London Dreams

Daddy stood in front of the dresser mirror: he buttoned up his shirt cuffs and checked his tie.

'There's money in the top drawer,' he said without turning round. 'Buy yourself something nice to wear.'

The toilet flushed and Sabine, the hotel concierge emerged from the bathroom in a bra and panties, her makeup fixed up and the cum, lube and pussy juice washed from her hands and face. She took her shirt and skirt from a hanger in the closet and stepped into it, then turned to Daddy.

'Can you zip me up?'

He turned and zipped up the back of her skirt, then slapped the back of her ass. She pushed herself back against his crotch and he ran his hands over her breasts and throat. She purred, and I growled with jealousy.

'Did you hear something?' Daddy asked, looking over at me.

'Not a thing,' Sabine replied. She glanced in my direction and gasped when she saw the time on the bedside clock.

'I'm late,' she said, detaching herself from Daddy. 'Where the fuck are my shoes?'

Daddy looked around. 'Are those them?' He pointed.

'They must be your daughters,' Sabine replied. She looked at them closer. 'Are those Blahniks? They're gorgeous!'

Daddy smiled. 'You like them?'

Sabine nodded. 'I love them!'

'Then they're yours!'

This prompted a great deal more squealing and grunting from me, but since I was face down on the bed with my hands tied behind my back and a ball gag in my mouth there wasn't a hell of a lot I could say or do. Sabines' eyes widened.

'Can I really have these?'

'I know my daughter would love you to have them.'


'What's she saying?'

'I think she's agreeing with me.' Daddy frowned. 'But she does need something to wear on her feet. I think you should give her your heels. Is that them beside the chair?'

Sabine crossed the room and picked up a pair of cheap black high-heels. She held them in front of my face.

'I hope you like them,' she said. 'And thanks for the Blahniks!'


Sabine turned to Daddy. 'Did you get that?'

'I think she wants you to give her the shoes.'

Sabine smiled cruelly. 'If that's what she wants . . .'

She crawled across the bed and sat above me. My ankles were tied to the separate bed-posts and my legs were spread wide apart. Sabine set one of the shoes down by my face and carefully licked the tip of the other until it was glistening and wet. Then ran it down my back and pushed it against my anus. I squealed and tried to clench my ass-muscles closed but they were slick with lube and cum and the shoe slid inside me. Daddy leaned against the wall watching my face go white with shock as Sabine cork-screwed her high-heel deep into my ass.

When it was wedged in as deep as it would go she ran her wet tongue around the tip of the other shoe and pushed it into my pussy. I bit down on the ball gag as she forced the toe against my cervix.

'Enjoy them,' Sabine said, climbing off the bed and slipping into my shoes. Daddy took her arm.

'Meet me back here for dinner at seven,' he told me. 'Sabine will send someone from housekeeping to untie you.'

Sabine nodded. 'I know just the guys.'

It was some time before I limped out of the hotel - the assholes that Sabine sent up to 'let me go' pimped me out to all of the staff (and half the guests) at five pounds a fuck before they eventually untied me. I washed my mouth out a dozen times to get rid of the taste of cum; it was early afternoon before I finally walked out of the hotel (limping a little) and into the cold grey streets of London.

I spent a few hours browsing the sex shops in Soho - they were fun, but not as eye-opening as Tokyo or Amsterdam - and I bought some new golden eggs, browsed through the scat porn and tried on a cute latex nurse's outfit until I got bored and found a bar. I ordered a whiskey and sat at the window; the rain poured down outside and crowds of umbrellas and grey overcoats teemed by.

Gradually I became aware that I was being watched. A girl on the other side of the road stood in a doorway, studying me through the rush-hour crowd. She was blonde with very pale skin, and she wore a short black leather dress, her large obviously fake breasts were clearly visible through her tight white tee-shirt.

I've always wanted to fuck a prostitute.

Her name was Sonia. I lay back on the (sex) motel bed with my legs spread, and she buried her head between my legs and gave me pretty damn good head. After I came we lay on the bed together making out and finger-fucking each other until my hour was up. Another fantasy fulfilled. Sonia smoked a cigarette while I rummaged through my handbag looking for my purse. Which wasn't there.

'I can get you the money,' I explained to the 6'5 thug (Vasily - Sonias' pimp) who towered over me. 'Someone stole my purse. I need to get back to the hotel and get you some cash.'

'No.' He thundered. 'You pay NOW.'

