Looking for Trouble at the Office
Lucy had been working at the office for a year when she started to hear the rumours. They were very hush-hush, involving a manager who had made certain advances on a secretary. Advantages of the sort which would have seen him quickly expelled from the company if not for his family's wealth and position. Even so, he'd been busted down as far as they could send him and the secretary in question had gotten away with a fat pile of money on the promise to breathe not a word of it to anyone.
Somehow though, word had gotten out. No one seemed to know quite which manager it was, though there were always theories and many of the female workers started to walk more cautiously around their superiors. It was not a happy time, nor a place to let down your guard. In fact, for a normal person it would have been stressful and hellish.
But Lucy had always known that she wasn't a normal person. Her first reaction upon hearing the rumour had not been horror or repulsion, but a guilty sense of desire. Her first thought hadn't been sympathy for the poor secretary, but something rather more selfish.
Why wouldn't it have been me? Were the words she refused to say out loud, fearing what her coworkers would think. But they rang true inside of her all that week. An aching want which filled her up and muddled her thoughts.
Lucy was a redhead, a petite woman with deep green eyes and a face splashed with freckles. If you asked anyone who knew her, they might say she was a joy to speak to and behold. She hoped that this was true at least, she tried very hard. She was the sort of person who needed to fit in. Conformity was security, and she had spent her whole life seeking that. It wasn't that she was threatened or came from a bad home. It wasn't that she'd had terrible experiences or somehow had learned to fear the future.
No, she had no tragic past, no dark secret. She was just a woman who had left school, got a job and was trying to build her career. Friends were good for that, so she tried to have as many of them as possible. She traded favours, gave kind words where they were most needed. She built a positive impression of herself for as many people as she could. She was nice, she was calm, she was happy and relaxed. Never angry, no matter how close the deadline. Never frustrated, never snapping at a co-worker. That was how she lived her life.
It was exhausting and part of her hated it. She hated how she had to constantly work to maintain her image. She hated the falseness of it all, and how she wasn't the person most people thought she was.
But she hated not having money more. So back to the grind it was. She didn't have a boyfriend. A boyfriend would have meant letting down her guard, letting someone see the real person behind the mask. She could never bring herself to risk that. So she spent most of her nights alone. She'd had a few one night stands, blazing flowers of passion in her mind which made her body ache with remembrance and ghostly desire. Yet even this she carefully limited. Reputation was everything and for a woman to get a reputation as someone who slept around could be bad for her career even if it was sexist and unfair.
So she lived her life being a goody two-shoes office drone with ambitions of something more. That was how she had existed since she'd turned eighteen, and how she imagined most of her life would go. Constantly climbing, reinventing herself at each stage. Now, a modest office worker, one day an ambitious manager. After that, who knew? Each one would almost be their own person, separate from the Lucy who existed before.
She was, in short, a false person. Everything about her was false. Chosen to appeal to someone else. Sometimes when Lucy looked into the mirror, she wondered how much of what she saw was really her.
Then she heard the rumour. Felt the buzz that it sent through her body. Her cheeks heated and she had to duck away quickly from the conversation with her coworker, retreating to her cubicle for a few moments as she gathered herself. She didn't know at first why it had hit her so hard or how it had filled her with such desire. Under her skirt and panties, her pussy throbbed with a powerful heat. Her throat was dry, and she shook her head as if trying to dislodge the thoughts. But they did not leave her, and all of that night she wrestled with them. She turned and tossed in bed, wishing that her frantically beating heart would settle.
When it did, and when she finally drifted to sleep, she was haunted by dreams. Fantasies which made her skin tingle. She woke again and again, her body plastered with sweat. She could never quite remember what she had been dreaming about, but the fading tail of it always made her long for more.
Eventually, she admitted that she wasn't getting any more sleep and hauled herself from the bed. Her body was soaked with sweat and she knew she couldn't go into work like this. She decided to take a shower, stripping off her panties and nightgown as the warm water pounded down around her.
