Locked in a Contract

"So you did the crime but I do the time" she pouted at me.

"Well I did cross her but you instigated this, so she might let us off if you submit to the caning Sarah", I was sure she would decline and make me use extreme measures.

"FUCK YOU, FUCK HER, FUCK yourselves!"


I had tied her up and gagged her so when Jane entered the apartment Sarah was bent over the leather sofa chair, wrists handcuffed to the left feet of the chair and her ankles cuffed to the right side of the chair legs, leaving her nude body arched over the chair, its large arm rest leaving her bottom vulnerable to Sarah and her cane. I liked seeing her legs splayed and cuffed to the right front and back legs, I could not help but caress her privates and watch her buck in surprise and moisten in pleasure.

"Nice job, she can't move much and the gag ensures a more pleasant conversation can take place" Jane purred and Sarah groaned and bucked in protest.


Jane was spent, Sarah's bottom was red with welts and her face was streaming with tears.

"Are we done here Jane, I asked?"

"Oh no not yet, Sarah was very impolite to me so I'm going to have her tamed", she purred.

With that she wet some cloth with a alcohol wiping fluid and wiped Sarahs outer vulvas which caused her to arch her back and fight the cuffs.

Next Jane took what looked like a staple gun and I soon realised it was a piercing gun, and proceeded to fit it with a cartridge of large titanium circular piercing rings. She methodically pinched together the fleshy part of the outer labia, the gun made a snapping sound triggering Jane to buck again and the targeted area to break free from Jane's grip to show a ring embedded deep in the flesh. This occurred another five times in quick succession alternating sides on each of the outer labias, so now three rings each side mirrored their partners, standing as sentinels along the genital ridges. The next item Jane produced from the nearby bag was a padlock with long curved u shaped head which was aptly slid though the rings before a click of the lock was heard locking the u bend in place, effectively obstructing access to Jane's vaginal entrance.

Jane took Sarah by her hair and lifted her head up , "Sarah dear girl you see the key here, this is the only way you will have sex again, so please me and you will be freed, anger me and you will be frustrated, very frustrated and sore, do you understand?"

Sarah looked wild but nodded her head, she was sore and beaten by this woman whom she despised and now was enslaved to her sexually, her vulva had a dull ache and the bottom was warm with the cane marks but surprisingly not very sore, she felt humiliated and just wanted to be free, to retreat tearfully to her bed.

"Ok Tom, let her go now and lets go upstairs shall we?"


Sarah was quiet and meek, for many days after, she would disappear for a few hours each day then reappear flirt with me and use overt physical contact to arouse me,then when I was nude she would look at her shorts and signal the lock before turning away and doing house work.

God she was so sexy and I wanted her like nothing else and we both knew she was paying me back for my traitorous contact with Jane. Maybe I could arrange a deal with Jane to have access to her.


"So you want Sarah, does she want you?"

"Yes, she has been returning after seeing you I presume then leading me on before indicating the chastity lock and stopping?"

"I think she is playing with you,... not really interested, but if you think she is then I'll see what I can do!"


I left the office and Jane had fastened a chain around my scrotum with the key on it .The key to unlock Sarah's chastity was in my possession , the question was would she allow her nude chained cunt near my privates to get free of the lock. Jane bet me $200 she would not submit.


"So you can free me from Jane, but to do so I have to be close to your privates, I'm not sure I can do that" she retorted.

"So you have been teasing me since the caning?" I raised my eyebrows as if surprised.

"Of course you wanker, you tied me up and let her cane me then you want sex...your pitiful and I spit on you, you scumbag!"


Many days passed and I thought she might break or hoped was bluffing, but as I became more desperate as dates declined intercourse when informed of the chain and key, it seemed I was caught in a conspiracy. I waited and when I saw Jane again she confided that Sarah hated me and blamed me for her privates being incaserated, subsequently contacting my dates and poisoning the possible sexual encounters.

The reason Jane wanted to help was money was not coming in as the sole key to the lock was chained to my privates.

Jane was extracting her last vindictive move on Sarah and would make Sarah submit to reconciliation with me to be free and Jane was going to mediate.


"Sarah" Jane was looking at her and holding my chain, "this is the key to your lock which you can have but as I told you the man that wears this owns your cunt for the hour and if you do not do this now I will whip your behind and pussy until you do submit, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes mistress," she said looking down.

"Ok, now undress and lay over that leather chair."

Sarah unbuttoned her dress and let it fall leaving her body bare, she knew what was going to take place and had been forbidden underwear, so now splayed front down over the chair I raked her body with my desiring eyes.

"Tom, bind her up again, just as before legs splayed."

Sarah looked up to Jane and eyes pleaded no, but she uttered no sound.

"Sarah you have willfully disobeyed my instruction to service Tom, the chain with key has worked with the other customers and now you dis-obey me, it is not acceptable, I will punish you and you will service Tom, now is that with or without punishment?"

"Without punishment mistress".

"Ok Tom undress and unlock the sore little bitch and have your wanton way with her, I have other clients queued for her attentions and this dilly dallying is stemming my income."

So Jane got her revenge and Sarah was punished but in a kinky way Sarah relished Jane's control. It had transformed her life style from adhoc sexual encounters and constant money issues to a more affluent life style all due to Jane having a tight rein on Sarahs expenditure as well as sexual appetite and hiring her out to paying customers had definitely helped supplement both their incomes .

The twist in this was Jane loved Sarah but Sarah never suspected, Sarah was way too hetero-sexual but somehow Sarah had her service at least one woman client but Jane never would state who that was.

Well I did have Sarah and she played her part well but soon moved out and we never met again. Sarah I never saw again but Jane did offer me another encounter with Jane but I was not willing to spend $200 for a half hour with her. Jane did say to watch out, if Sarah was naughty she would force her to visit me and smirked, "At no charge of course" but I suppose that kept her obedient as I did not see her again.