Lockdown was getting seriously frustrating and keeping me away from the love of my life. But we were doing as instructed by the government and keeping away from each other to protect our respective parents and just keeping to chatting and videoing when time and work allowed.
However, time to ourselves has led to being able to plot and plan what was going to happen when we did get together and also enable the time to do a bit of DIY and by that I don't mean self-pleasure. I mean proper DIY. As to what has been made. You will see as the story unfolds.
Now, as you know from my previous tales I have a colourful past in which I was a mistress but pretty much gave that up when I met my man, who for the purpose of this story I shall call J. Nowadays my mistress head is only on when we're occasionally play as he loves it.
So anyway, during the time we had been apart we had several conversations over what would happen after we initially sated our need for each other.
The decision was made that we would toss a coin and whoever won would take the lead and dominate the other for a session. Both of us having ideas of what we would do to the other. Some we shared with each other. Some we kept to ourselves.
The green light given by the powers that be had us both dripping in excitement and plans were put in place for him to come over to my house as normal. Only this day it was going to be far from normal. Far from gentle vanilla love making that we often had.
The day dawned and I was up early having had a rubbish nights rest as I was too excited to sleep. Time apart, although we were only apart in the physical not in any other way, had certainly made my love for him intensify and my need for him rocket off the scale. We had been so spoilt prior to lockdown in being able to see each other several times a week and having a sex life that was totally out of this world. So, we'd gone from feast to famine and neither of us were fans of that. Today was going to be insane no matter which way the coin landed.
I'd made my normal prep for him by having a shower, putting on my favourite fragrance and some sexy lingerie. Only this time just put a robe on over it as I had a feeling it would not be staying on for long so there was no point in doing much more.
I was pottering about the house waiting for his text to tell me that he was on the way over. A text came as predicted but it did not say what I thought it was going to. Instead it read "I'm parked. Make sure the door is unlocked and then wait for me on your knees in the lounge."
Er excuse me? What happened to the flip of the coin? This was not what we had agreed but I will confess that those few words had got me soaked. I was so horny and needy for him. I would literally do anything he asked the way I was feeling currently.
Doing as I was instructed. I took off my robe and went into the lounge and got onto my knees. Hearing the door open as the love of my life let himself in. Feeling his presence before I saw him, I looked up at him and smiled. Walking over to me he lifted my head up and gave me the most passionate kiss you could imagine. I always thought that when they say the heroine melts into the hero's arms in stories that it was rubbish, but that kiss proved me wrong. I literally did melt into him. I loved this man standing in front of me so much it physically hurt at times.
Breaking away from me he spoke for the first time since coming into my house. "Darling, I will be back in a tick." He then went out of the door and headed upstairs. I had no clue what he was up to, but I did know that he had left his girl very wet and needy kneeling on the lounge floor.
Because this was a long-term relationship and not something that had only been going on a while, he knew where I kept things in the house including the toy box that was full of accessories, both his and hers, that we used for play.
I could hear him walking into the bedroom, moving about, opening drawers, and making other noises that I couldn't quite identify. But I was sure all would be revealed in time.
The stairs creaked announcing his arrival back to me. I had stood up by now and had sat back on the sofa.
"Did I tell you that you could move?" he asked.
"No, but..." I began my reply, but his hand went up in a silence motion forcing me to stop talking mid-sentence.
"But nothing. Get back onto your knees please Clara."
Who was this man and what had he done with my kind and gentle lover? I can't say I disliked it, but it certainly was a curve ball. Definitely out of the ordinary.
I was curious to see where he was going with this so again did as I was instructed and returned to my knees. This was a deja-vu from earlier as he came to me and again gave me an amazing loving kiss. Only this time he pulled something out of his jeans pocket. A blindfold. Reaching behind me he placed it gently over my eyes. My sight now taken away from me.
Hearing a zip being pulled I felt his hard cock being pushed gently into my mouth. I opened it to receive him leaning forwards as I did to take him fully into my mouth. This was something that I enjoyed doing to him almost as much as he enjoyed giving it to me, plus I was good at it. Hearing his moan encouraged me even more. I loved this man so much. My pleasure was very much his pleasure.
He pulled away from me. "Stand up please Clara." He commanded.
I got unsteadily to my feet and he took my hand. "Come with me please. I won't let you fall."
Curious choice of words. Normally he would say "I won't let anything happen to you." Was this change done on purpose?
He slowly guided me towards the stairs. Ensuring I did not hit myself on anything while doing so. Walked me up the stairs ensuring I did not trip over in the process. We got to the top turned the corner and stopped. Not going as far as the bedroom.
