Looking But Never Finding Pt. 05

I was unable to focus on anything all afternoon. I made several trips to the ladies room to appreciate and reminisce over Natalie's photo. On the second visit I had to pee. The flow had just started when I felt one of the balls slipping out of me. I shot a hand between my legs pissing all over my wrist and splashing all over my legs to keep the ball from landing in the toilet. I was 5 minutes late for a meeting because I was cleaning up myself and the stall. The second time I had to pee I was ready, leaning forward, reaching behind me sticking two fingers in my cunt to hold the balls in place. What a weird sensation, peeing with your own fingers inside your pussy.

I reached the train and texted Natalie its departure time. She had sent me a text in the afternoon asking me to do that so she knew when to expect me. There were a few empty seats available. I found one with a man and a woman on one side, a woman on the other with an empty seat by the window. Perfect I decided. I will hike up my skirt to allow me to step over their legs. It won't look obvious. I dropped my briefcase in front of my seat and sat down. I had had to clench my Kegels to keep the balls from dropping in the lap of the woman I was sitting beside. Now that would have been a story. I pretended to fumble with my phone managing to take pictures of the people sitting opposite me and the position of my skirt. Once settled I sent them to Natalie even though she hadn't requested that.

"Thank you my pet. This was a nice touch. Now I will be able to picture these people when you recount your story. The woman is very attractive."

I looked at her over my phone. She was attractive. She was reading on a kindle or similar product. The guy was messaging on his phone. I was so excited about what I was about to do. My heart was racing, but happily. I looked at these people thinking 'You have no idea what is about to happen.' My pussy was drenched, re-wetting the spot on my skirt I had made at lunch. It was an express train so I knew these people would be sitting with me for 25 to 40 minutes at least. I sat cross-legged and waited for the train to start moving before I exposed myself.

As we pulled out of the station, I started manipulating my phone pretending to be reading emails or messages. The balls were jingling in my cunt flowing with the rocking motion of the train.

"Oh no." I said knowing people heard me when I saw the man and the woman move their eyes to look at me, then look away. I waited 30 seconds or so then said "that's not good" and started muttering to myself. I put both feet flat on the floor and continued muttering.

"Damn it." I threw my head back, dropped my hands into my lap allowing my legs to fall open. The guy literally did double take then didn't know where to look. The woman looked, saw my pussy, then very coolly adjusted herself, lowering her reader so she could raise her eyes and look at me whenever she chose.

I sat in that position for a few minutes pretending to focus on "my problem". I did manage to send Natalie and message saying "I have their attention." "Good girl." Was her reply.

Now the train was really rolling and swaying. I was enjoying the Ben Wah balls as much as my exhibitionism.

"Come on Larry." I said, putting my foot up on the radiator cover beside my seat. "Look at your email Larry. Come on man." Now my pussy was fully exposed to the woman and mostly exposed to the man. He had moved and was watching me more intently, literally licking his lips. I was watching the woman when out of the corner of my eye I caught to guy moving his phone to point it at me. Imbecile. He was going to take a picture of me and my cunt. Asshole.

I quickly picked up my briefcase squeezing it beside me on the armrest, opening a zipper and closing my legs while pretending to look for something inside. I shifted slightly in my seat making it seem my briefcase was forcing me to turn towards the window. I only cared that I was blocking his view. The show was done for him. Natalie owned me, she would not want this idiot taking a picture of her pet and sharing it on the internet. The woman though, she was subtle yet obvious enough that I would know she was enjoying my little show.

I turned to the woman sitting beside me, "Isn't it always the way. You leave work thinking everything is fine with your new system and just as the train starts, all hell breaks loose and the one guy who can fix things decides tonight is the night to go drinking with his buddies and not be able to hear his phone."

She just nodded at me with a look that said, "Whatever you say, just leave me in peace please."

When I turned back, I noticed the woman across from me was glancing at my now concealed crotch more often. Ah. I can play with this. I kept the charade going, at times crossing my legs and at other times giving her a full spread view of my pussy. The guy hadn't lost interest. He was still trying to find a way to see my cunt again. That wasn't happening but I enjoyed tormenting him knowing he knew the woman beside him could see all of me whenever I opened my legs for her. Initially when I ended the show for him, I could see him trying to find a way to position his phone so the camera might show him something he couldn't otherwise see. He was having no luck.

