Looking But Never Finding Pt. 04

... From the end of part 3 ...

"Good night Mistress."

I was startled awake by the covers being torn off of me.

Natalie was standing at the side of the bed in thigh high boots and a corset that covered only her midriff.

... Start of pt. 4 ...

The lights in the bedroom were dimmed. It was dark outside. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and stretched. Natalie's eyes had not left mine.

"What time is it?"

Natalie smacked me on the thigh with a crop I hadn't noticed she was holding. Shit that hurt. Talk about waking up in a hurry. The welt raising on my thigh alerted me to my error.

"What time is it Mistress?" I rephrased my question appropriately.

The alarm clock started beeping.

"It's 5:10am. You have 40 minutes to pleasure your Mistress. You did well yesterday licking pussy and ass but you definitely need more practice, so let's get to work." Natalie said crawling up onto the bed.

"Slide down and spread you legs so I can squat on your face and beat your pussy with this crop while you lick my ass and cunt. DO IT NOW!" Natalie screamed at me.

I wiggled my ass down the bed. I wasn't quite ready when Natalie crawled onto my face. My mouth was still dry, my mind still a bit foggy from the deep sleep Natalie had startled me out of.

Before I got my first lick on her pussy, Natalie was tapping my pussy with the crop.

I started licking and sucking Natalie's pussy. It took me some seconds to gather myself, find a rhythm, find a good angle for my head, get some moisture on Natalie's labia, get myself into pet mode. The taps on my cunt were starting to sting.

Natalie tapped harder once to get my attention when she reminded me "My anus. Don't forget my anus."

When I slid up the bed a little so I could reach Natalie's ass more easily I must have closed my legs. Natalie grabbed a nipple squeezing and twisting it smacking me hard on each thigh with the crop.

"Keep your damn legs open or this will be a long painful morning for you my pet."

I opened my legs. The crop returned to tapping my pussy. What the fuck am I doing? When did I sign up for this? Is the time for 'Yellow' or maybe even 'Red'? The tapping stopped. I felt Natalie lean forward, her cunt and clit opening to my tongue.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh", I screamed into Natalie's pussy. She had grabbed my clit and was pulling it away from my crotch.

"Do I need to remind you my pet? It's better if you don't stop licking."

"Yes Mistress. I mean no Mistress. I do not need to be reminded. But thank you for reminding me."

Obviously my mind was still wrangling with what the fuck was happening. I gently sucked Natalie's clit into my mouth, licking it slowly up and down and back and side-to-side.

My mind instantly flipped from 'what am I doing' to 'making love to Natalie' when one of those sex stimulated moans from my Mistress reached my ears. Her pinch on my clit changed to a caress. Her spit coated pussy was now slick with her own lube. My short sporadic unfocused licks became long and languid now finding their way along Natalie's folds and over her anus on their own accord. I was one with my Mistress again, well, with her pussy and ass anyway.

Natalie sat back. The tapping resumed on my pussy. There was a noticeable change in the sound of the smacks.

"Look at my horny pet's needy cunt leaking goo, changing my smacks into splashes. Tsk tsk my pet. You do not have permission to be enjoying this."

That's what Natalie said. I heard maybe half of it having become enthralled with licking this beautiful vagina and ass with which my Mistress had awoken me.

The pain from the taps on my tender pussy was building. I knew my legs were pinching in with each tap. I was forcing them open in between hits. I'm sure my legs resembled flapping wings from Natalie's point of view. I worked at eating my Mistress better hopefully moving her to an orgasm as quickly as I could. I focused on her anus for while, knowing how much pleasure Mistress derived from having it worshipped. My attention to her ass did ease her tapping, drawing her awareness away from my pussy and more to my mouth.

My chin was suddenly coated in creamy pussy goo signaling Natalie's arousal was peaking. A few more seconds with my tongue in her ass before I moved back to her clit. Pussy eating was so much more interesting and so much more fun than blowjobs. It seemed that women had more places they enjoyed being worshipped. With men blowjobs eventually became head bobbing throat fucking marathons until the guy unloaded his balls into your mouth. When I reached Natalie's clit she spread her legs mashing her pussy onto my mouth. I knew she was close, the crop was just resting on my vagina now. Natalie sat taller, grabbed my hair holding my face against her while she rode out her orgasm bucking her hips, sliding her cunt over my nose, mouth and chin.

