Morning in the Mountains
He stripped and waded into the bathing pool ... the windows open to the mountain air ... a crisp beautiful day, the sun shining in and caressing His form as He walked waist deep. The water flowing thru the pool warm and inviting, scented with mountain flowers and fresh and clear. The scars and muscles on His body showing clearly in the light, a tall Man, strong and roughly handsome. His eyes shone a bright green, the color of the tiger (His animal spirit) and were this morning calm and peaceful as He enjoyed the early morning.
A girl, His pleasure slave ... watched from the shadows as He meditated silently in the pool ... her eyes taking in all of Him, the features, the scars, the strength, all of these familiar to her as to no other. Never tiring of His attention and His need for her, she still hung back for a moment and silently allowed herself to slip into reverie, remembering so many times that she had lain beneath Him, or kneeled before Him, been tied to the post or bound on the bed, a blush came over her and her breathing quickened as once again her passion for Him filled her soul and entered her wakened body.
He heard her before He saw her ... a small smile coming over His face as He heard her sharp intake of breath. He turned and looked into the shadows where she lingered in nadu ... His eyes admiring the beauty of her .. her uplifted breasts .. her small waist flaring into curved hips and her caramel thighs spread open for His pleasure ... He knew that as she approached her scent would reach Him and the dance would begin again. His hand came up out of the water and He beckoned to her .. her small frame falling to the floor and crawling to Him .. eyes fixed on His .. her hips swaying from side to side ... her bottom lifting and coiling as she drew herself forward .. eyes downcast now and then flashing back up to look into His inquisitively ... A chuckle escaping from Him as He realized that she was uncertain of His aim ... finally reaching the side of the pool she once again drew herself up into a perfect nadu and looked to Him.
"How may a girl serve you today Master?"
He slowly walked towards her .. the water swirling around His waist as He moved ... embracing His hips and rippling behind Him ... His eyes never leaving her, He approached her and stood in front of her at the edge of the pool .. His hand reached out and gently lifted her chin to look into His eyes .. "wash Me girl" ... He slid down into the pool and floated backwards as she stood in one move .. her silks falling to the floor at her feet and His eyes drinking her beauty in .. she slowly gathered the sponges and lotions and walked down into the pool .. a shy smile on her face as she came close to Him .. her breath catching as she entered His space and felt the beast of Him wash over her. she took a sponge and dipped it ... then applied the cleaning balm to it ... He stood still as she came up against Him and washed His chest ... His muscles twitching where she touched Him, her nearness arousing Him more by the second.
Her hand with the sponge washing over His belly and dipping into the water to rub against His manhood, her heart leaping in her throat as she felt the evidence of her nearness to Him ... a blush and soft smile filling her face as she gently washed Him, lingering as long as she could and finally releasing the sponge to grasp Him in her hand .. she moved up against Him her eyes rising to meet His ... fire in her eyes as she saw His swing from green to the cobalt blue that made her shiver ...
"Master," she stammered .. her hand stroking His hardness .. "ohhhh Master."
He grabbed air into His lungs, His mind full of her .. gathering His senses and self control,
"you're not finished girl .." and slowly pulling Himself from her hand He turned ... her hand, feeling empty after the warmth and hardness of Him coiling and curling and then picking the sponge back up from where it floated she ran it over His back .. His shoulders massed with muscle from riding the great stallion and bearing the sword of His forefathers, scars from blades and arrows and a small smile coming over her face .. the claws of a hungry slave ... dealt in passion and lust. She leaned forward and kissed those .. her tongue sliding up the gashes and remembering the fury which came over her when He lay on her pounding, taking and using His girl as she was meant to be.
He growled low and soft as He felt her lips on His back, then her hand with the sponge sliding down to dip between His buttocks .. cleansing Him and caressing Him with her sensual touch. His head rolled back a bit in ecstasy as she finished scrubbing Him
"what now Master?" she whispered.
He turned quickly and took the sponge from her hands .. tossing it into the water next to them He pulled her tight against Him and ground against her belly .. she gasped feeling His need for her .. then He pulled back and lifted the sponge ...
"My turn girl" ... a slow grin came over His face as she looked down in embarassement and He grabbed the balm to lather the sponge .. He reached out and turned her .. her back to Him. His hands, like hers tracing the muscles and the firm texture of her .. scrubbing her briskly ... the flesh pinkening under His ministrations and then dipping into the water to slide the sponge up between her legs .. she gasped as He ran the sponge over her rosebud and pushed a corner into her with His finger, spinning it and making her knees waver, her body shuddering.