It was fun watching the eyes of the woman dance between her e-reader and my crotch when her view was obstructed. But when I spread my legs for her, her head would dip and freeze, her e-reader falling a little to the side, her eyes peering over her reading glasses taking in all I was willing to show her.

This was a heady game having this much control over people; being able to identify their wants and feed them enough to manipulate their actions.

I decided to toy with the guy some more. Whenever I noticed he wasn't paying attention I would turn to dig in my briefcase flashing him a brief view of my pussy then crossing my legs before he could react. I would turn back keeping my legs crossed, smile inside watching the woman's eyes dance before exposing myself again. I ran that gambit three times. I'm sure I could hear the guy swearing to himself at his missed opportunities.

We were at the first stop. Half the train always left at the first stop on these express runs. Our two seat mates were in that crowd leaving only me and my attractive female observer. I put my briefcase on the seat just vacated by the woman next to me, my legs fully spread. When I turned bask to sit straight, the woman across from had relaxed her posture and allowed her legs to fall open just enough for me to see her pretty white lace underwear. Touché, I thought. Nice touch. I got quiet appearing to focus on my phone and my pretend issue. I was typing one handed and managed to sneak a few pictures to share with Natalie later. With my free hand I scratched my head, brushed it over my tits, put my leg backup on the radiator cover and ran my hand up and down my thigh seemingly doing all these things unknowingly because I was so focused on my problem.

The woman rode with me for three more stops, getting off one stop before mine. I noticed she was breathing deeply through her nose. She was now just watching me, her e-reader lazily laying flat on her armrest. I could swear there was a dark damp spot starting to show on her panties, but maybe it was just a shadow and I was just hoping I had that effect on her. As she left the train, she said "Good luck with your problem. I hope you find Larry."

"Thank you. At least the train ride was enjoyable. Maybe we will see each other again sometime."

"It was enjoyable. Maybe we will. And we can talk more, or not. Enjoy your evening." She said turning to head for the doors.

I spread my legs and looked at my pussy. It was glowing. I touched it. Oh, that felt so good. The Ben Wah balls had been playing inside me in concert with the rocking of the train making me eager to get to Natalie's. Now I wanted to learn more from Natalie. Maybe I wanted my own boys, or maybe even girls. I was starting to think women were just better companions for most any activity. But I could see the joy in toying with boys, taking control away from them.

"See you soon Mistress. I hope you enjoy my story when I recount it for you."

My station was next. I sat thinking about the excitement I felt, but also the risk I took. I'm glad I caught the guy with his phone before he took any pictures, at least I hope I did. He looked pretty frustrated when I closed the door on him then trying to find a new angle to capture a photo of my bare pussy.

I pulled into Natalie's drive, parking behind her car. I carried my briefcase and overnight bag to Natalie's porch. I opened the overnight bag, removing the bag Natalie had loaned me Monday morning. I stripped, dropped my clothes into my bag and knocked on the door three times. TAP. TAP. TAP. I waited. It was probably five minutes later that Natalie opened the door.

As she always does, Natalie took my breath away with her beauty, and without trying or meaning to I think (hope), made me feel a little inadequate. She was wearing dark blue straight legged jeans, no bra, a plain white t-shirt that hugged her body highlighting all of its marvelous contours. No makeup. No bra. Her wonderful long dark hair was back in a ponytail, a simple silver necklace, diamond stud earrings, no bra, bare feet with bright red polish on her toes. Did I mention she wasn't wearing a bra? WOW!

"Hello my pet." She said, clipping the lead onto my collar. "Come in. Set your bags by the door. There is someone I would like you to meet."

What? Someone to meet? What the hell? I'm naked. Are they naked? Yellow? Red? What part of the lesson is this?

Natalie sensed my hesitation so what did she does? She grabbed me by her favorite handle pulling me into her living room. There was a middle-aged woman sitting in a living room chair. I fought my natural reaction to try to cover my cunt and tits knowing that would displease my Mistress.