Lucy's body was attractive. Like the rest of her, she considered it a tool to use to get what she needed. She had long legs, which she used for running and jogging each day. Her arms and upper chest were toned, her red hair she wore bound in a ponytail behind her back. Her chest was compact, her nipples small and pink. They were sensitive, and as she brushed one hand against them now, a delicious shiver ran down her spine.
Fuck, she was really turned on. Had whatever she'd been dreaming about been that good? She didn't know; she couldn't remember anything but the sensations. The feeling of someone grinding against her body. Heat and warmth. Pleasure thundering through her mind, and sounds of arousal and desire echoing in her own voice as something long and hard pressed between her lower lips.
Her pussy was soaking. She ran one finger across its entrance. Her nerves shivered for more, and anticipation rang through her body. She didn't usually masturbate, but she had some free time today so why not? Her skin grew more sensitive at the thought, blood flushed through her face.
The lips of her pussy started to moisten. She ran two fingers up and down her lower entrance, teasing gently at first, but with more speed as her nerves started to fire. Heat flushed between her legs, the water felt good against her skin. Her nipples were hard now, one of her hands moved to stroke and caress them while her second moving in rapid circles, the palm pressed to her womanhood. The pressure and stimulation made her go weak at the knees, and she heard her own voice rising above the drumming of the water.
She rubbed herself faster, enjoying the crackling feeling which whipped through her body with each rotation. Desire and pleasure flared, sensitive nerves started to come to life. Her clitoris made itself known with a hungry throb and she bit her lower lip, her fingers flowing naturally towards it.
When she touched it, a wave of pleasure made her legs shake. It was small and hot, but even brushing her fingers against it made her shiver! Lucy sunk to the ground, her legs spread as far as they could go. If someone had walked in on her now, they would have seen her fucking herself with her own fingers, her other hand desperately groping her chest. So much for her carefully cultivated image! But there was no one else in her house, and even if there was, she couldn't have stopped now.
Desire and pleasure throbbed through her in waves, lighting up her nerves with desire and flushing heat through her body. Her fingers moved, touching and exploring herself in the most intimate ways. Her chest rose and fell, her breath came quickly, arousal making her pant and moan.
Lucy closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. Her fingers danced and teased her aching pussy, brushing aside her lower lips and stroking herself directly. She moved them with a desperate speed, a sort of hunger taking over her actions. Every now and then, she would tease her clit. Doing so would always make her grit her teeth as the tight nova of pleasure burned through her mind.
As she touched herself, she imagined that it was not her doing it at all. She imagined that it was the manager, the one who'd got in trouble with the secretary. If he'd chosen her, he'd not have gotten any trouble at all. After all, she couldn't take any risk to her career or image. If word got out, they'd both be found out to be phonies so she would have had to let him do everything to her that he wanted to.
Fuck! Why did that thought turn her on so much? Why did it make her so wet? She didn't know, she didn't understand except to know that it did. Was it because in such a situation she could take off her mask? Be herself? Let herself be controlled and give up the safety she struggled so hard for every day?
Or maybe it was just that she wanted someone to dominate and take control of her? Had that been what she was dreaming about? What had turned her on so much?
This felt so good. Better than when she usually touched herself, or even when she used toys. Her pussy was wet and responsive, her fantasies and dreams had primed her body for release. Before she even knew it, she felt herself rising on the wave of an orgasm, the feeling crested, breaking against her mind and body. Her nerves grew hot and her body grew tight, her throat became dry and for a single moment she felt as if she was stepping out over a cliff. About to take a grand plunge as the stimulation overwhelmed her senses. It was too late to go back, but she had a few moments to see what was about to hit her.
Then the feeling rolled over her. The climax was hot and intense, it seemed to stir every nerve in her body into activity. Her fingers moved faster and faster, losing their elegance as they sacrificed everything for pleasure. Her back arched, a lewd moan escaped her lips. Her toes curled and her fingers balled.
