London Pride

"So, you up for some fun tonight?" asked Heather breathily into her phone. She was twirling her blonde hair, and feeling a bit horny.

"Sure," replied Carol, "I just got back from a shit day at work and could really do with a drink and some entertainment. But give me an hour to recover. How about that place in the City, the one with the glass dome, about 8?"

"Great, see you there," said Heather. "Don't forget to bring the gear!"

Carol took off the suit she wore for work, and wearing just her bra and panties, wandered into the kitchen of her small London flat to get a bottle of Chablis from the fridge. She took the corkscrew from the counter and gripped it firmly in her hand, screwing it in until it penetrated deep into the cork. As she pulled firmly, the tension steadily increased until the cork was released with a satisfied pop. She poured herself a large glass and took a slurp, swirling it around her mouth with her tongue to savour the intense, sharp flavours before eagerly gulping it down.

She took the glass of wine into the bathroom and put it on the shelf by the bath next to a couple of her favourite toys. She would bring them with her, as they might come in useful later. She turned on the taps and smiled at her slim, elegant figure in the mirror. Yes, she could have been an underwear model. As the bath filled, she unhooked her black, lacy 34B bra and slid the panties down over her smooth thighs. She took another shot of the wine and then lay down in the bath, sliding herself forward under the taps. Her knees fell open and she sighed contentedly as she felt the wine and the jet of water hit the right spot.

Heather got to the bar first, but hung around on the pavement of the busy street nearby, waiting for her friend. She was wearing a long coat to avoid attracting too much attention. It was a warm late summer evening and she watched the sunset behind the London skyline. She could see the silhouette of St. Paul's Cathedral, contrasting with the modern steel and glass buildings. Before too long she saw the familiar flowing, dark hair and long, tanned legs striding towards her. She felt a twinge of pleasure between her thighs. Carol looked so beautiful in her little black dress, with a large handbag swinging from her shoulder. She knew Carol was 100% straight, so her own bi-curious thoughts would have to remain as fantasies.

"Ooh, you look so hot," said Heather. Carol just smiled. It was a little joke between them, though she never really knew to what extent Heather really fancied her sexually, or if it was just a bit of fooling around and teasing. It did sometimes come in useful for them to pretend to be a lesbian couple, as a way of extricating themselves from situations that sometimes cropped up on their nights out together.

They pushed open the door of the grand building and went in. It was a former bank that had been converted into a smart bar, with a huge marble counter in the centre, pillars around the edge of the room, a balcony above, and a glass roof above that. It was a bit expensive, but that wasn't a problem. Heather and Carol knew that it was very unlikely that they'd have to pay for any drinks. As usual it was full of City types - stockbrokers, management consultants, merchant bankers, mostly men in suits, but a few women too.

As they walked into the room and across the floor, Heather slowly unbuttoned her coat and slid it off her shoulders, revealing her tight dress that clung to her full, hourglass figure and exposed her shoulders and the tops of her breasts. The bright white of her dress contrasted strikingly with Carol's black.

There was a noticeable drop in the volume of chatter. Eyes looked up, jaws dropped and cocks twitched at the sight of the two beautiful young women as they settled down on stools at the bar and crossed their legs. Heather picked up the drinks menu from the bar and slowly ran her finger down the list of pricey cocktails.

"Hmm, Cuban Pussy," she said, licking her lips, "I like the sound of that, don't you?"

"I think you know I'm not really into that sort of thing," replied Carol. "How about a Screaming Orgasm? Or maybe I'll get round to that later in the evening."

They continued to peruse the menu, waiting for the inevitable. It didn't take long.

"Gooood evening, lovely ladies, can I get you some drinks?" came a smarmy voice from over Heather's shoulder. Carol glanced up. She thought he was perfect for what they had in mind. Mid-thirties, shiny suit and tasteless bright yellow tie, smug grin, hair slicked back and already receding. And a wedding ring.

"Oh, all right," said Carol. They ordered some cocktails, choosing the more expensive ones but avoiding those with sexually suggestive names.

"Let me guess, you're a professional banker?" asked Carol.

Heather snorted with laughter - it was a term they used as a form of rhyming slang. She managed to turn her laugh into a cough, pretending that she had choked on her drink.

