Locked Together

The way one expresses love for another is not always conventional; in fact, how I see it, it should rarely ever be conventional. There was a love I felt for her of which your typical forms of love-making always seemed to fall short of realizing. They always seemed so basic, too simple. The repeated thrusting and wild throwing from position to position, though fun and meaningful in and of themselves, still fell short of how I really wanted to show my affection. However, that was a while ago. Today, I felt perfectly at ease with my expression, waiting for her to come home from her training at the base, sitting nearly naked on the floor of our bedroom.

I was particularly fond of the leather shackles that bound my hands together. They laid comforably on my bare torso, though the chain that connected them to my collar kept me from being able to reach down lower than my stomach, no matter how turned on I might have been. The collar itself was chained to a hook in the wall that kept me from moving too far from my spot in the corner of the bedroom. My legs, though not bound together, were chained separately to hooks behind me. All the chains left plenty of room for movement, but I couldn't leave the corner of the bedroom where I'd been chained up since the morning.

It was late afternoon now, and she'd be home soon. I felt my shaft attempt to stiffen against the taut leather thong that surrounded it while I thought of my Love, the smell of her flowing hair trailing up and down my body while her plush breasts pressed against me. I thought of the way she always teased me to the edge of oblivion, then pulled me back to Earth with one sharp surge of pain. My shackled hands traveled up my chest, pinching my nipples as I imagined her naked body lightly trailing up mine. I looked at the whip up in the corner, knowing what was going to happen soon enough tonight. The excitement never left and the feeling of being enslaved to her never got old, which is why I always felt my submission to her to be the best way of expressing how I felt for her.

The pain of my shaft pressing against the thong was getting to be too much for me, and I had to force myself to calm down and clear my mind. I finally did, just in time to hear the door open down the hall. She was home, finally. I positioned myself to look as helpless as possible, knowing how much she loved to see me chained up. I heard the footsteps travel around, growing more excited as she approached the bedroom, feeling it subside as I heard them walk away. For a few minutes she did not enter the room, but tended to other things. She would always make me the last thing on her list when she came home because she knew I loved the anticipation. I waited patiently, kneeling on the floor, holding my hands politely in my lap.

She entered the room after everything else was attended to. She was still in her fatigues from being on base, but the shirt was unbuttoned completely, revealing a very unmilitaristic silk bra that supported perfectly her large breasts. She had taken her hair down, and it rested peacefully down her shoulders. I greeted her, but she didn't respond, or even look. Instead, she opened the closet, searching through our various toys and chains and other gear, laying them out on the bed for me to see before leaving wordlessly.

I could tell she wanted to be intimate and personal tonight. On the bed was a short flogger, a set of nipple clamps, a two-way strap-on, and two sets of handcuffs. I could only imagine what was going to happen when she finally decided it was time. My feet were starting to fall asleep from kneeling, so I decided to try and change positions.

"I can hear you moving in there!" I heard my Love say from down the hall. "I expect you to stay in that position until I let you do otherwise."

"Yes, ma'am..." I tried to sound submissive, but I know the smile crept into my voice. She would only let me address her as "ma'am" while she was in uniform. I wasn't sure if she was anymore, but I wouldn't take my chances; I wasn't sure if I was ready to take the 12-inch dildo tonight, especially not the way she did it the last time I disobeyed her. I'm not sure how long it was before she finally re-entered the bedroom, but I know it was starting to get dark outside. I instinctively greeted her.

"Good evening, ma'am."

She still said nothing, but she looked at me with a dry smile, her eyes commanding my gaze. She drifted from my stare, looking over my helpless form, finally turning her eyes to the toys she laid out on the bed. I noticed Karen starting to fall out of character as she smiled to herself, but she immediately wiped the smile off her face.

"You haven't been sitting like that all day like I told you to, have you?"

I immediately felt the urge to lie and say that I had, but her stare was turning meaner and I knew she would find out I was lying. The thought of the dildo crept back into my head; I was in danger of getting it again tonight if I told her I hadn't been sitting like this, but I would definitely get it -- hard -- if she found out I was lying.

I swallowed hard. "No, ma'am... I haven't."

