Lost in Captive Dreams
The hour was late, the air cold as the crisp fresh fallen snow lay on the ground; Raider walked into the room. It was cloudless outside, the stars shinning brightly, littered against a blackened sky. He was leaning against the fireplace hearth, the fire's heat radiating throughout the room cast an eerie glow that silhouetted him, the soft scent of pine and oak permeated the room. He called to her; she moved silently to stand before him standing tall and proud, her lithe form seemed to shine in the waning moonlight. She cast her eyes upon the floor.
Raider bade her to undress, as he cast his deep brown eyes on her, grazing her form up and down as she undressed before him. He could see her skin blush even in the darkness of the room. Her movements were unhurried and meticulous, teasing him. Knowing he was watching her every move, Serena began to pull her shirt over her head little by little. The light chill of the air made the hairs rise upon her olive skin; her bra clung tight to her breasts as she reached behind her to unhook it. Crossing her arms, she reddened seemingly embarrassed.
Sliding the straps from her soft delicate shoulders and letting her bra fall noiselessly to the floor. She reached and unbuttoned her pants, her fingers fumbling nervously with the zipper; casting a quick glance up not sure what she would see in his eyes and then dipping them swiftly again. She wondered what he would have in store for her this night. She opened the zipper of her jeans, the rose tattoo peeking from behind the heavy material. Wriggling out of her tight jeans she let them drop to the floor as well, her whole body flushes as the corner of his mouth twitches into a slight grin.
Raider points to a spot on the floor before him and gestures her forward. Serena steps from her pile of clothing, and hastily moves to the spot, her arms tight to her thighs with her feet slightly apart. Her head is looking straightforward but her eyes stare down to the floor. No words needed between them; she knows his whim as well as he does hers. Raider drops his elbow from the hearth he leisurely walks about her, she can feel his eyes glance up and down over her again, and it causes her to shiver uncontrollably.
She feels the hair rise on the back of her neck as she feels the touch of his fingers upon her arms; the warmth of his breath caress across her neck. With loving care, he slips his hands little by little down along her arms and back up to her shoulders stopping shortly. Raider reaches and tenderly and brushes the back of his fingers along her cheek. Serena mews quietly as his touch sends an electric tingle throughout her body. His fingers run down along her cheek and reaches up beneath her chin raising it tenderly. The single finger perched underneath bringing her face to look up upon his.
Her eyes widen in curiosity, and then soften like a doe's as he reaches and gently tilts her head, kissing her soft, fully upon her lips. A single low sigh escapes her, and he smiles down at her. Raider reaches and taps her lightly to her temple causing her to blink. Walking around to face her, he then taps the other temple. The word was hushed soft but demanding as he spoke, "close." On hearing his word, her eyes flutter as she closes them, her long lashes sweeping her delicately rose cheeks.
Raider slid his hands easily along her arms, lightly clasping her hands within his own... it caused her to tremble as she felt him raise them. Raider spoke again, telling her to hold onto the bars. As Serena reached to grasp the bars, she thought it was quite odd but knew not to question his words. Quickly she put it out of her mind. She felt his hands drop away from hers, and not daring to look up.
Grabbing a dark cloth, Raider slipped it over her head; he placed it over her eyes as his hands moved back to tie it behind her. Serena's heart began to pound in her chest; she felt it rising into her throat. Her mouth getting dry, trying not to show her nervousness. She is anxious as to what is about to happen, part of her scared, the other exhilarated.
Serena does not know if this is a punishment... or a lesson. Again, she feels the touch of his hands upon her own, Raider lets them slither down along her arms. A soft flowing breeze gently skips across her skin and she trembles. Time seems to pass slowly as she strains to hear the softness of his breathing.
She hears a shuffling as Raider backs slightly away from her, dropping his hands from her shoulders. She strains her ears trying to hear any sound, but there is none. Minutes pass as she jumps feeling his heated touch slip along her skin. Raider garishly rakes his fingers delicately down the length of her stomach. Serena sucks in her stomach and hears the "click" of his tongue, causing her to freeze. She knows this sound all too well, it had always been his way of telling her she was not to move.
