Morgana's Painful Lesson
Morgana stood outside the Headmaster's office, nervously holding the note in her hand. She didn't know the contents of the note, only that it was about her and that she was in some sort of trouble.
At 18 years old she already had a woman's figure and somehow looked out of place wearing the compulsory school uniform. She was short with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her full firm breasts left the buttons of her white shirt straining. She was wearing last year's navy skirt, which was now far short, but her mother said it wasn't worth getting another for only two more terms. Unfortunately for Morgana this meant that every time she forgot and bent over, whoever was behind her got a full view of her regulation navy blue knickers. She was wearing long white socks and black 'sensible' shoes that she hated, but her mother made her wear.
The waiting seemed like an eternity; why didn't he just call her in and get it over with – she knew it couldn't be that bad, as she didn't even know what she'd done. Her class teacher had just said to her that she was going to be a very sorry young lady and to take the note to the Headmaster.
Now, Miss Robinson was an old battle-axe and a spinster and she had never liked Morgana. She took a dislike to her from the moment, Morgana had got the highest score in an all school sponsored spelling test, staff and students both took part. She had got more than Miss Robinson – an unforgivable offence. When she sent her with the note she seemed to wearing a very smug expression on her face.
"COME IN!" Bellowed Sir's voice from inside his room and Morgana timidly entered the room and sat down.
"I didn't tell you to sit down Morgana, on your feet and stand in front of my desk."
She jumped up and said sorry. She allowed herself a quick glance round the room, as she had never been in the Headmaster's study before. The desk was very large and made of thick wood, but what caught Morgana's eye was the umbrella stand in the corner. Only it didn't have umbrellas inside, but a collection of half a dozen canes and a cat-o-nine-tails. He caught her eye and gave a half smile,
"Let's hope they won't be needed for you Morgana."
She stared back at him horrified at the mere thought of it.
"Give me the envelope" he said grimacing. Whilst he opened it and read the contents, she took the opportunity to look at him – she had never been to his study before or seen him this close up. He was a sturdy built man with dark hair and a formidable manner. She also noticed what large strong hands he had.
Suddenly he looked up and met her eyes. She flinched when she saw how angry he looked. "How do you explain this?!" he roared and threw the note at her. "I want you to read it out aloud to me Morgana." She picked it up and read out in a quivering voice read what was written on the note.
"I think that St. Hilda's school for girls is the worst school in the country. The teachers are not fit to teach anyone, especially my sour-faced teacher Miss Robinson. Headmaster Dave thinks he's in charge but the teachers run rings around him. He has got no control and everyone laughs behind his back. I think he should have stopped at his old school."
It was signed...Morgana
"But Sir" Morgana spluttered. "Don't but Sir me!" he shouted, his face nearly purple with rage. "Is this your signature or not?"
"Well it looks like mine but," he stopped her sentence short. 'Yes indeed it does Morgana. I am very disappointed in you and you will be severely punished for this outrage'.
Morgana was dumbstruck. She knew that she hadn't written the letter, but it definitely looked like her signature. She knew no one would believe her and her eyes filled up with tears.
"Too late for tears young lady" said the Headmaster and ordered her round to stand in front of him. It took all of her courage to look him in the eye.
"Now I know that you are a senior girl and probably think you are too old for this, but I want you to bend over the desk and lift up your skirt."
She started to protest, but one look at his face sent a chill through her and she decided it was useless to even try.
The desk was empty and she leant over it, looking fearfully at the canes. He saw her looking and explained as it was the first time she had been sent to him, he would be lenient and only use his hand. Morgana knew it would hurt less, but to her it would be so much more humiliating.
He rested his hand on her tight fitting knickers and she could feel her vulnerable buttocks tense against his touch.
"Six smacks for you Morgana and I hope it teaches you something."
"Yes Sir" she replied meekly.
He raised back his hand and her cheeks tensed in anticipation of what was to come.
Morgana screamed out in pain – there was nothing soft about this Headmaster she thought. She stood up in protest and he came closer to her and whispered in her ear, "Get your yourself back over that desk my girl, or it will be twelve on your bare bottom."