"I could tell," she stated sternly, walking slowly toward me. She got down on her hands and knees next to me, peering closely at my feet, delibarately arching her back and pushing her well-rounded butt into the air. Her beautiful figure next to me almost distracted me until she spoke up again. "Your toes aren't even purple yet. They'd surely have gone numb sitting in the position all day. You've only been sitting like this for a few minutes, haven't you?"

"Yes..." I didn't want to elaborate. She stood back up and headed back toward the bed.

"Well, at least you're being truthful," she said, picking up the flogger. "But that you still didn't do what I ordered you to do. Don't think I don't know how to stay in one position for a long time, I do it all the time, and I expect you to do the same. Is that clear?"

"It is ma'am," I was starting to get hard again at the sight of the flogger. I knew I was about to be punished.

"Since you were honest about it, I won't do anything too drastic, but you still need to be punished. Get on your hands and knees."

I obeyed. I loved how skillfully she weilded the flogger, how I could feel my ass reverberate with each strike, the sharp pain the flew up and down my spine each time, the short pause between strikes. Occasionally I could feel her soft hands caress my sore cheeks before she struck again. Sometimes the flogging would go on for half an hour, but for some reason when she was satisfied, I was too.

"Ma'am," I said, struggling to find a way to get on my hands, "my hands are bound together. I can't hold myself up that well."

"That's not my concern," she replied softly, yet commanding. "I only wish for your ass to be where I can strike it."

"Yes, ma'am."

She approached me with the flogger in her hand, disappearing behind my view. I closed my eyes, waiting for the first strike. Instead, I felt it at the top of my neck, traveling down my spine and around my back. I felt her straddle my lower back, the rough fabric of her pants rubbing against my bare skin.

"You know how much I love doing this to you," she moaned. "It gets me all wet."

"I only want to do what you please, ma'am."

Her voice turned irritated. "Then next time, when I tell you to sit for the whole day, you do it." I felt the flogger strike my ass hard, making me gasp half with pain and half with delight. She struck me again, pulling on chain connecting my collar to the wall and forcing me to prop myself up with my cuffed hands. She struck me again on the other cheek, and again.

"You should feel lucky I didn't bring out a dildo that was more invasive." She continued to flog me and I started to moan. "Oh, stop faking it. I haven't struck you nearly enough times for you to start feeling any pain."

She let go of the chain and my upper body fell back to the floor. She lifted herself off of me, then stood in front of me. Again, she pulled on my collar chain, lifting me up on my hands.

"Stay like that," she ordered. "Now, unzip my pants."


"With your teeth. How else?"

She shoved the zipper right in front of me. I attempted to do as she commanded a few times, but the zipper was small and I couldn't keep ahold of it.

"How long are you going to be? You still have a lot of punishment to go!"

Finally, I unzipped her fly. "Would you like me to get the button as well?" I suggested.

"You've done enough," she said with irritation as she unbuttoned her pants. "If I make you do everything else, it'll be midnight before we fuck."

She peeled off her pants, showing a matching pair of panties with her bra. She kicked the pants onto me and headed back to my ass, kneeling next to it, caressing where she had left welts.

"You know," she mused, "you look really hot in leather." She whipped me again and I jumped. "I'm going to have to make you wear more." Another whip. "Do you like that?"

"Yes, I do ma'am."

"Do you want more?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"How much more?"

"As much as you'd like, ma'am."

She struck me again. "There, that's the answer I like." Again.

My cock was begging to be let loose with every time the flogger made contact. I let out some cute surprised moans as she got more and more into it. I could feel her teeth bite into one cheek as she struck another, causing me to gasp in pleasure. Once again, she straddled my back, grinding against my spine as she kept striking. Finally, she pulled off of my back, and I could tell she was starting to soak through her panties.

"Mmmm, I think that's enough of that," she said as she laid the flogger on the bed. I lay on the floor, still reeling from the pain and pleasure and watched her pick up the clamps. "Now I want you to keep these on until I take them off."

"I don't have much choice, ma'am," I said. I'd worn these clamps before and they hurt like crazy. I'm not sure if I could contain myself if she didn't put them on just right.

She walked from the bed toward me slowly and I noticed she was also carrying a key. "Now, if you're a good slave and don't make any noise, I'll take your cuffs off your collar."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am."

