Dommed by a Young Blonde

Disclaimer: These are real stories. Everything that happened here is, to the best of my knowledge, what actually happened. The experiences are several years old, but I captured them all to the best of my ability.


So, it's been a year since my last femdom experience. That last one with an older woman really killed it for me. I told her what I liked, and what I didn't. She did everything to me that I told her I didn't like. Although I wasn't publicly humiliated in front of a crowd, I felt a little shame. I felt used and abused in ways I didn't want to be. I mean for fucks sake, a girl around my age shoved a jelly dong down my throat as I came. It really put a damper on the lifestyle for me. I went home, took a hot shower, smoked a couple bowls and had a few shots.

It's now a year later, and I'm looking for another session. I think this time would be better if it's with a chick around my age. So I did the research, checked the usual spots online, and found an ad I liked. They all say "no text, calls only," but I'm a little skiddish. So, I text a girl anyways. After a few failures, one finally gets back to me. We go over the details, chat on the phone, and the appointment is set up. The day before, I do my usual ritual: I don't eat a damn thing to avoid any surprises during the session. I don't want to need to use the bathroom mid-pegging. That would be embarrassing.

I was sleeping at a lady friend's house the night before. When I woke up, we had a little morning sex. I won't bother to get into the details. I figured it would be best to lose my testosterone before I go see this femdom. After I came and cleaned up, I packed my things and went on my way. When I arrived, I texted her.

"Hey, I'm in the area. This place looks a little sketchy though. Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yes, it is. Why sketchy?"

"Just sorta odd. There's some guy out front."

"Yeah, that's my neighbor. He'll leave for work soon."

"Oh, okay." I drove around the neighborhood, every so often driving through the block until the other cars were gone. The coast was finally clear. "Alright, can I come knock on the door?"

"You're early. But sure, I guess so. You can watch me get ready."

"Okay." I parked my car across from her house, grabbed my duffle bag, and knocked on the door. I wasn't sure what to expect. Since my last femdom experience, I had gathered a collection of toys. I knew what I liked, and what I didn't. So, I brought some toys with me to make things easier in case she didn't have a large collection. The door opened to reveal a petite, blonde girl. She looked about my age, young and pretty. She was wearing short shorts, a tank top, and no bra. It was pretty hot, and I started to get excited.

"Come on in." She stepped away from the doorway and let me in. "Take a seat on the couch. I'll finish getting ready." I sat on the couch and watched as she walked down the hallway to her room. I looked around the living room, and noticed a pipe on the coffee table.

"You smoke?"

She popped out of her room, adjusting a bra without a shirt. "What? Oh yeah. Do you?"

"Yeah...I brought some actually."

She clasped her bra together. "Well fuck, let's smoke and take the edge off."

"Sure, okay." I went through my bag and grabbed the bud. I started to grind it up and pack a bowl when she came out from the room with her tank top back on.

"You look familiar. Have I dommed you before?"

"Nope, this is my second time with a dom."

"Oh? Who was your first?" She took a seat next to me.

"I don't remember her name. It was at some sort of fetish event at a hotel. She really fucked with my head though." I continued to pack the bowl.

"What do you mean?"

"She made me nervous. I thought at any time the cops were gonna bust down the door and catch me getting fucked in the ass by a dom."

She laughed. "Oh shit, I'm sorry that happened to you. But don't worry, we're safe here. It's just you and me, and my roommate's girlfriend. She'll keep to herself."

"Okay." I offered her the pipe. "Ladies, first."

She smiled and grabbed the pipe. She lit the bowl and took a few puffs, then passed it to me. After we went back and forth like that for a bit, she put the bowl down. "So, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Come with me." She stood up and walked back down the hall. I grabbed my duffle bag and followed after her into her room. She closed the door behind me and sat on her bed. "Strip." I quickly did as I was told. The excitement of a young girl telling me to get naked for her was pretty thrilling. However, I wasn't getting hard. I mentally cursed myself for having sex before I came over. I'm proud of my endowment, and I wanted to show off for this pretty young thing sitting before me. Once I was naked, she looked me up and down. "Kneel."

