Long Distance

First written in 2001.

I first met Mick online in a chat room for single women. He claimed to be thirty-two years old and while he was no Tom Cruise he wasn't unattractive either he said. We chatted for a couple of hours and he came across as genuine and we ended up chatting regularly, which meant most nights.

Let me take this chance to tell you a little about myself. My name is Michelle; I'm 24 and quite petite, standing only 5'4" and having only 30B cup breasts. I'm not a virgin but I'm currently single. I live alone in a rented apartment just outside London, England. I work for a legal company as a secretary and life is generally dull. I make a decent wage but the night life where I live is severely lacking unless you travel back into the city so I spend most nights home alone in front of my computer.

Mick and I would chat about all sorts and I grew very comfortable around him, he told me he worked for an engineering company in the far north of England and long hours meant he was also single and spent most of his time away from work relaxing or preparing more work. We traded email addresses and moved from a public chat room to a private chat program he knew of.

Mick was telling me how he found it hard to meet women because he was into the D/S scene and was Dominant, combined with where he was working this meant there were few compatible women about and those that were local were already taken.

One thing led to another and we agreed that I would let him dominate me online and I would write up what I did for him and how I felt about it. I figured it's not like he would know if I did or didn't do as he asked and it might be fun to give it a try.

First off Mick sent me an email asking me all sorts of personal questions, like how old I was when I lost my virginity, how often did I masturbate, what was my mobile phone number, whether I was on the pill (being single and almost a hermit, the pill seemed pointless), when my period was due (so he would not ask me to do certain tasks at this time of the month), and then he sent a list of sexual activities that seemed to cover everything I had heard of and some I hadn't. I was to indicate which I had done, which I looked forward to doing, which would be suitable punishment tasks and which were completely off limits.

I spent a few hours going through the list and looking online to find what some things were. After finishing the list I emailed it back and awaited my first message.

I woke up on Monday morning and started to get ready for work, when my phone bleeped that I had a message, it said 'Slave, check your email before you leave for work, M.'

I quickly logged on and looked for new mail, there was a message from him.

Slave, I think the first test of your submission to me should be today, I want you to go work wearing the same outfit you have on now except I want you to remove your panties. If you cannot complete this simplest of tasks you should let me know immediately and we will stop this game now and you will not hear from me again. Master M.

Since it was late summer I had planned to wear a long skirt to work which was white with flowers on it, I knew you could normally see the outline of my panties through it but the idea of doing as he instructed sent shivers up my spine and reached under my skirt and removed my panties.

My workday was pretty normal and looking back I'm sure no one had any idea anything was different but my paranoia made me think everyone knew and was staring at me. When I went to the bathroom at lunch my pussy was so wet.

When I got home, I rushed to the computer and began to write up my day as per our pre arranged instructions. There was already an email waiting for me from him. It simply said that he hoped I enjoyed my day but I was not allowed to cum without his permission. This was particularly cruel as I spent most of the journey home thinking how much I wanted to cum when I got home. I wrote up my day, explaining my nerves and the smiles that seemed all knowing from colleagues.

Later in the evening Mick came online and we chatted till nearly midnight. He told me how he was proud I had done as he asked and that this meant we could proceed.

He told me that I was to throw away all my panties apart from two pairs for when it was that time of the month and that from now on I was not to wear panties at all unless it was that time.

The rest of the week passed very slowly as I was still forbidden to cum and was getting very frustrated. By the end of the week I had to go to the bathroom every couple of hours I was so wet. How was one man able to make me so excited without even touching me?

