More than a Necklace

I felt the gentle touch of your hand on the inside of my elbow, and instantly smiled. It was our signal, and it always pleases me to see you remember your training so very well. you were telling me in the most nondescript of ways that you were there at your master's side. Standing just behind me, and waiting for the answering gesture of me pulling you into the small group of friends ... as I readily did on this and every other occasion.

I take the opportunity to cast a very approving glance over you. I have always found you beautiful, but tonight you are stunning in a simple black dress, and a simple solid silver necklace. The others in the group are equally enchanted by your looks and shy smile. One of the ladies is somewhat enthralled by your necklace, and reaches tentatively to touch it, and is startled as you shrink away from that touch. I smile softly and gently explain that the necklace has extreme sentimental value, and you are very protective of it.

you smile quickly and confirm my story. Stating that it was a gift from me, and more than any other thing came to symbolize our relationship. The woman smiled warmly and asked if it meant more than the ring on your hand. you smiled again, and told her very much so. The necklace came long before the ring, and was much more of a symbolic commitment than the ring was. Although the woman seemed surprised, she asked no more, but stole glances at the necklace throughout the night.

It is but a necklace to them, so very much more to us. It is the penultimate symbol making you mine, your collar. I remember every detail of the ceremony placing it on your neck. The finality of that decision, I have but one collar to give, and only one submissive to offer it to ... ever. It remains yet one of the happiest days of my life.

The remembrance of all this beckons me to lean over and whisper huskily into your ear, "I want you little one." I can both see and sense the shiver that runs through you as the words have the desired effect. I love seeing you struggle to answer in such an open situation, with you knowing full well it was one of the reasons I did it. Turning your head to mine, you bite your lower lip and nod slightly. The elegant answer pleases me immensely, and warms me in so many ways. Pulling you to me gently, I whisper to you that we will be on our way soon enough ...

I see your body shudder again, an effect that did not go unnoticed by some of the members of the group. Nor did they miss the wonderful flush that crept up your neck and face. I love watching this flush of pleasure, pleasure from the moment, pleasure at thought for the future. I play my hand along the tender skin of your spine, growling into your ear to be good.

I see you glance again over to the woman with questions on your collar and fix your eyes on her as you struggle to control your breathing. Following your eyes with my own, I look at the woman you are fixed on. I am surprised to see her struggling herself. She is clearly flustered at her own reactions, She is somewhat flushed, and her breathing is ragged. Nobody else has noticed either of you at this point. Her eyes pan over to mine and there is a little confusion in her eyes.

I smile slightly, and excuse you and I from the little group. I laughed quietly to you, chiding you for torturing the poor woman. you smiled up to me the very picture of innocence, wondering of what nonsense your master was speaking. Raising my eyebrow, I look at you. Allowing my voice to drop a little, close to command voice but not quite, posing questions whispered gently into your ear. "you had no idea she had submissive leanings little one? you only randomly looked at her as you struggled to get control." Allowing my smile to grow, you know the power of our lifestyle little one, and you enjoyed that.

Now, I see the struggle in your own mind, trying to determine if you did do this consciously or not. I know it could never have been done consciously, no matter how much I tease you of it. you have never been a cruel person, and you abhor those that are. So cruelty was never your intent. However, could you have subconsciously been calling out to a sister? Feeling her reaction to you ... I smile warmly as I see the possibility flit across your mind. The potential that this could happen in such a non-D/s environment is a bit startling.

Keeping my voice low and close to your ear, I tell you it is time for us to go. We make a quick polite round of goodbyes and head for our car. Again I am struck on how very beautiful you are. There is a deep set sense of contentment about you now, secure in the knowledge that we are as we should be on so many levels.

As we exit the house, I open up my overcoat and pull you close, wrapping my coat around both of us. Kissing you deeply, I whisper how proud I've been of you tonight. Then pitching my voice a bit lower, I tell you to reach inside my inside left coat pocket and take out what is there.

I very much enjoy watching your eyes dance as you pull out the silver egg. Past experiences with such remote devices have brought hours of torment and pleasure, and I see questions in your eyes as you look up at me. I also see you have noted some irregularities in the surface.

I kiss you again hard, biting your lower lip, and pulling away, Growling into your ear, I command you to put it into your cunt. I see the quick panic in you, and wrap my coat tighter. Growling deeper, I tell you to do it now.

The command tone has an immediate effect on you, I can feel your body shudder. And you barely control the immediate response to drop to you knees. I feel your nipples stiffen to two hard darts against my chest, and know without checking that your pussy is instantly soaked.

"Yes Master," comes the quivering reply. As you reach your hand up under your dress and slip the egg under your thong. Slowly pushing it in you have to bury your face into my chest to muffle the moans. Biting your lip, I hear the final sigh and confirmation that it is in. "It's as you commanded Master." "Don't you dare cum until you are commanded." I bark softly into her ear.

Struggling for control, she manages a trembling "yes Master" for a reply.

As we get to the car I am amused to watch you gingerly slide down into the bucket seats, enjoying the sharp intake of breath as your skin touches the cool leather. I slip into the driver's seat and start the engine, even this slight vibration brings small shudders to your body. Pulling out the remote, I tell you it's time to test it for the ride home. I press the yellow button and the egg starts to vibrate, gently at first, and then gaining in intensity before backing off again.