Raider spoke no words as he reached to kiss her delicately on the back of her neck, his lips brushing down along her silky shoulder. She could feel his teeth gently biting into her neck, his lips enclosing at the point of her neck and shoulder, goose pimples rose on her arms. His fingers sweep with a feather-like touch down along her shoulders, slipping down her arms and back up again. Her body trembles uncontrollably, the sensations spur her senses as Serena tried harder to reach out with her other senses, sending thrills throughout her body.
Again, Raider's touch slipped away from her, the sensation causing moisture to collect lightly between her thighs as she whimpered softly. Her body craving his touch, squirming slightly as she heard Raider's deep resounding voice telling her to hold still. Serena's body seemed to have a mind of its own; she bit her lower lip trying to quiet herself. She started to concentrate on where he was, listening for any noise, but all she heard was silence.
She felt him close to her, the heat of his body radiating such warmth, as he stood close but not touching. Raider reached with his foot, tapping her on the inside of her ankle encouraging her to spread her legs for him. The rumble of his deep voice "Spread!" resounds in her ears as he commands her to do his bidding without question.
A light brush of cool air passed between her legs causing her to stir. His touch was like electricity shooting her body when the contact of his finger slid along the curled hairs of her mound and across her sensitive bud. Each nerve igniting something she has never before felt, her body shivers with the rush and she sucks in her breath. This is something different, Serena thought. Never, before, has he bound her eyes to a point where she could not see.
He rubbed up and down along her slit then slowly inserted his finger deeply within her, her body reacting to his attentions as he heard her long low mewling sighs coming deeply from her throat. The corner of Raider's lips curled into a deviate grin as his finger continuing to probe her warmth. Serena found this all maddening, but her senses reeled at this new pleasure; not being able to see but the feeling was so sensationally new.
Raider reached up with his other hand tweaking her nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. She gasped as she felt her legs weaken with the tightening pressure as he pinched it and pulled on it. Her nipple became taut in his clasping fingers. His hand slid across her chest and began to tease her other nipple, she felt him pull his finger from her warmth. Raider circled her as he spoke, "I have a little something for you my pet."
Serena turned her head trying to keep up with his movements trembling in anticipation. Serena felt pressure applied to her nipple, constricting it, tightening, and giving a slight twinge of pain, then again to her other nipple. She felt something dangling just below her breast; for the life of her she could not imagine what it was. Her shocked gasps soon turned to surprised moans of pleasure. Reaching down Raider presses lightly on her swollen bud, and rubbed small circles around it, grazing the tips of her nipples gently with his fingers, he teased them, watching the swollen buds pinched between the nipple clips he had just applied, their color deepening.
Reaching down Raider pressed lightly on her swollen bud, and rubbed its in small circumference. She squirmed against his touch as he drank in the freshness of her skin and the erotic texture of her nipples. Serena pushed her hips forward trying to meet the alternating tapping and rubbing, the heat of his breath searing her skin just below her ears. Her body undulated slowly with his missive touch; he enjoys her gasps and squirms.
His cheek brushing hers softly as she hears him whisper close to her ear, "Does my little pet like her new toy I have gotten for her?" His finger again reaching up to circle around her pinched nipple, the pleasure staggers her as she hisses between her teeth "Yesssssss." He teases her nipple's buds, as he backs away wordlessly, without a sound; it drives her senses wild, her body straining in eagerness for his touch. Listening hard she hears his footsteps fall away fading from her hearing. Sharply turning her head Serena feels a panic rise in the pit of her stomach. She tries to move, her anxiety sets her senses afire, then all of a sudden, she feels a sharp "SMACK" on the cheeks of her ass, and it causes her to jolt. "Hold Still"! He thundered.
In those few minutes, she felt alone, and only knew she needed, wanted, and burned for his touch. To have contact from him so she could feel secure. Raider chuckled softly, Serena felt the touch of something cold against her skin, and it caused her to jump as he began to run it slowly down her neck, between her breasts and along her stomach. "This is a little something I thought you would enjoy," his voice issued in a calming tone.
