Long Term Nudity Project 2035

Hi folks, Zoe here. I recently submitted a story in Exhibitionist/Voyeur called the 'Long Term Nudity Project' right here on Lit and I haven't yet decided whether I will continue with it. However, the scenario has opened my eyes to other interesting possibilities that I would like to explore a little before I make my final decision on continuing with the ladies of the L.T.N.P.

So for the time being, this is a short, standalone story depicting what the L.T.N.P. might be like in 20 years... (HINT - it's not meant to be taken seriously!)


The year 2035, the place Wales. (That's the bit that England is tagged onto!)

The Long Term Nudity Project had been a complete success. Millions of British women had spent a whole year of their life completely nude. And these women who had graduated from that scheme had found the experience to be overwhelmingly positive. Forced public nudity worked.

Proof. We'd had three consecutive female Prime Ministers, all of whom were graduates of the L.T.N.P. Leaders of every political party were female. Seventy-five percent of business leaders were women. Women earned on average twenty-five percent more than their male counterparts. Women were awesome, no matter what field they chose to participate in, they excelled. And it was all down to the L.T.N.P.

It may have had a less than inauspicious start, thriving on the climate of fear it created due, in no small measure, to militant feminists. However, the ladies that underwent the year of forced nudity under threat of state sanctioned prostitution if they refused, were much more confident, well respected and far more powerful than the militant nuts who had caused their predicament in the first place.

Being nude, wearing the collar and tie - and of course, the now infamous tail, became the greatest privilege that could be bestowed upon a woman in Britain. Female tourists flocked from all around the globe to catch sight of these brave women, going about their business, nude in public, hoping that a little bit of their total awesomeness might rub off on them.

Postcards of women wearing their collar and short tie, confidently thrusting out their bottoms to show off their tails, had replaced the more mundane postcards of the past featuring the London Beefeaters, red telephone boxes and double decker buses. The ladies of the L.T.N.P. had become the new symbol of greatness, putting the great back into Great Britain.

Britain's allies around the world wouldn't dare make a move without first getting the approval of the British Prime Minister, because her word was awesome. Indeed, statues of these great prime ministers littered the land. Every town in the country was proud to have a statue of these awesome ladies in their full nude glory on display in prime locations, at shopping malls, in town halls, sports stadia and the like.

But not everything was tickety-boo in this great land. The one percent rule. It was the Second Amendment to the Declaration of Female Empowerment. It was set in stone, inviolable, couldn't be repealed or updated for modern times, or so proponents insisted. It stated quite clearly that at any given time, one percent of the female population should be nude.

And that led to jealousy between the haves and the have nots. Unlike the early days when women cried in fear of being chosen, now they cried in sadness when they weren't chosen.

But the thing about being the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet was that she had the courage to stand up and say, "The second amendment is outdated, it doesn't work anymore and by gum, I'm going to do something about it, I'm going to repeal it. I'm just that awesome!"

And she did, replacing it with a fairer system that worked for everyone. The one percent rule was retained, but the twelve month duration was slashed to one day. And there was no limit on the number of times a woman could be selected to participate. All women between the ages of 18 and 100 were now automatically registered for the scheme.

But women were also allowed to opt out as well, if they didn't feel comfortable being naked in public, they simply had to write to the Office of Nudity Exemptions Department (O.N.E.D.) of the L.T.N.P. and say they didn't want to be included. After three years of being open and not having received a single request for exemption, O.N.E.D. was finally closed down with the loss of all jobs - Sheila found new work as the spokesperson for a car insurance company aimed specifically at female drivers.

But enough of that, let's get on with the story.

Frankie Aames sat in her school assembly, dressed in her uniform like every other girl there present. It consisted of a navy blue sleeveless dress that buttoned on each shoulder, a long sleeved white shirt, white stockings, black shoes and a royal blue tie. All the girls sat in the front rows of the assembly hall while the boys were segregated to the back.

She had a smile on her face as she chatted with her friends as she waited for the assembly to begin. The Headmistress came on stage in front of them and the hall went quiet.

"Good morning ladies."

"Good morning Headmistress," they all replied.

She made a cursory glance at the boys at the back and then went back to speaking. It was Monday morning.

