Don't Be Late for Daddy

We are laughing, talking and holding each other's hands as we walk down the hotel hallway. We get to the threshold of the room I had reserved earlier in the day. I put the key in the lock, open the door, and follow her into the room. She turns to me, smiling, but sees that my face has grown stern.

"You were late this afternoon, Baby. You know how valuable time is to me, and to us."

"It was only four minutes!! There was construction on the highway, and I left 30 minutes early which I thought would be plenty of time, then I had trouble finding the restaurant, and parking was..." Her voice trails off, and I see the defiance in her eyes falter, as she realizes her arguments are not persuading me.

I stare at her expectantly. The moment of silence lingers. Finally I break it by saying, "today you are not only late, but forgetful of your manners."

She replies, "It was only four minutes, Sir." I notice the slight, sarcastic emphasis on the last word, but don't bring it up. She immediately regrets saying it, knowing it may come back to her in a less then pleasant way later in the evening.

"Those four minutes could have been put to very productive use for us, couldn't they? I don't want your excuses. I want your timeliness."

"Yes, Sir." There is no sarcasm in her voice now.

"Good girl."

I move further into the room and she follows me. She feels a mix of shame and defiance, knowing she was wrong to be late, but angry to be chastised so harshly.

I turn to her, holding out a glass of wine, and see the defiance in her eyes. I hand her the glass, and toast, "to timeliness." Her cheeks redden slightly and her eyes drop as she replies, "to timeliness."

We enjoy our wine as we sit at the couch talking casually and falling back into our easy conversation from dinner. She relaxes as she tells me about her week, and hears me relate my own stories. As we finish the first glass, she glances at the bed at the far end of the room and hopes that I have forgotten about her tardiness.

I haven't.

"You seem eager to move to the bed, Baby. I share your eagerness, but... I can't help but think sadly that I might have given you another orgasm, or two, had we the extra few minutes to play."

This time she meets my gaze, and feels herself anticipating, both eagerly and dreadfully, what I might say next.

"You were hoping I had forgotten, weren't you?"

Not breaking my gaze, she replies "Yes, Sir."

"You know you will be disciplined, don't you?"

Her breath catches in her throat as she answers, "yes, Sir." She also feels herself beginning to get wet.

"Stand up, Baby," I command.

"Yes, Sir," she says as she rises to her feet.

"Now, silently and slowly, remove your clothes."

She starts a slow strip tease for me, carefully removing first her shoes and pantyhose, then her blouse, then her skirt. She puts them each carefully in the closet or on the dresser, knowing that I enjoy watching her reveal her body to me, and that I enjoy the building anticipation. Her bra and her panties follow, and she places them carefully on the dresser as well before returning to stand in front of me again.

"Very good, Baby. You have pleased me greatly. Now turn around, slowly, so I can savor your body." Slowly, never losing eye contact with me except for the moment it takes to turn her head from one side to the other, she spins around. She feels both shame and pride as she senses my eyes on her.

"You are a beautiful woman," I say, my voice slightly husky with lust.

"I'm your woman, Sir, to do with as you please."

"Good girl," I say as I stand up and move to the closet. She had seen a folded black scarf hanging there earlier, and guessed its purpose. Now her guess is confirmed as I retrieve it and return to her.

I return to stand behind her, and she feels the fabric of my shirt and the movements of my arms near her shoulders as I blindfold her and tie the scarf firmly at the back of her head.

Then she waits. She expects to hear or feel something, and as she accepts the loss of her visual sense, her other senses become slightly more attuned. She thinks she hears a faint metallic sound, which she suspects is my belt buckle, then she is almost certain she hears a zipper. Then... nothing. Still, she waits.

And waits.

And waits.

Finally, from somewhere behind her, I say, "It has been four minutes since I blindfolded you, Baby. The same four minutes I had to wait for your arrival. You did not like the waiting, did you?"

Remembering my admonition for silence, she shakes her head side to side.

"I didn't like it, either. Will you be late again when we have arranged to meet?" Another shake of her head follows.

A brief moment of silence follows, then she gasps in surprise as the simultaneous sensations of my lips at the curve of her neck, my fingers lightly pinching one of her nipples, and my erection pressing into her back.

As my lips move up the curve of her neck to her jawline, I wrap my other arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. She can tell that I am as excited as she is by how rigid my cock feels against her back. I continue to flick and pinch her nipples lightly.

Then I pinch one of them hard. She yelps in surprise and pain, and instinctively tries to pull away from me. My arm around her waist keeps her pinned to my body, though, and after her initial shock, the continuing pressure on her nipple gradually turns to from pain to a feeling of pleasure. The pleasure seems to run directly from her breast to her clit, in fact. This is a phenomenon she has never experienced before, but she quickly decides she likes it.

I then release my hold on her, and relax my fingers' grasp on her nipple, as I whisper in her ear, "did you forget that you are to be silent?"