"Mine" He growled into her ear Her eyes closed and she pushed back against His invasion ... He washed her there for a moment more and then bit her shoulder and ordered her to turn .. His hand sliding slowly up her ass cleft and onto her hip as she faced Him ...
He smiled as her breasts rubbed against His chest ... her moan at the stimulation increasing the sparks between T/them. His hands slowly slid up to her breasts across her taut and oh so sensitive stomach, which rippled as His fingers lightly traced up from her navel ... to cup her full breasts and run His thumbs over her nipples. The nubs tightened even further and the aureole crinkled and drew together as she leaned into His hands .. His eyes searching her face as it lifted to His .. .her lips parted, tongue sliding across them as if they were suddenly dry.
The fire flickering deep in her eyes reflected in the solid blues of His. A low keening rose from His chest and the sound traveled up into His throat into a guttural moan then erupted from His lips in ferocious snarl ... He grabbed her hair, twisting His hand tight in the locks and crushed her mouth to His in a kiss of passion and lust. His tongue slamming through her teeth into her mouth and intertwining with hers. Time literally stopped ... their breath gone, the light from the sun frozen ... the wind ceasing and the cry of the birds from the open window ceased.
The kiss finally broke ... T/they both breathed deep, the room suddenly very warm ... He grabbed her up into His arms and strode up the stairs out of the pool .. her arms wrapped around His neck, her eyes locked on His face. He carried her as if she were a feather and moved quickly into the sleeping quarters ... tossing her on the bed He stood panting, His eyes scanning her body, her legs spread and her breasts heaving, the hunger apparent in every movement of her ... He shook His head savagely, trying to regain control of His lust and then quickly bound her ankles and wrists to the bed. There would be no instant gratification here today, He was in a mood to savor the slut.
Her eyes widened as He turned away from her ... she struggled a bit, and then moaned as she saw Him turn back with His Bowie in His hand. The knife was a constant source of fascination. Over 21" long, a flame design along the blade of the knife, a dragons head and bone grip, most of all ... razor sharp and in His hands a tool of destruction or pleasure depending on His mood. He placed the knife in a vase full of ice blade first and lifted a small silk corded flogger.
The first blow was like fire across her breasts .. the knot at the end of the cords flicking sharply against her nipples. The second she felt in her cunt as He snapped it against her swelling and reddened nipple. The third caused her to cry out loud ... and the next seven were ecstasy to her ... the pain crossing a threshold into sensual madness. Her hips bucked up with each blow, and her pussy was swollen and damp by the time the welts began to appear across her chest.
Her body quivered when He stopped for a moment, then lurched taut against the bindings as the flogger bit into her thighs. He spun the cords in a figure 8 and striped her left then right as He worked His way up her thighs ... her hips rolling frantically as He came closer and closer to her heat. Again He paused, her eyes closing and her breath held ... the cords slashing across her labia biting into the tender flesh on the very inside of her thigh then back to the other side ... finally He draped the cords between her lips ... dragging the knotted cords up through her ... the pink flesh separating and the juices staining the solid white of the silk ... as He dragged it across her swollen and jutting clitoris He flipped His wrist up and back down in a lightning move, the knot kissing the clit like a brutal lover ... her cry sending a wave of madness thru Him, His shoulders tensing and striking her twice more across her tender treasure ... the end result, as He knew it would be to reduce her to a whimper with her hips raised and waiting for more .. always more.
He sat next to her on the bed .. a smile on His face, eyes full of blue madness and growled in a low and feral voice...
"is My little one enjoying herself? Did she figure out yet how she could serve Me today?" leaning very close to her ear He whispered, "is she pleased to be used for what she was made? Is she aware that she is nothing but a hungry little fucktoy ... created for Master's pleasure and whims? Does she know that she is My property, My slut, My girl ... suitable only for My needs? Does she crave My touch, My attention, My hunger? Leaning back, He chuckled ... No, don't answer. W/we both know don't W/we? The blush on her face and the soft tear running down the side of her face told Him as much as the scent rising from her center. Now, girl ... "He turned and lifted the Bowie from the ice and turned back to her with a mad smile.