"Okay ladies, first order of the day is the change over. I can see you're all excited, so let's not waste any more time, shall we? Let's welcome Maud Finley to the stage."

Maud was in Frankie's class, the upper sixth and final year of school. She had been blessed with the coveted weekend nomination. Each weekday, one girl was chosen out of a hat containing all eligible 18 year old girls. She would have to strip naked on stage in front of the rest of the sixth form and put on the collar, tie and tail, symbols of the L.T.N.P. and spend the day naked at school. At the end of the school day, she had to walk home naked and remain that way until she returned to school the following day, when she would pick the next name out of the hat.

Being a Friday, there was no school on Saturday or Sunday, so one lucky girl a week would get to spend the whole weekend naked. Last week, that lucky girl had been Maud, a total hottie with cascading brown locks, B cup breasts and a landing strip pussy. In addition to being selected for the scheme, these girls were in for a number of special treats, not least of which was a spell in the school orgasmatron device at the end of the day, as well as her picture taken for posterity and posted on the school website.

Frankie and the other girls cheered as the naked Maud made her way up the steps and onto the stage before them. They sat eagerly on the edge of their seats, crossing their fingers and hoping the next girl selected would be them.

Oh, to finally be nude. It had been Francesca Aames' lifelong dream, she had grown up listening to her mother Zoe fill her mind with stories of the year she had spent nude at the same age her daughter was now. Even Frankie's grandmother Sandy had got to spend the year naked with her daughter. They were so lucky. Frankie fantasized nightly about being nude for an entire year of school like her mother had been. She'd given herself myriad of orgasms that way.

"Maud, if you please," said the Headmistress, presenting her with the hat.

Maud placed her fingers into the hat and shuffled around the pieces of paper contained within. There were almost a hundred girls in the upper sixth and Frankie had felt left out the whole year long as her 18th birthday hadn't been until this last weekend, the second day of June.

All of the other girls in the year, except for herself and two others who had not yet turned 18 had been selected, most of them more than once. At the start of the school year, one lucky girl had even got to be naked every day for three weeks as no one else had a birthday until the end of September.

Today was the first day that Frankie's name had been added to the hat.

"Please God, please God, please God, let it be me," she prayed under her breath.

Maud pulled out the piece of paper and opened it up. "Oh my God," she squealed. "Frankie! It's you babe!"

The whole compliment of young ladies cheered as Frankie just sat there on her seat, unsure of whether her name had really been called or whether she was just hearing things. The girls around began to stand up and turn towards Frankie, all smiling and clapping. This must have been what it was like to win an Oscar. But at least she was sure now that she had heard right.

"Come on Frankie girl, get up here! It's you! And on your first try, wow!"

By now, there wasn't a girl still seated. They were all stood applauding. With a blush coming to her face, Francesca 'Frankie' Aames stood and hurried over to the steps at the end of the stage, climbing them and walking up to Maud who was waiting for her with a big hug. She gave Frankie a kiss and presented her with the piece of paper with her name on it. Frankie looked down and saw that it really did say her name.

Frankie looked up at the Headmistress who offered her a contented smile, which Frankie reciprocated. She'd never felt such joy in her life. To be chosen, first time out, to have to strip naked in front of the entire sixth form and a smattering of staff. Oh, the bliss. She glanced at Maud's bottom, watching the tail, that she knew, in just a few minutes was gong to be up her own bum.

"You know what to do Frankie!" screamed one of her friends in the second row. "Take it all off!"

Frankie smiled and began to giggle, the heady delight finally catching up to her. This was the moment she'd been waiting for.

Stood looking at nearly 400 students, half male, half female, all of them looking back at her, she felt for the button on her right shoulder and undid it, the material falling off her shoulder straight away. She lifted her other hand to unbutton the other side and her navy dress fell to the stage floor. She stepped out of it and kicked her dress to one side.

Next she felt for her tie. It was a clip on and she just tugged it away from her collar. The number of times she had asked her mother to retell the story of her own first time, how she had been afraid of exposing her tiny AA cup boobies, she had opted to take down her panties after removing her tie and left her bra and shirt until last. Frankie had salivated every time she heard it.