"Got it in one! Who's a clever girl then - not just a pretty face!" declared the sexist arsehole with great self-confidence. "I'm down in London for a few days, working on a big takeover deal. It's very important work."

"Oh, really? Sounds fascinating," said Carol. He was starting to remind her of her ex.

"Yes, it is," he continued, "I'm doing a lot of technical detail in the negotiations. We have to get the terms just right so the deal will be acceptable to the shareholders. So they don't realise they're being shafted."

Heather was struggling again, almost convulsed with laughter. The idiot hadn't realised that Carol was being sarcastic when she said his work sounded interesting.

"You OK dear?" he asked, putting his hand on Heather's bare shoulder.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied, "my drink just went the wrong way."

"I'm James, by the way".

"Heather, and Carol," said Heather, pointing appropriately. She had now managed to recover her composure.

The conversation continued. He told them more about his work, still oblivious to the fact that they weren't remotely interested, and told some dire jokes. He asked a few things about them.

"How do you two know each other? Through work?"

"No, we've been friends ever since we were at school together," explained Heather, "Carol's cleverer than me, she got her high-powered job in publishing, while I'm just a secretary."

All the standard pick-up cliches came out. He even asked them, "Do you come here often?"

The boredom was alleviated by the fact that he seemed quite happy to continue buying them drinks. Heather was getting quite drunk. "I need some fooood!" she said, reaching for the menu but swaying and almost falling off her stool.

"Allow me to order you both something," he said.

"Oh, no, that's OK, we'll get our own food," said Carol.

"No, no, I insist," he said, waving his fat wallet around in the air.

"Oh, all right, if you insist, that's very kind of you James," said Heather, giving him a flirtatious pouty look, "I'll have a rare steak with chips. And a pint of London Pride."

James raised his eyebrows at what he thought was Heather's unladylike choice of food and drink, but placed the order along with a salad for Carol and a pie for himself. Heather continued to get more inebriated as they waited for the food to arrive, but when it did, she gobbled it down eagerly and seemed to sober up a bit.

When Carol excused herself and disappeared to the bathroom, James decided to seize the opportunity. He realised that these girls were out of his league, but he had spent quite a bit of money on them, so he reckoned it was worth a try. He thought his chances were best with the blonde, as she was clearly more drunk than her friend. He fancied her slightly more than the other one anyway. She had bigger tits, and he'd been staring at them all evening.

He leaned over to Heather, put his hand on her back and whispered into her ear, "I'm staying at a nice hotel just around the corner from here. I wonder if you'd like to come over. I think I might have a bottle of Scotch somewhere."

Things were going to plan, Heather thought. "Oh, um, I don't know if I should...," she said hesitantly.

Carol came back and reclaimed her seat.

"Carol, James has invited me back to his hotel."

"The thing is, James, Carol and I usually do everything together," she explained. She reached out her hand and put it on Carol's knee, then slowly slid it up her smooth, brown thigh until her fingers disappeared under the hem of Carol's little black dress.

"I know this is a bit unusual, and you probably won't like the idea, but would it be possible for Carol to come too?"

James felt like his cock was about to explode. He had thought he had an outside chance of pulling one of these gorgeous women. Now it seemed that one of his top fantasies, a threesome in a hotel room with two beautiful bisexual girls, was about to become a reality. It almost seemed too good to be true.

He gulped, his jaw dropped, and his eyes bulged. "Err, yes, ok, if Carol would like to come too, that would be fine," he stammered, trying, but failing utterly, to sound calm about the idea.

"But hang on," said Carol, frowning and pointing at his hand, "you're married!"

Heather joined in the feigned shock and surprise. "What?! You're married? Oh, well, in that case, I really don't think we should."

Shit. Bugger. How could he have been so stupid as to forget to take his wedding ring off?

"Oh, well, yes, but, you see, um, my wife and I, we, err, we have a very, kind of, open marriage. I mean, who knows what she is up to right now, eh?" he floundered, looking down at his shoes. He wasn't a good liar.

"Hmm, I'm not sure," said Carol, "can we call her and check she's OK with this?"

