Liz and her Outlandish Kink
Liz and her outlandish kink
by Cassandra Lincoln
copyright 2021
Premise: Liz contemplates the practice of nyotaimori, or body sushi
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Part 1
"Did you ever watch that show Sex and the City?" Liz asked Jack one day.
They were sitting on Jack's sofa sharing a platter of sushi and sashimi. The TV was on in front of them displaying a selection of movies on Netflix.
Jack glared at Liz.
"Of course not, that's a chick's show," he responded.
Liz rolled her eyes at him.
"I know that," she said, faking exasperation. "I'm just saying, it's possible you may have come across some of the episodes at one time or another. Like, when you had other women around, for instance."
Liz chuckled to herself. She knew Jack was a bit of a loner and when he entertained women before her, they were probably not the type who were interested in relationships. Liz presumed if he had women over, they probably weren't watching TV...
"My sister watched that show," Jack interrupted her thoughts. "And her friends. It was this whole thing..."
"Yeah," Liz responded, lost in her own thoughts. She remembered how her friends were into that show too, and that she never really showed much interest until much later when it went into syndication. Then one night she had insomnia so she channel surfed until she came upon an episode and ended up binge-watching the marathon for the remainder of the weekend.
Liz picked another spider roll, popped it into her mouth and contemplated her next statement.
"I just wondered," Liz began anew, wanting to get Jack's full attention. "Because, I was thinking..."
For some reason, she couldn't get her words out the way she wanted. Liz stopped talking for a moment and waited for Jack to look at her.
Jack swallowed his food and for the first time since they began eating, he looked directly at Liz.
"What? What were you thinking?"
Liz leaned back into the sofa and folded her arms in front of her chest.
"Um..." she began.
Her hesitation alerted Jack that something serious was coming, so he pushed the sushi platter away from the edge of the coffee table, and turned his body toward Liz.
"What's going on?" he asked her.
"Um..." Liz started again but stopped before continuing.
"Can you pass me the remote?" she said next, and extended her hand out.
Jack reached for it and handed it to her. She took it and flipped around the channels until she came to the youtube link. After a quick search, she pulled up the show she mentioned earlier, and searched for a specific episode.
"What are you looking for," Jack asked her. Liz thought he sounded intrigued but also a little impatient.
"Wait for it," she told him and continued her search.
Finally, she found it. Samantha, one of the main characters, was lying on a table in her condo, completely naked and covered in sushi. She was trying to entice her boyfriend who wasn't home yet, but who was due home any minute.
Liz froze the screen and looked at Jack. He stared at the image on the TV but shifted his eyes to the remaining sushi rolls on the platter in front of him. Then he looked quizzically at Liz.
Liz smiled at him coyly.
"Next time," Liz said and turned off the TV. "Dinner is on me."
Part 2
Jack stood a step back from the table and smiled approvingly. Everything was all set. All he had to do now was wait for Liz to arrive.
He picked up his phone and texted a message:
He waited for the telltale appearance of the two check marks, indicating that his buddy Rod received the message, and put his phone in his back pocket of his jeans.
Shortly after, he heard the doorbell ring. When he opened the door, he saw Liz standing there smiling at him.
"Hi," she said and stepped inside.
Jack gave her a kiss on the cheek and closed the door behind her.
"Hi," he responded. "I have a surprise for you."
Liz smiled, knowing Jack was a man of few words. He wasn't one for small talk, so she simply nodded and let him guide her into the back part of the house.
Liz loved Jack's home. The west-facing back part was a sun-flooded open concept kitchen and dining area, with a marble island and comfortable leather bar stools with backs. Adjacent to the island Jack had placed a beautiful antique wooden table.
Liz loved this table. Each time she had been invited over, she couldn't help but run her hand along the wood grain. It was rectangular and could seat ten people comfortably, four on each side and two more at each end. Not that Jack was the type to have formal dinner parties for that many people, but he did have extended family who sometimes came over for barbecues or holiday meals.
Today however, Liz noticed something different about the table. It wasn't bare, like it usually was. There were all sorts of items placed strategically in different places. Items that don't typically belong on this type of furniture.
The first item that surprised her was a small but thick rectangular pillow in a plain white pillowcase. It was situated at the far end of the table, near where Jack usually sat when he hosted the family.
In the middle of the table was a smaller pillow, also rectangular and white.
At the other end of the table, Liz noticed a larger than usual white plastic placemat.
On top of the place mat she noticed several items, and upon looking closer, she realized they were sex toys. There were two different sized dildos, an electric wand, and several pieces of white rope of various lengths. Four cuffs made out of white leather were neatly lined along the edge of the place mat.
