Long & Hard
Authors note.
This is a readers request. I hopeyou enjoy it.
Long and Hard
It was early afternoon and a very warm day, yet I was shivering. A slight chill went up and down my spine every time I glanced at Mike sitting as his computer. Bits and pieces of the previous night’s events and the conversation we had that morning crept into my mind over and over again.
“I love you, bear,” I said as I snuggled against his chest, safe and warm amongst our pillows and blankets.
Derek smiled at the pet name I had been calling him since I had come to live with him.
“I love you, too,” he responded.
He held me close and leaned over to give me a fiery kiss that curled my toes and made my heart beat fast and hard.
“We need to talk about something before we go to sleep, hon.”
I was feeling a little playful and lightly traced my fingers over his broad shoulders and nibbled on his ear. He grabbed my wrist and gave me a stern look. I just giggled and continued to tease him with my fingertips.
“Stop being so serious, Mike, I’m just playing around,” I said a little petulantly, a pout forming on my lips.
In one swift motion, mike placed his left hand under my back and flipped me over onto my stomach. Before I could protest, his right hand fell with a resounding *smack* on my bottom.
“OUCH! What was that for?!” I whined.
Soon I was wriggling in discomfort as Mike planted several more smacks to my bottom.
“When I say we need to talk about something, you DO NOT take it lightly. Secondly, I hate pouting and thirdly, I hate whining EVEN MORE!” he scolded as he continued to smack my bare bottom with firm slaps.
“Ouch! Ow! Quit it! I’m sorrrryyyy!”
He placed a hand firmly on my back to keep me on my stomach and began to talk at me while I grumbled just under my breath about the unfairness of it all. I could always tell when Mike got into “lecture mode”.
“It’s been a little over a week since I gave you a good sound spanking and I am starting to think you are about due. Not only have you been bratty beyond belief the past few days…”
“I HAVE NOT! You’re just too much of a tight ass lately! I’m just having a little fun. Is that a crime!?” I retorted, my voice rising with each statement.
I regretted my little outburst the moment the words came out of my mouth, because Mike’s eyebrows lowered into an angry frown. He hopped out of bed and went over to the wall where all our spanking implements hang from a series of hooks. I rolled over onto my back and tried to cover myself with my blanket, but Mike yanked it from my hands and tossed it on the floor.
“I never said you could move, now did I?”
I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him, half-annoyed and half-afraid of what he was thinking of doing. Mike lifted the leather paddle from the hook and then walked out of the room. He came back just moments later and fear lit my eyes as I saw my wooden hairbrush clasped in his other hand. He put the two implements down on the chair we use as a nightstand and dragged me kicking and struggling off the bed.
I had always considered myself a strong woman, but I might as well have been a fly caught in a web for the little bit of strength I have is nothing compared to how strong Mike is. I was a little embarrassed at how easily Mike manhandled me into position. With almost no effort, Mike had me bent over the edge of the bed, his hands pushing me firmly onto the mattress. We have two mattresses piled on top of the box spring so the bed is pretty high. It forced me to go up on my toes, my bottom up high and angled for swats.
The next few minutes were a blur. I yelped and wriggled and kicked my right foot up every few seconds as Mike laid into me, alternating every ten swats or so between the hairbrush and the leather paddle. I could feel the heat starting to build up and the sting was getting unbearable. I begged and pleaded for the spanking to stop, but Mike kept to the task for a few more minutes before letting me up. My hands instantly went behind me to rub some of the sting away before I could stop myself.
“No rubbing!” he roared.
Mike tossed me onto the bed and held me by the waist.
“You know better by now about rubbing, don’t you, baby?” he said as he raised the hairbrush.
“Yes sir! I’m sorry! It was an accident! It won’t happen again. I promise!”
“It better not or I'd hate to be in your shoes, or shall I say pants!”
And with that, more swats fell on my already sore bottom. He spanked me until I was nearly crying. It took me several minutes to realize that the spanking was over and still didn’t comprehend the fact until I felt cool lotion being rubbed on my bottom. It felt so good that I leaned into the bed and purred.
Mike helped me to stand and held me close against his chest, his arms wrapped around me and his hands stroking my hair. He whispered his undying love in my ear and held me tight.
“You can rub now, sweetheart.”
My heart melted and the feeling I always get after I’ve been punished filled me, the feeling of being loved and cared for. Mike motioned me toward the bed and gave my bottom a light swat as I turned. I lay gingerly on my stomach and rubbed briskly with both hands. Mike tucked the blanket around me tight. I fell asleep instantly.