James desperately tried to think of an excuse. He got out his phone and looked at it. "Oh, she says she's tired and has gone to bed for an early night," he said, as if he had just received a text from her.

"Well, maybe, if you're really sure she wouldn't mind...," said Heather.

James jumped up and ushered them out of the bar.

"Aah, that cool air feels nice," said Carol, as they walked towards James's hotel. She pulled a pair of black lacy panties from her handbag and waved them around in front of Heather and James.

James was already having difficulty controlling his cock, but now the sight of Carol's panties and the thought of the cool night air going up her dress and caressing her pussy made him bulge even more. She must have removed them when she went to the bathroom. He struggled with his hand in his pocket to adjust things.

"That's a good idea," said Heather, and stopped in the middle of the pavement. She reached up under her dress and pulled off her white panties, flourishing them in front of James's nose before stuffing them into Carol's handbag with the other pair. "Yes, that does feel nice."

They got to the hotel, which was not as smart as James had led them to believe. It was modern, beige and bland. The lobby was quite busy, so they did not attract undue attention as they went in.

"Just one thing," Heather said, as they walked briskly along the drab corridor to James's room, "we like to do things our way, if you see what I mean, OK?"

"Sounds fine to me!" said James, without hesitation, as he opened the door. If these gorgeous girls were going to go to bed with him, he was quite happy for them to call the shots.

The room was fairly small, with little furniture apart from the bed, one armchair and a TV and a mirror on the wall. Heather went into the bathroom. She really needed to drink some water to try and sober up.

"OK James, do you like licking pussy?" asked Carol. She didn't wait for answer. "Lie down on the bed, there's a good boy. But are you any good at it? We'll have to find out."

James did as he was told, pausing only to slip his jacket off and drop it on the floor before eagerly lying back on the bed, salivating at the thought of tasting Carol's pussy and amazing her with his oral expertise.

Carol kicked off her shoes and stood on the bed over him, placing one foot either side of his chest.

James looked up at the glorious sight towering above him. Her long, smooth, brown legs stretched upwards. As she was standing right over him, he could see all the way up under her dress to where her thighs met in a patch of dark curls.

She slowly lowered herself over him, her shins moving forward to pin his arms to the bed. His view got better and better as she sank closer to him, her thighs opening as her knees moved apart, giving him a glimpse of her lips and the pinkness between them. Then quite suddenly everything went dark, as his head was surrounded by the hem of her black dress.

The lack of visual stimulation enhanced his other senses. He became acutely aware of her aroma, trapped in the tent of her dress, and a moment later he felt her soft fur on his face and her lips touching his.

Heather emerged refreshed from the bathroom, to see her friend kneeling on James, his head hidden under her dress. She loved to see Carol in a state of arousal, with her head back, eyes half closed, a smile on her face, her long, slim body undulating sensuously as she ground herself into the man's face.

James's cock was tenting in his trousers, so she went over to him, loosened his belt and unzipped him, then pulled his trousers off, revealing his spindly legs, then hauled off his boxer shorts as well.

"Yes, suck that cock!" cried James, pulling his mouth briefly away from Carol's pussy, eagerly looking forward to the feeling of the soft, wet lips of the beautiful blonde massaging his penis. He thrust his hips up off the bed, desperately trying to make contact with some female flesh.

"Hmm, maybe later," replied Heather, looking down at the item in question, which wasn't very appealing, with a distinct curve to the right. He must be left-handed, she thought, as she plucked her panties from Carol's handbag and draped them over it as a little tease. "I think you need to give your full concentration to pleasuring Carol right now."

She sat back in the armchair to enjoy the show, watching her beautiful friend rock back and forth over the man under her.

"So, is he any good at it?" she asked.

"I'd say, 6 out of 10, could try harder," Carol replied.

James thought he was doing all right, but increased his effort and concentration.

"Stick your tongue in as far as you can. Now push it up against my front wall," instructed Carol.

Heather loved watching this. She put one hand up her dress and started slowly stroking her clit.

"That's better. That's quite good. 7, maybe 8, good boy."

James was struggling to breathe, his mouth smothered in wet pussy and his nose buried in Carol's pubes as she ground herself against him. The enclosed space under her dress prevented any fresh air getting in, and the air was full of the intense aroma of the girl's vaginal secretions. He loved the smell, but it was getting almost overpowering.

