, small tremors coursing over my skin.

He let me go while He went to find a chair. The look on His face promised very dire consequences if I moved, so I did not. I kneeled there, awaiting His pleasure. He returned quickly, seating Himself in a chair directly in front of me.

“Look at me.”

I looked up, my eyes latching onto His face. He smiled at me, the most devilish grin I had ever seen in my entire life. I knew something of that grin, He had been nice enough to provide a picture of that particular expression months before.

“This is what we are going to do. You are going to remove your clothing, down to the basics. For anything I see that does not meet my standards, you will receive one small punishment, to be dealt when and how I feel like it. If you manage to impress me, I will allow you to choose what it is we do next.” He made these statements with not a hint of joviality. His words were measured and quiet and I KNEW He was going to point out every possible flaw I could have. The knowledge that He was enjoying this small torture made me even more nervous. My fingers shook uncontrollably as I stripped down, fumbling with the zipper and laces, all while he counted my deficiencies out loud.

“Not very smooth with your hands, are you? Do you think you could possibly hurry up without screwing up too badly?” The comments made it worse, and He knew it. I could hear it in His voice, sense it in His tone. He was enjoying this small power play. And to be honest, that part of me that relished humiliation enjoyed it as much as He did.

Finally, I stood before Him, clad in just my thongs and bustier. He stood up, and circled me…much like a hyena or jackal circling their prey.

He reached out and pinched my upper thigh, twisting the skin tightly before releasing it. He tugged on my thong, making it ride higher into the cleft of my cunt. Next, He went to work on my bustier, cupping each breast as He positioned the cups the way He wanted them. Silently, He continued circling, getting closer, brushing his nails across my skin. The tension began mounting as I awaited His verdict and He made me wait until I was almost on the verge of begging for some word.

“You took too long to undress. You had no grace. Your underclothing was not right. You moved when I pinched you. How many small punishments is that, little girl?”

My throat tightened up as He called off my wrong-doings, but I answered Him all the same.

“Four, Sir.”

“Make that five, you took much too long to answer.”

He sat back down in His chair, a delighted grin on His face.

“Just what is it that I should do to you first? Anything you prefer?” He laughed, a sardonic lift to His eyebrow, a slight smirk on His face. “Not that it matters what you prefer, it’s not about you, is it?”

“No, Sir.”

“Hmmm, I believe you need a little warming up. Bend over the edge of the bed, palms down, head resting on the coverlet. Spread your legs slightly. And hold very still.”

I did as He commanded, bending from the waist, my ass high in the air, my face buried in the cover on the bed. I heard no movement at all for an eternity and then the smooth movements of Him crossing the room to stand behind me. His hands caressed me softly, gliding over my back and ass, cupping my cunt, which was becoming quite damp. I was at fever pitch when He finally stopped. The soft snick of a belt being pulled from His waist was the next thing I heard; a long ‘hiss’ of sound.

The whir of leather cutting through the air and then contact as pain sizzled along my skin. My legs almost gave out when He said, quite calmly, “Count.” His rhythm was perfect and it seemed as if He never covered the same piece of flesh more than once. I had reached 15 when He stopped, completely.

Sweat dripped into my eyes. My skin was on fire and yet, there was no sound in the room. It was as if I had done this to myself, so quiet were His movements. A soft touch on the small of my back brought me out of my semi-daze.

“Still with me?”

I nodded, the movement obscured by my hands and the cover. He reached up and grabbed the back of my hair, jerking me up so that He could peer into my face.

“When I ask you a question, I expect a spoken answer. Head nods do absolutely nothing for me, nor do I have any intention of learning sign language for you. Now, are you still with me?” His voice was still soft, but brutal, as He made his point.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Kneel.”

I knelt, gracelessly, in front of him. I watched as He unzipped and presented His half aroused cock for my inspection.

“Finish me off.”

With His hand in my hair, I took Him deep into my mouth. I could feel the head at the back of my throat as I suckled slowly. My mouth clamped down tightly near the base, keeping a tight grip as He rocked in and out, giving my face a thoroughly deep fucking. When His cock had reached full hardness, I began flicking a tongue along the vein running to the tip, every time he withdrew. The rhythm was simple but effective. Each time he thrust in, I clamped down and sucked. Whenever He withdrew, I flicked my tongue around the shaft and head, making it slippery with my saliva.

I waited for a few minutes before cupping his scrotum in my hands. I was not sure how He would take me acting without His command, but His deep groan left no doubt that I was on the right track. I fondled it carefully, running a dampened fingertip to the soft skin just beneath it, my nail scraping the skin lightly. I felt him throbbing deep in my throat, and I knew that he would soon cum. A few more thrusts and just as I tasted the first drops, he pulled out and shot His load all over my face.

He stood above me, a light sheen of sweat on his face, breathing a little heavily. His smile, when it finally came, was soft and sweet.

“Go to the bathroom and make me a washcloth wet with warm water.”

I went to do as he said, returning quickly and kneeling to clean Him up. When I had finished, I gazed up at Him and awaited His next command.

He touched my head. “Go ahead and get up, little one. I have got to get to a meeting and this would be a good time for you to clean up and get some rest for this evening. After all, I have some real plans for you later, and I want you in top form.”

With that worrisome statement, He left me.

Part 2 will be coming soon!!!!