Watching you as the egg goes through its cycles brings great pleasure to me. The stimulation is exquisite, and your fight for control follows the same intensity cycle as the egg. I push the green button, and watch your body start to shake as the dimples on the egg start to expand and contract along with the vibrating motion. you look over to me with a look of panic, and bite your lower lip. "Control, little one, control." And I touch the red button stopping the egg's vibration.

I explain the rules of the ride home. It is an exercise in control, my control over her, her control over her needs ... and her willingness to suppress those needs to her Master's will. With each stoplight we pass the remote on the egg is set to the color of the light as we arrive. If the light is green, yellow, or red as we arrive the remote will be set in that position until the next light.

she nods her understanding and breathes deeply, asking one last question, "when we arrive home Master what of the remote then?"

I look at her and smile, "the remote will be turned off as the key slips into the front door little one. you will not cum until commanded."

Barely audible is the "yes master" of her whispered reply.

As I ease the car into gear I catch her body tense out of the corner of my eye. I chuckle to myself thinking this is going to be an interesting ride home. The first stop light is green as we approach it, but it turns yellow just as we pass through. I smile over at her and press the yellow button. Before long little whimpers are softly slipping through her lips. I look over and sternly remind her of her orders.

I look ahead and the next stoplight is rapidly approaching, it's also green and I can see a little look of panic in her eyes. I laugh softly at your concern. As we approach the light it turns yellow, and I goose the gas a little, as if attempting to get through the light in time. The moans take a higher pitch as the car lurches, but I quickly let off the gas pedal, and bring the car to a halt at the light. Glancing over at her I press the red button stopping the vibrations in her cunt. I quickly note the deep breaths as she strive to gain control over her pulsating pussy. "Careful little one, we are still a ways from our house."

As the light turns green, I ease forward again, enjoying the slight flutter of her eyelashes. Those eyes are fixed dead ahead searching for the next light. As it comes into view, we see it as red and I can see she is mentally urging me faster to arrive at the light while it's still red. Laughing I slow the car down, not very much, but even that little bit is very perceptible to her. And as expected the light turns green. I tap the gas and as the car lurches forward I hit the green button. The effect is electric, and she gasps in surprise at the extreme sensations. The vibrating egg and expanding dimples stimulating her already soaking cunt in a multitude of different ways. White knuckled she grips the arm rests, and look at me in complete panic. I growl back, "control little one, you had better fucking control it!"

I watch as your bottom lip is sucked between her teeth and she bites down ... closing her eyes striving with every part of her being to control the boiling explosion that is preparing to erupt. With her eyes closed she doesn't see the next light approach, and I ease to a stop at the red light, and turn the vibrator off.

her breath is at ragged intervals. her body continues to shake as she tries get control of the pending eruption. Bit by bit, fiber by fiber she gain some semblance of control. her nipples are so hard they threaten to punch holes through the thin black material of her dress.

I shake my head in amazement, as I had truly thought she could not bring it back around this time. I had thought her too far gone. Once again I had underestimated how much she really want to please me. I smile to myself and whisper softly in her ear "good girl."

The light changes and we move forward again. "One more light little one to our house," her lips are tight and she nods tightly, not even trusting herself to speak. The egg is turned off, but her cunt is turned on, and she is still riding on the ragged edge. The next light approaches and she closes her eyes, not wanting to know how it will go.

As we approach the next light, I time it exactly right and hit it as its turning yellow, once again turning on the vibrating egg. Hitting the yellow switch has a very visible, audible and appreciable effect on her. I grab her arm and pull her close to me hissing in her ear, "90 seconds girl, you hold on 90 seconds ... show your Master what a good girl you can be." There was no appreciable response from her as she was fully concentrating on compliance.

As we pull into the driveway of our house, I stop the car and turn off the engine. Getting out, I quickly come to her side of the car and open the door. she is waiting for me to open the door as she has been trained to do. she exits the car flashing me with her soaked cunt, also as she has been trained to do. With her legs wobbly, you take my arm, and we approach the door.

As we get to the door I push her against it, pressing the front of her body flat against the wood. Punching the green button on the vibrator, I shove my hand under her dress and push a finger in her ass. Grabbing her hair and pulling your head back, I bark "Cum little slut of mine CUM!" The ensuing eruption is loud and totally uncontrolled as I unlock the door and pull her in. Dragging her to the sofa I throw her quivering body over the back of the furniture and push her dress up. Taking out my cock and running it along her sopping cunt I get it wet, and then thrust it into her waiting ass. Slowly pushing it in, and letting the juices work their way around my cock. I can feel the eggs dimples as I push in. The feeling is incredible. With my pubic bone pressed against her ass cheeks I am to the hilt inside of her. Grabbing her hair again, I growl "are you ready to be taken?"

"yes Master!" is her groaned reply.

Like a horse out of the starting gate, I start pounding her ass, hard and fast, seemingly deeper and deeper with each thrust. "Give it to me slut!, give it all to me!" ... her moans become shrieks as she totally lose herself in the moment. And with a series of final hammering blows I cum in a loud guttural cry that is absolutely primal. Stream after stream of jism is pumped into her bum, feeling molten and deep. Finally finished, I hit the red button and collapse over her. Lying still for long, long minutes trying to regain breathing and consciousness, I finally rouse myself enough to walk over and shut the front door, casually waving to any neighbor that had been paying attention.