She gasped and bent over quickly, lifting up her skirt without being asked. She gripped onto the top of the desk, her nubile body stretched before the Headmaster. Her humiliation was acute and her bottom burning.
"Up on your tip toes Morgana" he said, "so your bottom is nicely lifted up for me."
She quickly did as she was told and with out any further warning, down rained another three smacks.
Morgana bit down on her lip, but could not prevent her tears from rolling down her face. She just lay prostrate over the desk for him, not daring to move. She awaited his next order in complete submission and humiliation. She imagined his eyes glaring down at her panties and she cried all the more. Her cheeks felt on fire, what firm hands he had. She thanked God that he hadn't caned her.
"Now my girl I want you to stand up and you may rub your poor little bottom if you must. It gives me no pleasure to have to discipline someone who really should know better. Have you anything to say for yourself?"
"Please Sir it really wasn't me. I didn't write it, honestly I didn't."
His eyes glowered darkly at her and she saw the anger mounting inside him. She all of a sudden felt very afraid of him. She hung her head and said nothing more.
He said very slowly and menacingly to her, "There is nothing in this world I hate more than liars Morgana. Have you not done enough damage by writing such an impertinent note in the first place, without compounding it with a lie?!"
She took a step back from him, pleading to him with her eyes. She quickly looked down again; she saw no mercy there.
"I have given you the chance to sorry and punished you Morgana, but it seems to me that you have not learnt your lesson at all. Due to the seriousness of this matter and your lack of regret, I am afraid that I have no option but to teach you a painful lesson you won't forget. It is full assembly in 15 minutes and I intend to make an example out of you. Report to the main hall with the rest of your class."
Morgana dejectedly walked back to her classroom rubbing her smarting buttocks underneath her knickers. She went in the classroom, her eyes still red from her tears of pain and humiliation.
She noted a thin smile over Miss Robinson's face. The bell went and all proceeded to the assembly hall, Morgana not being able to imagine what could be worse than what she had already gone through. As soon as they were all in the Headmaster beckoned her to the stage at the front of the hall where he stood.
Morgana stood, head bowed. The Headmaster proceeded to tell the whole school that a lesson needed to learned today and that a naughty pupil was going to serve as a lesson to them all. Morgana looked up at him and even though she was frightened, she admired him and his principles. How she could have ended up in this situation she really couldn't fathom.
"Come here Morgana and turn your back to everyone." On the stage was only a tall podium and he had Morgana bend over and grip it with her hands. She was blushing with embarrassment, but worse was to come. He called Miss Robinson up and instructed her to pull Morgana's panties down to her knees. Morgana was horrified by this. The Headmaster then told her to get on tiptoes and stick her bottom out further. There were giggles from the 'audience' and they could see that her bottom was already red from her earlier punishment.
Out of the corner of her eye Morgana saw the Headmaster wielding a cane. She paled at the sight of it. She was instructed to open her legs a little wider and to her shame she knew that her pussy lips and bottom were exposed for all to see.
She started to whimper before the Headmaster had even spanked her. He took no notice whatsoever of her large pleading eyes.
"Six for you my girl and you will count out every one out aloud."
Morgana screamed out the pain was terrible. 'If you shout out you will get the cane again and again until you stop. The first one doesn't count. Do you understand me?!"
"Yes Sir" she mumbled.
Thwack! 1
Thwack! 2
Thwack! 3
Thwack! 4
Morgana thought she would surely die before this was finished. The pain was incredible, her bottom on fire and her shame overwhelming. But she dare not make a sound and bit on her arm to stop herself shouting.
Thwack! 5
Thwack! 6
"Now pull up your panties and stand there and let everyone note how naughty behaviour will be dealt with in this school." Not a sound came from the assembled pupils, all terrified of receiving some of the same treatment.
Everyone went back to the classrooms, but Miss Robinson waited back for Morgana in the corridor. She said to her, "Well little Miss Clever Clogs that will teach you to show me up in a sponsored spelling test."
Morgana gasped in horror, "You mean you wrote the letter?"
"Yes it was quite simple and of course I have many examples of your handwriting for the signature." She laughed out aloud at Morgana's shocked expression.