The woman was dressed casual as well, but she was a very attractive lady. Faded jeans and a black shirt, rolled up sleeves and unbuttoned enough to reveal some cleavage. Her clothes were more loose fitting than Natalie's but you could still see this woman had a great figure. Her belt was cinched at her waist showing how tiny it is. Her breasts, though not large, sat high on her chest. Her hips and legs were obviously shapely but not fat. Square shoulders. Short brown hair. Classically attractive face that would always capture people's attention, especially with her natural glowing smile. And her eyes; warm and inviting lit up with energy and life.

"Hello Elizabeth I'm..."

"No, no, no." Natalie interrupted. "Let Elizabeth guess who you are. I'm sure she can figure this out. She does know of you."

I looked at Natalie with a quizzical expression on my face. I know this woman? I've never seen this woman in my life. My mind was racing anyway, me standing naked in front of someone I didn't know, wearing only a collar and lead being held by someone I was obviously submissive to. How do I get the fuck out of this one?

Natalie touched my face, turning it to face her.

"Calm down my pet. Everything is okay. There is nothing to worry about or feel shame about."

"On the contrary," the woman I didn't know said. "You should be proud and standing taller and flaunting that terrific body you have. Natalie, you've been holding out on me. You said Elizabeth was quite pretty. Well, she's downright gorgeous. As much as I love having new recruits join our sisterhood of Mistresses, I would have a hard time giving up such a pretty student as a pet. Look at how perfect she is, her hair, her smile, her tits and you're right, that pussy is magnificent. I would have a difficult time not trading places with her, becoming her sub, so I could spend a couple of hours everyday worshipping that beautiful vagina. And you tell me she is smart on top of all that. WOW. Nice find. Really nice find."

"Okay my pet. Hurry please. What is this lady's name? I tell you, you can sort this out. Calm your mind. Focus. Connect with me. You have heard me speak her name several times. I know you will not disappoint your Mistress."

Think Elizabeth think. What names has Elizabeth said over the last few days. What other Mistresses has she mentioned... None. We shared no talk of other Mistresses. Okay, wait. She must live nearby. There were no other cars in the drive or parked on the road.


Jim's wife. It's the only woman's name other than mine that Natalie has uttered since I met her.

Natalie looked at Sandy, "Didn't I tell you. Brilliant, even when I put her in a situation that would make most people freeze, then crumble and be completely brain dead."

Natalie pulled me into her arms and kissed me. Her braless body pressed against mine felt, well, as good as any body I had ever held against me.

"It is good to see you, my pet. Our lunch was so amazing and so stimulating I have been longing for us to be together again. Now greet our guest properly and recount your train ride for us."

I stepped to Sandy, put out my hand and said, "It is an honor and pleasure to meet you Sandy after having met your husband Jim, who seems to be a real gentleman."

Sandy looked at Natalie without responding to my greeting, "May I?" she asked.

"By all means." Natalie responded

Sandy stood up, wrapped her arms around me, kissing me deeply. I didn't return her kiss. I was rather shocked. Natalie smacked my ass with her bare hand. I would be wearing that hand print for a few hours.

"That was hardly a proper greeting Elizabeth. I will forgive your poor manners this once. Now please try again, only this time give our guest the warmth she deserves."

"Sorry Mistress." I turned my head to face Sandy who was still holding me. "I apologise Sandy for not greeting you properly. I would like to try to redeem myself with a warmer greeting."

Do all women kiss well? I wrapped my arms around Sandy and shared a kiss with her. It was a long kiss, or maybe it was several kisses. Her lips were soft, her tongue probing but not forceful. My hand found her ass, her hands found my tits, my ass and my pussy. She petted me most everywhere but never took the liberty to pinch a nipple or probe my ass or pussy. Her nipples were obviously aroused from our kiss and embrace. I could feel them pressing into me. We eased down from our kissing together, like two long time lovers, slowly breaking our embrace with shared energy.

"Much better my pet. Was that a satisfactory greeting Sandy or do I need to punish her later?"

"Keep this one Natalie. That was most satisfactory. I pity the day she leaves you to become her own Mistress. If you hadn't been standing here as her Mistress, Jim would surely be eating and sleeping alone tonight."

"Thank you Sandy. I'm sorry my first attempt was so substandard. I will make sure it never happens again."