Monday morning I was instructed to go to an address Mick provided and collect an item he had ordered online for me. He told me the order was under the name Slave Chelle and that I was not to open it till this evening when I was online with him. This made me blush, that someone out there would have to hear me ask for a parcel with that name on it but at the same time my pussy twitched and I knew I would go and do as he asked. So on my lunch break I went to the address which was down a small side street. It turned out to be a sex shop. With my heart pounding in my chest I walked in and hoped the place was professional enough to be discreet about their customers but in my mind I had this image of a greasy ferret faced man who would leer at me and a shop full of old men in raincoats. Was I ever wrong, the place was a well lit shop and were it not for the 'adult products' it could have passed as a normal high street shop and the salesperson was a casually dressed woman. I nervously approached her and told her I was here to collect a parcel that had been prepaid. She asked what name was it under and I whispered out s-s-slave chelle.

The woman asked me to repeat that as she did not catch it, I again stammered out the name and she nodded and reached under the counter and handed me a parcel the size you would expect to receive a fancy bottle of wine in. I grabbed the box, murmured thanks and rushed out of the shop.

Once my heart calmed down the rest of the day was uneventful and I almost forgot about the box when I left for home.

That evening it got to nine pm and I hadn't seen Mick come online. In my head I was starting to call him master which made me a little confused but then that's what he called himself in our emails now so it kind of made sense.

When my mobile phone rang with an unknown number I was nervous as I never get cold callers. I answered and said hello and the voice at the other end said, "Hello slave, it is your master, I hope you do not mind me calling but I really want to hear your voice"

"I do not mind master," Michelle replied.

"ah good, you called me master, I was going to mention that but since you brought it up first, you should refer to me as master or sir from now on," he said.

Michelle replied, "Yes sir"

"'I would like you to get your parcel and a pair of scissors now slave and be quick please." he instructed.

I rushed to the kitchen for the scissors and grabbed the parcel on the way back, then sat on the bed since the phone was on my nightstand.

"Use the scissors to open the package slave," he added.

I cut through the tape and began ripping open the box, inside was a plain white box. Opening this I found a large silver tube, tapered at one end and with some kind of ridge area at the other. I then realised it was a vibrator, I had heard of them but, call me sheltered, had never actually seen one.

His voice broke my reverie, "Well my dear, I am guessing by your silence that you like my gift. Next I know you have gone over a week without release, I would like you to use my gift and remedy this situation while I listen to your pleasure."

No one had ever heard or seen me play with myself so my nerves went into overdrive and the butterflies in my tummy started flapping around wildly.

After thinking it through for a minute I figured he could only listen, he couldn't see or touch me so why not.

I lay back on the bed and put my phone on speaker mode so I would have both hands free. I stroked my nipples which were already sticking up from the excitement. My other hand reached down and started to stroke my pussy lips. Small moans started to come from my throat. I could feel myself getting wet which it seemed recently happened all too quickly. I reached for the vibrator and slowly nosed the tip between my pussy lips. With one hand holding the toy, the other reached down to the base and twisted it round. It began to gently vibrate and felt so good as the vibrations tingled all along my lips and could be felt around my clit that was just starting to come out of its little hood. I experimented pushing the toy inside me till it slid in and out easily. I reached down again and twisted the base till it wouldn't go any further. The buzz increased and I began to force the toy in and out. One hand was moving the toy while the other was stroking my clit very gently. My orgasm seemed to come from nowhere and I screamed out as it washed over me. I could see stars from the force of the cum. I had never cum that hard before. Was the toy that good or was it because I had a long distance listener. I could feel a second climax building so I turned the vibrator down a little so it was less rushed and took longer to arrive.

After cumming a second time I turned the toy off and picked up the handset.

"Did you enjoy that master?" she asked.

"Very much my dear, very much. Now my dear for your next instruction, listen carefully. I want you to start when you wake up, every hour on the hour I want you to play with your pussy and clit for five minutes. Since you have notice of what you have to do I expect you to find some privacy to do as I ask. At no point during the day are you allowed to cum. Each night however, you are to call me on this number and using your new best friend, make yourself cum for me," he instructed.