Then from out of nowhere a hand appeared on Miss Robinson's shoulder. She turned around slowly and paled when she realised who it was. Headmaster Dave!
"Yes my dear Miss Robinson, I have overheard every single word."
He explained that if Miss Robinson wanted to keep her job, she would report to his office at 9.00am the next morning and would be getting the same punishment as Morgana.
Morgana laughed allowed when the Headmaster said that she could 'assist' in the correction of Miss Robinson.
When she lay in bed that night and thought back on the day's events, she was ashamed to admit to herself that she had rather enjoyed Headmaster Dave's hands correcting her pert bottom. What would he have thought if he had known how wet she had been up on that podium?
But of course the Headmaster knew full well what effect he'd had on her and looked forward to the next time...oh yes there would definitely be a next time.
Morgana awoke the next day in a very excited mood. She wasn't a vengeful person by nature, but the thought of Miss Robinson stretched over the Headmaster's desk made her feel very exited. She was going to make the most of it!
She couldn't help but wonder if the Head would make Miss Robinson take her panties down – she hoped so... She herself still had a painful reminder of her own treatment the day before.
On the way to school she passed by the old bike shed and some of the older boys were there smoking. They shouted of her to come over to them and she obliged them. There were three of them and she knew them all quite well – she even used to go out with one of them. They were always teasing her about her large breasts and she giggled and blushed.
Then Ray, her ex, asked her to show him her bra. She just laughed, but he persisted. As she was in a good mood she thought, "Oh well what's the harm?" The boy's eyes were transfixed as she undid a couple of buttons slowly, to tease them. She liked the feeling of power it gave her and the boy's tongues were hanging out in anticipation.
Her bra was bright red and lacy, not at all appropriate for school, especially games, but the wilful Morgana cared not one jot. She grabbed her bra cups and taunted the boys by appearing to bare her breasts but stopping at the last moment.
Ray then asked her to lift up her skirt. Morgana was too excited by this time to say no. She boldly stood in front of the boys, and turned her back to them. She lifted up her skirt and gave them a full view of her regulation navy blue knickers. They asked her to bend over a bit and she did. She thought to herself, 'well they are only looking...' The boys made appreciative noises as they saw her buttocks jiggling in her tight panties.
The next moment she was taken by surprise – she felt her knickers being roughly pulled down to her knees, exposing her still reddened bottom from the previous day's punishment.
Now she knew that she should have jumped up and ran away, but she loved the feel of the cool draft that wafted over bared buttocks and also the thought of the boys gazing admiringly upon her. So instead, much to the obvious pleasure of the boys, Morgana opened her legs farther apart and bent down lower. She knew they would be getting a glimpse of her moist little pussy lips and smiled to herself.
Ray said that she was a very naughty girl and would have to be punished for her wantonness. This of course was exactly the response that Morgana had hoped to provoke. Each boy in turn spanked her bottom, while she wriggled and squirmed with pleasure of it. Of course they were no substitute the firm smacks that the Headmaster had given her, but were non-the-less enjoyable for that.
Whilst one boy spanked her, another slid his hands down the cups of her bra and played with her nipples. Morgana just loved every single minute of it. Her rosy nipples hardened in seconds and made her moan and gasp.
They were all startled as they heard the 5-minute warning bell for school. Quickly the boys ran off, leaving Morgana to pull up her knickers and button her blouse.
Today had got off to an even better start than she had hoped for.
Her face was flushed with excitement as she raced off towards the school playground.
Such was her haste; she didn't notice the large figure of a man standing just a little way off from bike sheds. He had watched the whole episode with interest as it had unfolded between Morgana and the boys.
If she had known who it was she would definitely have curbed her wanton behaviour.
Morgana raced into school and got to the Headmaster's study just seconds before the 9am bell rang – Miss Robinson, looking decidedly ashen, was already there.
The secretary informed them that the Headmaster had been slightly delayed, but had left instructions for them to wait for him in his study.
Miss Robinson and Morgana didn't speak to each other, but Morgana couldn't help but give a little smirk when her teacher looked over as she was in a naughty mood today.
