Locked Away and Lovin' It

We had a nice cosy dinner one Friday night after work, at Sophie's place. We is Sophie, Camilla and Dennis, who both work at the marketing dept. of our office, and Sam and her hubby. Sam works with Sophie and me. We all get along pretty well, sometimes having dinner together or a have a drink in a pub down town. This Friday we found ourselves at Sophie's place for a pleasant time with wine and good food. And talk and laughter. Sam was picking on me as she normally does. She had her hubby Stephen tagging along, having informed him about my crush on Sophie. I was smitten on that cute tight ass of her since the day she walked into our office. Camilla and Dennis are romantically involved since over a year, and didn't stop throwing in innuendos as well. It was all in good humour, but we were getting a bit raunchier as the night progressed and the wine flowed.

At eleven Camilla and Dennis called it a day and left. I was quiet loaded, so I didn't want to drive to my condo on the other side of town. Sophie offered me to crash in her spare room. After Sam and Stephen had left as well she sent me to the bathroom saying "take a shower, make yourself at home and I'll tuck you in."

"I didn't bring any clothes or toilet stuff."

"No worries. Use whatever you find in the bathroom and find useful. I'll bring you a shirt if you want, and tomorrow you can have fresh panties of mine. Or you have to go commando."

"Uh, oké?" I thought. After I finished my shower I draped myself in a black bathrobe I found in the bathroom. Entering the guestroom it was obvious right away this was not an ordinary guestroom. The walls were all black, the floor carpeted in red velvet. In the middle of the room was an enormous black king size four poster bed, covered with black satin sheets. I laid myself down on my back and stared at the ceiling... I saw myself lying. The complete ceiling of the room was lined with mirrors.

Sophie came in saying softly, "I want you to be a big boy now Paul. Please spread your arms out above your head."

With a click she closed black metal shackles around my wrists. "I can't take any chances with you Paul, now can I? Not with your fixation on my butt. You bet I noticed how you gaze at my tight tushy every second you get the chance. Not that I mind you liking my body, I'm quiet flattered actually. But I can't go to sleep now and risk waking up with your rampant cock up inside my love box, or even worse, up my tight little arse... So I can give you back your freedom, but only on my conditions. Now will you concur with my wishes Paul?"

What could I do? I was already at Sophie's mercy anyway with my wrists in shackles. So I said I'd do whatever she wanted.

"All right. I'll keep your hands cuffed until your cock will be safe. I first fix your legs as well to make sure you will cooperate."

Sophie put my legs in a spread position and fixed them in place with Velcro strips attached with ropes to the corner posts of the bed. Staring in the mirror above me I saw my vulnerability. Slowly Sophie pulled my robe open, revealing my crotch and my stiff cock pointing straight up towards the ceiling.

"My my, what a fine tool you have Paul. Standing at attention just because of me? I'm really flattered!! I'm sorry we need to do something about this. You don't mind if I suck you off, do you? If that's precisely what you've dreamed about then that dream is gonna come true right now."

With that said she lowered her mouth around the crown of my cock and started to suck me. I was in heaven. Of course I had dreamed about this. And sinking my rod into her pussy. But finding myself inside the hot wet mouth of the object of my desire was like being in heaven.

Sophie raced my tool with her vacuum vice to an orgasmic height in record time. It helped that my little friend was sure he was finally in heaven, but surely the oral skills of my colleague were unsurpassed. Before long my dick was throbbing and the pressure in my balls reached its boiling point. With a last furious pull from her wrist tightly wrapped around my shaft my sperm launched itself in the back of her mouth, slithering into the depth of her throat. A few more powerful spurts of cum left my cock. Spent and satisfied my wiener started to shrink to its normal proportions.

Sophie produced a cock cage with an assortment of fixing material. After cleaning my tool with a warm cloth she had fixed from the bathroom she massaged my rod and nuts with some oily substance. Slipping on a pretty tight cock ring over my scrotum, and pushing my cock through the ring as well, she pushed the cage itself over my dick. Although my cock had more or less its appearance in rest, it was not an easy task to put my tool inside. But finally Sophie was able to lock me inside with the key. My dingy was now useless inside a transparent shell lying neatly over my nut sack.

Sophie got up from the bed with the key triumphant in her hand and walked to the wall. Pushing a button a big painting slided up revealing a row of tiny safes in the wall. She turned the disks on one of the safes which opened with a soft click.

"I'll put your key safe in here. Since I'm the only person who knows the combination to open it it's entirely up to me when your futile little penis will be released again."

"I'll let you alone now for a while so you can get accustomed to being enclosed and useless. I keep you tied up as well for now, so you won't try to free yourself and get hurt. Not that you could get out yourself, but it would be a pity if you did try and hurt yourself."

Left alone I could do nothing but look up and look at myself. Lying spread-eagled, my arms and legs spread out and fixed in place. No way to get away, and no way to free my encapsulated wiener. But by being forced to do nothing, with the only option to look at my crotch, or close my eyes and only think of my crotch, strangely made me accept my predicament. After some two hours I had fully accepted my situation. And acknowledged the fact that Sophie knew about my crush, and acted on that. So where would we go from here...

And what about all those little key safes behind the painting... Huh? What painting? I looked at the painting, but the painting was gone. What had appeared to be a painting actually was a flat TV screen. The projection of a painting of a voluptuous naked woman lying on her sofa in a heavy golden frame had disappeared to make room for a similar image. Sophie lay on her sofa in her living room, a sheer negligee obscuring her crotch. Exactly as I always dreamed of her. So close, but with my dick locked away so completely out of my reach.