In the morning, Mike woke me up with swats to my bottom. I was so shocked that I got tangled up in my blankets and fell out of the bed. The blanket shielded my fall and I wasn’t hurt, but I rolled around trying to get myself untangled, cussing and snarling. Mike was all but rolling around on the floor laughing at my predicament. I yanked the blanket off my body and got to my feet. And oh if looks could kill, Mike would have been a pile of ash. His laughter died down to snickers and chuckles and he gave me a kiss.
The rest of the day was kind of a blur. I spent a lot of time chatting with people on the computer, playing a few games, getting my chores done. But every once in awhile, Mike would drag me to the bedroom, or bend me over the loveseat, or just lean me up against the wall, grab a spatula from the kitchen drawer and smack with it until my butt was a good enough shade of red to please him and I was wriggling and begging him to stop. And of course, every hour or so, he'd remind me of what I had coming.
"You think you've had enough, just wait until it's time for bed," he'd say.
The clock ticked away. I'd manage to forget a little about the spanking he'd promise and then I'd glance at him and he'd be smiling at me with one of his evil, self-satisfied, grins. And all I could do was shiver.
Night finally came. It was only an hour or two before it was time to sleep. Mike propped up some pillows against our loveseat so he could have support and ordered me to strip naked. There was a big whine going through my head, but no way was I going to let it escape my lips, as I took off all of my clothes and folded them neatly. After I placed my clothing on my computer chair, I laid myself over Mike's knees and a cold sweat beaded up on my forehead as Mike moved around to make him and myself comfortable. I glanced up at the clock above the television and registered it saying 8:43 PM. After that, time didn't even matter.
I cried and begged off as he spanked me with his hand, the brush, the leather paddle, and the spatula. I don't remember how long that first spanking lasted, but tears were spilling down my face when he helped me up to my feet and ordered me into the corner. I obediently faced the corner, my hands up behind my head and my fingers laced together tightly. I sniffled and wriggled from the pain. Then I heard Mike's voice from behind me.
"I have made a decision and you're not going to like it," he said.
"What is it?" I replied.
"I'm going to take a cue from one of those videos you're always watching, that one little clip where the girl got 36 paddle swats, hard and swift. I'm going to do that with the hairbrush paddle. Only, you're not going to get the relief of me doing it in layers. It will totally bare bottom from beginning to end, hard, brutal swats and fairly quickly. Understand?"
I hesitated a few moments. Even before it started, I could imagine how much a spanking like that could hurt. If I said that I think it would be too much, I'd feel like a coward. If I took the spanking, it might hurt so much that I would shame myself into saying our safeword. No choice at all. I must have been silent too long, because once again I heard Mike's voice.
"Answer me, do you understand?"
"Yes, sir." I said, very meekly.
"Alright, get into the bedroom and assume the position, I'll be in there shortly."
I sniffled and dragged my feet into the bedroom. I grabbed our pillows and stacked them in the middle of the bed and placed another pillow at the head. I draped myself over the pillows, buried my face into the other pillow and waited for Mike. It was probably only a couple of minutes, but it felt like I had been waiting for hours.
I stiffened as I slowly felt the hard oak of that inch-thick hairbrush paddle slide lightly over my already red and sore bottom.
"Now normally you're not allowed to cover up, rub, or roll over during a spanking, but I know how much this is going to hurt. I won't mind if you roll over or try to cover up, but don't take it too far," he said.
I quickly looked at the clock beside the bed. 9:06 PM. And then I felt the first swat. Unbelievable pain rushed through my body. My legs stiffened up and a howl escaped my lips. Five seconds later, another swat, just as hard, just as painful. I screamed into the pillow. I lost track of time. Between yelling out in absolute pain and occasionally rolling over and trying to protect my bottom from those swats, before Mike would gently roll me over to swat me harder, there was no way I could keep track of the time. I was sobbing hysterically long before he reached the tenth swat.
My pillow was soaked with tears, mucus dripped from my nose and my hair was a tangled, stringy mess and still I cried. I vaguely saw the flash of the camera as Derek took pictures for himself. He ordered me to lift my head so he could take a picture of my face and at that moment I looked at the clock again. 10:57 PM. 10:57?! He spanked me for 2 hours?! More than that if I count the 20 minutes or so before the hairbrush paddle spanking. Oh my god...
Finding out the length of the spanking had shocked me into calming down and the tears finally stopped. Mike enthusiastically showed me how bruised my bottom was from the pictures he had taken. I cringed at the black and purple bruises covering my entire spank spot. I was so exhausted.
I don't remember much after that. Mike informed me that I fell into a dead sleep while he was rubbing a little lotion on my very sore bottom. I remember the spankings very clearly the next morning. I turned over onto my back and jumped about 2 feet into the air as soon as my bottom made contact with the bed. Even walking hurt. But I was proud. I never once said, "Fuck".