"But it hurt, Sir, and it was such a surprise and you had been so gentle up to then and I wasn't expecting it and I think it's a normal reaction to yell when something like that happens and..." she stumbles on for a moment, trying to find the words that will both explain and obtain forgiveness for her slip. Finally, "... Yes, Sir, I forgot."

I move from behind her and take her hand, telling her to walk with me. She is afraid to move, because the darkness of the blindfold is so disorienting, but she allows herself to trust me.

"Step to your left just a little bit, now turn to your right... here we are." I say as I guide her to where I want her to stand.

"Now, little girl, stand with your feet about shoulder width apart... that's good... bend forward at your waist... reach out your hands... down a little... a little more... there!"

She feels a hard surface beneath her fingers, and she guesses it must be the desk, or the dresser, or the vanity. She isn't certain. Then she fees my hands on her hips, as I pull her backwards until her hips are very nearly over her feet, and her waist is bent to nearly 90 degrees.

I step back for a moment, watching her and enjoying the spectacle of her rigid body relaxing. Her arms and legs tremble just a bit as they grow slightly fatigued.


The open palm of my right hand lands firmly on her right buttock, rocking her forward onto the balls of her feet. She tries to stifle a scream, but not quite successfully. She feels my hand still on her buttock, massaging the area where the blow landed. The sting of the pain is eased as the warmth and motion of my hand provide a soothing contrast to the sharpness of the spanking.

"You did better, little one. I know you tried mightily to hold the last scream back, though you still failed. I will give you more practice." With that, my hand quickly moves from her right buttock and...


...lands hard on her left cheek. This time she grunts, but doesn't scream and keeps her mouth closed.

As I massage the sting out of her ass, I say "that's a good girl, though you weren't completely silent were you?"

"No, Si-," she begins, then closes her mouth and shakes her head.

Two more blows, one on each side, find her cheeks in quick succession. This time, there is no warming massage... just the sting. She feels as if she can almost feel the warm glow of my handprints.

But she didn't make a sound.

"You've made Daddy very happy, Baby. Unfortunately, the rule is one blow to each cheek for every infraction. You have two more coming... to each side. Would you like a moment to prepare for them?"

She shakes her head. Despite the pain, she wants to prove to me that she can take her discipline without complaint.

"Very well," I say, and a moment later...

...tap, tap...tap, tap...

My palm lands gently on each side of her ass twice. I massage her buttocks and low back with both hands, both to ease the pain for her and for me to appreciate the sharp palm prints I have left on her buttocks. As I massage, I observe, "those will remind you of your lesson for a few days I suspect."

At last, my hands slow and the massage ends.

She still feels one of my fingers against her skin, however. Her skin seems to flicker with electricity as I trace my finger down the curve of her ass, over her anus to her perineum, where I pause to apply a slight pressure, then moving on to outline her labia, which are nicely exposed to me with her body bent almost 90 degrees.

Slowly, sensuously, I trace her outer labia, up the left side, then down the right. I part them slightly with my finger, and trace it, so gently that she can barely feel it, up the length of her inner labia until I find her clit. As my finger grazes her clit, I see a shiver run up her spine. I rub it, gently at first, then harder. I move my fingers up and down, side to side, in a circular pattern... she is frustrated because just as I get into a rhythm and she can move her hips with my strokes, I change the pattern.

She is frustrated, and very wet.

I remove my hand, and she feels my shoulder brush her ass as I kneel behind her. "Very good, little girl. You cleaned yourself very carefully, just as I instructed. That makes me very happy, because I enjoy doing this and I couldn't have if you weren't immaculately clean."

That is when she feels my tongue circling her anus, alternating with hard probing into her ass and soft licking/swirling around the sphincter. My tongue moves on to her perineum, licking and kissing the sensitive skin between her ass and pussy.

Finally, my tongue and lips begin exploring her pussy. She feels the air move over her as I inhale deeply, savoring her smell. I move, ever so deliberately, up her left labia, kissing it, sucking it deep between my lips, and biting it as I go. I reach the top and she jump as my tongue grazes her clit, and I can almost feel her disappointment as it passes by as I work my way down her right labia in the same fashion.

I reach the base of her labia again, and flick my tongue over her perineum, varying the pressure and the frequency. The pleasure, which approaches but doesn't quite reach the level of an orgasm, makes her start to squirm, and she arches her ass further back to press her pussy against my mouth.

And I stand up. She almost falls backwards, but at the last moment her grip on the desk steadies her. Her ass is still stinging from the spanking, and she can feel her juices running down the inside of her leg, but there are no other sensations (other than the carpet under her feet, and the desk where she rests her hands.

Finally, I say, "I was so looking forward to finger fucking you, Baby. I wanted to feel your climax build around my fingers as they thrust into you, harder and harder, and my tongue danced over your ass and pussy. 'Tis so disappointing."

As she processes that, her frustration, and curiosity, build. What could come next, she wonders.

Swiftly, the answer presents itself as I grasp her hips and bury my cock inside her.