What started as a rude awakening to my morning, had turned into a glorious worshiping of my Mistress Natalie. I laid lapping at her satisfied pussy, gleefully cleaning up her ass and cunt.

"Well done my pet. You are getting good at finding your Mistress' most gratifying spots. Clean this before I put it away."

Natalie slid the crop between my mouth and her labia. I started licking my own potion off the tab and shaft. Natalie bent forward again dropping her head into my crotch. She started licking me. Uncontrollably I raised my hips and moaned.

"Your pussy is just so pretty and so delicious my pet." She licked and suck me some more. Natalie was good; really good at eating pussy. She stopped. Damn!

"You know Elizabeth," I knew what was coming... 'I never allow my boys this pleasure', yeah, whatever, can you please drop the Mistress role and finish me as my lover, just for this morning? No one's lips and tongue have ever felt as good as yours do.

"I never ever put my mouth on the genitals of my boys. I get close. I blow air over their tortured flesh, but they never feel the wet of my tongue or the warmth of my mouth on their cock or balls and the only whiff of my pussy I allow them is through a hood that only has openings for their eyes and nose.

"But this; this beautiful gem of a pussy is too irresistible even for me." Natalie put her head between my legs again licking and sucking my cunt then giving it an exaggeratedly loud kiss.

"Okay my pet. It is time we get you home. All of your belongings are gathered in a bag by the front door. I will drive you home. Leave your bicycle here. I will care for it. You can pick it up another day."

Natalie crawled off of me. I glanced at the clock. It was 5:38. Enough time to get home and start my day as I normally do before going to work. I got off the bed, then stood there. I was naked except for my collar. Natalie was walking out of the room. I had no clothes.

"Come my pet. I don't want to make you late for your work." I heard Natalie call from somewhere in the house.

I walked out of the bedroom, looking for clothes, looking for Natalie.

"Elizabeth! I am waiting. I have chores for you. Come now so I do not have to punish you before you leave."

I padded barefoot down the stairs. Natalie was standing at the front door beside a gym bag, holding two small towels in her hands. She looked incredible in her corset and boots. I would have knelt before her and spent the day right there worshipping her pussy and ass they were so magnificent. I half ran to stand by her so she didn't torture me some more. I don't think my body could have taken more punishment. There was no space on me that hadn't been beaten in the last 24 hours except maybe the soles of my feet. I knew I didn't want those beaten.

"Here are my car keys. It is too cold for me to go outside and load and prepare my car to drive you home. Take your bag and put it in the hatch. Lay one of these towels on each of the front seats. I do not want pussy slop messing up my clean seats. When you put them down on the seat, I expect you to bend over as if you are smelling a flower. I will be watching from here. Get it wrong and you will receive an appropriate punishment. Now go."

I guess we're driving to my house in our current outfits I thought, taking the keys from Natalie. It was still dark outside so I didn't worry about someone seeing me. As I reached Natalie's car a motion light came on lighting up the entire driveway. I tried to move around normally but quickly. Anyone driving or walking past the house couldn't help but see me in Natalie's spotlight.

I walked back into the house.

"Very good Elizabeth. You did well. I assume your home is locked. Do you have a key somewhere?"

"Oh right. It's in a pouch on my bike. I will go and get it...... Mistress. May I?"

"Of course Elizabeth. Be fast."

When I got back Natalie had the lead in her hand. She clipped the lead on my collar attaching my keys to the clip as well.

"Come my pet. You will have to give me directions to your home as I drive. Lock the door behind us as we leave."

When I turned around after locking the door, Natalie grab my pubic hair forcing me to walk beside her as slowly as she walked. We walked to the driver side first. We stood at the door for a few seconds before I realized Natalie was waiting for me to open her door. She released my pubic hair and sat down. Natalie pulled on the lead forcing me to bend over. She reached up to unclip the lead, then pulled me closer kissing me, reaching between my legs, sliding two fingers into me. Still kissing me she extracted her fingers, brought them to my face, broke our kiss and waited for me to clean her fingers. All this was done with the spotlight merrily illuminating us. When I was done my cleaning duties, Natalie unclipped the lead.

I was putting on my seatbelt when Natalie asked for my address and punched it into her navigation system.

"Sometimes I forget there is no need for directions. My car can tell me how to get almost anywhere. Now sit there and masturbate while I drive but do not cum; you do not have permission. I want your cunt well primed when I kiss you goodbye on your doorstep."

