More with Brookie

Just a quick note before I pass out from exhaustion---

Hi, kiddies, how's tricks?

Things are going splendidly, here... I just said goodbye to my friend, brookie. You remember her, right? She's my good friend from the local University who I'm training to be a submissive. Well, her "training" is coming along wonderfully, I must tell you.

This past weekend, starting last Thursday night, she came over to my place to spend a few days and catch up on some much needed sex on both our parts. See, we hadn't seen each other in 3 weeks and we were both experiencing some serious "withdrawal" symptoms in our respective lives: She was having difficulties concentrating on her school subjects and I was having difficulties concentrating on life, in general, for goodness sake!

Yes, my darned, perpetual erection kept getting in the way of everything! **SHEEESH!**

Anyway, Thursday night, she came over and begged me to spank her to orgasm! And me, being the Dirty Old Man that I am, quickly obliged my young friend's desires with about 40 lashes with my riding crop! Afterward, I ate out her fine, young pussy for two hours. And after having her reach dozens of orgasms, more than she could handle, she passed out.

I, was left high-and-dry. But I didn't mind because I was in an odd mood, myself, wherein I wanted to prolong my own pleasure for as long as possible, at that time.

Friday, we spent nude, indoors, rubbing, stroking and petting each other the whole day long.

We slept in each other's arms, until Saturday morning, when she asked me to spank her again, using my hands and a hairbrush, too, when my hands got too sore. Her bottom was redder than red all day and the poor girl couldn't sit down at all.

Now, remember, I still had yet to orgasm and was nearly ready to burst by this time!

Early, Sunday morning, about 5 o'clock, we woke up, hornier than we'd been in months, and she suggested that we watch a porno on dvd. I asked for any that had Anal Sex in them so she picked one out, from my collection and put it in the dvd player and as soon as it came on, my erection returned, with a vengeance!

After watching the movie, little brookie asked to see it again, only this time, she wanted to stroke my cock while we watched!

"OK, but afterwards, I want to fuck your ass," I told her. She readily agreed to these terms, as she has become a real lover of Anal stimulation over all the months that I've known her.

Well, we watched the damned thing again and my desires just kept building and building... So much so, that by the time we'd finished, my dick was harder than steel and it was ready to blow all over the walls if she'd so-much-as breathed on it!!! She had been frigging her pussy the whole time, too and had brought herself off to many climaxes!

So, we quickly ran to the bedroom and I laid down on my back and told her to squat her ass down on my dick!

It took only two strokes before I pulled her ass all the way down onto my erection, forcing myself as deeply into her rectum as far as possible and I blew a whole load of semen, deep in her colon, giving her a sperm enema!

I was completely spent after that and didn't really care if she came or not during my plundering of her ass. (Usually, I make it a point to ensure her enjoyment, as well.)

We just fell asleep like that, with my dick buried up this little bird's bum!

We woke up in the afternoon on Sunday where she gave me a fantastic blowjob and then we fucked each other's brains out. She's been working on toning her pussy muscles (Kegel exercises.) So fucking her tight, little pussy has become an adventure in its own right!

And that's what happened.

OK, yeah, I know that she'll have to leave me someday... Such is the very nature/ definition of our relationship.

But until that day, where we do say our goodbyes, I'm just going to enjoy my little friend and all our time spent (not to mention, the memories shared,) together.

Be well, kiddies... May you all find happiness in your lives, this Holiday Season, as well...

xo, -BB (Loving Master and "Big Daddy")