This time she can't contain herself from screaming as I fill her tight pussy. I give her a brief moment to adjust to my girth, then slowly withdraw my cock... before thrusting deep inside her again. This time I give her no time to adjust, as I grab her hips firmly and begin fucking her hard.

"Oh God oh God fuck fuck fuck fuck yes yes YES!!"

She moans & screams in pleasure, and part of my mind tells me I should punish her for breaking her silence, but the rest of me is enjoying her ecstasy far too much. I feel her pussy tightening around me already, and the way her back arches tells me that she is ready to cum.

So I pull out. She continues thrusting her hips, but without my resistance behind her any longer she falls backwards. I had cleared the area earlier, not wanting her to hit her head, but she is confused, stunned and disoriented nonetheless.

And her ass stings as the carpet rubs against the still inflamed handprints.


She remains seated, confused, blind, and struggling to get her bearings.

More firmly I repeat, "stand!"

She reaches her hand out to steady herself, then gets to her knees.

She cries out in pain and shock when I grab her hair to keep her from standing all the way up. As I force her back to her knees, I say, "actually, I like you right here. Open your mouth little girl."

Compliantly, she lowers her jaw and parts her lips. She waits for what is to come, then hears me say, somewhat laughingly, "you are a bright girl, Baby. Surely you know you're going to suck my cock, not my finger. Open wider."

She opens her jaws as wide as she can, then she feels my hands on either side of her head. As I guide my cock into her mouth she is overwhelmed with sensations. The distinct taste of her pussy blends with the subtle flavor of my pre-cum, her tongue and lips explore the smooth skin of my cock, and her jaws ache as she tries to open them even further, knowing that scraping me with her teeth will not be tolerated.

I let her suck and explore my cock at her own pace for a few moments, and she begins to build a rhythm as her mouth moves over the shaft and the head hits the back of her throat.

Occasionally I hold her head against me as I drive deep into her mouth, but not quite long enough that she begins to choke and struggle for breath.

Just long enough to remind her that she is at my mercy.

Then I reach down to her breast and briefly play with her nipple before pinching it.


She starts to scream, but her screams are muffled by my cock.

I quickly release her nipple, and instinctively she knows that I will reach for the other one so she tries to twist away.

I pull out of her mouth, grasping her under her shoulders and lifting her to her feet. I push her backwards and to the side, almost lifting her off the ground. Part of her mind wonders where I am taking her, but very quickly she gets the answer as I throw her onto the bed.

"Move further up," I direct her. She races to comply and scoots further back on the bed until she hears "stop."

She feels my weight shift against the bed on her right side, then she feels some sort of fabric wrap around her wrist and hears a metallic snapping sound. Next comes a scraping sound as her arm is pulled up and out, away from her body.

And she realizes that she can't move it.

She reaches her other arm across to explore what is happening, but I quickly grasp that wrist and slip the restraint over her hand. She hears the snapping sound again, and feels her other arm pulled out in the same position.

She feels my weight shift off the bed again. She tries to move her arms, but she knows it is hopeless even as she makes the effort. She is blind and can't move... her desire to surrender control and responsibility has finally, fully, been realized.

She expects me to make her wait, allowing her anticipation to build, as that has been my pattern so far. She is shocked, then, when she feels my weight on the bed and my mouth on her right nipple.

Her shock deepens as I bite down (not hard, but still painfully) at the same moment I enter her.

I relax my mouth fairly quickly, and the pain of the bite (which she realizes was less severe than she expected, and pleasurable in a way she has never known) surrenders to the softness of my mouth and my lips sucking & kissing her breast.

My movements inside her get longer and deeper as the moments pass, and instinctively she wraps her legs around my waist and digs her heels into my back. She keeps expecting a pinch, a slap, or a sharp reprimand. She realizes that I have stopped giving her direction, and suddenly she craves my instructions. She wants to please me, but even more she wants to be told how to please me.

The urgency of that need leads her to move against me even faster, trying to match my rhythm.

But I am altering the depth, the pace and the angle of my cock, frustrating her efforts to find a rhythm with me. I pull almost all the way out and she feels the head of my cock pressuring the front wall of her pussy. I am barely thrusting at all, just moving an inch or so rapidly in and out.

It is driving her crazy!

I feel her tense, her back arches, and I imagine her eyes rolling back in her head beneath the blindfold as she is engulfed by an intense orgasm.

As her pussy continues to spasm around my cock I begin thrusting into her, as hard and as deep as I can. As soon as one orgasm subsides for her another rushes on. She feels my cock thicken inside her, my thrusts becoming somewhat less rhythmic, until with a final thrust my body arches backwards.

As she feels me cumming deep inside her, one more orgasm washes over her.

After a few moments I recover enough to reach up and release the clasps of the restraints on her outstretched arms. I remove her blindfold. Then I move my arms beneath her shoulders and hold her tight to me, my cock still deep inside her. I kiss her... her lips, her cheeks, her neck, her ears.

I ask, almost in a whisper, "are you Daddy's good little girl?"

She nods her head vigorously against my shoulder, and whispers back, "yes, Sir."