I sat on my knees and looked up at her. "Come over here," she said. I crawled over to her, my hands and feet on the cold floor. "Kiss my feet and my legs. Worship them." I lightly grabbed her right foot and kissed it. I made a trail of kisses up her shin, around her calf, and up her thigh. I stopped at the cuff of her shorts, and then switched legs. "Are you getting excited?"

"Yes, I am," I said.

"Gooood." She pointed her foot at my chest and lightly pushed me back. "Let me see you get hard." I swallowed hard. Fuck, okay, we can do this. Just get it up. I grabbed my cock and slowly started to stroke myself. Nothing was happening. It was like my cock wouldn't respond. "Need help?" She looked at me quizzically.

"I think I'm just nervous. Sorry."

"It's alright." She stood up and started to undo her shorts. I watched as she unbuttoned and unzipped them. She slipped them off with ease. Nothing was underneath. I gazed at her shaved pussy. "Like that?"

"Yeah, I do." I looked at my dick. "Fuck, I don't know why this is happening. I guess I just get nervous with dominatrixes."

She nodded. "That's fine. I'm pretty comfortable with you. Are you comfortable with me?" She walked over to me and slid her hand across my shoulders. She held my head against her pelvis, and gently rocked her hips against the back of my head.

"Yes, I am."

"Good." I heard her go through her dresser. When she came back around, she had put a thong on and took off her tank top. "I'll just wear this for now. Maybe it will help." I continued to stroke, but still struggled. "Do you need some kind of lubrication?"


"Well...I don't have anything except this hand lotion." She picked up a squirt bottle of lotion. "Will this work?"

"Actually, I have some lube."

"Really?" She looked surprised.

"Yeah, it's in my bag." I stropped stroking and opened my duffle bag. I grabbed a small bottle of lube and put a dab on my finger. I then continued to stroke my dick. Finally, I got a reaction. Once I started to chub though, she immediately entered femdom mode again.

"Not too much. Get on your hands and knees." I quickly stopped and did as I was told. As I sat there, she walked up to me and sat down on my back. "Crawl around while I ride you like a horse." I crawled around her room, carrying her weight. There wasn't much room to move though. "You're lucky we have a guest in the home, or I'd have you carry me all the way back to the living room." She slapped me on the ass. "Do you like that?"

"Yes, I do."

"Call me 'Goddess'. Understand?"

"Yes, Goddess."

"Good." She got off my back and stood back up. She went back through her dresser and pulled out a toy. "My strap on harness broke this week. Do you want me to just use this on you?" The toy was thick. I had my own collection, but nothing that thick.

"Uhm, I don't know. I haven't had something so huge inside me before."

She looked at my bag. "What else do you have in here?"

I stood up and walked over to my bag. I then kneeled down, opened it up, and pulled out a plug and my 12" jelly dong. "I brought this with me. It's my favorite toy to use."

"Oh, wow, can you take all of it?" She studied it.

"Yes, I can. It takes some lube, but I can fit it all." I kneeled back down.

She giggled and took it from my hands. "Okay, we'll use this instead. Let's warm you up."

"Do you want the plug?"

"I'll make the decisions. Turn around and bend over." I turned around and faced her bed. I got on my hands and knees again. I heard her open up the bottle of lube and squeeze some out. In moments, I felt a cold finger press against my anus. She entered my tight hole, and pushed her finger in. I lightly moaned as she moved it in and out, and soon entered another finger. I moaned again, and lowered my head to the floor. The pleasure was filling me up, and the excitement of this young girl rubbing my prostate was getting me hot. Another finger entered, and I let out a loud moan unlike my usual noises. "Oooh, are you going to moan like a little girl? Yeah, moan for me. Moan for me, you slut."

Now this seemed familiar, but by now, my mind was swirling as she entered two more fingers. I couldn't concentrate. She was really warming me up, moving her fingers in and out. "Ever been fisted?" She said as she pushed her fingers deep in me.

"No," I said. "I've had four fingers in me, but never a whole hand."

