Looking But Never Finding Pt. 03
***** From the end of part 2 *****
"Let's get up Elizabeth. We will put on some robes and I will make you dinner."
"Okay Mistress. Thank you Mistress."
We stood. Natalie went into her bedroom and returned wearing a black silk robe, carrying a matching one for me. She held it out helping me to put it on. They were beautiful and stunning, barely covered our asses and pussies. Natalie turned me around so we were facing a mirror, standing beside each other. We were a beautiful couple.
She took my hand and led me to the kitchen.
***** Part 3 begins *****
Walking to the kitchen my body still had a raging hum coursing through it from my denied orgasm. My spirit was depressed, certain my training and our sex and my chance at an orgasm was done for the night.
"Do you have any food allergies Elizabeth?" Natalie asked me as we entered the kitchen.
"No Mistress. None I am aware of."
"Your lesson is done Elizabeth. You can just call me Natalie now."
"Thank you Mistress, but Mistress just feels right to me so if it's okay I will continue to call you Mistress But I may slip once in a while and call you Natalie if that's allowed."
"As you wish Elizabeth. Will a nice salad with avocado and cold grilled chicken satisfy your hunger Elizabeth?"
"That sounds delicious. I think it will satisfy me. Can I help you with anything Mistress?"
Of course, we will prepare dinner together. Are there any flavors or textures you do not enjoy or find repulsive?"
"There used to be, but not any more, well except for soggy bread in a sandwich."
"Oh god yes. I hate that as well. What did you not like in the past Elizabeth?"
"Tomatoes and watermelon. The texture used to feel horrid in my mouth. So horrid I couldn't describe their taste because I was so repulsed by the texture."
"And you eat them now, right?"
"Yes Mistress. I do."
"Let me guess, when you got older you kept trying because you knew these things were good for you and were so frequently served in social gatherings. You thought it best if you tried to learn to embrace whatever was different about them?"
"Yes. That is exactly right Mistress."
Natalie had started pulling things out of her refrigerator; lettuce, avocado, two grilled chicken breasts, peppers, red onions. She turned to me.
"Come to me Elizabeth and kiss me. I want to thank you for sharing that detail about yourself with me."
I stepped over to Natalie, unsure I wanted to start anything sexual again. I was tired and depressed because I was not confident if I got close to another orgasm that I wouldn't be denied its release.
We kissed a peck of a kiss on our lips. Then another brief kiss, each leading with our tongues. Deeper again. I put my hands on Natalie's chest, just resting them there, unsure how much I wanted this to continue. Natalie put a hand on my ass. We kissed again, deeper, more sensual. Natalie stopped our kisses with a warm hug and whispered to me "Thank you Elizabeth."
"You're welcome Mistress." I whispered back not sure why she was thanking me. Then she read my mind... again.
"I thank you Elizabeth because the information you shared tells me that because you don't like something today you may be willing to try that thing tomorrow and try to embrace it should it be something I might enjoy. Now let's get dinner started. I'm hungry."
Natalie patted my butt through the silk robe and ended our hug. This brief interaction seemed to calm my body.
"Can I pour you some wine Elizabeth?" Natalie asked already pulling a bottle from the refrigerator.
"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."
We moved around the kitchen like we had done this together many times before. I washed the ingredients while Natalie sliced the chicken breasts. She picked up the avocados next peeling and slicing them while I tore up the lettuce. Several times while I was washing the vegetables the aroma of Natalie's pussy wafted under my nose; her flavor landing in the back of my throat. The reminder of her scent and flavor pushed away the depression I was feeling earlier.
When I walked past Natalie to get a knife from her knife block, I dragged a hand across her back as I would do to a lover. It was natural and reflexive. I didn't think about what I had done until I was pulling the knife out of the block. If it had been the wrong thing to do it was too late to correct it. But Natalie; Mistress had not reacted to my touch.
When I turned back to join Natalie at the island, I paused and looked at her preparing the onion. She was leaning forward; I could see her tit hanging freely inside her robe. The tilt of her torso was pulling up the back of her short robe. The bottom of her buttocks was peeking out at me. She was so perfect in so many ways. If she was a man I had just made love to and he looked as good as Natalie looked in this instant, I would take a moment to stand next to him, touch him here and there, wherever it felt right to put my hands.
"Mistress. This is not part of my lesson, correct? My lesson has ended?"