Natalie was so good at this. I wonder if she did this to her boys, masturbate while I drive you home but don't come because you're going to stand naked on your doorstep with a raging hard-on while I say goodbye to you. So, now I'm frigging myself with an image of me standing, maybe bent over, naked, with Natalie in a corset, her tits, pussy and ass exposed to the world, fingering me until she's satisfied. Me? I will have to be satisfied with just be hornier with no orgasm anywhere in sight.

"Elizabeth, I will see you again Wednesday unless you need your bicycle before then. If you do, you will come and get your bicycle but we will not interact. Can you give your cats enough water and food Wednesday morning to hold them until Thursday after work?"

"I can Mistress." Natalie talking to me was making it easier not to cum but I was pacing my frigging.

"My pet. That is a very weak masturbation effort. Try harder or I will stop the car let you out and make you walk home."

"Yes Mistress." I opened my legs further and masturbated as I normally do knowing how close we were to my home. Mistress seemed satisfied I was trying harder. My lips and clit were tender from the lashing and beating and clothespins they had endured over the last day. Tender but alive and so receptive to transmitting touch sparking my desires.

"Wednesday you will book a 90 minute lunch break. You will give me your work address. I will pick a suitable restaurant nearby where you will meet me no later than 12:10. We will have a nice lunch together. You will wear the underwear I bought for you, your collar and a short dress or skirt. One that doesn't reach your knees. After work you will come directly to my house to continue your next lesson. You will not masturbate or cum between now and the time you arrive at my house. If you want to fuck or suck some man or woman, that is fine, but you cannot reach an orgasm. You will have a bag packed with clothes for work the next day should I permit you to stay. Understood?"

"Understood Mistress." I said fighting back an orgasm I didn't think I would reach so quickly. Natalie turned the car into my driveway. The clock in her car said 5:53. It was getting lighter outside. I hoped my neighbors weren't looking out their windows or leaving for work in the next 5 minutes.

"Get out, come around and open my door for me."

I stepped from car looking with all my senses for any sound or movement in my neighborhood. Holy shit, I was walking around at the end of my driveway fully naked. I opened Natalie's door. She yanked me down with the lead.

"Let me make sure you made a good effort masturbating on the drive here." Natalie said reaching a hand to my crotch, testing how sloppy my cunt was.

"Good. Now let's get your things. I will walk you to your door and kiss you goodbye."

Again with the pubic hair handle. Christ. Why did I ever keep that patch of hair and now Natalie told me I can't get rid of it. I heard a house door then a car door somewhere down the street. Natalie opened her hatch. I grabbed the bag with my clothes. She wasn't moving too slowly, but slowly enough. A car drove by as we reached my front porch. The porch light was on thanks to my timer. Who knows if they saw anything.

"Thank you for your visit Elizabeth. I'm sad your lesson has to end. But, you do have to go to work. Set the bag down kiss me as a lover my sweet pet."

I set the bag down. As a lover, what does that mean when I am still calling you Mistress, when my lesson is still in progress? Natalie wrapped an arm around me, taking one of my hands and placing it on her crotch. Our lips met. We shared a sensual kiss. Natalie mirrored my hand on her crotch, placing one of hers on mine.

"You masturbated well on our drive Elizabeth. Your pussy in well primed. We will share a wonderous orgasm on Wednesday if you can wait."

We stood kissing, fondling and fingering each other for several minutes. I forgot I was naked and that Natalie had little more than her toes, her knees and her bellybutton covered. I heard doors opening and closing, a couple of cars drove by. I wasn't concerned, I was happily making out with my Mistress. Natalie broke our embrace.

"Enjoy your day Elizabeth. I will be in touch. You have my permission to text me should you choose to. I will respond when time permits."

An alarm started beeping. Natalie was wearing a watch I hadn't noticed. She unclipped the lead and handed me my keys.

"What is that beeping Mistress?"

"It's an alarm. It's 6:00am. Your lesson is done. Time for you to start your day Elizabeth. Call me Natalie now."

"Thank you Mistress, for thanking me for the visit. And thank you Natalie for a most enlightening, exciting weekend. It has been incredible."

"Oh. Beth. One more thing before I go. Run your hand up my ass then run it up yours. Tell me if they feel different."

Natalie's tone was perceptibly lighter. I ran my hand up our asses then checked them a second time.