"Yeah, the thumb is always the tricky part...Want to be fisted? We can try."

"I'm not sure, I've never done it before."

"We don't have to. I don't want to make you bleed."

"Alright." She continued to work her fingers inside me, causing me to moan and writhe against the cold bedroom floor. Soon, she pulled her fingers out and I gasped. My ass felt suddenly empty. I heard her squeeze more lube out. "Shit, this is a lot."

"Yeah, a little goes a long way. Sorry, I forgot to mention that."

"It's alright, it'll just be a bit slippery for a bit?"

It? What it? I wondered. Then I felt it. The head of my jelly dong pressed up against my ass and quickly entered. I moan loudly again. "Ooh, such a good little girl." She slid more of the jelly dong inside my ass. I whimpered and moved forward, as if in an attempt to escape, but I had nowhere to go. I was caught between this femdom and her bed. She pushed me down and started to pump inch-by-inch in and out of my ass. I moaned underneath the bed, losing myself to the pleasure filling my ass. I could hear her giggling as she tried to put more in. "Seems you're a bit tight here. Thought you could take it all."

I fought to say the words as she slowly pumped in and out. "I can...but I've never done it bent over. I've only gotten it all in when on my back."

"Oh, well why didn't you say so? Come out here and turn around." She pulled the jelly dong out, and gave me some space to move out from the bed. I turned around and laid down on my back. She grabbed me by the ankles and pushed them back. "Hold onto your ankles for me." She then pushed me back. The position was a little uncomfortable. My neck was pressed against the bed, while my back was on the floor, and my legs were up in the air. She quickly slid the jelly dong back inside me.

I moaned over and over again as this cute blonde girl pumped my favorite toy inside me. My moans began to quickly escalate. I forgot we weren't alone, and started wailing with pleasure. She patted me on the stomach. "We're not alone remember? Keep it down."

"Sorry, Goddess." I continued to moan, holding my ankles in my hands. I moved my hips closer to her, wanting more of the jelly dong. I wondered what it looked like. A young guy with a full beard, in this awkward position on the floor, with his legs in the air and moaning like a girl as this Goddess filled my ass with a jelly dong. I closed my eyes, envisioning the dong entering me, as I continued to moan.

"Okay, let's see you take it all." She angled the jelly dong up and pushed down. I gasped as all 12" filled me up. She began to pump it in and out of me, and I moaned wildly. It was incredible. I looked at her, and my gaze fixated on her covered breasts. I noticed my dick wasn't hard, again.

"Goddess, may you take off your bra? I'd like to get hard for you."

"Maybe next time, slave. Jack yourself off." She continued to pump the dong inside me.

"But, I'm not even hard."

"I said do it!" She slid it all inside me.

"Yes, Goddess." I moaned and grabbed my dick. I started to slowly jack myself off, fighting to get hard enough to stimulate myself. Once I did so, I started to furiously masturbate as the girl pumped the jelly dong in and out of me. She could tell I was getting close as my moans became more frequent. In moments, I started cumming. Shots of cum landed on my stomach, my legs, and on the floor.

The girl smiled and slowly pulled the jelly dong out of my ass. She placed it on my stomach. I sighed, glad that there wasn't any sort of mess-just silicone and lube. "Clean this up.

I nodded, grabbed the jelly dong, and stood up. I walked naked into the bathroom to clean myself up, and the jelly dong. When all was done, I put my stuff away and got dressed. My Goddess was sitting out on the couch, already packing another bowl. I brought my bag with me and sat next to her. "Did you enjoy yourself?" She said.

"Yes, I did."

"Good. If you want to have another session, just let me know." She lit the pipe and started to smoke.

"I might; you were much better than the other experience I had." She puffed and handed me the pipe. I took a few puffs and gave it back to her. I studied her features. "So, how did you get into this?"

"Me? Well, about a year ago, I was being trained by a dominatrix." She told me her name. I looked at her in shock. "What? You know her?"

"Holy shit, you're that girl that shoved a jelly dong down my throat when I came!"

She laughed. "Oh, so that's where we know each other."