And in tribute to her brave mother, Frankie opted to tug down her own panties and feel the air between her crotch. Already she could feel wetness there. Feeling for her collar, she undid her top button and then proceeded to work her way down her shirt, the moment her pussy came into view, there were more cheers. She slipped the shirt off her back and dropped it on top of her dress, giving everyone an uninterrupted view of her hairless kitty.

"You're beautiful babe," another girl yelled, making Frankie smile.

She had a front opening bra and she wasted absolutely no time pulling it apart to reveal her own A cups, bright red nipples that were already out on stalks, her tight areola raised and inflamed too. The sooner she had it all on display the happier she was going to be.

Maud had removed the tail and was washing it clean in the bowl of hot, soapy water that sat on the desk centre stage.

Frankie stood there, exposed for the first time to all of her peers. And it was the most wonderful moment of her life. She swung her arms at her sides, completely forgetting that she hadn't finished undressing. She was still in her thigh length white stockings and shoes.

"Frankie..." the Headmistress pointed to her legs.

"Oops! My bad!"

Frankie had her shoes off and stockings down in a heartbeat and when she realised that she was standing there as naked as the day she was born in front of at least 350 people who had never seen any of it before, she giggled and did a spin and a quick bounce up and down for everyone.

Biting her lip, she turned to find the Headmistress handing her a crisp white collar. She buttoned it right away. Then the Headmistress stood next to her, holding the short blue tie in one hand and clipped it onto Frankie's shirt collar, so the bottom of it came to rest exactly in line with her nipples. She patted it and smiled proudly.

Frankie looked into the Headmistress' eyes and spoke, "Thanks Mum."

"You're welcome sweetie. I'm so proud of you."

The two women hugged briefly, then Frankie turned to look for the tail.

"Not so fast young lady. You haven't had your spanking yet."

The spanking! It had completely slipped her mind. Of course, how could she be so stupid? Getting carried away and forgetting all about her chance to go for glory.

Every day, Frankie had watched one of her peers strip naked on stage and get a spanking with a cane, before she could be allowed to wear the tail. Every spank endured bought the lucky girl one minute in the orgasmatron at the end of the day. So far, the record was nine. Susie Brown had set the record back in May, taking it from the previous champ, Mitsy Lemon, who had held the record of seven swats since late October.

Watching Susie almost explode on the orgasmatron after her marathon nine minutes on the device had made Frankie determined to be the first to take ten. The swats were hard and they stung and they made all the girls cry. Most took two or three before calling time. But Frankie had waited so long, she wanted it all.

Her mother, the Headmistress, Zoe Aames, led her daughter to the table where Maud had been washing the tail and made her bend over it, placing her arms across it so that her stomach lay flat on the table and her bottom pointed at the hall and 400 students.

"Miss Glass, if you please..."

The gym teacher bounded up the steps onto the stage and took the cane from the Headmistress.

"Want me to go easy on her?" joked Miss Glass, with a wink because it was the Head's daughter, knowing full well there wasn't a chance she was going to go easy on any student.

"See what she's made of Miss Glass!"

This was an exciting moment for everyone watching. It was an ordeal, it was a ritual, it hurt like hell, but it was a blast to be a spectator.

"Frankie, spread your legs a bit further apart please."

Frankie did as her gym teacher had asked. Miss Glass, along with about 50 of her fellow students had seen her naked in the showers after gym. But now Frankie was being asked, as all the girls who had turned 18 and taken their turn on stage before her had been asked, to spread her legs and show her most intimate part to the 200 girls and 200 boys of the entire sixth form.

God, she was dripping. She could just feel the faint trickles of her womanly juices running down the inside of her thighs. She lifted one arm so she could wipe between her legs before the spanking began. As her fingers grazed over her pussy lips, Frankie was amazed at just how full they felt. Taking up the position again, she ground her clit into the cold surface of the table. She was already on such a high, she could get to ten. Couldn't she?


"Owwww!" she howled, the instant throbbing felt throughout the cheeks of her bottom.

"Ready?" Miss Glass grinned and she had to back away and cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing. That had been the Headmistress' own suggestion to jump the gun and surprise her daughter. "Okay, that's one. Do you want two?"

