Locked for Love

Tell me what you think. This one honestly got away from me because I wanted to keep it as one story but it just kept getting longer.


I stretched sleepily and looked around. The waves crashed along the shore and the sun beat down from a cloudless sky. I was stretched out in a beach chair and all my friends were likewise sleeping on various chairs and blankets. It was a warm Saturday in July and a bunch of friends from college had gotten together and we had gone to a beach my family belongs to for the day. It was great to see everyone again. We had spent the day playing drinking beach games and various sporting activities. We had swum out to some rocks and spent some time jumping off them. A usual beach day for a bunch of twenty somethings who are tired of work and need to unwind. I looked at my phone and saw that it was getting late.

"Hey guys, if we're going to go eat we better leave now." I got multiple murmurs of assent and rolled out of my chair. We packed up and headed out. Twenty minutes later we pulled into my parent's driveway. We piled out of the cars and broke out the beer we bought on the way back. I fired up the grill and starting cooking the ribs and burgers. My friend Kelley handed me a beer and then went and turned on the speakers. He came out and started to set up a game of corn hole. While he was doing that Zeke and Jon were putting the beer in the fridge and Casey, Katie, and Jill grabbed some deck chairs and started chatting. The corn hole game started up and every miss elicited a drink. Pretty soon the misses were coming faster and the laughter was coming louder.

I look over toward the driveway when I hear a car door slam. Up the stairs carrying even more alcohol came a bunch of local friends of mine. I met them playing pickup basketball and we partied together occasionally. The reason I like them coming over is that I had a crush on the girl. Rachel was an unbelievable basketball player and quite a babe. She was a gym teacher at the local middle school. I had developed a crush on her while we played with and against each other. I had never had the guts to ask her out on a date but a day like today would provide me with the perfect opportunity. I waved at them and introduced them to everyone from school. Zach and Jamie went and joined the corn hole game while Rachel joined the girls and started chatting. The ribs finished and I put them on a platter for everyone to grab. Everyone was starving so the plate got cleaned off in no time. The burgers took a little longer but they finished cooking and then they disappeared just as quickly as the ribs did. After everyone sat back satiated we discussed what to do next.

"I say we play a card game. I have Cards against Humanity upstairs. We could play that for a while." I got a round of agreements and rushed upstairs to grab the game. It started off pretty vulgar because we were all a little buzzed but since everyone took a drink when they lost it spiraled down into depravity very quickly. What surprised me is the level of lewdness the Rachel had in her. She started winning every round and we all got drunker and drunker. Finally, mercifully, the game finished. Rachel wiped the floor with us. We decided to start a fire out in the fire pit and finish what we had bought. There weren't enough chairs for all of us so some people decided to double up. To my surprise Rachel plopped down in my lap. She was only 5'5 so she was pretty light. She kicked her legs over the arm of the chair and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Alex. We don't get to talk enough."

"I know. We only talk at basketball. We should hang out more often."

She laughs, "Well we're hanging out right now aren't we?"

"I meant just the two of us silly." She took a sip of her beer and then placed it on the ground. She then looks very intently in my eyes before placing a kiss on my cheek. I look at her surprised before I went in for a kiss on her. She pulled away.

"Not going to be that easy mister. You got to earn it."

"Well how am I supposed to do that?"

"That's a secret. You got to work to find it." Our conversation is low and unnoticed by the others. What they did notice is when she leaped of my lap with a laugh and runs out into the yard. They definitely noticed when I jumped up and chased after her. She led me on a merry chase but I caught her and tackled her with a triumphant yell. We rolled around on the grass before I could pin her down and get that kiss I wanted. She pretended to fight but then melted into it. "Time to go to your room." She rolled out from under me and grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house.