"Yes Elizabeth. Your lesson is done, for now anyway. Why do you ask?"
I didn't respond. I assumed I didn't need to ask permission to do the things I wanted to do. I placed the knife on the island, took a sip of wine then walked over to stand behind and against Natalie. I rested my head on Natalie's shoulder allowing my eyes to close and my body to meld into hers.
"Hello Elizabeth."
"Mmmm. Hello Natalie." I placed a hand on each thigh, letting them wander where they chose to go.
"You look so perfect standing here in your robe; so sexy; so irresistible. The bottom of your bum peeking out at me." My hands caressed her buttocks. My left hand moved around her dragging my fingers across the V above her pussy. Natalie put down her knife down.
"You know I would never allow my boys to do this Elizabeth. Never: before, during or after a lesson."
I was caressing Natalie most everywhere except her pussy and her tits. This wasn't about sex; it was about appreciation of her beauty, inside and out. I kissed her neck. Natalie dipped her head to the side exposing more of her skin to me.
"I know Natalie." I lightly hugged her to me. Natalie straightened up wrapping her arms on top of mine. I untied the belt on her robe allowing the front to fall open.
"But I'm not one of your boys. You're training me to be able to find my own boys. And it's your fault you know, for being so damn gorgeous and for making me leave your pussy honey on my face so I've been inhaling its delectable scent since we started preparing dinner. Resisting you would have been an unbearable torture. I surely would have been yelling "Red" had I not stopped to touch you."
Natalie chuckled. I could feel her smile. "Cute Elizabeth. That was a good one. You do realize your intelligent sense of humor only makes you more attractive."
I hugged Natalie a bit tighter for that compliment, "Thank you Natalie; and Mistress." I'm sure she could feel my smile.
"You told me about my pussy's aroma. I'm curious. How did you find the flavor this being the first time you've eaten pussy?"
I moved my hands down onto the insides of Natalie's thighs running them back to front. I was trying my best to avoid her labia but my knuckles did graze them once or twice.
"You mean this pussy right here?" I asked dragging my fingers directly over it just once.
"Mmmm. Yes. That would be the one."
"It was a disgusting gag inducing flavor." I purred into her ear still worshipping her body with my hands.
"Really? I'm surprised by that answer based on the way you devoured it Elizabeth. Are you lying to your Mistress."
"No. I am not lying to my Mistress." I quickly grabbed her pussy and a tit, "But I am teasing Natalie."
Natalie pretended to wrestle out of my playful groping while we laughed together.
"So if this isn't the act of a sub appreciating her Mistress, does that make this the act of a lesbian appreciating her lover?"
My deft handed Mistress reached behind herself and started caressing me, undoing the belt of my robe in the process. My depressed energy felt reignited before Natalie had touched me, now, under her fingertips, it was rocketing skywards once again.
"Hmm. I hadn't considered that aspect of my actions. It was just what I felt inspired to do. To show my appreciation for who you are and for your beauty. Considering this is the act of a lover and as we are both women, I guess that makes it the act of a lesbian."
"And if I'm enjoying what you, a woman, is doing to me, does that make me a lesbian?"
"By the strictest of definitions of what a lesbian is, I suppose it does. Thank you Mistress for making me think; making me consider things I haven't considered before. You will tell me I am being too binary in my thinking about relationships again. Why can't two people just love each other without us attaching other labels to the people or their relationship? Thank you Natalie."
Natalie turned around. Our arms naturally slipped inside each other's robes. Our mouths fell together in a long deep kiss.
"Is there anything more enjoyable that sharing the awakening of a brilliant mind to a new idea. Now, let's finish making dinner Beth. You cut up the peppers and tomatoes and I will top up our wine."
We broke our embrace. Natalie topped up our glasses even though we had only consumed half of what she originally poured. Natalie sat the bottle down then came and stood beside me while I chopped and she sipped on her wine.
"The chicken looks delicious Mistress."
"I hope it's as good as you think it looks. I seasoned and barbecued it for us this morning. I just love the feel of silk on tortured nipples Elizabeth, don't you?"
Natalie was standing beside me moving the front of her robe back and forth across her nipple. Did she say she cooked the chicken for "us" this morning?
I thought for a second and realized that my nipples had been talking to me while I moved around the kitchen. "I hadn't thought about it, but now that you mention it, my nipples do seem happy being tickled by the silk even though they are a bit sore."
