Longing for BDSM Pt. 04

I lay there immobilized on the bed and I looked up at mistress Sophie in fear as she tightened her hold on my nuts. I could feel my body shaking in fear and I wondered if I had made a mistake requesting a bdsm session. I suddenly remembered my safe word and I decided to use it. "Red!" I yelled.

Sophie looked down at me and frowned. "Is that your safe word?" she asked, "because if it is you should know, that safe word does not apply to me it only applies to mistress Helen."

My eyes shot open in surprise. "What!" I cried in shock.

Mistress Helen looked down at me with a big smile on her face. "She's right slave the safe word I gave you does not apply to her it only applies to me which means you just used up your safe word for nothing, and if you use it more than three times the session will end," mistress Helen reminded me. I wasn't sure if I wanted the session to end but I did know one thing, I wanted them both to go easy on my balls because they were seriously aching at the moment. Mistress Sophie grabbed my balls in her hand and I felt her wrap something around my balls. I realized it was a rope! She was tying my balls up! The thought terrified me for some reason and I tried to yell out in protest but mistress Helen kept my mouth covered with her fragrant feet and my protests could barely be heard. Sophie wrapped the rope around my balls three times so my testicles were trapped at the bottom of their sacks then she tied the knots to keep my testicles trapped in the rope. Then she pulled the rope across the bed and tied it to the wooden foot bar at the foot of the bed. She made sure to give the rope a nice hard tug to make sure she had stretched the rope and my balls to their limits.

When she was finished my balls were pulled away from my body and the slightest movement from me made the rope tug on my nuts. I realised at that moment I had been placed in predicament bondage, which was the type of bondage that inflicted pain on a person the more they moved. This was the type of bondage that made me the most nervous and I realized I would have to try and stay still unless I wanted my balls to be tugged on. I knew at that moment I was seriously fucked. Mistress Helen saw the look of fear on my face and she laughed then she gave my face a few slaps with her bare feet. Her slaps made me wince in pain and close my eyes. She planted her feet on my face, covering my eyes and held them there. I felt very nervous with my face under her feet because I couldn't see mistress Sophie and I wondered what she was going to do to me next. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't very pleasant. I felt her grab my dick in one hand and using her other hand she rubbed the sensitive head of my dick.

The feeling was intense and painful and I couldn't help but scream out in pain at the touch.

I struggled against my bondage which caused the rope to tug on my captive balls and inflict further pain on me. I tried to lift my head to look at mistress Sophie but mistress Helen pushed my head down with her feet and shoved my head roughly into the mattress. She held my head down with her feet and did not move them. I had no choice but to breathe in the scent of her feet, it was either that or suffocate. Her feet smelt slightly tangy but they weren't terrible, they had that womanly scent to them, and I could also smell her stockings on her feet, the smell had been left behind. I realised in that moment that I didn't mind the smell of her feet, they were okay. I was more concerned about my testicles and the rope that tugged on them. And combined with mistress Sophie rubbing her hand over the sensitive head of my dick, the feeling was unbearable! And I couldn't help but moan and struggle and try to free my dick from her molesting hands. Sadly it was a losing battle, in my spread eagle position I could hardly struggle let alone get free. Sophie tightened her grip on my dick with one hand then she took her other hand and lowered it to my balls and to my surprise she gave my balls a hard slap!

"Fuck!" I screamed in pain. I had almost forgotten how painful a slap to the balls was! She had definitely reminded me. I watched in fear as she raised her hand and slapped my balls again!

"Red!" I yelled out in pain. She looked at me and smiled then she raised her hand and slapped my balls again!

"Fuck! Please stop!" I screamed in pain as I tried not to struggle. Sophie looked at me and she had the biggest grin on her face I had ever seen. She grabbed my balls roughly in her hand and gazed into my eyes. "Your safe word does not apply to me remember, it only applies to mistress Helen and I hate to remind you but you've just used up your safe word for the second time, which means two more strikes and you're out!"

Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring upstairs and the sound nearly made me jump out of my skin! Because I realised mistress Helen had more guests over!

Mistress Helen and mistress Sophie looked at each other in confusion. "I wasn't excepting any guests over but than again I wasn't expecting you over either and you came over unexpectedly," said mistress Helen.

Sophie looked at Helen and shrugged her shoulders. "It might be one of my domme friends they love watching other mistresses sessions," said Sophie. She looked at Helen and frowned at her. "You're not angry, are you?" she asked.

Mistress Helen smirked at her. "Of course, I'm not! The more mistress that are here the better! I say!" she said cheerfully. She smiled at Sophie. "Wait here with my slave and I will go and see who it is."

Mistress Helen smiled at Sophie. "Feel free to play with my slave while I'm gone." She laughed then she left the basement and walked up the stairs to answer the door. As soon as she was gone Sophie turned to me and she smirked. "You are totally fucked slave, and this dick if yours is in for some serious torture," she said. She grabbed my dick in her hand and held it tightly. "This dick belongs to us remember that slave."

I looked up at her with wide eyes and nodded my head. "Yes mistress," I said respectfully.

She gave my dick a hard slap which made me wince. "I will be doing more of that to your dick later," Sophie said.

A couple of minutes later I heard mistress Helens voice and I heard the sound of two pairs of high heels walking down the stairs at once. Fear rose within me as I realised I was about to be humiliated in front of yet another woman. The high heels got closer and I lifted my head to see who had entered the basement. When I saw who was there my eyes nearly exploded out of my head from shock. It was my Ex-girlfriend, Becky!

"Becky! What are you doing here!" I cried out in shock. I felt so humiliated with Becky seeing me like this! And I didn't understand why she was there and how she even knew I was here! Was it a coincidence she had shown up here? Not likely I thought.