I led her to my room and closed the door. She turned around with a grin and sashayed over to me. We started kissing again while she untied the drawstring to my bathing suit. Soon it was falling to my ankles and I stepped out of them. She stepped back and stared me up and down appreciatively. I wasn't in the best shape, but I was pretty fit as she knew from basketball. I didn't tower over her at 5'11" but I was tall enough. She ran her hands through my short brown hair and my thick beard. With her other hand she reached down and started to stroke my cock. I ran my hand through her long brown hair and used my other hand to reach down and start undoing the buttons to her pants. She stepped back and pulled her shirt over her head and I got my first glimpse at her breasts. Normally I like them big, like DD big, but hers just seemed to fit her perfectly. They were probably around a C cup with areolas that just screamed to be sucked.

Which is exactly what I did. I pulled her close and started kissing down the side of her neck until I reached her nipples. I spent a lot of time paying attention to them. She was moaning and stroking my cock the entire time. I could feel my orgasm approaching under her ministrations so I reluctantly stepped away. I began to reach for my wallet to pull out the condom I keep in there when she stopped me.

"We don't need that. I'm on the pill. I want to feel you inside me." With a statement like that how could I refuse? Her hands went to her pants and swiftly shucked those across the room. We were both standing there in our naked glory. At this point my cock is rock hard and starting to drip precum. She licks her lips in anticipation and lays down on the bed.

"No time for foreplay huh." I walk up to her and position myself at her entrance.

"I'm ready enough as it is. I can't wait anymore. Get in here mister."

"Yes ma'am." I lean over her and slowly pushed my cock into her. Her athletic body was tight and toned. Her pussy was the same way. It was well lubricated due to her desire and I slipped right in. She started to squeeze my cock with her PC muscles and I threw my head back in pleasure. I started to pump in and out of her at a nice steady pace. She moaned and reached up and started playing with her own nipples.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." She chanted as I stroked in and out. I picked up the pace as she started to twitch. I could feel my orgasm fast approaching and I picked up speed. As she started to cum my cock exploded inside her. We stayed there locked in orgasmic bliss for a while. Eventually my cock softened and I slipped out of her onto my bed. She rolled over and started to spoon against me. I knew that I would have to change my sheets tomorrow but at that moment I didn't care. Tonight was perfect and I knew that my future was looking great.

The morning comes and we are still laying naked in the same position we fell asleep in. She rolls over and smiles at me and leans up to kiss me.

"Last night was great. I've never cum that hard before."

"I'm glad I could help. Hope we can do it again sometime."

"Definitely. I can't wait." We get up and get dressed before heading down stairs and meeting the knowing looks and smiles of all our friends. We don't even hide what we did and pull each other in for a deep kiss. Eventually everyone decides it's time to go and heads out. Rachel is the last to leave and she gives me one last grope before she heads out the door. I smile to myself and stretch happily.

A few weeks pass and Rachel and I have a great time together. We go on multiple dates and have a great time together but never quite capture the magic of that first time. One day after I've gotten home from work I get a text from her.

"I need to talk to you. Can you come over soon?" That first sentence is one that sends chills through all men's hearts, so on the way over I was trying to figure out what I had done wrong. Still wracking my brains when I pull into her driveway I hesitantly knock on her door. It swings open and I walk in.

"Hello. Rach, are you here."

"I'm in the bathroom." I walk in and see her sitting on the toilet. She's holding something in her hand in she looks like she's in shock.

"What is it? What's going on?" She looks up at me and I can see tears forming in her eyes.

"You know how on the commercials they say birth control is 99% effective. Well surprise. Guess who's in the 1%?" I feel like I've been punched in the chest. I stagger slightly and lean against the sink. I focus on the stick in her hands and my mind goes blank.

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. I kind of want to keep it." I take a deep breath and steady myself.

"Ok, if you want to then I'm ok with it." She looks up and I see a huge smile forming on her face.

"Really? I thought you would be angry."

"Why would I be angry? These last couple have weeks have been amazing." She jumps up and hugs me.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that. You should move in here with me. We can be a family." I'm a little startled by the reaction from her but I'm not going to complain. I would have to curtail my porn watching habits but with a horny pregnant woman living with me I wouldn't have and trouble getting off. We call our parents and tell them what is going on. They are concerned but happy that we're happy. A few days later all my stuff is moved into her house and we are starting our family.