For a few glorious moments, Lucy knew nothing but the feeling which pulsed through her very being. Warm and wet, pleasurable, it filled her up and made her feel as complete as she ever had before.
Then it faded and she was left sitting on the floor of the shower, her legs splayed, warm water beating down around her and soaking her red hair to the skin of her scalp and shoulders.
It was then and there that she vowed she was going to find a way to feel like this again.
Over the next few days, Lucy put out feelers. She talked to people in different departments, spoke to a few managers she knew liked her or had feelings for her. She probed the rumour as much as she could without being too obvious about her infatuation with it.
Most people wouldn't have gotten anywhere but Lucy was well liked, and she had some favours to call in. Gradually, piece by piece, she started to figure out what had happened
The rumour had been right about one thing; the secretary didn't work here anymore. But the manager did. He'd been tossed into a small department that worked near the bottom of the building, far away from anywhere he could really do harm. He had like two people under him, but neither of them seemed to actually show up to work so Lucy wasn't even sure if they existed anywhere but on paper. Because the office could not get rid of him they'd simply skirted around him, and as far as she could tell he did almost nothing every day.
The fact that he was still paid more than her for this was more than a little annoying. Eventually, she dug deep enough to find a name. Michael Sampson.
His department was on the other side of the building, tucked away near the ground floor. Isolated and alone. Lucy convened a way to see it for herself, carrying a stack of papers to be processed there. It was a small, closed area. Very different from where she worked. There were only a few cubicles, and these were mostly empty. The main office was near the back, and had large windows which were blocked out by thick curtains.
It seemed like a ghost town at first. Like there was no one there at all, and nor had there been for quite some time. It was dusty, and the air was heavy with abandonment and disuse. Then, just as she was about to give up in despair, she saw motion. Someone emerged from the office.
He was a tall man with dark hair. He looked to be about thirty, with stubble where a beard had once been. He had a good build, fit and strong, but his eyes were empty, and dark rings betrayed a lack of sleep.
She recognised him from the pictures, though then he had been younger and more energetic. Michael Sampson! The man who had taken advantage of the secretary and ruined his own career. She swallowed, suddenly nervous but desperate not to show it.
"Did you lose your way?" Michael asked her with a wry grin. "Not very many people come here now."
"N-no," Lucy said. She swallowed, and made her voice more firm. "No, I have some forms that need to be processed and signed."
"Well, you're the first one to actually bring them here," Michael said. "I haven't seen forms in several weeks now. I was beginning to think the world had run out of paper."
He chuckled, the sound made her feel very strange. His eyes were on her rather than the stack of forms, and she felt like he was measuring her up. Her body tingled, and she could feel herself getting wet.
"I've not seen you around here much," Michael said. "Are you new?"
"No, I've worked here for a few years now. I'm usually in a different department. I'm Lucy."
"I'm Michael," he said. "But I've got a feeling that you already knew that. I can't imagine that they would let some unaware office drone stumble here to meet me in my dreaded lair." He grinned sardonically as he spoke. "So you must have already known about my, uh, reputation. I don't suppose there's anything I could tell you to make it better?"
"I don't know," Lucy felt the heat flowing to her face. Was she flushing? Could he see? Her heart beat faster. "What could you say to make it better?"
"Little," Michael admitted, turning away from her. "We were flirting. I went too far. That's all there is to it. Did you come to gawk at me here? If so, come back any time. I promise, I will be here for quite a while."
He turned away and having deposited the papers, Lucy left. But that strange feeling which had been born during the meeting would continue to build within her. Michael had not been what she expected. She had thought he would be creepy, predatory. The sort of man who would instantly try to tackle advantage of her.
She was pretty sure she would have let him if he had too.
But Michael hadn't. She'd felt his eyes on her body, and she knew that he had desired her. But he'd pulled back. And he'd been much more reflective than she had expected too.
The next day she put on a request for a temporary transfer to his department. That one took a lot of explaining. Her manager was concerned. Mostly about her career prospects, but she knew the real root cause of it.
