Dominic & Rosie Give Thanks
Dominic and Rosie
Thanksgiving Scene
"You did such a lovely job with dinner, and it's time for me to show you exactly how thankful I am for you. Bring me the red rope, my lover. I do believe it is time to get started." She and Dominic lay curled in front of the fireplace in their living room basking on their faux bear skin rug. Dominic brought Rosie's hand to his lips as she placed her glass of wine on the table. As was tradition, the kids were with Dominic's parents getting ready to do their secret holiday shopping while Dom and Rosie enjoyed a well-deserved break in the routine.
Dominic loved this holiday. Rosie was an incredible cook, and he enjoyed every bite that she carefully created for the family. His favorite was the leftovers. For several days, she didn't cook and they ate out of the refrigerator and just enjoyed each other while the kids were away. Following their usual holiday routine, Rosie had the entire evening to prepare her body for her him. She cleaned every part of herself and ensured all her waxed areas were fresh. Now, she was smiling at him after enjoying a heavenly evening in front of the fire while drinking wine and relaxing in each other's embrace after a perfect charcuterie board of leftovers. Rosie nodded and got up to go and begin their scene.
After she left the room, Dominic sprang into action. Grabbing the toy chest from the basement, Dominic removed the floggers and whips and placed them on the cabinet. Tonight would be special. He bought a new implement for her as an inside joke--a wooden spoon. They had a standing agreement not to buy each other "useful" things as gifts without prior arrangement. This was especially true for all items in Rosie's kitchen. Dominic had eaten a lot of bad food in previous relationships. At this point in his life, he refused to do anything to jeopardize her processes which had proven successful for all these years. No. It was best to tease her and then perhaps leave some nice red marks to match the rope. He did love marking her skin but it was especially true at this time of year when Rosie dressed even more modestly than usual to survive the harsh midwestern climate. He did not have to hold back; he had free range to mark her from her chest to her toes. The thought was more delicious than her sage dressing.
Dominic sighed. What a vision; he adored his Rose. Trussed up and unable to bring herself to orgasm without his aid, she would look so forlorn. How long would he make her wait? How many orgasms? It had varied from year to year, but Dominic had this one more trick up his sleeve this year. Oh, how lovely she would sound when she begged him to cum. Thank goodness they were alone tonight. He expected her to be quite loud.
Just as he finished moving the leather hassock that would serve as a spanking bench into place, Rosie descended the stairs with the rope in her hands and her hair tied up in a tight French twist. He loved her hair, but tonight, it would get in the way of the rope and he needed a clean slate for what he had planned.
Rose was a stunner wearing only her red heels, and the rope hung loosely in her hand. She placed it lightly on the ottoman and knelt in front of Dominic. Casting her eyes down she spoke, "I am ready to serve you, my Master" with a gentle voice.
"Excellent, my Rose. I am ready to be served. How very lucky for you." Chuckling, he took her face in his hands and brought his lips to hers. Ever so softly he kissed her, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and biting every so gently. Falling into his embrace, Rosie felt herself relax as Dominic moved to tighten his arms and whispered in her ear, "Tonight I am ready to worship you as you are, my sweet Rose. Are you prepared to submit to me my plans for you?"
"Yes, my love. Please."
"Well, then let's start with a warm-up. I'd like to redden your backside before I put the ropes on. Get into position." Rosie moved over the ottoman and pressed her chest into the cold leather. Dominic frowned looking at his wife. She had not gotten the position correctly; her legs were together. Dominic used his foot to kick her knees apart. "No, slut, you should not be pushing limits before your punishment begins. You will not squeeze your ravenous little clit with your legs together when you get your warm-up. You will take these strokes for the pain they give you. Pleasure is for when I say it is, whore." His next spanks were firmly directed right at the meat of her bum and echoed through the empty house. It felt like it took forever, but soon, Dominic saw a warm red glow rise from her skin; he stopped and went to face Rosie.
"After all that attention, I'm going to check your greedy little slit now. I have a feeling that you are wet enough for your narrow passage to accommodate my cock easily now. Imagine the state your naughtily little pussy will be in by the time I decide to have my way with you. Oh, I do so love Thanksgiving." Dominic roughly stuck his tongue down Rosie's throat claiming her mouth. Using his hand, he reached down and shoved his fingers through her slick. There was so much liquid that his digits made a squelching noise when he roughly jiggled them in and out of her weeping hole. When he returned to his work spanking on her sit spot, she felt the tears build up behind her eyes. The stinging burn was just not her favorite. Every nerve in her body was electrified. From her clit to her nipples, all she wanted was friction. As her frustration spilled over and wet her cheeks she took a sharp shaking sigh of relief feeling the adrenaline pumping through her body.
A few minutes later, Rosie was sobbing into the soft leather and her rump was as red as a cherry, much to Dominic's satisfaction.
"Your warmup is complete. Get into position for your ropes, whore."
