Locked Out

thank you angel love for all your help


She was walking along the street on her way home from work, and as always she noticed him. He was quite a bit older than she was, as he was closer to forty-five or fifty years old. Not in the best of shape or even very good-looking but there was something about him that sent a wave of heat to her belly. The way he looked at her always made her feel exposed and a little weak. He never seemed very friendly and always seemed a little displeased whenever she gave a, friendly little nod, or wave hello.

Deciding to ignore him today she walked straight on by not even acknowledging that she had even seen him. Not very polite or neighborly but she just could not deal with his irritation today.

Upon reaching her front door she discovered that she had locked herself out. She walked around the house looking for a door or window that had been left open. The only one she could fine was a window on the second floor and there was no way she could reach it.

Looking back down the street she could see that the man was still in his front yard watching her. She took a deep breath and walked back toward him, feeling small and insignificant. When she was standing across from him separated only by his little fence. She quickly explained the problem and asked for his help.

"Wait here," was his only reply before he turned around and walked away.

She stood where he had left her; waiting to find out if he was really going to help her or if he was just going to leave her standing there. Her tummy gave a little jump when he came out from behind his house carrying a ladder. He walked right past her and continued down the street without saying a word. She slowly turned and followed.

When he reached her house he banged the ladder against the side of the house below the open window, and said, "Up you go," while gesturing with his left arm.

She was horrified, she had been expecting him to climb the ladder, but she just couldn't bring herself to ask him to, so she slipped out of her three-inch heels and took a firm grip on the ladder. She tried to raise her right foot onto the first rung but her skirt was way to tight to allow her to step up. She placed her foot back down onto the ground. She hung her head and stood tight with frustration. As she, stood there feeling overwhelmed, the man said.

"For Christ Sake!"

Then he reached down and tore her skirt from the bottom right up to her waist. She made a small noise of surprise and looked over her shoulder were she could see her ruined skirt. The back was ripped wide open. A small sound of despair escaped her and she looked up at the man; surprise was written across her face.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get up there, I ain't got all day." The man growled at her.

She took a deep breath and turn once again toward the ladder, she raised her right foot up onto the first rung. Her eyes were filling with tears and slowly starting to leak down her face. When she lifted her left foot off of the ground, he stepped close behind her and grasped onto the ladder. She twisted around and shot her startled eyes to his.

"I'll hold the damn ladder so you don't fall onto your skinny ass," he rumbled.

She slowly made her way up the ladder; whimpering whenever it swayed even the slightest bit. As she moved up the ladder she could feel the heat from his body and the warmth of his breath. First his breath was on the top of her head then the back of her neck. As she drew away from him his breath slipped down her back. Just before it would have reached the top of her buttocks she paused.

"What are you waiting for little girl?" asked the man.

She looked down at him from her perch on the ladder. He was not looking up at her rather down at the tear in her skirt. She felt his arms caging her and his breath warming the small of her back. A shiver rippled through her body. He snapped up his head his gaze locking with hers. A wave of awareness slid, from the middle of her body outwards.

"Breathe," he whispered.

She realized that her lungs ached with the need for air, and drew in a shaky breath. With his eyes still imprisoning hers.

He said ",Climb"

There was a pause of half a heart beat and then she turned back toward the ladder and raised her leg up to step on the next rung. As she did so she could feel his breath rush out, across her lower back, and down onto her bottom. She stepped onto the rung and the next until she felt his breath seeping through the thin layer of lace that covered her. She stood there feeling his breath on her knowing that he was looking at her. She felt exposed but so very alive.

Slowly she continued her climb up the ladder toward the window; all the while feeling his breath drift down her backside. She took another step and felt the warmth at the top of her, smooth white, thighs and stopped. She could feel him back there. Her head fell forward and she rested it against the metal rung. Breathing rapidly, she stood motionless. She could feel him looking at her; she could almost taste him and smell him through the pores of her skin.

"The window is not getting any closer little girl," she felt him say

She lifted her head and trembling, continued her climb, she felt distress at the loss of his breath on her center as she moved away from him. She could follow the path of his breath slowly moving down the inside of her thighs, until she only felt the warmth on the bottom of her feet. She was now standing in front of the open window, and she reached out to grab onto the window frame, as she did so she heard his voice rumble up to her.

"Make sure that you come down when you get inside, to let me know you made it all right."

She looked down at him and nodded her head, just before turning and pulling herself through the window. She scraped herself through the window and fell into the upstairs office narrowly missing the desk. She picked herself up off the floor, smoothed out her clothes, and brushed the tears off her face. Then she quickly made her way down to the front door.

When she opened the door, she expected him to be on the walkway not right there in front of the door. She looked up at him as he leaned into her and whispered into her ear,

"The next time you forget your keys little one your pretty little ass will end up red."

Then he reached down, gave a sharp slap to her behind, and walked away as she stood watching him.