After cumming so hard I think I would have done just about anything my master asked to feel that again so I readily agreed. He hung up after explaining he had some extra private work to do and would speak to me the following night. Feeling worn out after my 'exercise' I went to sleep.

The next few days proved to be tougher than I expected, the mornings were fine, I would sneak off to the bathroom for a play but come the afternoon (no pun intended) it was getting harder and harder to stop as my body began to crave its climaxes.

The evenings were the highlight of my day, I would call him up and get out my vibrator and bring myself off two, three and even four times before I was worn out and every time he would call me his good girl. The smile this brought to my face could light a room, such simple words yet such a profound effect.

Monday morning I woke up and my body began to remind me I was female as it was that time of the month. I was wondering how I would tell my master. Whilst thinking about this my phone went off, it was him. He told me I could forgo my previous instructions but I was to return to the same shop and collect another package under the same name but I was to open it at work. Oh and it may be better if I opened it somewhere discreetly. Thankful for the consideration and curious about the new surprise at the same time I went off to work.

At lunch I went to collect the parcel. It was the same woman behind the counter and she seemed to remember 'my name' so just grabbed the parcel and handed it to me.

Back at the office I cut the tape and went to the toilets to open it completely. Inside was a rubber thing shaped like a Christmas tree with a long thin flat foot, there was also a small tube of something like a mini toothpaste tube and a note. The note read

'Slave, I hope you enjoy your first butt plug, I want you to use the lubricant enclosed and cover it completely, then right now I want you to insert the plug up what I picture is your cute little bum. Master M.'

Having never had anything up there I was unsure about this but then I have not regretted doing anything my master has had me do so far so I trust him. I covered the black rubber plug in the lube wondering how something 5 inches long and at least 2 inches around would fit up my bum. Then I reached back and inserted the plug. It hurt so much I thought I must have done it wrong or something. I pushed harder, feeling my anus open up as I forced the plug in, then suddenly it pulled into my ass as it got past the largest part of the plug. It felt very strange, like I had to go or something.

I returned back to my desk constantly aware of the foreign object deep inside me.

That night when he phoned he wanted me to lay back and pull my legs up to my chest and far back as they would go, then one hand was to pull the plug out and push it back in, to basically fuck my ass with the plug, whilst the other stroked my clit. I knew I would do it even though I didn't think it would get me off, it was just a little too weird. I'm getting used to being wrong when it comes to my master. I started pulling the plug, feeling my anus stretch open around it and then I let it snap back closed pulling the plug back in. I did this a couple of times and then started to rub my clit with the other hand. I felt my climax building up but I never expected it to be as strong as it was. This time I was seeing stars, planets and a few suns. I never expected playing with my ass would affect me that much. I was told to keep the plug in me all week, only to remove it to go to the toilet, then I was to wash it, re-lube it and put it back in and each evening I was to call my master and make myself cum for him just using the plug.

I spent the week noticing how much I was changing. About how much more I was thinking about sex, about my master, about how I was willing to do anything he asked.

The following Monday my master called me just before I left for work saying he had something special planned for the end of the week and he wanted me all prepared for it. I was to shave my pussy hair tonight so I would be smooth, and that I was to play with my pussy again every hour for five minutes but I was not to cum and that I would not be allowed to cum all week till Friday night. Also I would not hear from him until Friday night.

I knew this would be torturous as I was becoming so accustomed to cumming every day for him. The first day was not too bad. The second I was fidgety and distracted. By Wednesday I was getting very agitated, I had to keep cleaning myself up or I would stain my clothes with pussy juice. On Thursday I was snappy at colleagues and people on the phone. On Friday morning I snapped at the first three people who spoke to me. I knew I was being rude but I put this down to being very horny, very frustrated and since my nipples felt itchy I guess I must have been ovulating as well. This was not a good combination for my poor colleagues. After a few minutes at my desk my boss approached me and told me to take the rest of the day off as I seemed tired and a few people had mentioned my degrading attitude. Thanking him I grabbed my bag and made my way home. Once home I just prowled the house like a caged tiger.