Dominic took great pride in the Shibari work he did with Rosie. In his mind, there was nothing prettier than Rosie tied up in rope and completely helpless at his feet. He had fantasized about the ropes and the knots and the dark crimson marks he could make on her body. She was breathtaking in her submission and her ravishing body. Yet, his favorite thing in the entire world was her face when she orgasmed. The pure release showed on her lips and in every muscle of her face; he delighted looking deeply into her eyes as she came. When her pupils were like saucers-raging with the hormones he called forth in her body; he could see his reflection in the yawning cavern of her eyes. He insisted she keeps her eyes open when he made her orgasm so that he could look that intensely into her. It bonded her to him. As she experienced that brain-melting orgasm, he wanted to be the only thing in her vision.
That didn't mean he didn't crave watching her melt on another tongue or hand or random appendage. It wasn't about the methodology. It was about the orgasm and experiencing it with her. She was so naturally submissive. He surmised that there was a chemical reason deep in her brain that fed the need to submit. Perhaps an addiction to oxytocin and the potent cocktail made her hump her hand despite the embarrassment during their scenes.
"Hands on your head. Feet apart, girl."
Dominic began with the ropes going down her body from her shoulders to her crotch. He never looped the rope around her neck. He needed her consciousness for the entirety of this. Dominic pulled the rope between her folds and tugged it up so that it pressed her clit deep into her slit. "Ah, now, let's get these knots done. I can tell I need to put a little knot right here-" Dominic pressed on the rope covering her wet folds directly on top of her clit, "--for my naughty little girl."
Working with the precision of a surgeon, he tied her up. He thread two ropes between her legs making the little knots right where they rubbed her clit. As he mauvuered and lopped, Rosie mused. Dominic wasn't one for circulation restriction and she was thankful for that. Although she had had her breasts bound before with rope, she didn't enjoy it as much as how Dominic used the rope to simply rub sensitive areas of her body and control her movements. She enjoyed the thought of not being able to get herself off without pressure or help from him; she was completely in his hands and any orgasms she had would be his and would bind her to him even more.
He threaded a rope bra to accentuate her breasts, but the main focus of his work was on her hands and getting them into the best positions tied to her thighs so that they didn't cover her rear, but also kept her hands restrained and away from her clit. After ten minutes of fiddling, he was happy with his corset rope harness. Pulling on the main line running up her body, he tipped her into him and lowered her over his knee.
"I am so thankful for all you do for me and our family, my love. I'm hoping you enjoy this session, so I am going to allow you to make as much noise as your sweet little ass desires." Grabbing the column of cord on her back, Dominic used the ropes running up her spine to maneuver her ass higher into the air. "You won't be able to touch your clit while I redden your ass, and I know that will frustrate you. Let's see how you are now." He took his hand and rubbed the ropes over her slit. As he pulled back sticky fingers, he immediately put them in her mouth. "Look at you, Rosie. You are such a whore; that is such a splendid thing. Look how responsive you are. Most men look for ages for one woman who can satisfy them. Oh, my Rosie, how I long to show you off to those arrogant men who think they have it all Oh, how wrong they are and I would love to watch that realization crawl over their faces as they realize they will never have the grace, devotion, and beauty of you. However, that will be for another time. Tonight, we are alone."
Rosie held her body stiff while Dominic got her exactly where he wanted. He had never talked of sharing her before. She could feel how her sticky cunt juice was almost dripping down her leg. What would her cunt be like when she was forced to tell him how hot the thought of him sharing her made her?
"I'm going to use the paddle now, my love. I'm putting on some force, so feel free to cry as much as you like. Please stay still thought, I have something special planned and don't want you too damaged before we get to it. Here we go, little one."
The paddle landed with little mercy on her already red ass. Her whole body tensed up and made her bring her feet up to block him, but she did remember to count.
"Th-thank you, Sir. One."
"Ah, well I know this leg movement is mostly involuntary, but let's pin your feet so they don't get in the way again." Dominic trapped her with his leg so that her backside was exposed to him and there was no way for her to stop the blows.
The second stroke made her jolt again and she took in a hearty breath.
"Thank you, Sir. Two."
By the time they reached ten, Rosie was having to slow her breathing to get out her words. Panting, she haltingly marked the tenth stroke by collapsing over Dominic's lap and speaking the mumbled response into the ottoman.
"You've done well, so far and I'm going to give you a reward." Dominic helped guide Rosie to lie down and spread her legs. From here, he could eat her pussy and look up to watch her enjoy the attention. He began by planting his lips at the base of her cunt and licking upward until he reached her clit. His hands groped at her reddened hips causing her to gasp, but he had to pull her closer to him. Diving into her spread lips with his mouth, he raked his tongue up until he found the engorged bundle of nerves that would take her over the edge. Quickly inserting two fingers he worked her narrow slot open as he began to gently nibble and suck her clit. Just as she took a rattling breath he roughly pushed his third finger into her tight hole. She groaned but Dom could also tell that she was about the cum. Her pussy had been rhythmically clenching and pulsing around his hand, but now, it was intensely trying to tighten around him and pull his fingers further up into her. He gave one more hard suck while his teeth barely grazed her hood and she bore down to gush sticky juice all over his arm. He was flooded with her cum as she grunted and moaned beneath him.