Frankie grunted and whined.

"Was that a yes?"


"Then ask me nicely for it."

"Another one please Miss Gl..."


Before Frankie could even finish asking, she had been struck. "Owwwowowowwww!" she cried. There were now two burning red stripes on her backside.

"Do you want to make it three or stop there?"

Frankie wiped away her tears and spoke quietly. "Don't stop until you hit double figures."

"Ooh... a challenge." Miss Glass turned to the Headmistress who was intently watching her daughter's caning. "This little one thinks she's going all the way!"

She turned back to Frankie and lined the cane up on her bum, softly touching her tarnished skin, causing her to flinch at the light touch. SWAT!

"Arggghhhhh!" she screamed and literally began to sob, her shoulders shaking involuntarily at the pain.

"That's three. Want to call it a day?"

Frankie shook her head as her eyes welled and tears dripped onto the table.

"Then ask me nicely..."

"Plea..." SWAT! "Owowowowowowowow! Frankie stood up straight and bounced up and down on her tippy toes, rubbing the pain away from her backside.

"Bend over please."

Frankie reluctantly released her cheeks and slowly leant over the desk.

"Come on Frankie, you can do it!" yelled Clara, one of Frankie's best friends and one who had been nude twice.

"As I recall Clara Dawson," bellowed Miss Glass, "You managed a rather disappointing single your first time up. And you didn't fare much better second time around."

Clara blushed and fell silent. As Miss Glass turned and lined the cane up again, Clara yelled out, "You can do it!"

Miss Glass chuckled and gave Frankie a faint tap to let her know she was there.

"Please Miss Glass. I'd like another."

Frankie flinched but realised the swat had not come. She was just about to turn and see, when... SWAT!

"Owww!" she cried, although she was getting used to it now, the fire was already up and burning.

"That's bought you five minutes on the orgasmatron. I don't think you could handle six."

"Sorry Miss, but I've waited this long, I won't settle for anything less than ten."

Miss Glass let out a throaty laugh. "We'll see about that."

"Yes Miss, number six please."

"Right." The gym teacher slapped her own hand with the cane, checking to make sure it hadn't lost its stinging ability. Then without any further warning she struck Frankie again, SWAT, causing her to cry out some words.

"Seven please Miss."

Until May, seven had been the record. Even since then, only two girls in the whole year had taken that number. And both had had difficulty walking home afterwards having spent that many minutes on the orgasmatron last lesson of the day.

Miss Glass wasted no time in delivering the seventh blow. SWAT!

Again Frankie screamed, her whole face now wet with tears. She didn't know which was wetter, her face or her crotch. Standing once more to rub her bottom, she rubbed her thighs together too and became aware that her clit had popped out from under its hood of its own accord.

"You can do it! You can show her! Ten! Ten! Ten! Ten!" Clara began to chant and before she knew it, the other girls were chanting too.


"Please Miss, can I have number eight, or does your hand need a rest?"

"Yeah!" the girls whooped and hollered, the Headmistress having to put her hand to her mouth to conceal the smile. Her daughter was fast becoming legend.

Miss Glass tightly squeezed her fist around the cane and gave Frankie's bum a couple of light taps to line it up. SWAT!

Frankie's stifled scream barely escaped through her clenched teeth. She was two away from immortality.

"Please Miss, I'd really like my tail now, could you hurry up please?"

That was borderline insolence and Miss Glass raised her shoulder higher than before in the hope of delivering more speed on impact. SWAT!

Frankie stood upright again. That one really stung and she hopped around on stage rubbing her throbbing tushy, her whole face contorted with pain and soaked with tears.

"There's no shame in nine Frankie. You've done well, you've equalled Susie Brown's score. Would you like me to stop?"

The pain was filling Frankie's veins and she felt a surge of power and adrenalin that was no way going to let her stop now. "Ten please Miss." She began to softly chant to herself, "Ten! Ten! Ten!"

The other girls joined in, as did the boys. "TEN! TEN! TEN!"

Then from the sides of the assembly hall, the teachers joined in too, knowing they were witnessing a moment in the school's history that was destined to be talked about for years. "TEN! TEN! TEN!"