Lonely Programmer Pt. 07

Spa Day and the "Skimon"

"...Because I need a boat... I live in the Gulf... Didn't you say I needed to live like a millionaire?... Well, buying a boat makes me ACT like one, doesn't it?!... I've window shopped a bit online... Yeah... There's room in the marina close by... Do millionaires do their own maintenance?... I suppose a hundred grand give or take ten?... Wait... What'd you think I was gonna spend? I'm not buying a Coast Guard Cutter, Jimmy... Hmm... Yeah for that price, they can steer me in the direction of a comparable marina... I might pull it for maintenance or for a few months in the colder season, but we can still fish then, yeah?... What is your obsession with Florida?! Your Mom and Brother live in ALABAMA!... Okay, okay. Touche. She's gonna have to go out on it eventually, though, right?... I guess... You're the first of three or four other people I'd trust with it... Yeah, of course... Yeah, Buddy! Alright, Bro... Huh? Oh yeah, she came by yesterday... She said to fire my housekeeper. Bwah haha! She did?! What did Natalie say?... Get her fitted for a halo... Yeah, sure. Oh! Call TJ. To bullshit and talk about money, what else? Did he set up your Brick? He connected a Smart Board to it?! Nice! We should spec it for our offices, too, if he can do that! I don't know. What? Merle? They named it Merle? This is all our fault... Ha ha! Yeah. Okay. Call me on Monday... Before lunch is fine. Eleven o'clock yours, ten mine?... Yeah. Sure, sure... Yeah, Man... Bye." I clicked the Spyke window closed.

"Was that... Your brother?" Nikki asked, walking over to my desk.

"Yeah, why?"

"You were... NICE to each other!"

"I tripled his earnings from last year in the first quarter."

"That's not it. He's proud of you. You've impressed him."

"Meh..." I said with a shrug. She was right, though. We were getting along differently lately. We rarely talk about money now, too. "You guys all set for your "Ladies Night" tomorrow?"

"It's a "Spa Day". We're getting facials and seaweed wraps and shit." She stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"No jokes? No corny comments?"

"Nope. Too easy."

"Oh. Okay. Yeah. Maybe. Even Mitch had fun with 'facials'."

"Mitch? Wow... Definitely waaaay too easy."

"Har, har." She snorted. She continued on. "We'll prolly close the night at the Gallery or Pontoon. No boys allowed, though." She replied, sticking out her tongue.

"I guess it's just me and the boys, then."

"Nope. Sorry. Mitch is working the graveyard all weekend, Rusty is going back to school to hang with his lacrosse buddies and John is playing golf with Jinx and her Father on Saturday and then they're all having Sunday brunch with her mother."

"Should we make funeral arrangements for John now or...?"

"He'll be fine! He's picking up all of your good habits." She cut me off to compliment me.

"And some of my bad habits, too."

"One of your good habits is concealing the bad ones." She said. That one had a sultry smirk along with it.

"Wow! Thanks! Wait... I'm paying for the "Spa Day" aren't I?" I said, seeing through the flattery with squinted eyes.

"You have two girlfriends that like to play together. It's worth it. WE'RE worth it." She said, cocking her hip.

"Good point." I couldn't argue that one.

She switched to business mode. "We're all done for the day. A little behind, but next week's schedule is mostly closed Beta, so we can catch up." She said while straitening up my desk. It was just a way to get close enough for me to smell her. My hand reached up to stroke her ass while she went about moving things back into place. I'm so happy she decided to wear her version of the "Yoga Casual" look the office ladies adopted. She wore an almost shear pair of yoga pants and a thin workout V-Neck. Her mostly flattering rather than functional sports bra peeked out of the "V" just a hair. Just enough. I really wanted to take her at that moment. I controlled myself.

Let's recap:

Nikki was really starting to own her dual life with me. She loved working with the team and really grew into her submissive "Li'l Girl" role with me and Sawyer. I was worried for a little while that she might crack subconsciously, but she's really happy. She keeps a stash of coloring books in her desk when she feels bored or too "Li'l" at work. Sawyer keeps her pictures in a thick folder, too.

Sawyer still works under Rory, but has taken on Jenn's role of Office Manager, too. We've actually started working harder and more efficiently and still manage to have even more fun during business hours.