Before he arrived, I had been doing a bit of prep work and had opened the loft hatch and placed a bit of timber across the gap. This timber had eyes added to either end of it with the intention of tying rope to it to suspend him from it when it was my turn to take charge. Then to full take advantage of his body being exposed to me while he was powerless to do anything about it. I had a feeling that this was going to be turned against me now though.
I could sense him moving around me and hear various noises, although could not work out what they were. I literally had no idea what he was doing.
I felt his warm hands on my semi naked torso and gentle butterfly kisses being placed on my shoulders as he finished doing things around me. This was already turning to mush so goodness knows how I would be as he continued with whatever he was planning. Feeling a tug on my bra he unclipped it, releasing my breasts kissing them and sucking on my hard nipples as he did so. Pulling them deep into his mouth. All gentleness gone as he bit into me causing me to start. He rarely did this despite me encouraging him to as he was always afraid of hurting me, but I love my breasts to be played with hard. This was so good. My pants were getting soaked.
"Arms out in front of you please darling." He finally spoke. I obliged.
He fastened the wrists cuffs to me and raised my hands in the air. I felt the tension of the rope being attached to them as my arms were pulled up in the air making me look as if I were about to do a star jump. His attention moved to my bottom half and my wet panties were wriggled down over my hips now leaving me completely naked and vulnerable.
"Spread you legs for me now please Clara." Was the next command issued by my now supposedly Dom partner. More cuffs fastened around my ankles and clipped onto something which I knew to be a spreader bar as he also had made some playthings in his down time one of which was a spreader bar as I had seen pictures of it.
"Hmmmm. Now what to do with you?" I sensed him walking around me like a lion surveying his prey. The gentle sensation of being touched with something soft. I assumed a feather. Probably the peacock feather I had in the toy box for this very purpose. Whatever it was he had me dripping. I could feel the moisture running down my thighs.
J was totally messing with my senses. The gentle touch of the feather was soon followed with a sting as he cracked the whip onto my naked ass. Fuck that hurt! Cold after as ice was rubbed over the sting the whip left behind totally numbing me. What was he doing to me?
Oh my god! He attached something tight to my nipples. Pegs maybe? Jeez I was in so much trouble. I would never in a million years expected my quiet, kind man to do any of this to me.
Buzzing now. He had turned on a vibrator. I would recognise that noise anywhere so knew what it was. It was pressed against my swollen clit on full. At this rate I would be cumming in no time.
My groans must have given me away. "I have not given you permission to cum Clara. Do not cum!" J spoke in an authoritative voice.
How was I going to be able to stop myself with all this attention being focused on the most sensitive areas of my body? Think of something unsexy quick!
Turning my thoughts to my weekly grocery shopping I tried to put what he was doing to me out of my mind but was failing dismally as he played with my pussy with the toy and with his spare hand had reached around me and was kneading my ass cheeks then slapping them and repeating. I was getting in such a mess and was so close to cumming!
His fingers crept into the split between ass cheeks and I could feel the gentle probing of his finger as he slowly started to finger my asshole. How the fuck was I not going to cum like this? I groaned.
"What's the matter Clara? Can't take your own medicine?" I knew the bugger was grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat as he said it. "Taste what you're doing to me." His finger was pushed into my mouth and I could taste the precum on it.
"Mmmmmm" was my response.
"Clara. I'm going to release you from the cuffs on your wrists and I want you to bend over and touch the floor."
I rubbed my wrists back to life as he freed me and obeyed his instruction. Bending over, my ass exposed in the air revealing my dripping pussy to him. I felt his hard cock being thrusted into me. Hard and deep. I needed a good hard fucking so badly but there was no way I was going to be able to prevent myself from cumming like this.
"Sir. Please may I cum now?" I gasped.
"Not until I say so. I want us to cum together."
This was one occasion that I wished he would hurry and cum as I could not hold off for long as he pounded my needy pussy hard. This was definitely no gentle love making.
"Now Clara! Cum!" I could feel his hot seed gush into me as I joined him in his orgasm. I literally exploded over him. All the teasing and time apart cumulating in such a powerful orgasm that I could not stay upright, and my legs went out from under me. Luckily his arms were around my waist and he prevented me from hitting the floor. Wow! I have never ever cum that much that I have lost control of my legs. This was something else entirely.
He unclipped my leg restraints and eased the blindfold back over my eyes all the while still steadying me. I blinked at the unaccustomed light and smiled up at him.
"Who are you and what have you done with my soft and gentle J?"
"I'm still here darling but we both needed that."
Too right we did!
And I cannot wait for my turn to take the lead. Watch out J!!
To be continued.......