I've no idea how long I laid on the bed. I did doze off and woke up again a few times. Suddenly Sophie was back on the bed. She held my head in her hands and kissed me.

She kissed me and said: "If you listen to what I say, if you will obey me I'll set you free. Your hands and feet that is, not your cock, silly. This way I know you won't fail me and will obey me. Now I want you to love me, make out with me, and make my hungry pussy happy..."

She lifted her flimsy dress over her head revealing the beauty she is. Her hot body presented itself to me. She couldn't be more beautiful. The little minx smoothed my body, with her hands, with her mouth, and finally she rubbed her clean shaven pussy all over me. She ended sitting across my chest, her knees left and right of my ears. She leaned forward, hovering her crotch over my face reaching out to free my wrists. As my hands got loose she massaged them to warm them up.

I grabbed her buttocks and pulled her crotch to my face. With my tongue I tasted her pussy, that smooth bald triangle of my desire. Slithering through her wet folds my nose rubbed her clit. Her thick and rich aroma meandered deep into my head. I lapped up the juices that began to flow. A sweet nectar trickled from her paradise onto my tongue. Sophie started to moan, and before long her whining was filling the room.

My gaud began. I realised that the more I could increase Sophie's appetence the greater my reward would be. The delta of my desire oozed out its nectar. The more I licked her pussy and nibbled at those sweet shaven little lips, the more divine elixir poured out and ended in my mouth. Before long Sophie started to grind her twat more aggressively on my face. With her soaking cunt she road my nose and my hungry mouth. In the end a flood of sticky girly stuff sprayed my face as she collapsed trembling on top of me, nearly suffocating me with her squirting crotch.

Sophie had freed me completely, except for my cage. I followed her naked through the apartment, and ended curled up against her as she positioned herself on the couch. I caressed her smallish titties, and nibbled on her hard nubs. She loved it all, and so did I.

She explained to me I am allowed to do whatever I want to do with her, as long as my small little dick is kept inside its cage. Meanwhile I'm allowed to stick anything inside her, in whatever orifice I like. Whether it's my tongue or my fingers, or even one of her dildos. And if I feel like it I may one day even use a strap-on on her. Only just not my cock. That's my role now, the role of a cuckold. For that's what I'm now, a puppet in Sophie's hands. And I simply love it.

Without a release my sexual tension simply stays high. No climbing down from the height means I enjoy prolonged expectations. It's like reading a page-turner without bothering the end, because there is none. Without reaching an orgasm, or at least not at the normal time nor in the normal way the joy of a growing anticipation just grows. No release. It's plain fucking awesome.

Normally when jerking off you first try to edge as long as you can. Pretty long for sure. But the moment comes when the urge to release becomes absolutely imminent. Then the rush to an ejaculation starts and the sweet agony of edging stops abruptly with the unloading of your gun. The rush is magic, the release overwhelming, but then an emptiness sets in. But if the orgasm is denied, this eventually leads to a state wherein the edging simply goes on, leading to a continuous state of being damn horny. The orgasm itself becomes a matter of no importance. Ejaculating means the end of the pleasure state. And on top of this the pleasing of your mistress and her orgasms guarantee the continuation of your own pleasure.

I learned to love it. In the end it is for my own blessing. The heightening, the continuing growing desire, the pleasure I give Sophie and her friends, it all contributes to my own happiness. That I'm not her sole puppet doesn't bother me. The little safes behind the TV screen in the play room hold the keys to all Sophie's servants. At least half of them I don't know. So even Dennis and Stephen could be one of her toys just like me, or every other colleague for that matter... One day every fortnight and a whole weekend every two months I stay with Sophie, tending to her every whim.

But also being free to do what I love doing the most: loving Sophie's body, all day long. If I'm with Sophie I also entertain her friends. And sometimes Sophie loans me to a friend, but always without the key...

I'm a pet now for almost a year, and I'm happy. Not having an orgasm is a small sacrifice considering what it brought me thus far.

Last Friday we had another gathering with the usual bunch: me, Sophie, Sam and Stephen, Camilla and Dennis. With wine and food and laughter. And a lot of innuendos, even more risqué than usual. Halfway the evening we were all pretty loaded, and someone suggested we play a game of strip poker. I think it was one of the clicks. Within a short time all men were naked and guess what... we all had our cocks neatly stuffed away inside a cage! A no-holes-barred orgy ensued. The entire weekend we rotated the girls around, keeping them all happy and getting off on our tongues and fingers. It was one happy sex feast.

Saturday night the girls decided to frolic around with each other on the big black bed in the spare room. We men retreated to the living room, enjoying the spectacle there on the big TV screen where we projected the feed from the build in camera's in the play room. Meanwhile we exchanged stories of our times with Sophie and her friends. Stephen knew where Sophie had her stack of dildos. After two hours we fetched the box, and for some hours more we worked on the girls, or rather on their tits and asses and crotches. We pounded the pussies completely raw with the artificial tools. They loved our manipulations, which had become professionally good since our locked-up status. We coerced quiet a few massive orgasms from the girls.

Way passed midnight I lost my composure and drooled out a long orgasm. My sperm seeped out slowly from the slit of my cage, leaving a sticky trail all over the heap of quivering female flesh on the bed.

We all slept until noon on Sunday, together on the big bed. After taking showers and cleaning up, especially our poor encased penises and the precious tender overused vaginas, we had a decent brunch, and retreated again to the play room for some more fun.