Jenn has started to shine artistically and is nipple deep in concept art for several projects. She's even sharing a class with Ema for digital art stuff. I had to tell her that she's too far ahead of the rest of the game development. She often points out that that's why she's taking the class. She wants to start helping out with the graphic designs and applications in game. I'm not going to turn her down. She and Rusty are going strong. They seldom come around to "play" with me and the girls, but they do like partying still.

Rusty is going strong and surging through all the tough shit involved in the app game-making process. He's still struggling with the creativity, but Jenn is certainly helping him improve that. It's like she can see what he's thinking and translate it for all of us to see. It's probably why she's been drawing so much. We still don't have a name for his game yet, but the working title and Rusty's preferred name is "MyLantis," which the rest of us all agree is awful. I'm leaning towards "Fish Tank," but that name really under sells the product. I say it mostly in jest.

Jinx has taken on the task to make sure the game will be ready for all operating systems. With one of the three major competing phone types out there being so different from the other two, it's no small job. Her progress reports show she's ahead of schedule, though. A week of testing might drive her nuts. She'll prolly keep moving forward while the rest of us kick back.

John still does the majority of the testing, but has been promoted to programmer full-time. His testing has really mitigated some problems that would have been disastrous if left unchecked for too long. He's also been promoted by Jinx. He went from "Office Man Meat" to "Boyfriend". I heard that he's converting to Judaism, too. Good for him. Good for him and Jinx. I hoped, at the time, that he would survive the weekend with her parents. I assumed that Jinx's parents were just as scary and intense as she is.

Ema started dating the bouncer from the Pontoon, Tynie. They've been spending a ton of time together and Tynie has started helping out with some surprisingly helpful beta testing. He's a giant geek like the rest of us. Just don't tell him I said that. After a quick legal disclosure contract, he now tests for us part-time. Ema still pulls the work out of her ass, but her work only continues to improve.

Rory has taken on the role of being the face of the company to the media. She just got back from a gaming convention showing off all the shit that Axel has in store for the year and even presented a teaser trailer for "Project: MyLantis". It received massive positive feedback.

All caught up? Good.

We all decided to have dinner at the Pontoon before Jinx and John left that evening. They had a non-stop flight from Pensacola to Boston, so they weren't going to stay out long. They left their cars at the office and took a SuperTaxi from Jenn's place after dinner. Jinx managed to pack for them both in one carry-on, but packed that in an empty suitcase; a trick she learned from Rory. Jenn and Rusty took the honors of driving them to the bar. They were going to have an early night as well because Rusty's flight was early that morning.

After we ate, we went our separate ways. Sawyer and Nikki came home with me, as they do almost every night. They have pretty much moved in and I suddenly found myself severely lacking in closet space and parking. Sawyer has a lease and Nikki lives in her parent's vacation house. They both decided to not move in permanently until Sawyer's lease is up. Just a few short months away. I also bought a larger bed, which I didn't even know existed. "Ultra Kings" have been made popular by pro athletes and other celebrities.

We decided to call it a bum's night and vegged on the couch watching a new-ish horror movie on cable. Nikki watched through her fingers while I laughed maybe too much and Sawyer made "grossed out" noises and commented on the silly gore. We polished off a few beers each and indulged in some weed before turning in. The ladies were too psyched up about the "Spa Day" to focus on anything else, but Nikki managed to get me alone after Sawyer "fell asleep." After an hour, Sawyer "woke up" to discover us misbehaving and we needed to "make it up" to her. Four times.

I woke up to an island of an empty bed. The cameras also showed the house was empty. The girls had already started their day. I was alone. I was alone for the first time in almost an entire year. I would have felt lonely if I didn't feel a little relieved. I'm having a "Me" day. I'm buying a motherfucking BOAT! Cue air raid sounds. Brrr, brrr, brrrrrrrr!

"Bernie, did the dealer call to change my appointment?"

"You're still scheduled for one o'clock."