He pressed the flat of the blade against her tummy .. the haft and handle with the beveled dragon's head against her clitty ... the ice had done it's work well, the raised flame design on the blade pressing into her flesh and leaving an indentation ... He rolled the handle across her cunny ... the ice soothing the heated flesh, the blade perilously close to her most sensitive area ... He dragged the handle down through her lips ... increasing the pressure as He neared her fuckhole then slipping the back of it into her cunt .. her moans turned into wails as He sank it deeper into her ... the bone handle carved with immaculate detail and precision care smooth yet textured driving deeper into her ... her juices leaking from her .. her legs taut and pressing up ... her eyes locked on His ... neither of them looking at the knife as the handle penetrated her like a dragon retiring to His lair. Finally, He turned the knife in her and then lifted it to His lips to lick His fingers and the haft ... her eyes flickered with embarrassment as He tasted her honey and the look on His face became intense and ferocious. He raised His hand with the knife and quickly plunged it down ... sticking the blade in the bed next to her head ... sinking it in to the haft. Her eyes large and wary and then blazing as He lowered His head between her thighs.
His tongue slid between her swollen lips ... licking the sopping flesh ... His senses peaking as the flavor and scent of her pushed Him farther into feral madness. His face buried, rolling His tongue and lips and teeth and nose all through her treasure, small growls and vicious little nips punctuating deep sighs and guttural moans as He savored and feasted at her core. Her reaction ... legs taut and lifting, hips rolling with His ministrations ... gasps and cries as He repeatedly assaulted her cunny, biting her clit, sucking her labia into His mouth and laving them ... and then a loud groan as His tongue sank deep into her .. His lips forming a vacuum over her cunt and sucking till she felt she would turn inside out ...
"Maaaaaaaaaster" she wailed, "oh please Master ... please ..." her voice trailed off as He drove her over the edge into a violent and sudden orgasm, soaking His face ... hearing Him keen deep in His throat as she fed Him her honey.
His hands slid up beside His face ... pulling her open wider as He dug His face into her ... His tongue deep and fast .. slipping between her fuckhole and her clit .. He slipped one hand under her buttocks to lift her closer and ran His thumb over her rosebud. He felt her flinch when He pressed His thumb into it and then try to escape the invading digit even as she pushed her cunt up to His face ... He bit savagely down on her clit and shoved His thumb deep into her ass in the same instant ... her hips exploded in a frenzy of movement .. thrusting to His face ... twisting away and back to His thumb ... her eyes wild and unfocused as He claimed her body as His own ... her breath ragged and panting. He ravaged His slut for long minutes, the only sound her voice as she wailed and railed and crying out.
"More . More .. More ..." then stammered "oh no Master, please, I ... no .... yessssss .. More."
Lost ... He was lost in her ... His eyes a solid blue not a trace of white or black or green remaining ... His grey mane sweeping back along His shoulders ... His face dipping and rolling and savaging ... His thumb driving in and out of her ass ... His breathing almost stopped as He listened to her react, panting, moaning, crying out, whimpering .. begging for more and for Him to stop ... finally, His hunger sated for the moment He raised His head and looked into her eyes .. her limbs twitching in the bonds ... a shiver ran through her as she recognized His madness and fed it with her own lust ... like a giant cat He slowly crawled up over her .. biting and nipping at her flesh .. deep growls erupting from His chest and throat ... until He loomed over her .. He gazed down at her ... a quietness in His face but His body quivering like a beast preparing to kill it's prey and suddenly fell on her .. His cock piercing into her .. His teeth locking on her throat .. a scream from primordial times piercing the air and intermingling with her cry ...
His hips drove Him deep into her .. after a few staccato thrusts He fell into a rhythm .. hard and fast on the downstroke, slowwwww and twisting on the up ... each thrust and subsequent withdrawal driving them both closer to the inevitable .. His teeth locked in her throat cutting her wind ... her gasps an aphrodisiac to His insanity ... withdrawing to the edge of her cunt, He waited for her hips to reach for Him and fell on her savagely .. again and again He pounded and slammed into her .. her already bruised and ravaged pussy still reaching and embracing His length and girth with each entry ... still grasping Him and rolling on His cock on the backstroke ... He growled in her ear, spitting out the words ...
"Mine, you are Mine slut, Mine to use as I see fit .. Mine to cherish as I choose and Mine to control .. NOW .... cum for Master whore ... cum for Me."
She virtually exploded .. her hips rising up to meet Him .. gasping in lust and need ... her eyes rolling back in her head ... lips snarling like a beast as He drew the orgasm from her .. her cunt grabbing Him like a vise and twisting and rolling along the shaft ... her breasts rising up as her back arched under His weight and she screamed.
"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaster ..." His mind snapped completely .. A few ragged thrusts .. a monstrous ROAAAAAAAAR ... and He joined her in another time and place where only sensation, lust, madness, and passion existed ... a passerby would have sworn there was a light surrounding them that was blinding ... singing from an ethereal plane and the smell of the deep and fertile jungle filling the room .....