Natalie put her hand on my ass, rubbing it lightly while she watched me chop. I was learning how awakened my body remained even an hour or two after having been abused in some way. The effect of her touch was amplified from the spankings she had given me when my lesson had begun. Looking down while chopping the peppers I actually saw my nipples rising in unison with my arousal.
"You move well Beth. All your movements, from the way you walk to the way you are chopping those peppers, are fluid and rhythmic with underlying confidence and strength. It's what initially attracted me to you; the way you walked into the bathroom when you left that guy sitting at the bar."
"Thank you, Natalie." I gulped a little. I had wanted to say Mistress. I was really fighting against falling into a Mistress/Pet scenario though I could feel my arousal pulling me in that direction. I picked up a tomato to slice, the last bit of prep for our salad.
"You do have a fine ass you know. You seemed to enjoy having me play with it while you were eating my pussy. Did you enjoy it?"
Natalie gently worked her hand between my buttocks and was wiggling a finger, tickling my anus.
"I did actually. With everything you were doing to me then and had been doing before, I have to admit I did enjoy it."
"Yet I had the impression our first night that you weren't fond of people playing with your anus?"
"I'm not. I mean, I wasn't. Well, I'm not, but for some reason it seems I don't mind you touching me there."
"And what I'm doing right now?"
"Feels nice. Feels good. I'm enjoying it actually."
"You know you had about half that butt plug inside you before the dildo popped out, don't you?"
I had finished slicing the tomato, miraculously without chopping off the end of one of my fingers.
"Get out. No way! I've never had anything enter my ass. No way half that thing was inside me. I would know if that happened. Are you teasing me like I teased you about how lip-smacking good your pussy is?"
"Never would I tease about anything so personal Elizabeth. What was surprising Beth is that it wasn't my intention to penetrate your ass. I was only trying to increase your pleasure by rolling the plug around the rim of your anus. Your body kept pushing back and at some point the tip slipped in, then a little more, then more. Here. Let me show you that anal penetration really is quite pleasurable. May I?"
"Really." I pondered if Natalie was telling me the truth about the butt plug actually being inside me. "Okay. I think. If you say so. I mean I don't believe it was inside me but I also know, think I know, that you wouldn't lie to me. You're not lying to me are you Natalie?"
I looked over my shoulder at Natalie. She was shaking her head slowly. "Never Elizabeth. It would break our trust forever."
Natalie had not stopped stimulating my anus during our conversation. I believed her.
"Yes, you may show me. But, just so you know Natalie. I surely wouldn't let any of the boys I bring home ever do this to me."
I saw Natalie smile at me just before I turned back to try and prepare myself to receive something up my ass.
"I know I've already said this but; Intelligence. Brilliance. Injected into humor. Such a rare attractive trait Elizabeth."
Natalie took her hand from my ass when she turned me around to face her. We were standing face-to-face, our bodies exposed to one another through our open robes, mirror images of each other except for my black collar.
"Elizabeth, do you believe I can read your true feelings when I am able to look into your eyes?"
I nodded my head, "I do."
"Do you believe that if I feel or see any hesitation or discomfort physically or morally in your face or in your eyes that I will stop immediately?"
I nodded again, "I do Natalie. I do Mistress."
Natalie placed a hand between my legs. She slid a finger through my labia. They were wet and greasy. I felt hesitation, anxiety, excitement, tension, anticipation, apprehension, but I also felt complete trust.
Natalie's finger made several trips through my slit and over my anus spreading my lube I suspected to ease entry when she felt I was ready. With each trip to my anus she spent more time rimming it, gently pressing against it.
It wasn't long before her fingers were sliding through me with little resistance. She pulled her hand out from between my legs, raising it between our faces. I opened my mouth preparing to lick and suck her fingers.
"Not this time Beth. These are for me. You've had the joy of tasting pussy all day. You have tasted you and me. Now it's my turn to enjoy the flavor of your essence."
She sucked her fingers into her mouth, her eyes never leaving mine. Her middle finger she saved for last when she pulled it out I could see it was well coated in her saliva. In slow motion, it seemed to me, I watched Natalie's hand travel back to my crotch.
"Truly more delicious than I could ever have imagined," Natalie said to me in that husky horny voice I had heard earlier.