She smiled broadly. "Now sit back, I need to put these on."

I sat back on my feet, watching her beautiful figure sit down in front of me, her fingers pinching my nipples hard, making them erect. I almost moaned, but I remembered what she told me and bit my lip. She leaned back, playing with my chest, tickling it with her fingers.

"I love nipples," she breathed seductively, guiding her fingers down my body, my legs, then up her own legs, up her stomach and to her breasts. She massaged them in front of me, knowing I couldn't reach her with my hands chained to my collar. "Do you think I'm beautiful?" she invited, pinching her nipples through her skirt.

"Yes, ma'am," I answered, "I think you are very beautiful."

She giggled at my mechanical response. "You may be a good slave one of these days. You just have to do what I tell you."

"I know, ma'am. I'm sorry for disobeying you."

"Good, you should be," she said, trying to be stern. She leaned over and started to lick my nipples, sucking them hard into her mouth, biting them, trying to make me moan. I kept it down to a small twitch of one of my pecs. She bit harder on a nipple, and it took all I had not to make a sound. She pulled off of my chest, looking me in the eye with a smile like the eye of a hurricane.

"Very good," she whispered. Her hands made their way back to her breasts, massaging them again. "I know you want to touch them... and I might let you if you stay quiet."

I stayed quiet.

She laughed to herself and picked up the clamps, tweaking both my nipples with her fingers before she put on one. I felt her slowly let it clamp down on my nipple, squeezing it harder and harder. It started to get painful, but the squeezing kept getting harder. My eyes were the only thing I could allow to express the pain, I could hardly let myself breathe.

"Shhhh..." she put her finger over my mouth. "I still have to do the other one.

She clamped my other nipple, doubling the sensation I was feeling. My mind was racing, trying to divert itself from my screaming nipples, trying to keep my throat silent. I felt her lips touch mine as she wrapped me into a violent kiss. I poured all my tension into her mouth as our tongues locked together for a brief moment; then she pushed me back, observing my obviously pained look. Silently, she kicked me onto my back.

"Lift your hands over your head," she ordered. I did so, watching her by my legs, running her feet up and down my chest and stomach slowly. I watched her beautiful legs move back and forth as her feet massaged me. She grabbed the chain of the nipple clamps and pulled on it. My back arched up severely, almost pulling all the way up, but she forced me back down with her other leg.

"Stay down," she reassured me. "Trust in your mistress, and she will make you cum harder than you ever have."

I was still trying to stay quiet with all this pain and teasing. My entire penis was swelling, ready to explode out of my leather thong. She let go of the chain seeing that I was starting to pant rapidly. She sat on my lap, kissing my tense stomach, caressing up my sides. Finally she picked up the key from the floor.

"Very good," she cooed in my ear. "You may say something if you like."

"I want you so much," was all I could utter.

"And I'm going to make you want me more." She unlocked my collar, and removed it from my neck, taking the chains of my cuffs. My arms could roam freely now, although my hands were still bound together. She kissed up my neck, into my mouth, pushing her body up against me, thrusting her body as she thrust her tongue into my mouth. She held my hands above my head as we locked together in our kiss.

She sat back up on top of me and removed her bra, gradually revealing her rounded breasts as she let gravity pull the bra off her, letting it fall onto me. I reached my hands out to squeeze them. She laughed at the awkwardness of my two hands trying to touch her, although every inch of me was waiting to cop a feel.

She grinded up against my cock. "Mmmm... I see you're trying to get hard."

"I am, ma'am," I moaned.

She crept into my arms, laying back on me. "You want to fuck your mistress really bad don't you?"

"I do, ma'am."

She turned around, and picked the chain of the nipple clamps up with her teeth, pulling on the chain again. I started to groan, the pain numbing my brain almost completely. "Mmm... good. I need a good fucking. But first, you need a good fucking."

She slipped out of my arms and stood up at my shackled feet. Bending down, she slowly removed her panties, revealing her smooth lips, visibly wet with arousal. She got on her knees and leaned up against the bed, gyrating seductively against it as she opened up her flowering pussy to me. I stared at her angelic naked body, still in pain from the clamps, and my shaft trying to burst out of its restraint. "I hope I'm turning you on," she said, half-joking.