'I guess I'll just have to pay you some other way,' I said, sighing and tugging down my panties.

Nothing ever goes my way.

'We will see if you are good fuck,' Said Vasily, pushing me back onto the bed. 'If not then we sell you cheap on the street for the rest of the day. Maybe we get our money back.'

'Honey,' I purred. 'I am the best fuck your lousy Russian dick is ever going to have.'

He looked unconvinced. 'If good then we sell you to Peter,' he said. I lay back and spread my legs and he unbuckled his belt. 'Now we will see.'

'She is very good,' Vasily said a few minutes later as he lay on my back gasping for breath, his limpening dick still embedded deep in my ass. 'You are very very good fuck.'

'I already knew that, asshole.'

He pulled his cock out, droplets of his cum splattered across my thighs, and he rolled onto his back and groaned.

Sonia had watched the whole thing. She sat on a chair by the dresser smoking a cigarette. She was naked except for an open silk gown.

'What you want me to do with her?' She asked.

'Sell her to Peter.'

And that's what they did.

'So who is Peter?'

Sonia lit another cigarette. 'He is pimp,' she said.

We stopped the taxi and got out. We were in a quietly expensive part of London standing in front of a non-descript mansion house.

'Penthouse,' Sonia said.

Peters' apartment was one of the most expensive and ugly places I'd ever seen. Gold chandeliers were reflected in mirrored ceilings, pornographic Persian rugs covered the marble floors, Penis shaped silver door-handles were set in platinum gilt oak doors . . . you get the idea.

A butler showed us through to the lounge. Peter was a fifty-something handsome bald Russian guy in a natty Sulka suit, and he waved as we entered. A young Asian girl knelt between his legs sucking his dick while a couple of classy looking topless Swedish girls sat beside him snorting lines of cocaine off the coffee table. A porno movie staring one of the Swedes played in the background but no one paid it any attention.

Peter said something in Russian, and Sonia replied. Then she switched to English.

'My friend Donna here is American,' she said. 'So we speak English for her.'

One of the Swedes looked up. 'Where are you from?' She asked.

'I'm from Colorado but I live in Boston. I go to school there.'

The Swede gave me a heart-breaking smile. 'I studied commercial law at Brown University.' She said. 'I love Boston.'

Peter looked bored. He sat forward and the Swede bit her lip.

'Since you have so much in common,' he sneered. 'Ida here can do you.'

My ears pricked up. Ida was cute.

'Do me?'

Peter nodded. 'You and your friend are going to be my entertainment for the day. Set up the cameras.'

Ida and the other Swede (who I found out was called Emma) disappeared, while Sonia and I set up HD video cameras aiming at an empty area of the room in front of the couch. When we were done I wandered around looking at the art (gross!) while Sonia sat next to Peter on the couch and took over from the Asian girl, sucking and licking his short but very thick cock. The Asian (I never learned her name) chopped up a line of coke, snorted it and sat back and watched the porno. I stopped to watch it: a trio of naked black guys were jerking off into a cats bowl and Ida – wearing a thick black leather collar and cute little cats ears and tail – was licking it up.

The Swedes came back ten minutes later both wearing white latex nurses outfits. Black leather back. She opened it and walked towards me.

Sonia and I stood back to back, our asses pressed against each other, joined by a massive double-headed dildo that the Swedes had forced deep inside our bowels. Our hands were tied above our heads by a silver chain descending from the ceiling, and our necks and ankles were also bound together by thick black leather collars. My toes barely touched the ground. Facing each of us were the two Swedes, still in their skin-tight white uniforms. Each of them held a long slender black whip.

Peter aimed a remote control at the stereo and Velvet Underground ('Revolver') started playing.

"Begin,' he said, and the Asian went back to sucking his cock.

Ida was facing me. She raised the whip and lazily bought it down across my chest, leaving a vicious red welt between my breasts. I yelped and swayed back, feeling the dildo in my ass slide in a little deeper. I heard Emmas' whip crack, then Sonia screamed and pushed back against me.

The music sped up, and Ida whipped my tits and thighs and face, and I screamed and writhed until the dildo was buried in my ass to the hilt, and I could feel Sonias' anus pressed directly against mine. I was crying from the pain – huge wracking sobs – and I was so horny I thought I'd go crazy. My best orgasms have always been when I'm being hurt, or humiliated, but I need some kind of attention to my clit to cum and I wasn't getting any. It was like when you want to sneeze but can't, only a thousand times worse. To top it off, Sonia – masochistic little slut that she is – was cumming like crazy, bucking her hips and screaming for more.