Becky approached the bed and looked down at me with a smirk on her face. "Hello, Dean, do you remember me? I'm the girl you used for sex and then dumped just because I didn't want to do what you wanted in the bedroom," she said coldly.

"Becky what the hell are you doing here! And how did you know where I was?" I cried out in shock.

"I followed you here you stupid submissive pig!" she snapped angrily at me. "I waited outside your flat in my car for hours, I was waiting out there since 11 am and when you left I followed you in my car because I wanted to see where you were going."

"Becky you can't go around following me! That's crazy!" I yelled at her.

"Shut up Dean! I don't care how crazy you think it is! I needed to know where you were going. I didn't come to the house right away because I didn't think I would be allowed inside so I left and went to the pub for a few hours but then I decided to come back because I had to tell you how much of a bastard you are for dumping me!" she screamed at me.

"Becky, I'm sorry! I never meant to hurt you! I just got angry when you never wanted to do anything kinky with me! You never had to move out of our flat! You could have still lived there with me!" I said remorsefully. Apparently, Becky was not very happy with my apologies because she didn't smile once instead she looked down at me in disgust. "Oh yeah, Dean, you're really sorry, you're so sorry that you hired a dominatrix to abuse you!" she said sharply.

"We're not together anymore! So it doesn't matter what I do!" I yelled at her.

To my surprise, Becky climbed up onto the bed and she sat between my wide spread legs and I watched in horror as she raised her hand and punched me hard in the balls!

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" I yelled in pain like a wounded animal and I jerked in my bonds.

"Don't ever talk to me like that again!" she yelled angrily at me.

I looked at Becky with tears in my eyes. My balls were in agony and I couldn't believe she had punched them. The Becky I knew never would have done that to me and I was so shocked. And then I remembered my past words to her. I want you to dominate me. Ironically I had gotten what I wanted! Just not in the way I thought it would happen. The irony of my situation made me laugh under my breath. I had gotten what I wanted and yet I didn't feel excited like I should have. Then I realised it was because of the guilt I felt for dumping her. Not only that but seeing her so angry with me was a turn off I realised. I may have liked being dominated but I didn't like being dominated by women when they were angry. I realised in that moment it was my humiliation and their delight at my humiliation that turned me on, not their anger.

I looked up at Becky and took in her appearance. She wore a black sleeveless dress which showed of her arms and shoulders. The dress showed off her lovely legs too. She also wore black high heeled stiletto shoes. Her lips and her fingernails were painted pink and her pretty blonde hair hung down to her shoulders. I thought my Ex-girlfriend looked very pretty and I suddenly felt stupid for dumping her. She's gorgeous and I dumped her! I must be mad I thought.

Mistress Helen and Mistress Sophie looked down at me with looks of disgust and disapproval. "You dumped this beautiful girl?" said mistress Helen in surprise. I realised it was more of a statement and less of a question but I answered anyway. "Yes, mistress, I was very stupid mistress," I said while feeling ashamed of myself.

"You dumped her just because she wasn't into female domination like you? Well, that's a very shitty thing to do," said mistress Helen with a shake of her head.

"I know it is mistress and I feel bad for doing it mistress, I was an arsehole and I'm very sorry," I said.

Mistress Sophie looked down at me as it I were a bug. "You should be sorry! You're a submissive man! And if anyone does the dumping it should be her! She should have dumped you! For being an arsehole, not the other way around."

"You're right mistress I'm sorry mistress," I replied sincerely.

Sophie apparently wasn't impressed by my apologies either because she did not smile once, instead, she picked up the flogger and smacked me right in the balls with it.

I howled in pain and jerked my limbs uselessly against the ropes which caused the rope around my balls to tug on them which added even more pain. I closed my eyes and hoped the pain would fade soon. I suddenly felt something being shoved into my mouth and my eyes popped open when I smelt the strong aroma of stockings! Mistress Helen had shoved her stockings in my mouth and she was now placing her hand over my mouth!

"Sophie get me a gag so we can silence this sorry excuse for a man said," Helen. Sophie obeyed her and walked across the room and opened a draw at the side of the room then she pulled out a rubber gag then she came over to the bed and handed the gag to Helen while smiling widely. "Go ahead and gag him I was getting tired of listening to his dumb excuses for dumping his girlfriend anyway," she said. Mistress Helen grabbed the gag and shoved it in my mouth before I had the chance to scream. I felt the ball of the gag in my mouth and I noticed that it was a penis gag. The ball part was in my mouth and the rubber dildo part poked up above my face. Helen quickly lifted my head up and buckled the straps closed behind my head to make sure the gag was securely fixed on my head and would not come off, then she grinned widely at me.

Becky looked down at me and smirked at my predicament. "You wanted domination, Dean? Well, we are going to give you domination! And that includes a nice whipping! So brace yourself, babe, because we are going to dominate you like you've never been dominated before, that is what you wanted after all right?"

I looked up at Becky and was shocked at her words. She was going to dominate me like I had always wanted and I was tied to the bed and there was nothing I could do to stop her. I was slightly excited but I was also slightly scared because of the predicament bondage I was trapped in.

Becky grabbed my dick in one hand and my balls in her other hand and she squeezed them both simultaneously. My eyes popped open wide and I screamed in pain under my gag. Becky looked down at me and smiled at my screams.

Mistress Helen also smiled down at me. She gave my face a few slaps with her hand then she narrowed her eyes at me. "I don't know why you look so scared dean, you are finally getting what you want, your girlfriend is dominating you, which is what you've always wanted right? And she's just getting started." She smirked and laughed then she kissed me on the forehead. "Let's see if you can handle all three of us at once slave boy," said mistress Helen.

End of part 4.