"Stubble. I can feel a bit of stubble on my ass."

"That's right. Stubble. First thing, I don't want you to shave for 4 or 5 weeks. I won't mind the growth when we are together. Once the hair is long enough, I will take you to a friend who does sugaring. Your pussy and ass will stay as smooth as mine for 5 to 8 weeks. Second thing, find some nice cream or lotion to spread on your ass a few times a day for the next 4 or 5 days. That stubble is going to get really prickly on your ass. The cream won't stop it completely, but it may help. Otherwise, you would find yourself shaving your ass everyday and you don't want to have to be doing that."

"Thanks Mis...I mean Natalie."

I kissed Natalie on the cheek and picked up the bag. I watched Natalie walk to her car admiring her beauty. I waved goodbye as she drove away then went into my home.

My cats were happy to see me. I gave them some attention. Freshened their water and food, then got ready for work.

While the train rattled into town, I blocked out Wednesday at lunch for 2 hours. I proposed different times for two meetings that were conflicting with my planned lunch with Natalie. I reflected on what had happened the last 3 days. I had made love to a woman. Well, I had had numerous sexual interactions with a woman, and enjoyed it and now looked forward to our next encounter. My body was sore but hyper sensitive to touch, mostly in a way that hurt but also telling me it wanted more. Everything I did reminded me of the weekend. Having my nipples pressed into my bra when I stretched at my desk. Moving in my chair trying to avoid sitting on one of the bruises from my paddling. Wiping myself after I peed, having my labia remind of the torment they had received.

When I got into bed Monday night I paused. Last night I had slept in a different bed, with someone I had met only two days before. Forget that it was a woman. It doesn't matter in this case. A different bed, a new person and I had slept through the night. That never happens to me. Any time a new guy slept with me I never got a good night's sleep. Heck, if I went away on a girls' weekend and shared a bed with someone I had a shitty sleep. My phone alerted me to an incoming message. I picked it up.

"Hope you had a good Monday Beth. Thanks for the weekend and the beautiful start to my week. Sleep well tonight. See you Wednesday. -- Nat"

I guess this is Natalie's number. I added it to my contacts. First name: Natalie. Last Name:. I didn't know her last name. Oh well. Last name: Mistress. Do I respond?

"My Monday was good. Thanks Natalie. I hope yours was also. It was a wondrous weekend a beautiful start to the week. I look forward to Wednesday. Pleasant dreams."

There was no reply, which was refreshing actually. I snuggled into my bed surrounded by my cats.

Tuesday was pretty normal. My body was still pretty alert but some spots had calmed down. My ass, Natalie was right, it was already feeling prickly. I cycled through several creams I hand thrown into my purse on Monday landing on one that seemed to help. I didn't hear from Natalie all day. I texted her on the way home.

"Hi Natalie. My ass thanks you for the tip on the cream. It says to tell you it owes you one. I do too. My Tuesday was pretty ordinary. Hope yours went well. See you tomorrow."

I was prepping on overnight bag for a potential stay at Natalie's Wednesday night when my phone alerted me.

"My Tuesday was ordinary as well Beth. It didn't start as beautiful as Monday did and it's not ending as spectacular as I know tomorrow will. I am longing to rekindle our connection. Don't forget to feed your cats. See you tomorrow."

I was sitting cross-legged when I read Natalie's message. I pinched my thighs together in an attempt to quench the hunger I suddenly felt in my pussy. I brushed a hand over one of my tits. I sighed.

For the last two days I had felt no sexual need. Mistress had instructed me not to cum, not to masturbate before I saw her again. In hindsight, she didn't have to do that. The two massive orgasms I had on the weekend had been so satisfying I hadn't felt a sexual need since. Not until I read Natalie's message "... and it's not ending as spectacular as I know it will tomorrow. I am longing to rekindle our connection". I pinched my nipple.

"Tomorrow." I said out loud. "Tomorrow."

My excitement continued to climb while I finished packing my bag. It climbed higher when I was putting out the extra bowls for my cats water and food and peaked while I laid out my clothes for tomorrow. A royal blue sweater to match my underwear and a black pencil skirt. I stood looking at the underwear Natalie had bought for me. I ran my fingers over it. I had never had underwear so nice. By the time I got into bed I was so filled with anticipation for tomorrow I had trouble getting to sleep.