"Before you start your story, tell me my pet, do you like the gift you received today?" Mistress Natalie asked me.

"Yes Mistress. I like them very much."

"Gifts are very telling Elizabeth. What did you receive from your Mistress today?" Sandy asked.

"Shh, Elizabeth. Let's see if Sandy can guess. I will give you a clue Sandy. She's still wearing them."

Sandy stood looking me up and down. "You said them so there has to be at least two of whatever it is."

Sandy touched my chin, turned my head and pushed my hair back to look at my earrings, which was the only thing I was wearing that Sandy would be able to see, aside from my collar and Natalie's hand print on my ass.

"Those earrings are definitely not something you would choose for a pet Natalie. They do not reflect any sense of your flair or of ownership." That word again.

"Them. She's still wearing them. No butt plug, but that's only singular anyway. Ah." Sandy looked at Natalie and pointed at my pussy. "May I?" she asked again. Natalie nodded her agreement. Sandy asking again for permission to touch me reinforced the idea of Natalie's ownership of me.

Sandy put her hand on my pussy sliding two fingers into me. "Of course. Ben Wah balls. How wonderful. And I don't have to ask how much you're enjoying them Elizabeth. This messy pussy tells me all I need to know about that."

Sandy extracted her fingers standing in front of me, licking and sucking them clean.

"And you're right Natalie. Elizabeth's pussy is very delicious. Some day Elizabeth, you will have to share your diet with me so I can get my pets eating the same things to improve their flavor. I might make some changes too for Jim's enjoyment."

"Now Elizabeth," Mistress Natalie spoke, "assume our favorite position standing in front of these chairs so Sandy and I can admire you while you recount your experience on the train. Begin with how you selected your seat on the train my pet."

I stepped in front of the chairs spreading my legs, locking my hands behind my head while I watched Natalie and Sandy sit down. I was starting to understand some of the power dynamics of these relationships.

Standing naked in front of these two "powerful" women was an amazingly erotic rush. My nipples were pert and alert. My pussy was gushing. My Kegels were tired and in spasm trying to hold the balls inside me with my legs spread. But I felt the energy running between the three of us. It gave me strength and excited me. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm me, trying to avoid being a motor-mouth when recounting my train ride.

"When I got on the train it was nearly full. There were only a few seats left. I saw a window seat across from a man and a woman. I do not know either of them though we have probably ridden the same train a number of times. I realized this was a perfect opportunity to prepare to expose myself without being overly obvious about it. I would have to step over their legs and bags and in the skirt I was wearing, my only hope at accomplishing that gracefully would be to hike my skirt. So I did."

"Ah. So smart you are my pet," Natalie said.

"I sat and crossed my legs waiting for the train to begin moving."

"What were you feeling my pet?"

"Anxiety. Nervousness. Adventure. But mostly, excitement. It was so thrilling knowing what I was about to do but no one else around me knew. The other thing I was feeling was the possibility of disappointment if I couldn't hold their attention with my bare pussy."

"A pussy this gorgeous is too irresistible to ignore Elizabeth." Sandy said reaching out to brush her hand over my cunt.

"Thank you Mistress Sandy." I was unsure if I should refer to Sandy as Mistress, but I felt it was safe to do so.

"What next my pet?"

Mistress and Sandy were sitting looking at me, listening to me. Though my arousal was climbing because of the dynamic of me being so fully exposed to these two beautiful women, I felt like I had taken some of their power. I stealthily pressed my tits and pussy forward trying to have them so focused on me that I might gain more power over them.

"I pretended to be looking at my phone and then feigned an issue at work. First I said something like 'Damn it. That's not good.' I watched to see if the man and the woman looked at me. They did. I spread my legs and said out loud 'Oh Shit. No way.' or something like that to gain their attention again. The man literally did a double take. The woman lowered her e-reader so you could read or pretend to read and look at me whenever she wanted. I kept up my charade about the issue at work, moving my legs showing more of me, sometimes obscuring their view. I complained a co-worker named Larry was not responding to my emails or text messages. At some point I caught the man looking at his phone, pointing it at me, obviously wanting to take a picture. I shut him down Mistress, knowing I didn't want my picture all over the internet and assuming you would not want that either."