"You're a good worker," he told her. "You're going to be promoted soon. You're going to climb the ladder. I don't know why you want to go to that place. It'll slow down your career and you'll end up regretting it."
"It's only temporary," She said with a sweet smile. "I'll be back here before you know it. But they have a lot of work to do there and they seemed absolutely swamped. Let's be honest, you don't really need me here for everything. I'll be back before you even miss me."
The man tried to dissuade her further, but she refused to be cowed and after a while, he reluctantly allowed her to go. Michael was very surprised to see her back, and even more surprised when she showed him the forms.
"Temporary reassignment?" He raised an eyebrow. "Those are words I never thought I'd see applied to this place. You must have pissed off someone powerful to be tossed into this hole. Well, company is always nice so choose a desk. There's plenty of options."
She did just that, and for the first few days she worked just like it was any other assignment. The forms came in and she filled them out, she did paperwork, computer work, some cleaning here and there. Michael didn't appear often but when he did, her body would tense. She would hear him before she saw him, the floor creaking as he walked down the hall. The back of her neck would prickle as he moved past, his eyes would sweep across her body. There was desire there. Want that echoed in her own body. The thought that he could take advantage of her at any moment turned her on and made her grind her thighs.
But he never did. After the first few days, Lucy realised she was going to have to be the one to set things in motion.
Michael didn't keep regular hours and didn't bother to lock up his office, so it was easy enough for her to sneak in when he wasn't there. The computer he used was still set to the default office password, so this was easily overcome as well.
Only then did Lucy pause, considering her actions. The logical part of her mind was screaming at her, demanding to know what she thought she was doing. This went way beyond any fantasy she'd ever had, and the man was a user! Why was she even considering this?
For a moment, she quailed. She almost backed away, almost gave up then and there. But the memory of her half remembered dreams, and the ghostly feeling of her time in the shower carried her through.
The next day as she was working, Michael came to her desk. For once, he did not look bored or depressed. He looked stern. Her stomach flipped as she looked up into his eyes.
"Miss Goodheart?"
He didn't usually call her by her last name. She swallowed, feeling suddenly very on edge.
"Y-yes Michael?"
"Sir today, Miss Goodheart. I am your manager, after all even if only for now. Some respect is probably due. It seems to have been rather lacking of late."
She felt as if she'd been slapped in the face, her skin flushed and she nodded.
"I understand, sir. I am sorry you feel that way."
"Are you?" He said, growling low. "We'll talk about that later. For now, I want to see you in my office in ten minutes."
He turned and stalked away, leaving Lucy wrestling with mixed feelings behind her desk. Her legs felt weak and she was nervous. What could have caused such a reaction? Did he know...? Well what was she going to do if he did? She couldn't exactly leave now with her assignment only half over. She'd just have to take the meeting. After all, it wasn't like he had any real power in the company now.
Yeah, she'd just endure whatever it was he wanted to say to her and then go about her day. Easy and simple. But, as the time came closer for the meeting, she started to get nervous. She swallowed, using her hands to straighten out her dark grey skirt and to smooth over her work blouse. She was wearing long socks and heels, and when the time came to finally go to the office, the walk seemed to take forever.
Lucy swallowed, nervous energy battering against her mind. She felt strange moving over to that room where Michael was waiting. She didn't know what was going to happen to her. Anticipation and eagerness battled with dread and wariness. Had she gone too far? Had she been caught?
She was going to see.
When the moment came, she knocked on the door. Instantly, Michael's voice told her to enter and close the office door behind her. That gesture was small and meaningless, but as the door clicked shut, she felt as if she was trapped. She turned to find that Michael had pulled his chair around to face the door.
"Miss Goodheart, how long have you been working under me now?"
"F-for four of five days, sir." Lucy said.
"You've been doing a very good job."
"Thank you sir," She said in confusion. Being praised was not what she had expected when she had come through the door! But things quickly got back on track.