Liz stared at the table for a moment and refrained from touching it the way she usually did. Then, she looked expectantly at Jack who stood near the counter watching her.
"Oh," Liz managed to say. Her gaze returned to the table and she felt her wheels turning inside her head.
What is he up to today, she wondered silently.
Jack gave her time to process the contents of the room before speaking. When he did, his voice was quiet but reassuring.
"I've been thinking about that show you mentioned," he started, pausing briefly before continuing. "The one with the woman and the sushi."
Liz turned to face Jack and opened her eyes wide. He was referring to the episode she showed him last week when he invited her over for a sushi dinner.
He's been thinking about Sex and the City? Where Samantha covered her naked body with sushi and waited for her boyfriend to arrive and eat it off her? Liz was surprised. She didn't get a sense that this sort of thing was quite Jack's style.
"Ah," she said. "That's what this is about."
"I did a bit of research," Jack continued, carefully observing how Liz processed everything she was looking at. He knew if he divulged too much too soon, Liz might get spooked rather than aroused.
Liz turned to face him and stared at him without speaking. She could feel herself clenching her lower region, and began licking her lips which suddenly felt dry.
Jack observed her silently. He noticed she balled her hands into fists, something Liz did when she was nervous or agitated.
"Liz," Jack spoke again. "Nothing happens without consent."
Jack's soothing voice resulted in the desired effect; he watched Liz exhale slowly.
Pleased that this single important word immediately relaxed his girlfriend, Jack felt himself relax as well. He realized every time he introduced her to a new kink, he was always more nervous than he expected to be. After all, if she wasn't completely on board, if there was even the slightest hesitation, the session would end up less than satisfactory for him as well. Mutual consent was key every time.
Jack watched Liz observe the table and waited.
After a while, Liz took a deep breath and then asked for water.
"Why don't you go sit by the pool," Jack suggested. "I'll bring us something to drink and we can talk about what I have in mind for us today."
Liz nodded her agreement and opened the sliding doors to the backyard. She found a spot to sit under the umbrella and when Jack appeared with two glasses of iced tea, she happily took hers and started sipping.
They sat silently and watched the ripples in the pool water. After a few minutes, Liz turned to Jack and said:
"Ok, tell me. What are you planning?"
Jack smiled, put his glass on the table beside his chair, and began to tell her his fantasy.
Part 3
"I want to tie you to the table."
Jack stated his intent almost dispassionately, as if he expected Liz to dismiss the idea.
Liz sipped her ice tea through her straw and remained silent.
"You saw the implements," Jack continued cautiously. Again, he waited. He picked up his own ice tea and took a pull from it.
How come he gave me a straw, but he doesn't have one? Liz pondered while simultaneously realizing he spiked his drink but not hers.
Men don't use straws, she berated herself, shaking her head. She knew Jack liked his booze.
Jack watched Liz shift her eyes from her drink to his and back.
"You wanna turn yours into a Long Island?" he asked her and raised himself off his lawn chair.
"No, that's ok," Liz replied. "Tell me more about the table."
Jack smiled to himself and sat back down.
When he first met Liz, he never thought even for a moment she could be the kind of woman who would sustain his rather eccentric sexual appetite. She seemed so innocent, so naive with her small, waif-like body, despite her rather whimsical taste in tattoos. But something in her eyes captivated him, lured him toward her. He threw caution to the wind and asked her out to an upscale restaurant despite his boredom with the routine dating scene. But there was no way to know ahead of time whether Liz was vanilla or kinky, so this seemed to him the most fitting course of action. A date in a nice restaurant with good food and good wine was never in vain, even if it ended up not working out with the woman.
Liz had looked amazing when she arrived at the restaurant. Black was her color, and accentuated her pale skin and huge, dark eyes. The silvery blond streaks in her hair added an element of mystery and accentuated rather than detracted from her age. She looked younger than she was; that is, until he started speaking with her. It was clear Liz was educated and intelligent with plenty of life experience.
It didn't take long for Jack to recognize a covert desire to escape the constraints of her mundane, rather ordinary life. He continued to court her, and within a couple of weeks she felt comfortable enough to divulge some of her more outlandish fantasies to him.
"Have you ever tried any of them," Jack wanted to know at the time, but Liz shook her head no. "I sometimes write stories, but I don't do anything with them," she responded with an air of despondency.
Jack felt optimistic after that conversation, but decided to proceed cautiously. Liz may give the impression of a damsel in distress, but she was far from helpless. She left an abusive husband and raised three kids by herself. It took courage and spirit to achieve independence after an experience like that.
The first time he made love to her, he felt an emotional connection which he had rejected as futile, even unnecessary for years. Decades, even. But for the first time in a long time, Jack enjoyed vanilla sex, which scared him almost to the point of bolting.