She felt him slide it carefully back up and over the top of her nipple, the rubbing back and forth making her heart thud in her chest. Serena's senses overwhelmed her again as she felt her body coming to life once again, under his touch. He ran it back down her stomach and slipped it between the folds of her mound, the cold of it causing her to shudder. Raider coated it with her dew, and then pressed it against her hard bud. Her ears strained as she hears a low "click" she jumped as it began a soft humming vibration.
"Oooohhhhhhh," she moaned quietly. He licks her across her bottom lip, and then took it between is teeth, pulling it, then he permitted it to slip from his grasp. Kissing her tenderly again he whispers against her lips, "You like that don't you my lil pet"? He continued to rub against her bud; she purred an audible "Yesssssss." Raider pressed his heated body closer against her. His mouth trailing hotly down the side of her neck, she felt the burning in her nipples become pure aches of pleasure.
He caressed her waist, back, and slid a hungry hand possessively over her ass, squeezing her flesh with his strong fingers, pulling her harder into him. Sliding his fingers down the crack of her ass, he reached between her legs and slipped his finger into the depths between her heated lips. Serena groaned and she begins to moan louder. He probes inside her, pushing and pulling his finger in a steady rhythm. The humming begins to speed up, getting louder; pushing her hips forward rocking into this delightful feeling. Serena's hips lurch as she feels herself climbing higher. Raider slips another finger in along with the first her body responding to his teasing.
She craves to reach and touch him, to taste his body. He has all the nerves in her body on fire, a volcano deep within swelling and threatening to explode. He steps back and nips at her skin faintly with his teeth. Between the probing of his fingers, the vibrations on her swollen bud and the nipple clamps squeezing her nipples tightly her mind and body staggers with the multiple sensations. All the sights blocked out by the blindfold across her eyes, she has no choice, but to reach out with her other senses and they are driving her in a sweet tortured madness.
His tongue flicks at the tips of her nipples making her gasp as she tries to control her ragged breathing. "OH my God! "She groans as her moans and words become louder and bolder. He sucks at her nipple harder, pulling his fingers out, and she feels herself coming close to her orgasm as he plunges his fingers deeply back in again harder and faster. Serena's hip buck wildly, she grinds and bucks against his hand and he presses the vibrator harder against her bud with the other rubbing is faster back and forth.
Without warning Raider stops and backs away from her, he turns the vibrator off as he takes it away, removing his fingers from her. From behind her blindfold Serena's eyes widen in dismay. She felt the pull of wanting, the promise of desire. "Noooooooo"! She screams out. Whimpering in frustration, she hears him ask her softly, "How close were you?"
"I was so close, please don't leave me like this!" she said breathlessly as her words trailed off. The next words resounded in her ears like a drum. "I THINK that will be enough for now." Serena felt rather than heard the rumbling of the command in his voice; confusion erupted in the pit of her stomach. From deep inside her, she both cringes and rages at his treatment of her. Raider reaches over and carefully takes the nipple clamps off her nipples; she feels the blood once again rush into them and a throbbing pain as well.
"Oh dear gawd NOoooooo please, I beg of you don't stop." She tries desperately to make her mind work her body squirming with wanton passions. Still blinded by the blindfold Serena cried out. "I was so close... please!" She breaths, her senses still operating at a fevered pitch, she struggles to take the blindfold off.
Serena heard it before she felt it; it was a whoosh of air, then the feel of a sharp "THWACK," as the contact of Raider's hand fell hard on her ass caused her to start. "Excuse Me?" he growls menacingly, his words taking a harsh commanding tone. "What did you just say?" Her voice dry and panicky as she speaks once again, "I was so close... please!" she stammers.
"And WHY can't I do that? I just did!" Raider growls and Serena's head drops, knowing she is fighting a loosing battle "but why?" she asks her voice trailing off in exasperation. Serena's head snaps back and forth, frantically trying to find him. "Forgive me,"she says in a small voice that is barely audible. There is a still silence before she calls out to him, "Please talk to me, and tell me why?"
She hears his favorite chair squeak under his weight as he sits down, she can picture him sitting there leant forward with his elbows on his knees, his spread fingertips pressed together with his thumbs resting against his lips in silent thought. Serena knows there are no words needed to know that he is displeased with her, she squirms and starts to remove her hands, her fingers start to release the bars when she hears the "click" of his tongue causing her to freeze. She dares not move as she hears the creak of his chair, she knows he is rising, straining her ears she hears his soft footfalls.