Fortunately for him, she lifted herself up and back slightly, allowing him to breathe a little more easily.

"Suck my clit! Lick it! Harder! Faster!" she instructed. He did his best, though his tongue was now numb with exhaustion.

Heather pushed a finger up into her wet pussy as she watched the show. She knew Carol was getting close, and she always loved to watch her friend come. Her breathing was getting heavier, and her facial muscles began to contort. Finally, Carol threw her head back, tossing her long dark hair, and gave a series of loud grunts, followed by a gentle sigh. Her face relaxed from the grimace to a soft, contented smile.

As Carol slid off him, James gasped for air, and wiped some of the pubes and pussy juice off his face.

"OK, my turn!" cried Heather, and leaped out of her chair. James tried to sit up, but she pushed him firmly back down on the bed with a force that surprised him and straddled him, facing the opposite way to Carol, so she could look down and watch what Carol was going to do next after recovering from her orgasm. She could also see herself in the mirror, the tops of her breasts bulging out of her dress.

"No, I need to get my breath back," protested James, but to no avail, as Heather sat on his face, her shins pinning down his shoulders and her hands splayed on his chest. Again he was smothered in pussy (although this time a shaved one) and covered by Heather's dress. Since she had already been masturbating for several minutes, her cunt was even wetter than Carol's had been. Her salty juice dripped into his mouth and he eagerly lapped it up.

"You're still wearing your tie, James," said Heather, "let's take that off to make you a bit more comfortable." She undid his tie and threw it down to Carol, giving her a wink, and then unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it open to reveal his pasty, flabby torso.

Carol took the hint and quickly tied one end of the tie around James's left ankle, then pulled on the other end, hauling his foot to the corner of the bed and tying the tie around the leg of the bed. Pulling a strap out of her handbag, she did the same with his other ankle, so that his legs were securely spread and she could kneel down between them. Another item from her handbag went into her mouth to get it ready. She stroked the insides of his thighs, and slid her hands slowly up them.

James groaned with pleasure as Carol's hand reached his balls. These girls were good. Teasing him by tying his ankles was fun, and he looked forward to doing the same to them later. Making him wait before sucking him off would make the sensation all the more intense when they finally did blow him. He realised that they were perfectly positioned for one to suck his knob while the other licked his balls.

He still couldn't see anything from under Heather's dress, but suddenly felt a butt plug entering him. At first it felt good, but as it went further in he realised it was considerably larger than what he was used to, stretching him wide open. As the stem part went in and the plug locked in place, the stretching sensation eased, though he still felt uncomfortably filled.

Carol cupped his balls in her hand, caressing them gently, prompting more moans of pleasure from James. Then she felt them more firmly, rolling each one around in her fingers, assessing its size and weight. She pulled down on his sack, stretching it out and scratching it with her fingernails.

James's already exhausted tongue was struggling to give Heather what she needed, and again he could hardly breathe. After a while, she lifted herself up slightly, allowing him to take some gulps of air. He expected her to adjust her position so that her clit was on his mouth, just as Carol had done earlier, but instead she moved the other way, still poised just above him.

"Stick your tongue out," instructed Heather.

"Yuck, no, sorry, I'm not doing that," said James.

"You did say you'd do what we wanted," sulked Heather.

"Well, no, I draw the line at that, that's disgusting," said James, as his cock began to soften.

He became aware that Carol's hand, that had been cupped gently around his balls, was slowly starting to tighten its grip. At the same time she was gradually twisting, until his left and right testicle had swapped places.

"I think you'd better give Heather what she wants," said Carol, in a cold, firm tone of voice he hadn't heard from her before, as she squeezed, increasing the pressure on his balls.

"No! Please! Be gentle with my balls! Please!" shouted James.

But Carol didn't relent, and he realised he had no choice, so he reluctantly pushed his tongue upwards, right where Heather wanted it.

"Ooh, that feels good," said Heather, as her nerve endings tingled at the touch of his wet tongue. "Push a bit harder, see if you can get the tip in. I'm sorry if Carol was a bit rough with your balls. You see, she really loves balls, don't you Carol?"