Turns out this isn't as fun as I thought it would be. It's been 4 weeks and all I've seen is vomit and weird cravings. I was craving some sort of action so I had reverted to watching porn when Rachel wasn't around. One day I had fired up a bunch of videos and was happily stroking away when I hear the door behind me open. I whip around with my cock still hard in my hands and the moans of the couple playing behind me and see my pregnant girlfriend standing there in shock.

"What the fuck is going on? Are you watching porn? That's disgusting. Is it because I'm not good enough for you?" With that she runs out of the room as I try to explain what happened. I was so sure I had fucked everything up I went back to my parents' house. They asked me what was wrong but I couldn't tell them what happened. I tried calling and texting every day but she didn't pick up. Two weeks after the incident there was a knock at the door. I opened it and Rachel was standing there.

"Can I come in?" I don't say anything but just stand aside and she walks inside. "I've been doing some thinking and soul searching. I've gotten a lot of advice from certain internet forums. I want to make this work but we need to make some changes to our relationship. I felt betrayed and hurt by what you did and there is only one way I can prevent that kind of betrayal again."

"What do you want? I'll do anything. I'm so sorry for what I did. Please." I'm begging her because I can't think of losing her again. She reaches into her purse and puts something on the table in front of me. I look at it surprised. I had seen something like this in the porn videos I used to watch. It was a metal chastity device. "Do you want me to wear this?"

"Yes. I want you to wear this device so I can be sure that you won't go looking at the nasty evil porn again. Not while you have a pregnant girlfriend at home to take care of." At the word girlfriend my heart leaps.

"I'll do whatever it takes. I want to make it work." I reach for the chastity device and go to put it on.

"No," she reaches for my hand to stop me. "I want to watch you put it on at home." She puts it back in her purse. She gets up and heads back to her car and drives away. I leap up and grab my stuff that I had laying around and headed out. I race back to her house and get there just as she's walking in the house. I rush inside and find her sitting in the living room with the chastity device on the coffee table. "Strip now," she commands. I hurry to obey and soon have all my clothes on the floor. Unfortunately this exposes my hard cock. It turns out that I am a submissive and the idea of having my cock locked up by a domineering woman turned me on.

"Well this is a problem. But not one without a solution. Go and grab a bag of peas from the freezer and come back here." I rush to comply with my cock bobbing in front of me. I hurry back and place the bag on my erection. Due to the cold it slowly shrinks down to flaccid size. I hurriedly grab the device and slide it on. I click the lock shut and the sound causes the blood to rush back to my cock. Unfortunately it was not incased in stainless steel and couldn't grow at all. I was surprised by how well it fit. It was like a glove. I looked up at her inquisitively.

"I made a friend on those forums. She is a custom device maker. We've spent enough time together that I knew your measurements. She did a rush job because she felt bad for me. Usually it takes 4-6 weeks. She did it in 1. Now I'm in charge of your orgasms." She takes the key and places it on a chain and then places it around her neck. That way I would always see it and would know who was in charge.

"So what now babe?"

"First off. From now on when we are alone you will call me mistress. Secondly you will only orgasm when I feel like you earn it. And it will take a lot to earn it. Thirdly, you will do all the house work. You don't want your poor pregnant girlfriend to be tired all the time? It could hurt the baby. And fourthly, I've heard of all this fun sounding things to do to you. You will agree to everything I want you to do. Understand?" I'm stunned by what just happened. I went from a single guy who had been rejected by his girlfriend to a guy with a locked up cock and a mistress who was going to make him her toy. I gulped and took a deep breath.

"Yes Mistress I understand. What would you like me to do?"

"First I want you to give me a foot massage. My feet are starting to swell and the bother me." I got down on my knees and gingerly took off her shoes. I started to rub her foot gently, working out all the soreness. With the other she starts to tease my cage. Flicking it up and down. The weight of it caused it to pull on my cock and me to wince a little. I finish that foot and move on to the next one. She resumes playing using the foot I had just finished massaging. When I was finished I sat back and awaited her next order.