The whipping stopped. Ida stood before me panting for breath, her underwear so wet with pussy-juice I could clearly make out her lips and clit. I was so dizzy with pain and lust I could barely speak.

'Please,' I gasped arcing my back, spreading my thighs, tears streaming down my face. Ida nodded and raised the whip.

She bought it down across my clit, and it was like a dam bursting. I screamed and shook like a doll as wave after wave of orgasm crashed through me.

I regained consciousnesses in the shower; still feeling the soft eddies and flows of my monster orgasm break over me. I lay on white tiles, warm water washing me. Sonia, the two Swedes and the Asian girl were there. My head lay in Idas' lap; the others were washing my cuts with a cool white gel.

I smiled up at Ada.

'Hi,' she said, smiling back. She bent forward and kissed me, her tongue pressing gently against mine. I kissed back, and then she sat back and Emma kissed me while the Asian girl gently stroked my breast. I sighed; Emma spread my thighs and gently kissed my pussy. It was tender and sore from the whip, and the tongue felt good.

Sonia reached out and stroked my face – she was covered in cuts, and looked like the cat that just got the cream. We leaned back against the tiled wall, slowly French-kissing while the two Swedes ate us out, and I had another orgasm – this one so soft and heart-breakingly gentle it made me cry.

When I was dressed, and able to walk without staggering, Peter slipped a wad of hundred pound notes into my hand and squeezed my ass.

'You are fun little fuck toy,' he said. 'I'm having a party next week. I'd like you to be part of the entertainment. Drop by early – I really think you'll like it.'

It was late by the time I got back to the hotel. I snuck into the room hoping Daddy would be asleep, but he was in the bathroom with that bitch Sabine. He was forcing her head down the toilet while he fucked her up the ass, and Sabine was screaming with delight. He turned and grinned when I walked in.

'My little girls home late,' he said, his eyes gleaming. I looked around the room and saw an empty bottle of Viagra pills on the counter. Uh oh.

He pulled Sabine's head out of the toilet. Her hair was soaked with urine: it ran off her chin and annoyingly perky tits in streams.

'Aren't you going to kiss us both hello?' He demanded.

I kissed Daddy, and then gingerly leaned forward to peck Sabine on the cheek, but she grabbed me and gave me a sloppy, piss drenched french-kiss. I'm starting to really, really hate her.

I begged Daddy to fuck me but my heart just wasn't in it. I was still glowing from my orgasm-of-a-lifetime earlier that afternoon. Daddy could sense my lack of interest and made me suck the cum out of the drenched bed-sheets. Normally I don't mind this, but the bed was also soaked with lube and Sabine's juices, and she sat on the sofa pretending to read Italian Vogue, making various insulting comments while I went about my punishment.

We went to bed around one. It was crowded with three of us in the European Queen Size, and Daddy fucked Sabine three times before he went to sleep. I tried to ignore them and focus on my Organic Chemistry text book but Sabine had a suspicious habit of kicking out with her feet every time she came, and this always resulted in me being ejected from the bed, much to Daddies amusement.

Daddy withheld sex for me for the next three days. I was restricted to blow jobs and I wasn't allowed to gargle or brush my teeth afterwards, so every store clerk and waitress could smell the cum on my breath. I've got to give it to that bastard – he really knows how to treat a girl.

The weekend rolled around – I seemed to spend most of it on my knees – and then the day of Peters' party arrived. I hadn't told Daddy about this (or explained the whip marks all over my body) I just told him I was going out for the night. He looked up from his paperwork, grunted approvingly at my faux-schoolgirl uniform and went back to fiddling with his laptop.

I strutted out of the hotel looking forward to getting laid for the first time in days; one of the doormen slapped my ass as I walked past, and I gave him a slutty wink. Life was good.


I turned. Sabine crossed the foyer, looking hot and classy in a navy pants suit with a dark club tie.

'What the fuck do you want?'

'Your Father asked me to keep an eye on you.'

I opened my mouth to protest then thought better of it. I could have a lot of fun with Sabine once we got to Peters.

'Sure,' I chirped. 'It'll be like having a big sister. Let's go!'

'So what is this place?' Sabine looked up at Peters' apartment building. 'Is it a club?'

'It's a friends place. He's having a party.'

