More Than Bargined For
You've come home from work again, it's been another long day and I'm feeling antsy. I need to be spanked tenderly tonight; I need to feel the sharp sting of Your palm against the tender flesh of my bottom. I run up to You, very happy that You're home. "Vinco!" I shout, using the Latin term for 'Master'. I look up at You, my eyes full of hope. "Master, I'm so glad You're home!"
You wince and hold up a hand to silence me. I become quiet as You put a hand to Your temple. "I'm not feeling well my pet...fetch me some of my pills please," Your voice is hoarse.
I curtsy and respond with a "Yes Master," before running back up the stairs and into the bathroom, grabbing a bottle of Excedrin. I run back down the stairs quickly, giving You the bottle. You raise an eyebrow.
"Water, my pet?" You inquire. My face falls as I realize I've forgotten to get You a glass of water.
"Forgive me Master!" I whisper, scurrying into the kitchen and getting it for You. I return shortly and hand it to You, curtsying again. You nod Your head, assuring me that I've been forgiven since Your head aches too much to punish me at this time.
"Did you make dinner, my pet?"
This time, I nod eagerly. "I made chili, Master, the kind You like, from scratch."
"The Colorado Chili?" You ask, raising both eyebrows in surprise. I nod again, smiling. I lead You into the kitchen. Sitting You down at the table, I fetch You a bowl of chili, the steam rising visibly off of it. You smile again for a moment, but frown as I sit down with my own bowl. You cough when I start to eat. I stop for a moment and look up at You. You raise an eyebrow again.
"Strike two my dear," You say, looking at me expectantly. I pause, trying to think about what I've forgotten. I look at Your bowl; You have a spoon so it's not that, I left the onions out of the chili because You're allergic so it's not that either...I've got cheese on the tab---.
"OH!" I gasp, jumping up and running over to the refrigerator. I pull out the small tub of sour cream, a staple condiment that You require in nearly all of Your dishes. You nod curtly this time as I place it on the table with a large spoon. We eat, and I clean up and put away the dishes as You go upstairs to undress and rest on the bed. When I am finished I come up the stairs and enter the bedroom. You summon me onto the bed.
"Close the door behind you," You command. Thinking that You want to hold me as You sometimes do, I snuggle close to You. You look at me and point to the laundry basket. "Why is the laundry not done?" You casually. I wince, I had forgotten Your request to get it done.
"" I stammer, the cringe a little, remembering our last session that stemmed from a lie. "I forgot, Sir," I finally confess.
You nod somewhat approvingly.
"Well, since you did not try to cover it up with a lie, I want you to go start it now, and return up here immediately. I will decide your fate while you are working on that, understood?"
My face fell, but I nodded, "Yes, Sir," I reply, obediently taking the laundry into the laundry room and putting some of the clothes in the washer. When I am finished starting the laundry, I return just as You had instructed. I gasp softly.
You have two pillows stacked on top of the bed, which means I am to be punished with either the belt or the whip. Trembling, I walk in and closed the door behind me, shedding all of my clothes. I turned to You and you nod toward the bed. I walk up to it and drape myself over the pillows, my ass in perfect position. I look up at You for a moment. "Master, if I may ask, may I please have the restraints?" You shake Your head.
"You will not need them," You reply confidently, "because you know that if you even dare to try and block during your punishment, it will double. I have decided to make it a light one, since you did tell the truth about neglecting your duties. However, you may place your hands underneath you."
"Thank you, Master," I whisper softly, and place my hands underneath me, cupping my trembling breasts. You position Yourself behind me, and I hear the clink of your belt. I try to brace myself without clenching, but You immediately notice.
I feel the sting of Your belt on my ass. "You know better than that!" You growl, "I am adding five more." I bite my bottom lip.
"Yes Sir," I croak. I hear the SWHISSH of the belt, right before it lands on my ass with a sharp SSSNAP! I yelp and clutch desperately at my breasts, resisting the urge to block. You strike again HISSS SSMACK! And again ZIIIP THWAP! I buck on the third strike, my nails digging into the soft flesh of my breasts.
"Rapid fire," You warn, right before a succession of SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!
I cry out and bury my face in the pillows, reduced to tears. I cannot help but kick my feet a little, but I am rewarded with a volley of smacks to my thighs and their sit spots THWACK! THWACK! THAWCK! "Now," You say, panting and sweating a little, "this is the last five, and I want you to count them. Understood?"
I am sobbing too hard to respond, and again I feel the lash of the belt on my ass, prompting a quick answer of "YES, SIR!" You nod and pause for a moment before putting down the belt. I am beginning to think You have changed Your mind, but I know You better than that and I watch as You walks across the room to our "toy chest", picking out the little flail. My tears renew themselves. "Oh, Master, no, please!" I cry.
"Be quiet! Don't you dare tell me no!" You growl, and I feel the whip apply itself rather smartly to my back. I yelp and fall silent. "Now," You say, "as I said before, I want you to count each stroke, but now, because of that little outburst, I want you to thank me for each one and ask me for the next one. Understood?"
"Yes Sir" I reply through my tears. You nod tersely and I hear the HISSSSSS WHACK! of the whip as it lands on my back. I inhale sharply, "One! Thank you Sir, may I have another?"HISSS SNAP! "Two! Thank you Sir, may I have another?" I am afraid that I may choke on my tears and not be able to count correctly, in which case I knew we would begin again. HISSSSS CRACK! "THREEEE! Thank you SIR may I have another?" HISSSSNAP! "F-f-f-FOUR! SIR! THANK YOU MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?"
"Don't raise your voice when you speak to me!"You bark, "Count that one again!" HISSSS THWACK!
"AH! Four! Thank you Sir, may I have another?" I cry into the blankets. HISSSS CRACK! "Oh! Five Sir, t-thank y-you S-sir for taking the t-time to p-punish me..." I sob.
"You are forgiven. You may rise," You reply, and I slowly get up, taking my hands off of my breasts; which now have hand print bruises on them as a result of gripping them so tightly.
"My dear," you say, noticing my breasts, "you have damaged your Master's property."
I hang my head in shame, "Forgive me Master, I didn't realize how much of a hold I had on them..." I say, the tears welling up in my eyes again. You take me in your arms gently, gingerly holding me to you.
"You are forgiven for today my pet," you whisper gently, and we get ready for bed, turning out the lights and falling asleep in our respective places; me at the foot of the bed and you under the covers.