At 7pm my doorbell rang. Not expecting anyone, I opened the door only a fraction. There were a couple of delivery guys there with a large heavy package for me. I opened the door and signed the offered clipboard. The two guys carried something in. The box was about three feet wide, long and high. They set it down in the middle of my living room and left the building.

I opened the box and looked inside. There was a jumble of straps and black plastic materials and something was making a humming noise like it was powered.

There were a few bottles of pills and tucked down the side was a note.

Opening the note it read

'My dear slave,

I know this week has been hard for you, but I assure you that you will remember this weekend for the rest of your life. I have personally made the equipment in this box, it is a one of a kind pleasure device. If you had any plans for the weekend, you should cancel them now. Please follow the instructions in the subsequent pages and call me using your speakerphone before you complete the final two steps of the instructions. Master M.'

I started to read through the instructions for how to set this contraption up. Once I was happy with the set up, I carried it all through to the bedroom and went to use the bathroom as instructed. It said I may not have a chance for a while so it would be best to make sure now to avoid any unplanned accidents.

First I had to attach some strapping to my head board. Then I was to strip naked.

The main piece of equipment was like a bulky diaper made of plastic, and it was definitely this that was humming.

I was to lay back on my bed, place the diaper-thing around my hips and strap it in place so any throes of passion would not shake it loose. This was straight forwards enough as the thing had many straps and by the time I had finished it felt like it was a part of me. Then I was to wrap two of the loops of strapping from the headboard around my ankles and pull them tight. This would pull my ankles way back over my head to the head board and make most of the main unit balance over my pussy. Next I was to fasten one cuff around my wrist, also at the headboard. With only two steps left I called my master.

"Hello slave." he said.

"Hello sir," I replied.

"Have you done as instructed?" he asked.

"Yes sir, I'm strapped up and only have the last two steps remaining," I replied.

"Good my dear, this will be a very intense session for you and I'm sure you will never feel anything like this again. Before you start this I'm afraid I have some bad news, my job is moving and I'll have to work over in Africa for six months. Once I'm out there I will be virtually un contactable. I don't want to leave you for this long but I'm afraid I am the only one qualified to do my job there. Once I return, I'm thinking about requesting a transfer down to the London office so I can be with you," he said.

My head was spinning at the news, six months without my master would feel like forever but then he would move to be with me. The idea both saddened me and excited me at the same time.

"Now my dear, there is one last thing I would like you to consider before we begin. In your questions you told me you are quite shall we say, not top heavy in the chest department. You see I like my slaves to have larger breasts than you currently have. So I have put two bottles of pills in the case. I would like you to take one per day for the six months I am gone. Then when I return your breasts will have grown to a respectable size. Could you do this for me?" he asked.

"Yes sir, I will," I replied.

"You should also know that these are brand new drugs I had to have imported, they do currently cause a few side effects in some people but not all. In some women they cause vomiting maybe once per day. In other women it may cause a little weight gain. There may be one or two other effects but nothing major. None of these are major problems but so long as you are aware of them now, they will not be a shock to you," he said.

"Okay sir, I trust your decisions," I said.

"Good girl. Now I would like you to press the green button on the injector unit between your legs and then put your hand in the cuff which should tighten automatically," he instructed.

I reached down and pressed the green button in then quickly reached up and slid my hand into the loose cuff which promptly tightened. The noises coming from the device changed in pitch and I felt something probing my anus. Whatever it was paused once it had just penetrated me and began to squirt something into my bowels. I don't know what it was but my legs began to relax and my body began to tingle. My clit felt like it was burning up and desperate for some contact. The thing in my ass pulled out and the tones on the machine stopped. Suddenly something large forced its way into my ass and froze in place, it felt like the vibrator I owned, or something of that size anyway. Something even larger forced its way into my pussy making me gasp at the size of it.