Sabine looked more and more apprehensive once we stepped out of the elevator and into Peters' porno frat-boy fantasy foyer. Tables were lined up along one of the walls, and on them were trays of masquerade masks, condoms, dildos and leather collars. Peter stepped forward and kissed my cheek.

'So what's the plan for tonight?' I asked, after introducing Sabine.

'Come with me,' he said, taking my hand and giving Sabine a lecherous look. 'I'll show you.'

'Anectine?' I looked at the vial doubtfully.

'It's a sedative,' Peter said. 'It's just to relax you.'

'Relax me?' I sneered. 'I have a degree in pharmacology Peter. If you get the dosage wrong I'll be permanently relaxed.'

'It's perfectly safe. It's a different isomer to the one you'll have used. But if you're concerned then feel free to do it yourself,' he said, handing me the vial and a pack of sealed syringes. 'Do your friend, too.'

I waited for Sabine to finish sucking Peters cock. We then undressed, hanging our outfits on hangers, and I got a sick kick out of spreading Sabines' legs and injecting the drug into her thigh. I wiped the pinhole with an alcohol wipe and gently lowered her to the floor as her body went limp.

A couple of new girls walked in and started stripping. Peter took another vial of the drug and some more syringes over to them, kissed each girl on the cheek and they all started speaking in Spanish. I ignored them, carefully measure the dose, squirted out the air bubbles and slid the needle deep into my skin.

Anectine. It's a paralytic drug that relaxes the motor neurons, but keeps the lungs, heart ect beating. I sank to the floor, totally motionless, and after a few minutes a couple of guys came over, lifted me up and carried me through the apartment, my head hanging limply between my arms, my legs spread wide. The place was full of costumed waiters, decorators ect – none of the guests were there yet.

We entered a long, wide room with a high roof and no furniture. About thirty naked girls lay spread-eagled and motionless on mattresses lined up in rows across the room. They dropped me onto an empty mattress in the corner and left me without a second look. I lay there for maybe ten minutes, curious and a little scared, unable to turn my head to look around, when a black guy in a dove-grey suit moved into view. His fly was open and he held his large, erect cock in one hand and a thick felt-tip pen in the other.

He stood over me and spread my legs apart, knelt down and pulled my hips toward him, sliding his cock into my pussy. He fucked me absently for a few seconds and then pulled out and forced his cock into my ass. Again, he slid it in and out a few times and then withdrew. Then he pulled me up by my shoulders and pushed his cock between my lips, fucking my mouth.

He dropped me back onto the floor, grunted, leaned forward and wrote something on my forehead. Then he flipped me over again and wrote on the small of my back.

'What the fuck is going on?' I was going crazy with curiosity but I was totally unable to talk. The black guy moved onto the next mattress - since my head had fallen facing it I could see him carry out the same procedure with Sabine who lay on the mattress next to me. When he rolled her over onto her back he wrote: Mouth: 7; Pussy: 6; Ass: 6.

Bastards, I thought. They're marking us up like cattle at an auction. I glared at the black guy who was now disinterestedly fucking a slender paralyzed brunette. He better have given me higher marks than he gave Sabine, I thought venomously.

Time passed, my nose started itching, then the doors opened and people filed in. Most of them were guys but there were a couple of older woman in power suits circulating around as well - one of them stood above me, looked me up and down and then turned me over with the toe of her shoe and moved on.

From my limited vision I could see some of the girls being fucked - it was creepy how blank and expressionless their features were as their asses and cunts were fucked and their faces and tits slapped and bitten and spat on - but mostly the men passed from girl to girl, admiring each of us and making assorted (very crude) comments about our anatomy. One guy knelt down beside me and stuck his finger in my pussy, worked it in and out, withdrew and pushed it into my ass as deep as he could. His friends stood around and watched.

'Roll her over,' someone said. 'Let's have a look at those tits.'

I was pushed onto my back, staring up at seven guys leering at me. One of them - a tall thin bearded guy in his fifties whistled.

'They have GOT to be fake,' he said. He knelt down beside me and started kneading my breasts, pinching the nipple.

'Well?' Asked one of his friends.

'They feel real. What do you think?'

Another guy knelt down and squeezed my left tit with his fist. 'She's natural,' he said.

The bearded guy unbuttoned his fly and straddled me.

'I haven't fucked a pair of tits this nice in years,' he leered, pushing my breasts together and sliding his cock between them.