"You certainly are, my love," I replied.

She walked slowly to the bed, picking up the strap-on. "Get on your knees again," she commanded playfully.

I obeyed and turned myself around, sticking my ass up in the air, still looking at her gorgeous body. She lifted a leg onto the bed, spreading her pussy open in my view, and slid her end of the dildo inside her, moaning melodramatically as she pushed it in and out a few times. Then, harnessing it around her, she walked toward me slowly. I felt the excitement build up in me as she approached. She kneeled in front of me as my eyes zeroed in on the life-like penis that hung from the harness.

"Now," she paused, "suck on it."

I complied silently and wrapped my mouth around the rubber shaft. It was about seven inches long, and thick enough to be difficult to take in, but I took half of it in, bobbing back and forth on it.

"Mmmm... take it all in," she moaned, "suck it like it's real."

I took in as much as I could, working it in and pulling it back out. She leaned back and humped against the dildo inside her. "Yeah, suck on that cock," she instructed, thrusting it into my mouth. "I bet you want it to shoot in your mouth."

I made a noise of agreement. "Do you like cum in your mouth?" she insisted, pulling lightly on my nipple chain. I moaned around the cock. I could tell she was about to cum, I could smell the juices of her pussy flowing from her. My own cock was still begging in restraint and my body lusted after her unbelievably, aching from the pain that continued to pinch at my chest. She bucked up against me, shoving the fake shaft clear into my mouth. I almost choked as she rocked the shaft in and out of my mouth in a small orgasm.

She yanked the cock out of my mouth and ran back toward the bed for the lube. Hurriedly, she poured it onto the shaft, rubbing it around. Walking back behind me, she pulled the strap covering my anus to the side, rubbing some more lube onto it, shoving her finger inside a ways. I breathed deeply and moaned at the feel of her finger in me. I could feel my cock starting to dribble inside the thong as she continued to finger me. Quickly, she pulled her finger out of me and replaced it with the strap-on, pushing it against my tight ass hole.

I felt the head slowly split my opening apart, pushing slowly and deliberately into me. The ridge of the head finally popped in with a moment of horrible pain. I yelped and my Love stopped pushing for a moment. When I calmed down reasonably, she pushed the rest of the shaft into me slowly, then pulling it back out. She started to fuck me slowly as my muscles loosened up. I could feel the cum already starting to flow in me, but my penis was still completely restrained by the thong and I could do nothing but push my ass against her cock as she plunged it repeatedly into me. My moaning got harder... I was in pain from the clamps and now from having a thick cock ramming me from behind.

She spanked me hard as she fucked, feeling her dildo pushing up inside her as she pegged me. "Oh god, I love fucking you. Beg me to fuck you more."

"Mmmm... please fuck me, Love." I begged. "I want you to fuck me so much."

She sped up her thrusts, causing more cum to leak from my half-stiffened shaft. "You like it in the ass?"

"Yes, I love it. Please, fuck me harder!"

She continued to fuck me, grinding herself up against me as she made herself cum. I begged for it more, harder, and deeper. Finally, I felt her slow her thrusts as she brought herself to another climax. My balls were sore from not being able to be relieved, my body was in pain from the sodomy being inflicted on it. As her orgasm subsided, I felt her lay down on me slowly, pulling the fake cock out of my ass, kissing up my back. She eased me down onto my stomach, kissing my neck, scratching her nails up and down my back.

"I love fucking you," she whispered into my ear as she nibbled on it. "It makes me so horny."

I smiled faintly. "I love to please you, my love."

She kissed my cheek and sat up on my back, tickling it with her fingers. "I know you do, that's why you're my slave. You want nothing more than to please me."

"It makes me happy to please you."

My Love reached over for the key again and unlocked my handcuffs. "I think you've learned your lesson." She turned me onto my back, and removed the nipple clamps. I let out a giant sigh of relief. "However, I'm still not nearly pleased enough. You need to please me more before I can please you."

She crawled up my body, letting her breasts cover my face for a while. I grabbed them with my hands, ravishing what I'd been desiring for so long now. Sucking lovingly on both nipples, kissing all over them. Karen laughed out loud briefly before she regained composure and continued crawling up my body. She stopped with her pussy just over my face.