Gently brushing his face with his sleeve, he moved up and kissed his wife with his entire being. He was hard than a rock and wanted nothing more than to fuck her right this instant. But he knew that she needed more. She required his gift and his pain inflicted where it hurt her the most. Where she would tell no one she craved the whip. But he knew where. He knew why and most importantly, he knew how to safely administer what she needed. And in so, she gave him back to himself.
"Oh, love. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, I have a present for you."
Rosie looked up with her eyes glazed over in slight confusion. Dominic helped her up and helped her sit on the end of the couch. "And with this present, we are going to play a game of thankful truths."
"I am going to give you several spanks with your new gift."
"Yes, my Dominic. I am thankful for your gift."
"Oh, I think you won't be by the end of all this. They are quite painful when applied to the inner thighs." With those words, Dominic pulled out the wooden spoon and placed it on her lap. "I understand you may think it's for the kitchen, but it is for your backside, my wife. I'm going to mark you with this. Does that please my wife and all her gift requirements?"
Rosie's face lit up and she started laughing, excited by Dominic's bending of her "no kitchen gifts" rules for her. "It does. Your wife is very happy and thankful for such a thoughtful gift, my one."
"Good. I won't waste any time getting started with it then." Dominic helped drape Rosie across the ottoman one more time. When she was in position, he gave her one final surprise. "And as I mark your delicious body with this, I'd love for you to be able to cum as much as you like." He went into the chest and withdrew a toy designed to gently suck on her clit as he rained down blows. After it was in position he turned up the vibrations and drew back to take in the scene. There she was, laying boneless, roped up like a delicious piece of meat ready to be devoured. Dominic raised his arm and brought down a blow on her ass and made her scream with shock and pain. It was nothing like the paddle which took forever to raise the right amount of color, this spoon worked more like the cane in that the welts were immediately obvious on her skin.
"How is the pain, my love?"
Rosie got her breath back just as he brought it down on her thigh with a bit of force. She sucked in some air and spoke quickly, "The pain...the's sharp. Cane. like the cane, but wider. It's hor-hor-rible." She adored it.
"Ah, well. I like the effects. So count please." He brought down a wicked smack placed precisely on her sit spot.
"O-one. Thank, thank you, S-sir. More please?"
Dominic paused. She had not been told to ask or beg. This was her. He immediately brought down two smacks in quick succession on her already reddened skin.
"Oh, t-tw-o, no th-three, Sir. Th-thank y-you. Please, Sir. Your slave needs to cum."
"I'm not quite sure, whore, but I suppose you have been good. Tell you what? No more words, slave. Just receive my gift of thanksgiving to you as I receive your orgasms. You may cum at will."
He began smacking her earnestly then. All over her exposed backside, down her thighs, a few taps to the arms and inner thighs before he made her turn over and abuse her breasts. Holding her breast up by the nipple he landed hit after hit on her sensitive flesh until she was a weeping heap held together only by his rope. After several minutes of this, when she was beautifully reddened and stripped, he stood her up.
"It's time to receive my ultimate gift, whore. I'm going to deliver a devastating hit directly to your clit and I need you ready to receive my cock immediately after it lands." Dominic began untying her and getting the ropes moved out of the way of her folds. "Lay back, little one. This last one will be bad, but I will take you after that with my cock and you may cum as much as you want on it. Do you understand?"
Rosie sniffed and smiled up at Dominic through tear-soaked lashes. "I understand, Sir."
"Almost done, love. You look so magnificent. Just a bit more. Now recline back and spread your legs. I want your clit out as well so use your fingers to spread and make sure I can see it."
Rosie splayed herself for Dominic. In doing so, she always felt the creep of shame crawl across her mind.
"Now, my sweetest little whore. Prepare yourself." With very little preamble, Dominic brought the spoon down directly onto her clit. Rosie screamed, but before she could even breathe, Dominic was on top of her pushing into her heated core with his dick.
Dominic felt like his cock had been dipped in molten honey. She gushed around him and welcomed his shaft with a pulsing squeeze. Her contraction was so strong it threatened to push his cock out, but he pushed forward.
"Oh, you are so easy, my Rose. Your cunt is so hungry and needy my love. Now, cum on your husband's cock." Dominic thrust up as far into her as he could making sure his pubic bone was buried against her clit.
The intense pain of the spoon followed by the pressure of Dominic's body and the force of his cock ripped a massive orgasm from Rosie's gut. As she screamed her fall, Dominic grabbed her face and looked into her eyes. He saw his reflection and watched as his divine wife gave over her entire being to him. It was too much. He pulled back to thrust again, but his hips involuntarily shuttered. Jolting forward, he began painting her walls with his spend. Grabbing her sore hips, he pulled her core closer to him and thrust up one more time to make sure all of his seed was driven deep into her body.
"Oh, my love. You have done a number on me this time. I'm so glad I won't wear shorts any time soon." Rosie chided him as he lay spent on her chest.
"That's the least of your worries, my sweet love," Dominic mumbled into her neck. "I'm hungry again. I feel like eaten enough to fuel five of these little sessions, but I'm ravenous again. Want me to bring the leftover pie up here with a spoon?"
"Oh, love. You truly know me." Rosie got up and began to move to the hot tub for her usual post-scene soak. "Don't forget the whipped cream!"