To overcome his discomfort, he tried ghosting her.
Liz recognized his fear, but remained undeterred.
"You want me out of your life, say so," she demanded. "I won't put up with this shit."
Jack admired her resilience, and stayed. That's when he started introducing her to some of his kinky ideas. He listened carefully to Liz's fantasies and picked one idea, perhaps an implement she mentioned, or a particular skill, and designed a sexual activity around it. One that would intensify her desires for him. If he played it right, he could transform her into the kind of sexually responsive submissive he suspected she craved to be
It worked. They started to expand their sex play, albeit slowly and carefully. As Liz gained confidence in both her body's reactions and her ability to perform certain skills, she allowed Jack to push her boundaries a little. One time, she even consented to being shared, although only for oral sex, not penetration.
And now, Liz was thinking about body sushi. Ever since she showed him the clip of the woman in that TV show, Jack had been preoccupied about recreating a similar scene. He couldn't wait to share his ideas with Liz, but he knew it was crucial that he progress carefully, and slowly. He wanted her aroused, not spooked. This is why he came up with several plans, each one more outlandish than the other.
Jack picked up his drink again and took another pull. He looked at Liz and began to tell her his plans.
"Well, there's the rope," he started. "You liked bondage before, so I thought it might help if you're tied down to the table. Before I put the food on you."
Jack smiled silently at the image in his head. He noticed a slight twitch in Liz when he brought up the last part, about the food on her body. This was a good sign, one that encouraged him to continue. He reminded himself that this whole sushi on the body thing was her idea, after all. She's the one who brought it up.
Liz stared at Jack as she processed his words. When he didn't continue speaking, she looked away and contemplated what to say to him. Was he waiting for input?
"What's the purpose of having me tied down?"
The question surprised Jack. Wasn't bondage desired?
"You don't have to be tied, it was just an idea," he told her.
"No, it's ok, I don't mind, I'm just trying to think why it would be necessary. I mean, if you're placing food on me, I need to lay still anyway so you can, you know...lick it off me."
Liz giggled at the thought of how that would make her feel. Jack's oral skills were beyond anything she ever experienced before; as far as she was concerned, he didn't need food to eat from her body.
She glanced at Jack expectantly before continuing with her train of thought.
"I mean, if you want to tie me down, you can. I don't mind. You know I like it."
Jack smiled, not just because she just consented to being tied down on the table, but reaffirming that he was right in his assumptions. She did like bondage, that had been clear to him since the first time they tried it.
Jack remembered it well. She asked him to tie her arms and legs to the bed when he performed orally on her, and since that time, she'd asked for it repeatedly. This is part of the reason why she consented to Rod coming over and servicing her in that same capacity, except in his buddy's case, she was tied to a chair, not the bed.
"No one comes into the bed with us," she declared at the time he introduced Rod to her, and Jack promised he would respect her wish.
Jack shut off his mind, returned to the present tense and watched his girlfriend sip her drink.
"The implements might cause you to react and drop the food if you're not tied down," Jack resumed his explanation, referring to the dildos and wand he placed on the table earlier.
"Yeah," Liz said hesitantly. "I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, if there's food involved and I'm leaking and squirting all over the place..."
Liz trailed off and sunk into her chair. This alerted Jack that maybe he went too far with the sex toys. Some damage control was needed here before she changed her mind.
"Well, let's talk about the food first, the toys don't need to be a part of it," Jack reassured her by willing her to look him in the eye. "Liz?"
Liz leaned her head back and closed her yes for a moment.
"I know, I know," Liz said and met his look. "What kind of food?"
Relieved Liz seemed open enough to continue the conversation, Jack considered his answer carefully.
"If it's going to be sushi, let's make it vegetarian," he said. "No sauces or dips on your body, just the rolls."
Liz tiled her head and contemplated his answer. He didn't seem finished; in fact, it almost felt like he was just starting. Knowing Jack, he usually had very elaborate plans, with details and backup options.
"What else?" she inquired.
Jack struggled with the next part. On the one hand, he wasn't much of a fruit person, nor was he into the usual delicacies the women seemed to like so much, like puddings or whip cream. On the other hand, this is exactly the sort of thing that would increase the oral stimulation Liz clearly fantasized about. Could he slurp chocolate sauce from her nipples? Or lick custard from her nether lips?
Jack finished his drink and let his gaze travel across his girlfriend's curves. There were some telltale signs of arousal seeping through him now. He shifted around on his seat and placed his empty glass on the table. When he turned his face back toward Liz, she was standing directly in front of him. Before he could protest, she climbed onto his lap and pulled his face toward hers into a tantalizing kiss.
And so it begins, Jack thought as he kissed her back.
To be continued...