Natalie's spit covered finger was on my anus alternating between pressing against it and circling it. It felt really good. An ache was growing in my pussy. Natalie's finger popped into my ass. My pussy and ass clenched. To my surprise I moaned with pleasure, not pain or discomfort. I put my hands on Natalie's shoulders.
"Surprisingly nice was it Elizabeth?"
I bit my lip and nodded, "Yes Mistress. It was nice. Is nice."
"Natalie this time Elizabeth. Call me Natalie." She slid her finger a little deeper inside me. I had no idea how much was in me, some of it, half of it, all of it. Was it possible I wanted more?
"Of course. Natalie. It is nice Natalie. Thank you. I don't think you need to watch my eyes anymore."
I leaned forward and kissed Natalie. She kissed me back but not as intensely as my desire demanded. I stepped into her.
"Deeper please." I kissed her again. Natalie broke our kiss enough to speak.
"My finger or my kiss."
Her finger sliding deeper was pure ecstasy. Her kiss pure desire. There was no pain. No discomfort. Pleasure on top of pleasure. Tits pressing against tits. Natalie changed the tempo and depth of our kisses. They became short and light. Her finger stopped sliding in and out of my ass.
Natalie spoke to me softly with love and caring and respect. "Thank you Beth. Thank you for trusting me. But we must stop now. If we continue, we will not eat and you will miss out on a better journey I have planned for you. And if I get you closer to an orgasm but don't finish it you may not recover for later tonight."
We locked lips in a caring kiss. I felt Natalie's finger sliding out me. My body felt disappointment but not as deeply as it would have had Natalie not been kissing me. I suspect she knew that. She hugged me. We hugged each other.
I stood silently watching Natalie wash her hands at the kitchen sink, the tops of her thighs, the bottom of her buttocks and the outline of her pussy holding my eyes.
Natalie assembled the salad and we sat at the table together and ate. We talked about things in the news, a little about my work, about guys we had met at the bar and random pop culture topics.
We were finishing our salads. I looked at Natalie.
"Can I ask you a couple of questions Natalie?"
"Of course." Natalie responded. "Anything Elizabeth. Anything."
"When I arrived today there was a pitcher of lemonade and two glasses on your porch. Then when we were making dinner you said you had cooked two chicken breasts for us. How did you know I was coming to your house today?"
"I didn't know Beth. I hoped. I suspected based on human nature that you may come by. But mostly, I hoped. I hoped it would be today."
"I guess that's nice to have someone hope you will come to visit. Human nature?"
"I felt like we made a connection Friday night. A deep connection. I hoped you had felt it too and would act on it."
I smiled at Natalie and put my hand on her thigh, "Thank you. I'm glad I did."
"Me too Elizabeth. Me too."
"One more question?"
"Sure Elizabeth."
"Can you read my mind?" I asked her with a smile on my face and a bit of a laugh. "I mean, holy shit, I can't tell you how many times you have looked at me and said exactly what I was thinking." I laughed again. "Like 'Isn't it delicious when fingernails are dragged across recently lashed flesh?'"
Natalie was laughing too, "No, I can't read your mind Elizabeth. I think that's just a manifestation of the connection I feel with you. But maybe I can. Imagine the great things we will share if I can read your horny mind my pet?"
I mirrored the huge smile Natalie was wearing and we laughed together.
"Are you done with your questions Beth?"
"Yes. I'm done."
"Good. Now I have some questions for you, okay?"
"Yes Mistress." I think I answered that way because there was a perceptible change in Natalie's posture and tone. Natalie didn't correct me.
"I would like some dessert Elizabeth, would you also like some?"
"Yes please Mistress. Dessert would be nice."
"Are you ready for your lesson to resume Elizabeth?"
"Yes Mistress. I am ready for my lesson to resume." I was amazed at how such simple words could make me so aware of the flow of want in my pussy.
"And what is the theme of today's lesson my pet?
"Servitude Mistress."
"Stand. Remove your robe. Place it on the back of your chair then stand before me wearing only your beautiful collar in what is fast becoming my favorite pose for my favorite pet; legs spread, hands locked behind your neck. I have one more question for you before we resume your lesson. I will ask it when you have fulfilled my command."
Natalie took a sip of her wine watching me stand and remove my robe. I stepped next to my Mistress, lifting my arms, spreading my legs. I felt my heart pounding in a race with my rising anticipation and desire.