"Good boy. Now crawl into our room and get on the bed doggy style." I did as I was told a little fearful of what was going to happen next. I waited on the bed with trepidation as I heard her walking into the room. "Now I want you to hold very still and relax." With that I felt a cold sensation on my asshole. I could hear the squelching of the lube she had brought in and then the intrusion as she sticks a wet finger up my hole. I gasp and rock forward but before I get to far she grabs my balls and pulls me back. "Did I give you permission to move?"

"No mistress. Sorry mistress." I feel something loop around my balls and being pulled tight.

"Now you can't move. I've just tied your balls to the bed so don't get any ideas." With that said she goes back to fingering my ass. I bit back a yelp at this intrusion and hope she gets bored soon. She then adds another finger and I let out a gasp as she runs the tips of her finger over my prostate. "Ooo somebody liked that didn't they. I'm going to make you a little ass slut. One thing I learned about were these things called anal orgasms. Apparently if you stimulate the prostate enough a male can cum just from that. So I've decided that for now that is the only way you will be cumming. And to top it off you will have to eat it all. Need you to save all the sperm for if I want another baby." She starts to fuck my ass rapidly making sure to stroke the prostate with each thrust. I begin to shake from the sensations and I suddenly feel a pressure disappear from me. I look between my legs and see a fluid pouring out of my cock onto a plate. She laughs in pleasure as she continues to pump in and out of my ass until the flow stops. She then pulls her fingers out and goes to wash her hand, leaving me sitting there shaking after my first anal orgasm. She comes back and pushes the plate underneath my face.

"Please mistress don't make me eat my own cum."

"Begging won't do you any good. You lost that right a long time ago. You are going to eat every drop on that plate and you will eat every drop that comes out of you for the rest of your life." She shoves my head down in the plate and all I can do is lick it up. It has a salty taste to it and I screw my face up in disgust but I finish it. She stands up and walks away leaving me tied to the bed. I'm afraid to move for fear of getting punished. My cock throbs in my cage over everything that has happened to me in the last few hours. She comes back a little while later and unties me. "Go make me dinner. I don't care what. Just surprise me." I leapt up and hurried to obey. I ended up making a chicken parmesan with noodles and green beans. I serve her at the table and wait as she eats. She nods that it is acceptable. I eat quickly and clean up the kitchen. I go to find her in the bedroom where she is striping for bed. She has just the beginning hint of a baby bump and seeing it causes my cock to try to swell in my cage.

"How may I serve you now mistress?"

"I'm done with you for the night. You will be sleeping on the couch until I feel like you deserve to sleep with me." I nod my head and walk out to the couch and lay down on it. It is a long and sleepless night as I tossed and turned on the couch. I get up and trudge to the kitchen to get breakfast. I get there and I see a note on the table.

"Sweetie. I know how much you enjoyed last night. So I want you to work on expanding that asshole so I can fit even more in there. I bought you a set of training butt plugs and I want you to wear the medium one until I return." I look at the plugs in trepidation but know that if I want to stay in your good graces I have to do it. I grabbed the plug and the bottle of lube next to it. I take both into the bathroom and take a deep breath. I lube up both the plug and my still sore asshole. I lay on the floor and place the tip of the plug at my entrance. One deep breath later and I am working the plug in there. It takes a few minutes and some deep breaths but eventually I have this weird feeling of fullness as the plug is nestled into my ass. I stand up and it shifts inside me and my knees buckle for a minute. It's my day off so I don't have to leave the house with this in my ass.

I putter around for a while and then around noon I hear the front door slam.

"Honey are you here?"

"Yes I am mistress. I'm in the living room." I look up and Rachel walks in. She has obviously been at the spa for the day because she looks like she's glowing.

"Show me." I know what she's demanding so I get up and bend over to show her the plug in my ass. She walks over and grabs it and pulls it in and out slightly. I moan as she does this. She abruptly lets go. "Good boy. Now go into the bedroom. I'm feeling horny and need some release." My heart leapt at that statement. Maybe I would be getting released. I walk into the bedroom and my heart drops. She's standing there holding a strapon. "You're dick is useless to me so I want you to put this on and fuck me."