Domme's Dilemma

She was happy in her life having a few submissive boys here and there. There were a couple of them who were very special to her. Everything was going well until He walked into her life. He was such a strong man, such a to-the-core dominant. They spent some time talking and getting to know each other. She felt herself drawn to Him in ways she that never dreamed of, wanted to be with Him always, anxious if just one day went by that He did not show up at their meeting place.

He noticed her submission to him pretty quickly. He collared her sooner than He had expected because He could see how anxious she would get if He did not contact her in some manner.

She wasn't His usual kind of girl. Submissive or slave girls were what He knew best. What was He going to with a domme? Should He start out firm with her, just try to be friends first, or jump in with both feet and show her that she now belonged to Him?

They had spoken at great length of the many different things that they enjoyed in play. He had a very good idea what would be enjoyable for her and what she was afraid of.

He took her to a BDSM club one night. He knew the people in the club as well as the owners. He had been coming there for years. Deciding to have the big room for play he let the owner know what He had planned for His new girl. She of course did not know that He had set up the room, nor what He had planned for the night other than a play time together. They had played at His home before so this was not their first time together. She had an idea of His preferred style of play.

He had leashed her at the door of the club and for the walk to the back of the building. She was surprised by the size of the room and that there was only one toy in the room. It was in the middle and was a small stage with an open rack on it. Just a single upside down bar with a chain going from one side to the other. He walk up to this and attached the cuffs on her wrists to the top on each side. He removed the leash. He then stripped her naked. "Oh, I have forgotten to get something from the other room" he said.

She hung there for a few minutes as people started to fill the room. They all stood around the walls of the room. No one spoke to her, but they did look at her. She began to get scared. She had a fear of open spaces and of being in front of people. Sweat began to form on her brow. She wondered where her Sir went to, what is taking him so very long. "Oh my god, has He left me too, just like all the other people in my life?"

He had just been standing in the back of the room where she could not see Him. Watching her very closely and the reaction she was feeling. He walked back to where she was hanging and applied clover clips to her nipples and to the hood of her clit. He walked back down off the little stage. Surveyed her as he strolled around the stage. "What do you think friends, doesn't she look nice all clipped up like this?" he said.

The crowd agreed with him. This made her blush a deep crimson and made her feel a bit more fearful. Striding back up to her He put the chain that connected all of the clips and put it into her mouth. "Do not drop that line, I want it to remain in your mouth till I say you can let it go. Do You Understand Girl?" he says.

She shook her head, but suddenly stopped. Her action made the clips pinch her nipples, bite into her clit. The very slightest movement she made seemed to pull on them. He moved back behind her. She heard Him getting some toys out. She had no idea what she was in for. Already He had done two things that frightened, yet thrilled her. Would there be more?

He brings a few toys back with him, but lays them on the stage behind her. He sliped a glove on his hand, amongst kinksters it is called a vampire glove. The crowd smiled at His first choice of toys. He rubbed the glove from her feet to her crotch, then up her back. She felt the little spikes on the glove. He removed His hand from her back. She thought, "Oh, that was just a tease."

But then He spanked her, first one cheek and then on the other. He rubbed and spanked her bottom a few more times then removed the glove. Her ass had gotten a bit red by this point. Her nipples are getting a good pinch with every slap he have given her ass. The clips got tighter on her clit and her nipples. The sensation grew more and more intense. She was having to bend forward a bit now so that they wouldn't pull so hard.

He decided to use the cane on her. He was well aware that she had used this on the boys, and that she herself has never been caned. He started at her calves, hitting them once then twice on each muscle. He moved the cane slowly up her body, thighs, bottom, back, shoulders. He watched her reaction to the caning.

He could see she was still afraid of the people in the room with them. Her discomfort was palpable. He knew that every hit that he had made with the cane had also made the claps pull tighter on her.

He then slipped a blindfold on her so that she could longer see the people, wanting her to focus her concentration solely on what her body was experiencing. He whispered for the crowd to leave, to do so quietly. Her sobbing prevented her from hearing the audience exit. She mistakenly believed herself to still be on display for the people.

He touched each welt that had been made from the cane hits. They ranged from the fainted pink to the most livid purple. He whispered, "These are looking very nice mine, but I think that you need a few more."

Softly crying, but at the His whispered words she began to cry harder. He bent down and grabbed the crop. Slowly He brushed the tip up the insides of her legs, up one side and down the other. She could tell it was a crop as she has used it on many boys. He rubbed the tip of the crop along the underside of her bottom, up her ass crack , up her spine. She knew that the first hit was going to happen soon. "Why is He taking so damn long," she thought, "It's driving me crazy!"

Were their positions reversed, she would have hit Him already. It was driving her wild that he was going so slowly. He repeated the entire process twice more, drawing it out ever so slowly. He had seen her with her boys and knew her style, that the waiting was stoking her need — driving her mad with desire.

Finally He brought the crop down on her ass. She tried to scream, but she has the chain in her mouth, and didn't want to displease Him by letting go. He brought the crop down again. She stood on her tiptoes so the clamps wouldn't pinch quite so damned hard.

He stood back and admired the welts on her ass. Smiling, thinking to Himself, "Now I do like those on her!" He whispered, "Are you ready to say your safe word My girl?"

She shook her head no, a gasped moan escaped as the clamps inexorably bit more deeply into her flesh. He knew that she was not ready to fully surrender yet. He asked her, "Do you like all of these people looking at you?"

The chain in her mouth garbled her reply. He removed the chain so that she could give him an answer. She said, "People, what people Sir?"

He smiled. She had forgotten that ostensibly they were not alone. He put the chain back into her mouth. Going back behind her, he began to crop her harder. Further, more vicious welts were forming all over her back, thighs, and bottom.

She screamed her safeword finally. He stopped and removed the blindfold. The cuffs were released and removed. Disconsolate sobbing wracked her body. He slowly, gently, removed the clamps from her. She screamed again at the sudden extreme pain that the removal of the claps caused.

He picked her up and carried her to another room where there was a bed. He laid her down on her tummy and began to rub a soothing cream on her welts. When finished He picked her up and held her as her crying continued. Speaking softly to her he asked, "What have you learnt tonight my sweet one?"

Between the tears, and her hitching breath, she burst out, "You won't abandon me; people looking at me doesn't matter; I need to be more patient Sir!".

He cuddled her, kissed her mouth softly. "That is correct , very well done sweetness," he said. He kissed her hard and held her close as her tears finally stopped. Cradled in His arms, feeling content and secure, she drifted off to sleep.