I had a little more than an hour to get ready and eat something on the road. After an iced coffee and a sad excuse for a breakfast sandwich, I arrived at the dealership. I didn't know when I made the appointment that the dealership was also a marina and maintenance facility. This news made things exponentially easier for me. I was a bit early and decided to do some online shopping. I was going to need Wake boards, skis, tow tubes and the lot. It got pretty obvious that I wasn't going to settle on the colors of that crap until I knew what kind of boat I was going to get, so I gave up. I really wanted everything to match once I got it all together.

At about five to one, I was introduced to Minnie. Minnie took the liberty of showing me around the show room as well as a few boats slipped out back that belong to customers.

Minnie resembled a cross between Ema Watson and Natalie Portman. She wore a seasonal business suit/skirt that depressingly left too much to my imagination. If I had to guess I'd say she was in her mid-twenties. She was at least five-foot-nine in her medium height heels. Her hair was a very light brown and barely rested on her shoulders. Her eyes were disarmingly blue and truly twinkled out in the sun. It was like staring into two tiny versions of the gulf. I was impressed how she maneuvered in that long skirt and those heels over the gravel that covered the outside lot. She took her time going over some of the water crafts' vitals but nothing leaped out to me as "My new boat". It was very apparent on my face, too. The only boats that caught my attention were the larger cabins and yachts; Both of which either didn't meet my speed requirements or were out of my price range. Some were both. She started up a conversation about something other than boats. I played along mostly because I was hoping she could cheer me up somehow, but it actually made things worse.

"I really wish that we had something for you. I really need the money. My old sorority sisters are planning a trip to the Mediterranean. The commission would more than pay for the trip. I'm not sure if I'll have enough money to enjoy the trip with them. If I don't go, my plane tickets will be forfeited as well as my hotel room. I really can't afford that type of loss, but I can't afford to go, either. Would you like to see some inventory we still haven't received?" She rambled, almost in tears.

"I really wanted to buy a boat today, and I can't stand thinking about you being put out that badly. Let's go back to your office and have a look, but I'm not optimistic." I replied.

We flipped through about a million pictures on the website and even looked through some boat catalogs, but still nothing jumped out at me. I felt completely defeated. Minnie continued to try different last-ditched efforts, but I was starting to get annoyed more than sad. We made it out to my truck and I finally held my hand up to cease her pleas.

"Tell you what. Look over some boats that you can get your hands on to sell me and text me the info. You know my specs. Please don't garbage pail me with every boat you find. Pick a winner."

She was on the verge of tears as I turned my back to her and dug into my pocket for my ignition key. Just as I was about to start the engine up, I heard the familiar sound of air brakes hissing. I looked up and saw the Devil. Actually, it was a picture of a goat legged devil holding a trident fork. He was red and covered in muscles and had a menacing look, partially framed by a trimmed beard and long black hair. . He was also painted on the side of MY BOAT. The name next to the Devil was the word "Skimon." The S had little horns and the N had a pointed tail. The I in the middle also slanted slightly and shaped like a trident similar to the one the Devil was holding.

Minnie could see the look on my face. My chin rested in my lap and a puddle of drool soaked into my shorts.

"I guess 'Skivil' just sounds silly. Sillier than 'Skimon', I suppose." I said after re-hinging my jaw and gaining back my gift of speech. "What do you have on this one?" I said through the open window of my truck.

She gave me the delicious run down.

Twenty-four feet long with an eight and a half foot beam/tower. Maximum draft of thirty inches and a variable dead-rise. It weighs forty-six hundred pounds and had a fuel capacity of forty-six gallons. It could travel up to sixty miles per hour with the ballasts full thanks to the four hundred and nine horsepower Six point O liter V8 engine. This model was a modest eighty seven grand and change. MY BOAT. I'm still playing it cool even though my inner sixteen year old is laughing maniacally and fantasizing about the shenanigans I'm going to get into thanks to this beast.

Sadly, the character on the side was a huge eye sore. Minnie continued to sell even though she won. We talked about finance options and the price once we were back in the office, but I stood within eye-site of it. I watched over it as if I were expecting it to yawn or something. I knew that boat wasn't mine, but that boat was the same exact model as mine. It was either sitting in a factory or somewhere else. It was waiting for me to fondle all the controls and grip the helm.

"Do you think you can see yourself in one of those?" She asked, finally pulling my attention back to her face.

She took off her suit jacket and revealed a tight, white dress shirt and a black lacy bra underneath. She had also opened up a button or two.