She feigns a false bravado as she speaks, "Are you there?" but her words fade in a deafening silence, no one answers. She begins to wonder if he is still there, pressing her senses and reaching out she can feel his presence close, hovering around her and she trembles. "Why did you speak to me in such a way?" he asks his words low and serious. Her head snaps around as his voice shifts from one side to the other as she realizes he is circling her like a predator.
Serena's words seem to stick thickly in her throat as she speaks, "I...I..." she stammers, "I don't know, I was just so caught up in the moment, I wanted so much to cum." He pulls the blindfold from her eyes; his dark brooding eyes seem to burn through her as he looks into her eyes. "I see...," he says, letting his words trail off into thought. The next words that came from him made Serena's blood run cold through her veins.
"You are mine, I OWN you..., and what I DO, or NOT DO is not for you to say!"His words trail off shortly, and then Raider speaks again, his tone very serious. "So, WHAT should be done of this bit of rebelliousness...hmmmmm?" A hushed and commanding tone resonates through his voice; she knows he is demanding an answer. Serena chooses her words carefully, tears welling up in her eyes; her words are no more than a scant whisper "punishment." Her eyes drop to the floor as she awaits his decision. "Raider raises his eyebrow at her answer, "And HOW do you think you should be punished for such an outburst?" The "how" echoing through Serena's ears, she answered timidly, "That is for you to decide, it is at your discretion."
He reaches slipping his hand about her waist, pulling her back into him. Serena, still grasping the bars feels the strain in her arms as his other hand pushes against the silken skin of her back, pushing her forward, bending her. He leans over her his hot breath close to her ear as he whispers softly "Yesssss... it is, isn't it?"
Her thoughts, fly through her head as Serena frantically realizes that she has never had anything done like this to her before; Serena's heart hammers hard in her chest, her lungs feel as if they are on fire; she wonders if Raider has gone mad. Raider removes his hand from her back, feeling him as he reaches down and begins to unbuckle his belt, he stands, snatching it free from the confines of the belt loops. Stepping back, he folds it in half, and snaps the leather together hard and fast an echoing loud "CRACK" as it pounds in her ears.
She bites her lower lip waiting for the punishment to begin. Raider meticulously walks around Serena until he is standing in front of her, quietly he speaks pulling her face up to look into his, "I want them counted, understand?" he awaits her answer. "Yes," she answers as she drops her head in defeat, she hears..."Yes, what?" His voice resounds in her ears, commanding an answer. "Yes Sir" Stammering and stealing herself for the first kiss of his belt, she hears rather than felt it, the "WHOOSH" sound whistles through the air and is somewhat maddening to Serena, she hears it so sharply and clear.
The loud "WHACK" at the initial contact causes a stinging burn as it bits into the tender creamy flesh of her ass. She starts jumping, trying to avoid the sting of the leather, and screams out "ONE!" her eyes welling with tears as they threatened to spill over her flushed reddened cheeks.
"One WHAT! Count them properly and be STILL girl!" he growls threateningly. She speaks quickly and clearly "One Sir!"Serena was not prepared before the sound of the "WHOOSH" as three audible "cracks" licked across her creamy cheeks and thighs. The tears beginning to stream down her face, moistening her cheeks. Her throat is dry as she croaks, "Oh dear gawd, Four Sir!" Raider backs a step away... standing tall his legs slightly apart, his growling words are decidedly softer. "That is much better girl, your punishment could be much worse!And Serena," he commands her instant attention as he picks up her chin to look up upon his face.
"From this day, you WILL regard Me as Sir...is this understood? And will my lil one speak so freely again?" Looking into his eyes she feels his gaze burning into her, she feels herself giving into him and quietly answers, "Yes Sir, I understand, it will be as you wish." He lets her chin drop gently. Serena's eyes watch as he walks around her, feeling the coolness of his touch on heated her ass as he begins to soothe tenderly the stinging from the lash of his belt.