The Headmaster entered the room looking decidedly stern.
"Right Miss Robinson", he said, "get over that desk right now". She lay full stretch over the desk and looked very scared.
"Now then Morgana, I want you to punish Miss Robinson as you see fit – please commence." Morgana couldn't believe her luck and went straight for a cane. She then lifted up Miss Robinson's skirt to reveal a skimpy black g-string - Morgana was surprised to say the least! Who would have thought staid old Miss Robinson would wear that.
She walked round the back of her and let rip with the cane.
Miss Robinson howled in agony and Morgana laughed out aloud. She saw the Head giving her a scowl, but she didn't care, she was going to have her revenge.
Miss Robinson shouted out again. But the more she cried out, the more Morgana wanted to punish her.
Miss Robinson's bottom was bright red and welts were forming on her bottom. The sight made Morgana smile – it served her right after what she did!
Morgana was out of control. Miss Robinson's screams could be heard throughout the school. Morgana showed her no mercy and ripped her g-string roughly down her legs. If she thought that by wearing a g-string she was to be spared the humiliation of having herself exposed, she was very much mistaken!
Morgana didn't know what came over her, but she went over to Miss Robinson and forced herself legs wide apart. She stared at her pussy and the thick, dark, curly hair around it – she decided her own sweet shaven pussy was much nicer.
She held back the cane again, ready to inflict more pain to Miss Robinson's tight firm little buttocks, when the Headmaster grabbed the cane and bellowed, "ENOUGH!"
Morgana knew she had gone too far...
Her teacher was instructed to get up – what a mess Morgana had made of that poor woman's bottom. It showed bright red stripes in stark contrast to the milky white skin. Miss Robinson had tears streaming down her face and Morgana for the first time felt remorse.
"I'm sorry Miss," she said quietly.
"IT'S A BIT LATE TO BE SORRY MORGANA!" shouted the Headmaster.
"You really have gone too far young lady."
She had never seen him look so angry and felt afraid.
"You were supposed to be teaching her a lesson for bad behaviour, not unleashing an unwarranted attack! Go and wait outside, I will deal with you in a minute."
Morgana looked into the tearful eyes of Miss Robinson and was ashamed of herself.
"You may go Miss Robinson and I don't expect to see you here under similar circumstances ever again. You will come with me Morgana."
Morgana followed the Head outside and as he made his way towards the bike shed a terrible fear came over her – had he been the figure who had observed her with the boys? If its was she knew she was going to be in BIG trouble.
When they arrived at the shed the Headmaster looked at her and said with a grimace, "Do you have anything you would like to confess young lady?"
"Yes Sir. I was a little bit naughty with some of the boys this morning, in here."
"A 'little' bit?" the Head nearly laughed, if he hadn't been so annoyed.
"I want you to show me."
"Oh no Sir, please I'm too ashamed!!"
Without warning the Headmaster smacked her bottom with such force that she fell to her knees.
"Now show me!" he demanded.
Morgana was quite shaken from the blow she had received and looked up to search for some leniency in his eyes. None was there...
"Well Sir, I bent over and pulled down my knickers and showed the boys my bare bottom."
Morgana trembled as she remained on all fours and lifted up her skirt. She slowly eased her panties down to her knees, blushing furiously all the while. The Headmaster walked round to the back of her and feasted his eyes on her innocent young pussy.
"Is that all you did?" he asked.
"Well please don't be too angry with me Sir, but I spread my legs wide open like this."
The Headmaster felt a bulge straining in his trousers. He loved the sight of Morgana's intimate areas, as yet never been penetrated by a man. She was a delicious specimen of womanhood that belied her tender years. How he would like to finger that tight little opening in her ass.
He smiled to himself observing her feeble attempts at shaving herself – he would love to get his hands on those sweet swollen lips of hers and do the job properly.
He turned his attentions to her wet little gaping cunt. He could see that she was as much excited as she was in fear.
His mind wandered as he imagined plunging into her from behind and giving her a good 'seeing to'. He would love to grasp her hips and thrust roughly into her, over and over again... Then he would listen to her moan as she came to climax, whilst he spanked her with every thrust.