"Pop a few more buttons and keep talking." I said, giving her a devilish look not dissimilar to the one staring in on us from the hull of that remarkable craft.

"I see..." She said, walking over to the blinds, closing them one by one. When she reached for the lock on the door to her office and flipped it, turned the "on a break" sign around and closed the blinds on the door like the windows. She spun around and undid another button. "How much do you want this boat?" Another button defeated. Her navel is now proudly on display. A silver ring with a silver heart charm rested there.

"How badly do you want that vacation?" I said as I reached out and pulled her shirt down roughly over her shoulders, trapping her arms behind her somewhat.

"What will it take?" She asked, a little scared, but mostly excited. Her hardened nipples were visible through the thin fabric of her bra.

"You'll have to find out."

She let me pull her to me as my tongue darted into her mouth. Her hands could barely reach my hips as she struggled to get to the zipper of my shorts. I took her shirt off and her bra followed shortly after. She was on her knees and pulling my dick out through the zipper as I worked on my belt and button. She slid my shorts off and tossed them with her shirt and bra. Her mouth was on me in a flash. I could tell she was looking to finish me off quickly. It felt amazing. Every trick learned from watching porn was systematically going through her mind and she held nothing back. She was deep-throating my cock and massaging my balls. She licked me from taint to tip. She licked and sucked the head while using both clasped hands to pump me, alternating her grip as she moved. She never looked away from my face for more than a second or two. She would focus on technique and go right back to staring into me with textbook bedroom eyes. She would moan or hum periodically whenever I felt a dribble of pre-cum seep into her mouth.

Just as I was about to blow, I grabbed her under her arms and pulled her to her feet. I spun around with her and sat her up on her desk. Her skirt had ridden up, showing off her satin, shiny panties. I'd love to tell you that they were a sexy thong or g-string, but they weren't. They were just a high end version of those control top Spank things ladies wear to look thinner. My are hands already under her skirt when she grabbed me by the crooks of my elbows.

"Wait... All it ever takes is a blow job..." She said with fright in her eyes.

"Have you ever sold a hundred thousand dollar boat before?" I replied. I back away somewhat and she took to her feet again.

"Well, no, but how do I know you're really going to buy it? How do I know you won't default on the payments?" She said skeptically.

I walked over to my shorts and retrieved my phone and wallet. I presented her with a cashier's check for one hundred thousand dollars as well as a blank check from my check book back home. I brought it just in case I missed my budget.

"Will these do? Would you like to speak to my assistant, as well?" I placed my phone on her desk. "Call. Bernie." I said aloud, putting emphasis on each word. As the phone was connecting, I turned her around. She was staring at the check from the bank and rubbed it in her fingers, crinkling it against the other check.

"Alex, you rang?" Bernie said.

"Bernie, how much money is in my checking account currently?" I asked. My hands now working on the rear zipper of her skirt. I had to pull her skirt down some to get the zipper low enough to let the it fall to the floor.

"A little over thirty-seven million." She responded.

"And what is the current value of my company?" I noticed that her desk was mostly barren except for the computer monitor, land line, a cup full of pens, and a desk calendar.

"Axel or the Rogues' Gallery?"

"Axel, please." I said while I eased her on to her elbows, still standing in her heels. She continued looking over the checks, but I heard her breathe the words "thirty-seven".

"Just under one hundred million and rising." I eyed a letter opener and pulled it from the pen cup.

"What's the current market value of my house?" I took the tip of the letter opener and poked it through the satiny fabric of her underwear and pulled the hole open, splitting them from just under the waist band all the way down past her sex. The waist band and leg holes were still intact. Her pussy glistened with a moderate amount of escaped moisture. I dug into my wallet and found my emergency condom and slipped it on, discarding the wrapper onto the floor.

"It has depreciated somewhat from your buying price, but it was then a seller's market. It will still fetch around one point two million dollars today. That's a marginal three percent loss. The house's net value gain in fifteen years will be a projected fifty two percent, give or take."

I lined my prick up with her opening easily, grateful for her heels. "Thanks, Bernie. End. Call." I promptly grabbed her by the waist with both hands and buried my cock inside of her with one thrust.