Local Woman Found Chained Nude
She awoke groggy, a little confused. Sore. Jesus, her shoulders and neck were sore! Left thigh, too, from where she's slumped against the bathroom floor. Wrists chafed a little from the cuffs.
Her head still hung in the toilet bowl, where some of her hair now hung down to dangle in the mix of water and urine there. The toilet seat still rested on her shoulder and upper back.
How long? How long had it been? It seemed like it had been a long time even before he'd tugged her head up by her hair so he could relieve himself into the toilet. She supposed she could be grateful he hadn't made her drink it, though he'd done nothing to prevent the hot yellow droplets from splashing up to splatter against her cheek.
They'd met in the hotel coffee shop, rather than the bar. His idea. Didn't want either of them to have decision-making compromised by alcohol, he'd said. She'd worn an outfit of the type he'd instructed her to wear. Simple dress, nothing either dressy or slutty. Close-fitting enough that it didn't hide her curves, but not form-fitting, either. No underwear. She often went without panties of her own accord, but seldom went without a bra because her boobs were on the large side. Walking down the street on the way to the hotel, she'd been more aware than usual of men surreptitiously (really, they were never as subtle as they thought they were being) watching her bouncing boobs. Oddly, He hadn't specified footwear at all. So she'd played it slutty-safe & worn medium heels. Not quite 'fuck me' pumps, but not far from it, either.
They'd ordered beverages, chatted casually for a while. It was easy to see she was more nervous than he was, but that was no surprise. She'd lost track of time, sitting there with him.. Enjoying his smile, relaxing in his company. She'd been careful to sit with her knees a bit apart as he'd instructed, sure he'd somehow know if she disobeyed, though she hadn't seen Him looking.
He'd just finished sipping the last of his espresso when he laid His hand on tops of hers on the table and said simply, "It's time to go." No explanation. Not even an order, really. Just a statement of fact.
She'd been keenly aware of the moisture growing between her legs as He led her hand-in-hand from the coffee shop and towards the elevators.
Inside the hotel room, he'd told her to stop & remain still. It had felt like a river between her thighs then, and a flood when he'd slowly pulled up the hem of her dress to reveal her plump ass. Found it hard to keep from squirming as his fingertips brushed over the skin of her rump. Even harder to keep still when he'd ordered her to spread her legs and reached between them to finger her dripping pussy. She almost laughed when she realized she was blushing a little when he did that. Just like a silly schoolgirl, she'd thought, glad he was still behind her & couldn't see.
Looking back on it, it all seemed like a blur from that pivotal moment. He'd made her stand like that, but holding her dress up herself, while he spanked her ass, not stopping until she was squirming and her skin bright red & emanating heat.
He used her three times over the course of the next few hours. Each of her three holes. Starting with her cunt, which he thrust into roughly & without a condom. Not stopping until he'd emptied himself into her tightness - though careful all the while not to let her get too excited. Her rectum was second. His large cock stretched her painfully, and he knew it & exploited her pain, bringing her to the edge of orgasm before backing off. He'd used her mouth & throat last, letting her taste & smell the musk of both of them on his cock as he slowly entered her, hands on the back of her head.
Interspersed with the sex he found ways to humiliate her, knowing it would keep her aroused while he recuperated. He had her slip off his shoes and massage his feet, first with her hands, then with her lips and tongue. He had her kneel before him, her still-red rump high in the air, head down, legs apart, and slipped a pillowcase over her head while he fixed himself a drink and ignored her. . He'd made her clean their juices from his heavy scrotum. Later, his fingers in her crotch, now practically a cascade, he made her tell him her darkest, most secret fantasy.
He'd finally let her cum. Not from his cock, or his fingers, or his tongue. But by allowing her to back up against his leg and grind herself against him shamelessly like a bitch in heat, and she brought herself off happily, wallowing in her need and the realization that this was pleasing him perhaps more than anything else.
And then, without a word - he'd barely spoken at all this whole time together in the hotel room - he'd pulled her into the bathroom and placed her in her current bondage, hands cuffed around the back of the toilet, head thrust in to the toilet bowl.
For some reason, the cool air in the bathroom had made her acutely aware of his semen cooling & congealing & slowly drying around her pussy & ass. She'd swallowed the load down her throat, of course, gobbling it down hungrily like the greedy little cumwhore she knew he wanted her to be.
Then, somehow, she sensed she was alone. He hadn't said anything, made any particular noise. He was just...gone.
Now that she was fully awake again, she was getting nervous. Even a little panicky. What if he wasn't coming back? He hadn't said anything to her before he'd gone, after all. Not told her she was a good girl, or a stupid useless whore he couldn't be bothered with, or anything. Just chained her to the toilet, pissed, and walked out.
She imagined herself being found by the housekeeper, or the steward coming in to do turn-down service, perhaps. Finding a naked woman helpless in the bathroom. Absurdly, she imagined headlines in the newspaper: "Local woman found chained nude in hotel bathroom. Refuses to identify attacker."
Jesus, what was wrong with her, that even imagining that public embarrassment & humiliation could make her even a little bit wet again?!
She told herself to take deep breaths, calm down. Gradually, her heart stopped racing, her breathing slowed. She relaxed against the cold porcelain of the toilet, waiting.
And then she heard the sound of a zipper being lowered behind her...